Northern Tier Center Gazette Mott Community College

 Mott Community College
Northern Tier Center Gazette
March 2012
With the onset of spring comes the end of winter semester but
also the planning for the new academic year. March and April
are very important because they are a time when a student
can be very proactive and save themselves a lot of time,
money, and grief if they do their due diligence. The staff at the
MCC Northern Tier Center is happy to assist you but you need
to take the initiative. What due diligence am I speaking of, well
let me outline some of the important items each student should
be addressing:
April 2, 2012 Registration will be open for Spring, Summer and
Fall semester.
 The Spring, Summer and Fall schedules for Clio are out and
 Students should be trying to set up a tentative schedule that
may work for them.
 When April 2nd registration opens, try to register for all three
semesters if possible.
 NTC will have extra Counseling hours for help with registration.
Math 110 will be changed to Math 082 starting Summer semester 2012.
This means that if your program requires Math 110 for a degree
completion you must complete Math 110 with a passing grade by the
spring semester of 2012. Any student that does not, the minimum Math
requirement for their MCC degree will become Math 120. If you do not
understand this please see our staff or a counselor for clarification.
Spring semester is the last semester for the 2011-2012 Financial Aid
year and you can use any unused funds during the spring
semester. Those funds not used are lost and cannot be saved.
Check with Financial Aid or the NTC Office to check on your spring funds.
The 2012-13 Financial Aid forms are available on-line and by completing
these now, MCC can make sure your funds are in place for the upcoming
summer and fall semester.
Stay focused in your winter classes. If you find yourself struggling in
class, seek help from the instructor as soon as possible. Instructors want
you to be successful.
If you need to drop a class for Winter semester, make sure you understand how it will affect your financial aid, tuition balances, and academic
standing. You may speak with a Counselor for assistance.
April 27, 2012 is the last day to drop a winter class and receive a “W”.
The “W” will not affect your G.P.A. but will be used for Financial Aid
Continue on next page
1 Meet The Staff Tom Saelens, Site Manager
Marcia Teer, Administrative Assistant
Deborah Potts, Secretary
Peggy Searles, Staff Support
Work Study Students:
Yourlonda Lewis
Heather Whitehead
MCC Public Safety Police:
Migel Gatica
Cedric Kendall
Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
From The Desk of… (ConƟnuaƟon)
8. As you get close to Mid-Term and Finals, remember
the college has some amazing resources for students
success that include:
(Located in Student Lounge)
10₵ Per Page
Must place money on
Cash Card Loader
Or Student ID Card to use machine.
 Math Empowerment Zone: Free math help for any
student in any math class provided by MCC instructors. Located in the Math & Science - Gorman Bldg.
 Writing Center: Any student with any writing assignment can get help from MCC English instructors.
They will critique and assist you with your assignment. Located in the Curtice-Mott Bldg.
4₵ Per Page
Must place money on Cash Card
Loader or Student ID Card
To use machine.
.25₵ Per Page
 Tutoring: NTC provides tutoring in several areas
and the Main Campus Learning Center provides tutoring and special accommodations for students that
 Student Life: Join one of the twenty active MCC
Clubs/Organizations or create your own. Located in
the Prahl College Center.
I hope to see you continue your success at MCC and the
Northern Tier Center. Thank you for making our site a
success in the community…
Thomas Saelens
Thomas Saelens, Site Manager &
The MCC Northern Tier Center Staff
SEVERE WEATHER Announcements are made on the Local Radio & T.V. Sta ons. PAY TO PRINT
Has been instituted in the
MCC Computer Labs.
Students must present a
Photo ID and
Current course schedule
To use the Computer Lab.
