Department of Public Safety Michigan’s Summer of Safety Campaign

Department of Public Safety
Mott Community College
Michigan’s Summer of Safety Campaign
Click it. Don’t risk it!
Happy 15th Anniversary to Michigan’s seat belt law! The primary enforcement seat belt law took effect March 10, 2000 and has saved
more than 2,650 lives.
Michigan also celebrates a 93% seat belt compliance rate but even
that amount is down from a high of 98% in 2009. We can all work to
bring those numbers back up and save
more lives. Each 1 percent increase in
seat belt usage saves 10 lives and prevents 100 serious injuries.
Inside this issue:
Seat Belt Usage
Here’s what you can do:
Distracted Driving
Buckle up. Everyone. Every trip. Every time.
“Where’s Baby”
Know the law. Drivers, front seat passengers and passengers 15
years and younger, in any seating position, must be buckled.
Quick Tips
Children must be in a car seat or booster seat until they are 8
years old or 4’9” tall. Children under 4 years of age must be in
the back seat.
Babies and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing car seat until
age 2. They are 75% less likely to die or be severely injured in
a crash if they are rear-facing.
One quick click can save a life and save you from a $65 ticket.
Buckle up to enjoy Michigan summers ahead! #buckleupMI
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Department of Public Safety
Distracted Driving
“When you look at something
in your hand you look at
nothing out your windshield.”
Even though texting while driving is illegal in Michigan and the most
alarming because it distracts your eyes, your hands, and your brain, distracted driving isn’t just about texting. Stay safe on the road this summer
by avoiding texting, eating, applying makeup, shaving, reading (some
have been known to read a novel while driving!) or any multi-tasking
activity when driving. Get to your summer destination safely by keeping
your thumbs on the wheel. #justdrive
Hot Baby!
A child’s temperature heats up to 5 times faster than an adult’s does. Children are at particular risk of death or injury from heatstroke in a warm
vehicle, especially when they are too young to communicate. Never leave
a child in a car alone. Look before you lock and ask yourself, “Where’s
the baby?” #checkforbaby
Quick Tips
Buckle up. Everyone. Every trip. Every time.
On roads, lakes, or trails—never operate a vehicle or
boat while impaired.
Avoid distracted driving.
Wear high visibility safety gear and a helmet when driving/riding on a motorcycle or bicycle.
Designate a sober driver before the party begins.
Check the vehicle for little ones before you exit.
Follow the rules of the road and ride with traffic when on
a bicycle.
Enjoy Michigan and take safety along for the ride!
Call Us. We can help!
 Public Safety
(810) 762-0222
 Campus Closing
(810) 232-8989
Please use this line for
campus closing information leaving the
Public Safety line open
for emergencies.