April 27, 2015
I move that the Senate allocate $5,000 for the purchase of Ballast, Lamps
and Photo Cells to replace burnt and broken lights in the Bowie Road and
Ellender Library parking lots.
The total cost of the lamps and other
related electrical devices are estimated at $4,686.82. This will be taken
from the Campus Improvements line item of the budget. Passed.
I move to combine the descriptions of letters d and e of Article III,
Letter B., Number 1 in the Bylaws. It will be read as “d. Meet the SGA –
responsible for planning and executing all events for the SGA, such as an
annual Christmas Social, Spring Inaugural Banquet and SGA Homecoming
Display; and all events representing the SGA, such as Family Day and
Freshman Orientation. The Director of Public Relations shall be included
as a member”. This motion will delete letter e from the section. Passed.
I move to delete letter f. of Article III, Section B, Number 1 of the
It will remove the Communications Committee from the Bylaws.
I move that the Senate purchase one Two-Way Radio Package at $1,399 for
the Mass Communications Department. Shipping will cost $10 and the total
cost will be $1,409. This will come from the Senator Projects line item
of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase a new Projection Screen for the LeBijou
The cost will be $3,240.31.
This includes screen and
This will come from the Senator Project line item of the
budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate allocate up to $1,200 to purchase Digital Scales
for the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute.
The price breakdown is as
Escali Digital Scales 13 lb. limit = $70.00
x 16
= $1,120
This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate retain Andrew Wise, Attorney at Law, as Legal
Advisor for the year 2015-2016. This will grant a contract at $3,600 for
twenty-four (24) sessions for two (2) hours each at an hourly rate of $75
per hour.
This expenditure comes out of Agency Account 267350-5000 and
not the SGA general account. Passed.
I move to combine the descriptions of letters c. and g. in Article III,
Letter B., Number 1 of the Bylaws.
It will read as “c.
Committee – holds hearings on absences and monitors the absences of SGA
officers and committee members.
Interviews Presidential appointments.
Reviews Senators who do not meet mandatory legislation/appropriation
requirements for automatic removal (see SGA Constitution, Article II,
Section 5, Number 2, Letter A).
Reviews amendments to Bylaws not
involving fee increases. It is responsible for Constitutional review and
review of resolutions.”
This motion would remove letter g. from the
section. Passed.
I move that the Senate allocate up to $800 to purchase a Regular Pedestal
Drop Box from to use as an outdoor SGA suggestion box to be
placed in the Quad permanently. The cost breakdown is as follows:
1 Pedestal Drop Box, Regular = $600.00 (Gray)
= $100.04
= $700.04
This will be taken from the Campus Improvements line item of the budget.
I move that the Senate approve the Summer 2015 Budget.
I move that the Senate purchase a 33” x 19” x 3” Folding Hand Truck for
the Student Government Association.
The cost of the truck will be $79.
This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate accept the SGA President-Elect Lillie Bourgeois’
appointment of William Crenshaw for the position of Senator of the College
of Arts & Sciences for the 2015-16 term. Passed.
I move that
the Senate
Dr. Bonnie J. Bourg Memorial Proclamation
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg was a great and gracious supporter of Nicholls State University, and
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg was a role model of a good citizen and part of the Nicholls family for all students to follow,
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg believed that student involvement outside of the classroom was just as important as inside, and
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg was a charter faculty member of Nicholls in 1948 as an instructor of Health and Physical
Education, Dean of Women, Dean of Freshmen Division and Vice President of Student Affairs, and
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg also wrote the Alma Mater, founded the Nicholls Worth, chartered the first national Greek
organization on campus, and helped charter the Student Government Association and the La Pirogue
Yearbook, and
Whereas, Dr. Bonnie Bourg unfortunately passed away on April 17, 2015 at age 88, and
Whereas, that on this 27th day of April 2015 the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret to announce the
death of a former leader and inspiration for the Nicholls Family, and
Therefore be it proclaimed, that we the Student Government Association, on behalf of the students of Nicholls State
University, that when the senate adjourns today, it stands to honor and respect the memory of Dr. Bonnie
Adam Lefort
Student Government Association
Nicholls State University
I move that the SGA purchase for housing a TV. It will be placed in the
lobby of Millet and will cost up to $750.
The money will come from the
Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase 1,000 customized Z-Card Pocket Maps from
Z-Card North America. These maps will cost $2.69 each with shipping, the
total cost of the maps will be $2,699. The Z-Cards will include a map of
the Nicholls State University campus and will also include other important
information such as campus phone numbers, etc.
Up to $2,800 should be
allocated in case the total price of the purchase should increase for any
This will come from the Meet the SGA line item of the Summer
Budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate accept the SGA President-Elect Lillie Bourgeois’
appointment of Adam Doucet for the position of Director of Public
Relations for the 2015-16 term. Failed.
I move that the Senate accept the SGA President-Elect Lillie Bourgeois’
appointment of Les Theriot for the position of Treasurer for the 2015-16
term. Passed.
I move that the Senate accept the SGA President-Elect Lillie Bourgeois’
appointment of Peyton Chiasson for the position of Director of Student
Rights and Grievances for the 2015-16 term. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase 2,500 customized pencils from 4imprint at
$.20 each. With shipping, the total cost of the pencils will be $523.41.
The pencils will be silver in color and branded red with the SGA logo. Up
to $550 should be allocated in case the total price of the purchase should
increase. This will come from the Meet the SGA line item of the budget.
I move that the Senate purchase a pack of ten dry erase boards for the
Dyslexia Center.
The total cost will be $23.25 and will come from the
Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase one pack of ten Acrylic Displays for SGA.
The cost will be $30.00 and will come from the Senator Projects line item
of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase four TI-30XIIS Calculators for the
Dyslexia Testing Center. The cost for one calculator is $14.99 making the
total amount $59.96. This will come from the Senator Projects line item
of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Senate purchase 1,000 customized 16 oz. stadium cups from
4imprint at $.37 each. With shipping, the total cost of the cups will be
The cups will be red with white lettering and be branded with
the SGA logo. Up to $450.00 should be allocated in case the total price
of the purchase should increase.
This will come from the Meet the SGA
line item of the budget. Passed.
I move that the Nicholls State University SGA pay for a $350 half-page
spread in the local periodical, The Daily Comet to voice our disdain for
the ongoing state-level budget cuts that unfairly target higher education
for personal political gain, especially as part of our present Governor,
Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, who is widely credited with the creation and
implementation of these draconian cuts to this and other Louisiana State
institutions of higher learning. By publicly stating our non-support for
the Governor’s policies, we not only show solidarity with the affected
student body and faculty but leave a public record of our opposition to
this crippling budget-policy so that future students know that they had
agents fighting for their interests. Failed.
I move that the Senate purchase two X-Acto Electric Pencil Sharpeners for
the MEW Lab in the Library.
The total cost will be $38.58.
This will
come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed.