Blessed John XXIII Catholic Elementary School 915 McBride Ave, Mississauga, ON L5C 1M1 Tel: 905-279-9478 Fax: 905-279-8465 SCHOOL HOURS JK to Grade 8 - 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This agenda belongs to: NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: _____________ TEACHER: ____________________________________ ROOM: ______________ Declarations Communication Tool The purpose of this agenda is to facilitate communication between home and school. Students are expected to record homework, other relevant information, and any items requiring parent signature on a daily basis. Parent/Guardians are expected to support and monitor use of the agenda (i.e. checking for completed homework, signing tests, etc.) It is expected that the agenda be taken home and returned to school on a daily basis. Student I have read and understood the contents and responsibilities of my school agenda. Student Signature: ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian I have read and understood the content and purpose of this agenda and will support and monitor my child’s use of this agenda. Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ CATHOLIC VIRTUES FORMATION A virtue is a habit or established capacity to perform good actions according to the moral standards reflected in the gospel. A Catholic school is the ideal place to practice and prepare to live a virtuous life, following the example of Jesus. Many elements of Catholic character and virtue are purposefully developed in Dufferin-Peel schools. In the coming year, our school will focus on encouraging growth in these particular virtues: Faith…God made us live together as a family community. Empathy…God wants us to care about everyone’s feelings. Conscience…God helps us to choose to be good people. Hope…God helps us to keep on working for a more peaceful world even when we feel discouraged. Self-Control…God wants us to do what it is we know and feel is right. Respect…God wants us to treat all people with the respect they deserve. Kindness…God wants us to give generously to others around us. Love…God wants us to serve and to see the goodness in everyone we meet. Acceptance…God wants us to make friends with everyone no matter how different they may look or act. Fairness…God wants us to treat each person as we would like to be treated. When we act out these virtues, we are making the presence of God visible in the world around us. We will be participating in our own prayer that: your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt 6:10) Our mission as a Catholic school is to infuse the Gospel values into the daily life of the school; in so doing, we carry out Christ’s ministry of peace and reconciliation. The aim of the Blessed John XXIII School community, as rooted in the Catholic tradition, is to learn about and celebrate God’s active presence in our everyday experience. Blessed John XXIII School is committed to sharing and living the Catholic faith story through Religion and Family Life instruction, liturgy, formal and informal prayer, traditions, celebrations and social outreach. At Blessed John XXIII School, Catholic education is not limited to Religion and Family Life classes, but permeates the curriculum throughout the day and underlies the attitudes and expectations of students, parents and staff. In the merging of faith and intellect, our vision is Christ-centered. Blessed John XXIII School is affiliated with St. Martin of Tours Parish, located as 1290 McBride Ave. The parish team works closely with the school in planning for liturgical celebrations, visits to the school and reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Students are prepared for these sacraments through in-class instruction from the teacher and the parish priest. BLESSED JOHN XXIII CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2. ATTENDANCE Absenteeism is a concern for both school and home. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Blessed John XXIII School is to foster an inclusive, Christian environment that allows all learners to achieve to their full potential as measured by the Ontario Provincial Standards. We are committed to collaboratively assessing the diverse needs of our student community and effectively responding with a comprehensive system of support that will ensure improved student achievement. As stewards of Christ and a "Family of Peace and Hope", we strive to continually embrace and celebrate the gospel values that demonstrate an emotionally safe spiritual environment for all children to succeed. To help alleviate anxiety over pupil safety, we ask that if your child is going to be absent, please inform the school either: 1. by telephoning and leaving a message on the answering machine if it is after hours or 2. by sending a note to the child's teacher via brother, sister or neighbour. If a child is absent and we have not received a phone call or a note, we will attempt to phone you. To assist with our Safe Arrival program it is important that we have your latest contact information. 