You will have the opportunity to choose a place where you’d like to vacation, learn more about and plan a vacation, and persuade someone else to travel to this place as well. Follow the rubric below to make sure all aspects of your trip are planned! You will create a Google Presentation or Prezi including your research below: Location/ Pictures 3 *4-5 pictures that represent and show the location you’d like to visit on your title slide. 2 *3 pictures that represent and show the location you’d like to visit on your title slide. 1 *1-2 pictures that represent and show the location you’d like to visit on your title slide *Explanation of one way to get there included: details on mode of transportation required *General overview of how to get there included *One place to eat a meal are included * Bonus: One of the places is considered “kid-friendly” *Two palces to eat a meal are included, with details of cost(range), location, and food choices for each place *The two places are only located in this location (Not a McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, etc.) *Three educational places (such as museums, government buildings tourist education centers, colleges/universities, or *Two educational places (such as museums, government buildings tourist education *One educational place (such as museums, government buildings tourist education *Title slide with your name and location Travel Food Places to Visit: Educational *Explanation of more than one way to get there included: details on mode of transportation required (train, plane, car, boat, cruise, etc.) *Bonus: Includes information about the travel difficulties involved – layovers, desolate area, weather conditions that are troublesome *Three places to eat a meal are included, with details of cost (range), location and food choices for each place *The three places are only located in this location (Not a McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, etc.) 0 *Title slide missing *No pictures included *Title slide is missing name and/or location *Information on how to get there not included *Does not include information on where to eat a meal *Does not include details of cost (range), location, and food choices for each place *May include general locations that can be found around the world. *No educational places included Places to Visit: Fun/Entertainm ent anywhere that you can learn about the culture or history of your place) to visit are described with what you can learn, where it is located, and admission prices centers, colleges/universit ies, or anywhere that you can learn about the culture or history of your place) to visit are described with what you can learn, where it is located, and admission prices centers, colleges/universi ties, or anywhere that you can learn about the culture or history of your place) to visit are described with what you can learn, where it is located, and admission prices *Three places are included that are considering an entertainment place *Two places are included that are considered an entertainment place *One place included that is considered an entertainment place *Details on what you can do or see at each place are included *List of two possible accommodations included *Details or on what you can do or see at each place may be missing *List of one possible accommodations included *Gives a description of the accommodations *Two ideas for souvenirs provided, include a description and a reason why this would be a meaningful souvenir from this location *Two details describing the weather are included, such as average temperature, precipitation, sky conditions and dangerous *Gives a description of the accommodations *One idea for souvenirs provided, include a description and a reason why this would be a meaningful souvenir from this location *One detail describing the weather are included, such as average temperature, precipitation, sky conditions and dangerous *Details on what you can do or see at each place included Where to Stay/ *List of three possible Accommodations accommodations included *Gives a description of the accommodations Souvenir Ideas: *Three ideas for souvenirs provided, include a description and a reason why this would be a meaningful souvenir from this location Weather *At least three details describing the weather are included, such as average temperature, precipitation, sky conditions and dangerous weather for the season you’re visiting *No places for entertainment included *List of accommodations missing *No ideas provided for possible souvenirs *No details about the weather included What to bring with you: *A list of three “musthaves” included on this list that a tourist should bring with him/her, including a description of why it would be helpful Visuals *Each slide follows the Rule of 6 weather for the season you’re visiting *A list of two “must-haves” included on this list that a tourist should bring with him/her, including a description of why it would be helpful You have two of the following : *Each slide follows the Rule of 6 *You include appropriate and effective visuals on each slide *You include appropriate and *Your slide is easy-toeffective visuals read: clear font, on each slide contrasting color *Your slide is easy-to-read: clear font, contrasting color Mechanics You include 0-2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics You include 3 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics weather for the season you’re visiting *A list of one “must-haves” included on this list that a tourist should bring with him/her, including a description of why it would be helpful You have one of the following: *Each slide follows the Rule of 6 *You include appropriate and effective visuals on each slide *Your slide is easy-to-read: clear font, contrasting color You include 4 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics *No “must-haves” included You have none of the following: *Each slide follows the Rule of 6 *You include appropriate and effective visuals on each slide *Your slide is easyto-read: clear font, contrasting color You include more than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics