January Prayer Page 1 A new year is unfolding—like

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435 Rutherford Rd North
Brampton, ON L6V 3V9
Telephone: 905.453.4472
A. Alonzi-Peever
K. Barton
January Prayer
Head Secretary:
D. Brunetti
Y. McCutcheon
A.. Da Silva
Fr. Damien
A new year is unfolding—like
a blossom with petals curled
tightly concealing the beauty
Lord, let this year be filled
with the things that are truly
good—with the comfort of
warmth in our relationships,
with the strength to help those
who need our help and the
humility and openness to accept help from others.
Associate Pastor:
Fr. Kim
“Through A
As we make our resolutions
for the year ahead, let us go
forward with great hope that
all things can be possible—
with Your help and guidance."
Prayer for Families
We bless your name, O Lord,
for sending your own incarnate Son, to become part of a
family, so that, as he lived his
life, he would experience
family worries and joys.
We ask you Lord, to protect
and watch over all our St.
Joachim families, so that in
the strength of your grace its
members may enjoy prosperity, possess the priceless gift
of your peace, and bear witness in this world to your
Celebration Of
Our Faith All Who
Enter Our School
May Grow
Together As A
Virtue of the Month: Self-Control
This month we celebrate the virtue of self-control.
Let us pray for the virtue of self-control so that we will resist
the temptation to cause harm to ourselves or to others around
A Person of Self-Control:
 Is patient
 Knows how to wait his/her turn
 Knows how to avoid physical aggression
 Can calm him/herself down before reacting to
 Can think things through and do what is best
for everyone
Our Parish will be celebrating the Feast of St.
Anne on Thursday, March 3rd, 2010 at 7:00
p.m. at the Church. Please mark this date on
your calendar. More information to follow.
We look forward to your presence at the celeAs part of our Safe School Initiatives, St. bration as we join in prayer as a Community of
Joachim’s community police officers , Consta- Faith.
ble Rob and Constable Ryan, visit and speak
with students on a regular basis. We are lucky JUNIOR BOYS VOLLEYBALL
to have both of them visiting our school to Congratulations to our junior boy’s volleyball
speak with students from all grade levels about team who played valiantly at their tournament.
bullying, conflict resolution and other issues They have been working hard at practices and
that may arise. The program goals are:
with their teamwork, good sportsmanship and
 To strengthen the partnership between stu- determination, they placed second overall in
dents, staff and the officers.
the family. Many thanks to their coaches, Ms.
 To provide greater communication be- Cox, Mrs. Di Tosto and Mrs. Lugtu. The team
tween the school community and commu- members are:
nity police division
 Increase awareness of crime prevention Martin C., Geoshaan T., Travis D., Damian L.,
and detection toward our common goal of a Max M., Junior B., Kirk V., Nicholas C.,
“Safe School Environment”
Joshua L., Michael S. and
Patrick A.
Teachers have been and will be attending several important in-services throughout the year
around our school goals of Junior Literacy, and
Positive Climate. While this requires teachers
to be out of the classroom, they are receiving
essential professional development in order to
better teach your child and improve student
achievement school wide.
The next meetings of the School Advisory
Council will be on Wednesday January 26th
and Wednesday February 23rd in the school
library at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend.
Please visit our school website at
www.dpcdsb.org/JOACH We have listed upcoming events, school information, school
hours, newsletters and links to other websites
you may find helpful.
The board policy recommends that students go out
for recess unless it is below
–25 degrees Celsius with the wind factor included. Please ensure your children are appropriately dressed for outdoor play with hats,
scarves, mittens, boots and snow pants/
snowsuit. On wet and slushy days, students
often get wet, therefore it is helpful if students
have a change of clothing (e.g. sweat pants and
shirt) that can be left at school or in their backpack as it is often difficult for parents to leave
work to bring an extra set of clothes.
Weather conditions are reviewed daily and decisions around outdoor play and length of recesses are determined. Students should be prepared to go outside. It is also imperative that
all students have a proper pair of running shoes
for Physical Education classes. Running shoes
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with platforms or wheels are not safe. Please ing the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Board for the
ensure your child(ren) have a proper pair of first time in September 2011. Staff will provide helpful information in areas such as virunning shoes left at school
sion, hearing, communication, autism, physior in their school bag on a
cal and/or developmental delays in the cognidaily basis.
tive and/or motor areas. The information session will be held on:
Design a quiet working space
 Distractions and homework do not mix.
Provide a space for your child to do homework in an area that is free from distractions such as the television, computer
games, friends, pets, and telephones
Establish a Routine
 Consistency is a vital element in the learning process, especially for a child who
needs structure. A homework schedule
that includes a set time and space for completing homework reinforces the value of
homework and becomes part of a regular
Create a “homework supply kit”
 This kit can include materials that your
child will use on a regular basis such as
pencils, pens, ruler, paper, crayons, markers, glue, tape, scissors, sticky notes, paper
clips, stapler, calculator, index cards, dictionary, thesaurus, etc. By having these
supplies on hand, time is not wasted in
searching for them when they are required.