3. BICYCLES BLESSED JOHN XXIII SCHOOL PRAYER Students arriving at school by bicycle should walk their bicycles on school property and lock it. When leaving school, students are asked to walk their bicycles on the Creator God. We thank you for the precious gift of Your Son, Jesus sidewalk until they are off school property. The school Christ. We ask you to help us to live our lives according is not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles. to Jesus’ teachings so as to be worthy of the sacrifice BULLYING that He made for us. Thank you for allowing us to live 4. on this bountiful earth, in this wonderful country and in At the school we continue to remind students and the caring, loving Blessed John XXIII school parents through various means about “bullying” i.e community. through newsletters, school wide presentations, and on Help us to be responsible stewards of all that You the announcements. We continue to educate and entrust to us. Help us to be true witnesses of the Good remind students about the various levels of bullying. We News to all those around us. Helps us to be faithful to stress the importance of reporting incidents as well as the values set out in the Gospels. Help us to show our continue to provide a comfortable, non-threatening love for all people in our thoughts, words and deeds. environment to do so. At Blessed John XXIII Catholic We know that all is possible when we trust in You. School we continue to work through progressive Amen. discipline with appropriate consequences. As parents, you need to listen to your child(ren), and we thank you for contacting the school if you are informed of anything BLESSED JOHN XXIII PEACE PEDGE that is inappropriate. Thank you for listening and supporting your child(ren) as well as listening to all I pledge to be a peaceful person. sides. Every child should feel comfortable and safe at I pledge to be peaceful in my school, my family, school. If you hear of anything inappropriate, please neighbourhood and community. contact the school to get the full story and work with us I pledge to be kind to each person in my school to help everyone involved. Please check out a community. BULLYING link on our web-site. I pledge not to fight with others. I pledge not to encourage others to fight. 5. CATHOLIC CODE OF CONDUCT I pledge to set a peaceful example for others to follow. I pledge to make my world a more peaceful place for all Blessed John XXIII Catholic School has a standard of behaviour for students based upon the Ministry’s Safety children to be safe and happy. Bill 212, Bill 157 – Keeping our Kids Safe at School, and I pledge to move forward with peace in my heart each the Board’s Catholic Code of Conduct which can be day and to follow in the stops of Patron-Blessed John found on the school board or school website. XXIII. 1. OUR SCHOOL HOURS 6. 9:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:30 3:30 The Board has a Policy based on our responsibility under the Child & Family Services Act (1999) concerning child abuse. If suspicion of child abuse appears reasonable, the teacher or other Board employee whose suspicions are aroused, must notify the Children's Aid Society as soon as possible. - Classes Begin Recess - Gr. 1-8 Lunch Break Classes Begin Recess - Gr. 1-8 Dismissal CHILD ABUSE Computers are the property of the school and are available to be used by the students as an integral part of the curriculum. All students and parents/guardians will be asked to sign the Network User Application and Agreement to ensure proper usage and the respect of privacy. Any infringements of the agreement shall result in loss of usage and/or disciplinary actions. implementation of various diversity strategies, i.e. Social justice, novels, literature, Heritage Maps, etc. We have five specific goals that we are working on collectively: Curriculum, Community Partnership, School Climate, Leadership, Staff Development. Different individuals valuing each other regardless of skin, interest, talents or years of age, and that spells diversity! For our detailed School Anti-racism and Equity Plan, please visit our school website at 8. 7. COMPUTER POLICY DISCIPLINE/BEHAVIOUR School discipline can be described as the establishment and maintenance of the proper emotional climate within which the teacher-child relationship can flourish. The following excerpts from the Education Act and Regulations describe responsibilities in broad terms. "It is the duty of the teacher to maintain, under the direction of the Principal, proper order and discipline in his/her classroom and while on duty in the school and on the school grounds." "It is the duty of the Principal, in addition to her duties as teacher, to maintain proper order and discipline in the school." "A pupil shall exercise self-discipline, accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent, attending classes punctually and regularly; be courteous to fellow pupils and courteous to teachers." 10. DRESS CODE To ensure that children are properly attired for all weather conditions, we ask parents/guardians to monitor what their children wear to school. It is our expectation that a standard of neatness, modesty and good taste in dress is upheld. Students should avoid recreational wear which leaves shoulders bare and undergarments and midriffs visible. Boys are not permitted to wear sleeveless tops and girls need to ensure that the width of their shoulder strap is 4 fingers. Girls are to ensure that their skirts/shorts are a hand length above their knees. Certain logos are not considered appropriate for school. We also ask that students with facial piercing remove their rings prior to entering school property. We ask for your continued support for a dress code which reflects the school as a place for serious work, accompanied by standards of sensitivity, politeness and The general aim of any discipline policy is to help decorum. students internalize Christian values and develop their spiritual, intellectual, physical and social potential. 11. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Realization of these goals is essential to the well-being INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES: of both the individual and society. With the onset of the cool weather, thoughts turn to the It is strongly felt that the fostering of student self-worth inclement weather procedure. Generally, there are two and self-discipline is a co-operative responsibility of not different situations which dictate the use of such a just the school, but of the total community, including procedure. parents, teachers, and the students themselves. 1. The first is where transportation is cancelled Mutual support and team work between the home and due to poor weather conditions. This normally occurs the school is fundamental. before school begins in the morning and is announced on the following radio stations: 9. DIVERSITY AND EQUITY Blessed John XXIII Catholic School Action Plan: We believe that every student is a unique individual created by God and for God. To this end our respect for all learners is embedded in the learning process to help all achieve to their potential considering the various needs, diverse talents, heritage, background, areas for growth. Co-operation, tolerance and acceptance are requirements at Blessed John XXIII Catholic School. Blessed John XXIII Catholic School has a very diverse school population comprised from a wide range of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds reflecting the ever-increasing diversity of cultures found within Mississauga. To further recognize our cultural diversity, we highlight this visibility of diversity in hallways and classrooms, aim to increase parent/guardian involvement in children’s education at home and in school, review curriculum materials and library collection to ensure that they are bias free and inclusive, work in close collaboration with our Board ESL/Reception Center as well as the further CFRB CKMW CBC CFTR CHUM CJCL CKFM CHIN CJMR CFNY CKEY CHWO Our school board is the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. If bus transportation is cancelled in the morning, children WILL NOT be picked up at the end of the day. If you drive your child to school on the day the transportation is cancelled, it is then your responsibility to pick your child up at the end of the day. When transportation services are cancelled and the school remains open it is the responsibility of the parent to determine whether or not it is safe for a student to walk to and from school. 2. A second situation occurs where the school is closed during the day before 3:30 p.m. due to deteriorating weather conditions. It is then the responsibility of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and school personnel to make emergency arrangements with the safety of the students being prime consideration. If the school is closed early, bus students will be sent home. If deteriorating conditions require an early school dismissal, please devise a plan for your child to observe, ie: go to a neighbour, sitter, etc. It is essential that we have your up to date contact information. Please review the procedures you wish your child to follow. signed and returned to school. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE ON ANY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY OR FIELD TRIP WITHOUT A SIGNED PERMISSION FORM. EMERGENCY FORMS 14. FRONT DRIVEWAY Each year, we ask you to complete the Student Verification Sheet. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THESE FORMS ARE ACCURATE AND CURRENT. If information changes throughout the school year, please let us know. Parents/guardians are reminded to utilize the Kiss and Ride lane when dropping off or picking up their children. Students are reminded to follow our already established procedure where students enter and exit using the passenger doors. Please do not leave your car in the Kiss and Ride lane and do not drive through the bus lane. Please share the above information with family CHANGE OF INFORMATION Please help us keep our records up to date regarding members or care givers who may be picking up or dropping off your child. Please remember to PARK your the following in case of an emergency: car in the designated areas. Thank you in ensuring the - Change of address safety of your child as well as all students at Blessed - Change of phone number John XXIII Catholic School. - Change of business phone number - Change of babysitter - name and # 15. GOOD NEIGHBOUR - Change of emergency contact While students are on their way to and from school and while they are on school property, they are encouraged EVACUATION No student may If an emergency required the total evacuation of the to respect neighbours’ property. school population, students and teachers will walk to retrieve a lost article from a neighbour’s property without #1) McBride Public School, #2) The Woodlands School. the permission and