“If you compare yourself to others,

“If you compare yourself to others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and
lesser persons than yourself.”
-Max Ehrmann
Keys to the
Comparison Essay
What is the Comparison essay?
 A 4-6 paragraph essay discussing similar &
different traits of two societies during a
period of time.
 Comparison essays require be able to actually
describe the characteristics of 2 places
AP = Address the Prompt
 Understanding the question & answer the
question as asked is fundamental to success
– Circle key words in the question:
• Time frame
• Topic
• Region
– Consider:
1. What time period is the question referencing?
2. What do I know about this time period?
3. What is the motive behind the question?
Example Questions
 Compare two of the following early civilizations’ economic,
political and social structures:
– Mesopotamia
Indus Valley
Shang China
 Compare the spread of Buddhism & Christianity during the
classical age.
 Compare the role of technology in Chinese and
Mediterranean civilization.
 Compare the administration of government in Han China and
imperial Rome.
 Compare how the First World War and its outcomes affected
TWO of the following regions in the period from the war
through the 1930’s: East Asia, Middle East, South Asia
Defining the Requirements
The 3 obvious…
Defining the Requirements
The 3 obvious…
 Addressing both similarities & differences
 Thesis statement
 Using evidence to support the thesis
 Analysis
– Utilizing direct comparison
– Analyzing why the similarity/difference exists
Required Element: Sim/Dif
 Identify at least:
– 1 accurate similarity & 1 accurate difference
– Thesis does not count – must be in body
– Remember differences, not just similarities:
“compare” implies both
Required Element: Thesis
 Restate location & time period boundaries
 To build argument, focus on comparing
ideas & trends
 Should directly answer the question asked
– Rather than describing societies separately, it will:
• Name 2 concrete similarities & 1 concrete difference
• Name 1 concrete similarity & 2 concrete differences
• …similar in that both ___
• …differ in that ___ was ___, while ___ was ___.
Sample Thesis - WWI
 In East Asia and South Asia, countries of
those geographical areas changed internally
and also had to suffer the blows of the Great
Sample Thesis - WWI
 WWI instigated nationalistic movements and
political changes in both the Middle East and
South Asia.
Sample Thesis - WWI
 Outcomes of the First World War affected
the Middle East and South Asia through
politics and economy as forms of nationalism
arose in both regions, while the Middle East
struggled against each other and South Asia
struggled with each other against the British.
Although nationalism was a the forefront of
both regions, in economics the Middle East
was affected more so than South Asia.
Required Element: Evidence
– Give multiple, specific examples to support
thesis claims (requires that you know history)
Defining the Requirements
The 2 analytical…
 Addressing both similarities & differences
 Thesis statement
 Using evidence to support the thesis
 Analysis
– Utilizing direct comparison
– Analyzing why the similarity/difference exists
Required Element: Analysis
Keep in mind that analysis is the why & how of an essay.
Not “what happened,” but…
“why __ happened” & “how __ happened”
 Comparison essay requires two types of analysis
– Direct comparison
– Reason for similarity / difference
Required Element: Analysis 1
 Use both societies in the same sentence to explain
what is actually similar or different about the facts
– Rather than listing parallel facts & expecting the reader
to see the comparisons, consistently illustrate the
specific similarities and differences.
 Need at least 1 accurate, specific direct comp
 Thesis & topic sentences do not count –
Required Element: Analysis 2
 Explain why similarity or difference from direct comp exists
– _____ is similar because ____.
• Be careful to avoid presenting just another comparison
 Seek fundamental, foundation reason. Think TED:
• Technology & innovative ideas
• Environment & geography
• Diffusion & interaction of cultures
 Need at least 1 accurate, specific explanation
Rule of 3
 3 controlling ideas in thesis
 3 body paragraphs
 3 facts per paragraph
 3 direct comparisons – 1 per paragraph
 3 reasons – 1 per paragraph