FOR COLLEGE CLOSING Please call the Main Campus Security Office COST:
BLACK & WHITE - 4₵ Per Page
COLOR - 25₵ Per Page
(810) 232‐8989 2 New Student
(Winter 2012/3/ Spring 2012/4/ Summer 2013/1) Semesters
Winter 2012/3 * Spring 2012/4 * Summer 2013/1
March 8th
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
April 16th
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
April 17th
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
April 19th
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
April 30th
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
May 10th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
May 22nd
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
June 7th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
June 19th
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
June 26th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
July 9th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
July 18th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
July 25th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
August 1st
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
August 8th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
August 13th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
August 22nd
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Counseling Hours
WALK‐IN (Winter 2012/3) (Spring 2012/4) (Summer 2013/1) Semesters Day
11:00 am-6:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:25 am
11:00 am - 9:00pm
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 8:25 am
10 am - 10:25 am
12:00 pm - 5:25 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:30 am - 9:25 am
11:00 am - 9:00pm
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
7:30 am - 8:55 am
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
7:30 am - 8:25 am
10am - 10:25 am
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
3 Northern Tier Center - Continuing
Education Classes
All are welcome to participate in our Non
Non--Credit classes.
4 Clio Area Art Society - Continuing Education
All are welcome to participate in our Non
Non--Credit classes.
The month of MARCH the Northern Tier Center is Clio Art Society 301 Rogers Lodge Clio, MI 48420 Phone: (989) 245‐9409 Celebrating Women
In History
Northern Tier Center is a
Smoke & Tobacco
FREE CAMPUS-Absolutely
In the building or on the grounds.
5 What is Mo ’s Financial Aid Code for When will I receive my financial aid the FAFSA Applica on? The code refund? If there is any money remaining on required for the FAFSA Applica on is your account a er tui on, fees, books and 002261. supplies have been paid: Pell Grant refunds are released approximately 3 weeks a er What are the dates of the 2011‐2012 the Date of Record. Semester? Winter 2012 (2012/3 January 14, 2012 ‐ May 4, 2012) Is the disbursement date the day my loan money is sent to me? No. The How do I figure out how much Pell disbursement date assigned to each funding I am eligible for? Please refer semester is the date that your lender sends to your Student Aid Report (SAR) to us the money. This date is usually set 30 get your EFC. The exact amount of days a er he beginning of the semester. your award is based on your EFC and If there is any money. the number of credits that you registered for at the me of the date. What is the Date of Record? The Date of Record is when each student’s number of Why can’t I log into WebAdvisor? credits are reported to the Michigan Your WebAdvisor account is set up Department of Educa on. during orienta on. The Mott Community College
Writing Center
Curtice-Mott 2031 * (810) 762-0229
The Writing Center offers free consulting services
to assist you with any writing assignment, and with
any stage of your writing process:
Understanding the assignment
Developing your ideas
Researching additional information
Clarifying specific points
Organizing your work
Documenting resources
Even understanding specific grammatical
How do I check the status of my loan? If you have not received a le er from your lender, please contact them to find out about your federal student loan. This site will also give you informa on on federal grant amounts. When will my loans be disbursed? Loans are disbursed to the college approximately 30 days into the semester; please check your disclosure statement for details at www.studentloans.go once the funds are disbursed to the college. We also have 17 computer stations available for
student writing and research, and study tables and
group areas. Computer or table use is on a firstcome, first-serve basis; consulting services are
available by appointment. Thirty minute appointments are available during all open hours.