supervision of school personnel. If we have to evacuate from our immediate area, we will HEAD INJURIES evacuate to #3) St. Martin of Tours Parish. The nature 16. of the emergency may affect more than one school in a Each school is mandated by the Board to advise parents neighbourhood or region. In this event, we would of any head injury, however slight, experienced by their receive direction from the Peel Regional Police. child. This may involve anything from a ball hitting your Parents would be informed as soon as possible as to child in the head, children accidentally banging heads or something more serious. We will attempt to contact you the safety and whereabouts of their children. by phone if any incidents occur. If we are unable to 12. EVACUATION POLICIES: FIRE, contact you, we will send home a letter for you to sign and return to the school. HEIGHTEN OBJECTS AWARENESS, MYSTERIOUS Fire drills will be conducted in September until the children are fully familiar with the routine. Subsequent drills will be held without notice until the evacuation is carried out smoothly. (By law, there must be at least three fire drills in the Fall term, and once in each remaining term). Heighten Awareness, Secure and Hold Drills and Mysterious Object Drills are conducted at least once a term. 13. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES When considering the totality of an education, there are certain aspects of personality development and social interaction which fall outside the realm of the academic curriculum. Extra curricular activities provide the opportunity for meeting with a variety of situations requiring social interaction and engendering personality growth. Because these activities are school generated, it is necessary that rules and regulations be established for the safety and well-being of all concerned. This year, your son or daughter will have the opportunity to go on field trips or to participate in extra-curricular activities. Prior to these events, permission forms will be sent home. It is important that these forms be filled out, 17. HOMEWORK Students will bring incomplete class assignments home to finish. From time to time, teachers will assign homework, where appropriate. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all assignments. It is the students responsibility to use this planner to keep track of assignments. This should be monitored regularly by the parent/guardian. Students are responsible for any work missed when they are absent from school. For more information, please refer to the Dufferin-Peel Homework Policy on our school website. 18. ILLNESS AND ACCIDENTS During the course of a school day, a child may become ill or suffer an accident. In such events: a) Our first action is to call you at home or at work. In most cases, we prefer that you come to the school and see your child safely home. b) If we cannot reach a family by telephone, we attempt to contact the emergency number which we request from all families. We will then place your child in the care of this person. c) If we are unable to be successful in either a) or b) we will take the action we feel necessary to assist your child. d) A major incident requires immediate action. If it is necessary to take your child to the hospital we will call 911 and attempt to contact you. It is important that we have current phone numbers for yourself and other contacts. 19. IMMUNIZATION Mandatory Immunization of School Children: In June 1982 an act was passed making it mandatory for all school pupils up to their 18th birthday to be immunized against Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Poliomyelitis, Rubella, Tetanus. As part of our registration procedure, in co-operation with the Peel Health Unit, we request an immunization record for each child. 20. INSURANCE With all the activities that take place at school in the playground, the gym and in sports, accidents happen. Dental injuries can occur when 2 children accidentally bump heads or fall. The school board does not carry accident insurance for students. Outdoor activities, extra-curricular, excursions and winter snow/ice conditions are additional reasons you may wish to buy student accident insurance. An insurance package is sent home with your child(ren) in September. Packages are also available from the office throughout the year. This is optional for families, but highly recommended. 21. LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS Once the children have arrived at school, they are not permitted to leave the grounds without written permission from their parent/guardian. This ruling includes students who normally stay for lunch. Parents/guardians are requested to provide the office with a note if their child must leave for an appointment, etc. Parents/guardians are requested to meet their children at the office and sign them out. 22. LUNCH POLICY Children who stay for lunch must remain on school property. Children are asked to observe GOOD manners and to be mindful of others. If a problem does arise, you will be notified. If parents bring lunches for students, they are to bring them to the office. No student is permitted to run outside to get their lunch. 