To support a successful transition to school, an
information session will be held for parents of
children with special needs who will be enter-
January 26th, 2011
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Location: Dufferin-Peel CDSB office
Room 301
If your child will be coming to St. Joachim,
please visit the school to pick up some forms
regarding your child’s special needs that need
to be completed.
Ensuring student safety on the bus is a top priority at St. Joachim school. Even if your child
does not take a school bus daily, every child
needs to know bus safety rules for when they
take the bus for school field trips, or trips to
the church.
Please go over the following safety rules
with your children:
 Listen to the bus driver at all times, they
are the adult on charge
 go directly to your seat when you get on
the bus and remain seated until the bus
stops at your intersection
 Never eat, drink, fight, horseplay, or swear
on the bus
 Do not open or close windows
 Do not vandalize bus seats, or any property
on the bus
 Respect private property while you are
waiting for the bus
 If someone is misbehaving on the bus, tell
the bus driver
 If you get hurt on the bus or you see someone get hurt on the bus, let the bus driver
know right away and inform the school
right away
for Sept 2011 are invited to an information
meeting at St. Jean Brebeuf School on
Wednesday January 12th, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Registration deadline is February 9th, 2011 at
3:00pm. Please call the school at 905-7918529 for further information.
Our school is preparing for a Dance-A-Thon to
take place on Friday February 11th, 2010 at
9:00am. Students who are the top sellers in
each of the Primary, Junior and Intermediate
division will receive prizes. As well, a selection of smaller prizes will be awarded to students who raise $26 or more for the dance-athon. We anticipate another great event with
the generous contributions of our school community. More detailed information will follow.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board offers the French Immersion Program at
St. Joachim School in Brampton. The French
Immersion program starts in Grade one with
90% of the program taught in French, In
Grades Two and Three, 70% of the program is
taught in French and Grades Four to Eight,
50% of the school day is offered with French
as the language of instruction. For those parents interested in enrolling their child, the information night at St. Joachim will be Wednesday January 12th, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Deadline for submission is 2:00 pm on Wednesday
February 9th, 2011. If you are moving, and
need locations elsewhere, please contact the
Grade four parents who wish to enroll their
child in the Grade five extended French class
Registration for the 2011-12 school year will be
held at all Dufferin-Peel Catholic elementary
schools on the following dates:
Monday, February 7th, 2010 - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, February 9th,
10th & 11th, 2010
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Junior Kindergarten - Children must be 4 years
old by Dec. 31, 2011
Senior Kindergarten - Children must be 5 years
old by Dec. 31, 2011
Snow Date only:
Tuesday February 8th,
Parents/Guardians should bring the following
documents when registering their child:
proof of age
original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of
the Roman, Greek or Ukrainian Rite, for parent (one)
and child (if the child has
not been baptized, a letter
of counselling with the parish priest, to complete the
process will be accepted)
updated immunization
proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed
Immigrant status
proof of address (utility bill, bank or credit
card statement);for schools in Caledon and
Dufferin County: emergency rural address
numbers for identifying your property
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For more information, contact your local
Catholic school or call the Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24500.
The season when inclement weather may cause
delays or cancellations is upon us. Please
make the safest decision when deciding
whether to send your child to school on days
when severe weather warnings are issued. If
buses are cancelled in the morning, they are
also cancelled at the end of the day. You must
make other arrangements for your child to get
home if you chose to bring them to school.
Please send a note with your child informing
the office about your travel arrangements at the
end of the day.
The school board’s bus transportation services are operated by Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR).
This is a consortium, or partnership, between the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel
District School Board.
The Ministry of Education re-
quires school board bus transportation consortiums to
improve efficiency.
One initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education, that
is designed to improve efficiency is known as integrated
ridership. In integrated ridership, students from both Dufferin-Peel and Peel schools will ride on the same buses,
where feasible. A number of school boards across the
province have successfully implemented integrated ridership. All eligible students continue to be transported on
The safety of all students at St. Joachim is our
number one priority. Students are often reminded during announcements and assemblies
of the important rules to follow at our school.
Please review the following rules with your
 Keep your hands and feet to yourselves
 No verbal insults or inappropriate language
 Treat all people with respect, especially
adults at the school
 Respect school property (especially treat
the washrooms like you would your own
washroom at home)
 Play only no contact games outside
 Stay on school property at all times
 Rocks, gravel and snow stay on the
runs where integrated ridership is implemented.
Integrated ridership is designed to create a more effective and efficient operation of service, is more environmentally friendly and reduces traffic in our communities.
Integrated ridership may also result in higher transportation funding levels for school boards. Integrated ridership
works best in situations where schools are located close
to one another and the number of students involved
helps achieve better organized bus runs.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has
approved the implementation of integrated ridership,
where feasible, starting September, 2011.
During the
next few months, STOPR staff will be looking at areas
where integrated ridership would work best. It should be
noted that integrated ridership does not work well in all
areas and, as a result, there may be only a few areas
that will have this program.