I have a credit on my account, how is that refunded to me? If there are any funds remaining a er tui on and book fees have been paid, a check will be issued to the student and mailed to the address we have on record. Remaining Pell Grant refunds will not. FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS 2012 ACADEMIC YEAR Funding for FASFA: Winter 2012 & Spring 2012 Day Dates Times Tuesday 3/27/12 9:30 am ‐ 11:00 am Friday 3/30/12 How do I register for classes? First‐ me students or students with less than 12 credits. Students must have an advisor’s signature on their Class Schedule Work‐
sheet to register in the records. Why can’t I register or drop‐on‐line? There may be a few different reasons you are not able to register for a class online. You will not be able to register on‐line un l you have complete a full semester at MCC with final grades in. 3:30 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Workshops are held in Room 2270
MCC Prahl College Center-Flint Campus
Please call or go on-line for reservations:
(810) 762-0144
6 What is Work Study? Work Study is part of a financial aid award package that allows a student to work on campus. A student can earn up to the dollar amount posted for a term. Not all students have work study award. What is Mo ’s Refund Policy? MCC’s refund schedule has been created to include a full refund period and a half refund period every semester. How much will my classes cost? Tui‐
on rates vary depending on whether you are in‐district, out‐of‐district, or out‐of‐state. Why can’t I register for E‐Learning Classes? Students at MCC who have not successfully completed one (1) WWW, IMM or CMM course, will need to take a Distance Learning Educa onal System Preparedness class (DLES 100). NTC RESOURCES & SERVICES
Free math help for
any student in
Any math class provided
by MCC Instructors.
Gorman Building Room # G2106
.15₵ ea.
.40₵ ea.
$1.50 ea.
Green Scantron (Mini)
.25₵ ea.
Blue Scantron (Health Sciences) .30₵ ea.
Green Scantron & Essay
.30₵ ea.
Blue Books
.40₵ ea.
For further informa on contact: (810) 762‐0178 Tutorial Services
Tutorial Services Is offered at The Northern Tier Center PAC Group Study Session for BIOL 151 PLEASE CONTACT:
Deborah Potts, Secretary
WALK‐IN (810) 232-4336
Math Study Hours Sessions Individualized Appointments In specific subjects. For available tutoring session at
7 Cedric Kendall, Public Safety Police Officer
Migel Gatica, Public Safety Police Officer
Come By To See NTC Police Officers!
Office: Room #109
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday (7:00 AM - 9:30 PM) * Friday (7:00 AM- 5:00 PM)
Cedric Kendall, is a certified police
officer with 24 years of Law Enforcement
experience. He recently retired from the
Flint Police Department in April 2011. He is
also a U.S. Army Veteran.
Officer Kendall has been with the Mott
Community College for 3 years, since November 2010.
His work schedule is
(Monday-Friday) 7:00 am-3:30 pm and his
office is located in Room 109 across the
hall of the Computer Lab.
Dos & Don'ts
Your efforts will greatly add to or detract from our efforts to keep
criminal activity at the lowest possible level around campus. To that
end, some Dos and Don'ts are listed below, which we hope you will
read and follow:
If you have any questions or issues please,
feel free to contact us at (810) 232-4339 or
Room 109.
Migel Gatica, is a certified police officer
with 24 years of Law Enforcement experience. He retired from the Flint Police Department in June 2009. Officer Gatica has
been with the Mott Community
since September 2010 where he was assigned to work at the Southern Lakes
Branch Center. He was recently assigned to
work at the Northern Tier Center winter
semester 2012.
Their work schedules are (Monday-Friday)
7:30 am-3:30 pm and 3:00 pm - 9:30 pm
and his office is located in Room 109
across the hall of the Computer Lab.
If you have any questions or issues please,
feel free to contact us at (810) 232-4339 or
Room 109.
Report all crimes and/or suspicious activities to the Police and
Public Safety Department.
Protect your personal property just as you would money.
Mark your property such as tape recorders, calculators, radios,
etc., with some form of identification number (such as your
Michigan operator's license number).
Call us when you would like a personal escort.
Leave books, jewelry, purses, wallets, backpacks or other
valuables unattended.
Leave personal property in a locker unattended without locking it.
Leave purses in desks or file cabinets unattended unless the
cabinet or desk is locked.
Leave valuables on a chair behind you while at a study carrel.
Call Anytime Northern Tier Center:
(810) 232-4339
Main Campus: (810) 762-5666
Non-Emergency: (810) 762-0222
8 Spring & Summer
Registration Dates
for all Admi ed Students April 2nd ‐ May 8th 9 Fall Registration Dates
for all Admi ed Students April 2nd ‐ September 3rd 10 