23. MEDICATION AT SCHOOL Please be advised that for safety reasons, no child should bring any form of medication to school without prior approval from the office. The school will store necessary medication in the office, if a Request Form (available in the office) has been filled out and signed by the parent/guardian and doctor. on it. Any treats that do not comply with this, will be sent home. Please note, Tim Horton’s products cannot be guaranteed to be nut free, therefore are not permitted in the classrooms. It is the Board’s recommendation with the support of both the Anaphylactic Society and the Peel Health Department that schools do not encourage the use of WOWBUTTER. 25. PEDICULOSIS ( HEAD LICE) A problem which seems to occur at least once each year in most schools is pediculosis, or head lice. If a case is found in class, we will send a note home indicating that there has been a case, and ask that you check your own children. Even if cases are not reported by the school it is a wise precaution to check your children periodically and let us know if you find an infestation. If your children are infested, we will ask you to keep them out of school until after they have been treated and their heads are entirely clear of both lice and nits(eggs). Although we may not entirely escape outbreaks of pediculosis, if we all cooperate we will be able to bring them under control quickly. . 26. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE (PED) Personal Electronic Devises (PEDs) are Wireless and/or Portable Electronic Handheld Equipment that include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging Mobile Communication Systems and Smart Technologies (cell phones, smartphones, walkietalkies, pagers, etc.), Portable Internet Devices (mobile managers, BlackBerry handsets, etc.), PDAs (Palm organizers, pocket PCs, etc.), Handheld Entertainment Systems ( video games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, iPods, Walkmen, etc), digital or film Cameras, digital or analogue Audio Recorders or Video Recorders (tape recorders, camcorders, etc). Spy Gadgets (spy cameras, covert listening devices, etc.), and any other Convergent Communication Technologies that do any number of the previously mentioned functions. PEDs also include any current or emerging Wireless Handheld Technologies or Portable IT Systems that can be used for the purpose of communication, entertainment, data management, word processing, wireless internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc. THE USE OF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (PEDs) ON SCHOOL PROPERTY To promote respect for the dignity of all members of our school community and to enhance student achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly prohibited in school (including portables) or during school related activities (such as retreats, field trips, sports events, 24. NUT FREE TREATS Due to Sabrina’s Law, any snacks brought to the school etc). Failure to comply with this policy may result in the to share with classmates, must be nut free. The items confiscation of the PED and/or disciplinary action as must be in the original packaging with the nut free logo outlined in the Catholic Code of Conduct 2001. The school and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board assume no responsibility for the loss, recovery, repair or replacement for any PED brought onto school property. It is the policy of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board that PEDs are to be kept out-of-sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school sanctioned events. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, the school encourages students to leave their PEDs at home. We will not be responsible for these items. 27. PHYSICAL AND CLOTHING EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Physical education and physical fitness are important goals of the school. There will be a broad range of activities within the program and a good variety of extracurricular sports. It is important, for the purpose of hygiene, that children in grades 1-5 have appropriate footwear (running shoes), and that students in grades 6-8 also have a change of gym clothes for each gym class (i.e. shorts, track pants, t-shirt, sweat shirt). Running shoes are mandatory in the gym and we would ask parents to purchase shoes with light-coloured, nonscuff soles. The black-soled variety mark the gym floor and are prohibited in the gym area. Each year you will be asked to complete a medical form before your son/daughter can participate in Physical Education. and assist your child to recognize that punctuality is a responsibility, which all students should be developing. Students are expected to be in their lines at 9:00 AM or they are late. Students must report to the office if they are late. Persistent lates will result in a before school detention. 29. RECESS POLICY Under ordinary circumstances, children who come to school are expected to participate fully in the school program. This includes taking recess breaks with the class. The recess break is vital and fresh air is not likely to worsen a mild cold, if the child is dressed properly. If the cold or illness is severe, we respectfully suggest that the child not be sent to school. Students will not be permitted to stay in for recess unless they have a doctors note. In the event of severe inclement weather conditions, all children are kept indoors and supervised appropriately. 