STOPR will provide additional information regarding the
selection of schools where integrated ridership will be
implemented. Once a school is selected, a possibility
exists that school start and dismissal times may be altered from the current times. STOPR will keep you informed through regular updates in school newsletters
over the upcoming months.
injury. Calling home because you’ve forgotten gym clothes, homework, or wanting to go
to a friend’s house are not considered emergencies. Students are not to be texting or
calling parents from their cell phones at
school. Phone calls home are only made
through the office. We thank you for your cooperation with this policy in advance.
If you are bringing a lunch to the school for
your child our procedure is to label the lunch
with your child’s name and teacher and leave
it on the table in the front foyer. This avoids
disturbing the class during instructional time.
Students know to come down at 12:00 to pick
up their lunches. Please remind students in
the morning that you will be dropping off a
lunch for them. A quick note to the teacher is SNOW AND ICE
also a good idea. Thank you for your coop- As snow and ice are a reality in the winter
months we want to ask parents to review with
their children that throwing snowballs and
sliding on ice are NOT allowed at school.
Thank you to Father Damian for celebrating a As much fun as snow and ice can be, it can
beautiful Advent Mass on Dec 10th. Thank also be extremely dangerous when there are
you to the Primary Division for their leader- many people in one area. Most student injuries happen during the winter months. In orship in organizing the mass, and the parents
who took time out of their busy schedule to der for our school to be as safe as possible,
the school rule must be that snow stays on
join us in prayer.
the ground—no snowballs, kicking snow or
any other activity with snow or ice that could
PED’s (Personal Electronic Devices) be harmful. The safety of all of our students
To promote respect for the dignity of all is our number one priority.
members of our school community and to enhance student achievement and safety, the use
of PED’s is prohibited at St. Joachim School CANADIAN MEDIC-ALERT
and during school related activities (e.g. field The Canadian
Medic Alert
trips, sports events).
Failure to comply with this policy may result has a “no
in the confiscation of the PED and/or discipli- child without”
nary action as outlined in the Catholic Code medical identification serof Conduct.
It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic vice available
District School Board that PED’s are kept for free to St.
out of sight and turned off. The school as- Joachim stuThis
sumes no responsibility for the loss, recovery, dents.
or repair or replacement for any PED brought program was
onto school property. If the PED is confis- developed to ensure children across Canada
cated, it will be the parent’s responsibility to from JK to age 14 will receive MedicAlert
protection at no cost. The “No Child Without”
pick it up at the school.
program is fully funded by the Canadian
MedicAlert Foundation in partnership with
Use of School Phones
the Lions Clubs of Canada.
Students will only be permitted to use the If you are new to the school and did not reschool phone in cases of emergency. An ceive this information and your child is in
emergency is considered to be an illness or need of a MedicAlert bracelet or necklet,
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please drop by the office to receive an infor- CHRISTMAS VOUCHERS
mation brochure to register your child.
Thank you to our families and staff for partici-
HEALTH ALERT-Anaphylaxis Policy pating in our Christmas drive to support needy
families in the St. Anne Parish community.
The staff at St. Joachim has been inserviced
around the emergency procedures in dealing
with an anaphylactic reaction. There are a
number of students in our school who have
serious, and in some cases, life threatening allergies. Even the mere exposure to these products may cause severe allergic reactions, that
could potentially result in death.
While these students may not be in your
child’s class, or eat in the area your child eats,
we are most concerned with crosscontamination which may occur if a child
eats, for example, peanuts and then touches a
book, chair, desk etc that may be touched by
the child with the allergy.
St. Joachim would appreciate the co-operation
of the entire school community in NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain peanut,
nuts, shellfish or any other life threatening allergens which could potentially harm a child.
Instead of bringing in food for birthdays or
special occasions, we encourage parents to
bring in non-edible treats such as stickers,
erasers, pencils, and dollar store items. Students with anaphylactic allergies are encouraged to bring in their own treats for special occasions. We look forward to your understanding and co-operation in making our school safe
for all students.
Through your generosity and kindness, St.
Joachim School will be supporting many families with food and gifts. Your participation is
deeply appreciated.
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people,
you do unto me.” Matthew 25:35
Parents please remember that the front driveway entrance by the office is NOT to be
used to drop off students. Students are not to
be entering the school by the front door.
Please use the Kiss and Ride dedicated spot at
the side of the school. Students are not to enter
the front doors of the school unless they are
being dropped off late.
Please do not park your car in the bus lane
at the front of the school at anytime. Thank
you for following these steps to ensure the
safety and supervision of all our students.
Loving God, thank you for the gift of a new year.
May it be a time to grow in Faith and love
And a time to cherish family and friends.
Walk with us each day and grant a happy year to all the
May the light of Christ shine through us for others now
and forever.
January 2010
3 Back to School
12 French Immer-
14 PA dayNo School
sion meeting 7:00
for new students at
St. Joachim
18 Virtues Assembly 9:15
24 Power of One
Parent Council Meeting 7:00 in
Bullying Presentation
for students 1:10
February 2010
1 Report Cards
3 Interview
sent home
11 Danceathon
18 French Con-
cert K-5 1:15pm
21 Family Day— 22 Blue Veil
23 Parent Council
24 Virtues Assem- 25
no school for
Meeting 7:00 pm in
bly 9:15
28 Black History
Presentation for
concert gr 4-8