30. REPORTING Parents/guardians, students and teachers have many opportunities for ongoing communication during the year. The first formal written report card goes home in February. The final report card goes home in June. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher at any time to review progress. Student evaluation is ongoing, formative and summative assessment includes the many aspects of a student’s school performance, class work, assignments, contribution to school life, DPA (Daily Physical Activity) All students JK-8 participate in daily physical activities. teacher observation, projects, tests, peer and student Students will be involved in a variety of games, activities self evaluation, are all part of the evaluation process. and exercises that are designed to promote physical 31. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION fitness and optimal physical health. Providing our students with daily opportunities to be First Communion/Reconciliation/Confirmation physically active will have a positive impact on their Students in Grade 2 will have the opportunity to receive physical, intellectual, emotional and social well being. the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Physical activity has beneficial effects on students’ Communion. achievement, readiness to learn, concentration skills, Students in Grade 8 will have the opportunity to receive behaviour and self –esteem. the sacrament of Confirmation. Our sacred sacraments Blessed John XXIII school staff are committed to DPA. are an important part of each student’s faith journey. Additional gym time, in class activities, and physical Additional information will follow. activities happen at Blessed John XXIII Catholic School. You can help your child to be prepared for DPA in the 32. SAFETY following ways: Safety of children is a priority for all school communities. •Ensure your child has appropriate footwear for physical Our school participates in several activities and activity (running shoes) programs to assist in creating a safe environment for •Ensure your child wears comfortable clothing suitable children to learn, to develop and to grow. Some of the for active participation activities that we use include: •Your child may be going outside for DPA (weather - Safety Programs embedded in the curriculum permitting) please ensure suitable outdoor clothing -Safety Programs in co-operation with the Peel Regional •Provide your child with a good start each morning with Police a healthy breakfast - Railway Safety Programs •Establish consistent routines for sleep so that your - Teacher Yard Supervision child is well rested. - Emergency and Fire Drills 28. PUNCTUALTIY It is important that your child be on time on a regular basis. Please be aware, that late arrivals have a direct impact on learning in school and they also disrupt the classroom teacher during lessons. Please encourage - Public Health Services - Bike and Seasonal Safety Programs (i.e. Hallowe'en) -Telephone Relay Message Service for inclement weather and high water levels - Winter Safety Program -Safety message over the Public Announcement System - Emergency and Evacuation Procedures Although these activities assist in making the school environment as safe as possible, the school and playground are not always risk free. It is everyone's responsibility to teach safety practices to our children. Parents share this responsibility with school staff, lunch supervisors, the police and fire department, and other community service agencies. While we wish to keep children safe, it is undesirable to remove all challenges from their lives, and a totally risk-free environment is not possible in a healthy school system. We ask parents to understand and co-operate with us. By working together and sharing information, we can create safe environments and safe practices to benefit our children. 33. TELEPHONE ACCESS We understand that situations may arise during the day when either you or your child may need to communicate with each other. Please remember that the school telephones are available for personal student use in emergencies only with the teacher and/or the office determining the severity of the emergency. Students will not be called out of class to answer calls, however, we will attempt to forward important messages to them. The school office is a very busy place, we will do our best to try to get messages to your children, however, we cannot guarantee that they will get the message before leaving at the end of the day. Please make all arrangements before your child leaving home for the day and send a note to your child’s teacher. Similarly, staff will not be asked to respond to a telephone call while in class but will be given a message with appropriate instruction. Please note that messages left on the answering machine are checked 3 times a day, if you leave a message for your child, we may not receive it until the end of the school day. 34. TEXTBOOK POLICY is taught by the teacher in an instructional lesson. It is the student’s responsibility to complete any assigned work during their absence when they return. 37. VALUABLES Students are requested not to bring valuables, items of importance or money to school. The school cannot assume responsibility for items brought to school. 38. VISITORS We ask all visitors, including parents to use the front entrance and check in with the office so we can assist you. Our students’ safety is our first concern. Children are very trusting and feel safe in the school. When they see an adult they assume the adult should be there. If you want to drop off something for your child or pick them up early, we ask that you go through the office so we can call your child down. Staff have been directed to refer all visitors/parents to the office. When picking up your child after school please wait for them outside to avoid congestion in the hallways. 39. VOLUNTEERS AT SCHOOL Volunteeers are always appreciated at Blessed John XXIII Catholic School. Please come out and be a part of your child(ren)s school. In keeping with the Safe Schools Act, all volunteers must have a Criminal Reference Check. If you have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with school trips, assist with our fundraiser(s), be an active member of school council- dealing with children in any capacity, please contact the office for a criminal reference check form, for the 2012-2013 school year and deliver it to one of the police stations listed on the back.. The check is free for volunteers, but will assure the safety of all students at Blessed John XXIII Catholic Catholic School. If you already have a Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, please complete the Criminal Offence Declaration form. Please have your check or declaration completed so you can continue to be an important and valued member at our school. Once you receive your criminal check or complete your declaration, please submit it to the office. Textbooks and library books are the property of the school and are loaned out to students with the expectation that they will be returned in good conditiion. The teachers are asked to record each textbook that a student is given. Please help us to keep our, and your, tax costs down by encouraging your child(ren) to take 40. WE SHARE THE AIR: proper care of them. Students will be responsible to The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has a pay for lost or damaged books. Scent Sensitive Awareness Campaign called We Share The Air. We ask that you assist those who are 35. TRESPASS TO PROPERTY ACT sensitive, by reducing/eliminating the scents you wear. If The intent of this provincial legislation is to clarify the you are sensitive to scents, please let your teacher or rights and responsibilities of both occupant and visitor. principal know. Visitors to the school building are expected to exhibit the same courtesy one would expect from a caller to a YARD SUPERVISION: private home. Hazardous conduct or willful damage is 41. Staff supervision of students in the school yard begins at an offence subject to prosecution under the Provincial 8:45 a.m. and extends to 3:40 p.m. For safety reasons, Trespass Act. students should not arrive prior to that time and should go directly home after dismissal. For safety reasons, 36. VACATIONS students are not permitted to play in the park before or We request that parents plan vacations during school after school. This area is unsupervised and can be holidays, considering how the missed school impacts a dangerous. During inclement weather, students are child’s learning. Teachers are unable to put together supervised in three specified areas starting at 8:45 a.m. work packages for children, as most of the curriculum STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES CHECKLIST There are many opportunities to learn at Blessed John XXIII Catholic School. Learning is your responsibility. The staff are there to assist, encourage and support you. The more opportunities you involve yourself in, the more you will learn and the more you will enjoy your years at Blessed John XXIII Catholic School. Below is a beginning checklist of opportunities. STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: STUDENT PLANNER AGREEMENT EXPECTATIONS AND _____ Am I organizing my time so that I can do assignments to the best of my ability? The purpose of this planner is to assist the student in developing the organization and planning skills _____ Do I make use of research facilities at the necessary to succeed. It is also intended to keep school library and the public library? parents/guardians aware of what is happening in school. _____ Do I help out younger students by assisting their teachers, by being a good role model or peer mediator? Expectations: _____ Am I a positive and helpful member when there •The planner must accompany the student to and are group activities in class? Do I actively participate from school every day. •The student must record events, due dates, homework, and do my share? and assignments on a daily basis. •The planner is a major source of communication between school and home and should be Each student is a unique person checked/updated on a daily basis by both student and parent/guardian. with individual needs, wants and •If lost, the student will replace it at a cost of $5.00. concerns. As situations arise throughout the school year, teachers will always keep this in mind. We ask parents to also keep us informed of any changes within your child’s home life, as this will affect them at school. AGREEMENT I understand the above and agree: STUDENT SIGNATURE _____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE