Application For Admission Mott Community College Upward Bound Program 1401 East Court Street Flint, MI 48503 810-762-5117 PERSONAL INFORMATION Please Print Clearly First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: _____________________________________ Zip Code: ______________________________ U.S. Citizen? Yes___________ No ____________ Birth date:_________/_________/____________ Gender: Male ____________ Female ___________ Month Day Year Phone: ________________________ Alternate Phone: ___________________________ Racial/Ethnic Group: (Select all that apply) 1. Hispanic 5. White 2.American Indian/Alaskan Native 6.Hawai or Other Pacific Islander 3.Asian Current School: _________________________________ 4.African-American Grade:___________________ Counselor: ______________________________ Are you involved any other programs? ______ Talent Search ______ Gear UP ______ BSIP _____COE _____ Other: _____________________________________________ PARENTAL/GUARDIAN INFORMATION With whom does the student live? Both parents/adoptive parents Father/adoptive father only Legal Guardian(s) (please specify) ____________________ Mother/adoptive mother Mother/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________ Occupation: ____________________________ Highest of Education Level Reached: Elementary (K-8) High School (9-12) Bachelor’s Degree Graduate Degree Home Phone: _____________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________ Some College Associate Degree Father/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________ Occupation: ____________________________ Highest of Education Level Reached: Elementary (K-8) High School (9-12) Bachelor’s Degree Graduate Degree Home Phone: ____________________________ Work Phone: ____________________________ Some College Associate Degree Parental Income Statement Upward Bound is a program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. In order to insure that the MCC Upward Bound Program follows federal income guidelines we are asking you to fill out this form and provide income verification documentation with this application. 1. Name of Parent/Guardian Address of Parent/Guardian Total number in household: How many people live in your household (include children away at college)? Use your previous year tax return to complete the section below. Do not use the Adjusted Gross Income. If you did not file a tax return skip to Question #3. 2. Total taxable income: $______________________ (Please Check the Tax Form used to file your taxes.) Form 1040 Form 1040A Form 1040EZ 3. If you did not file income tax, please state your source(s) of income: FIA Social Security: Child Support Pensions Workers Compensation Other: Parent’s/Guardian Signature Date Certifying Statement I certify that the information submitted in this application and any accompanying documentation is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification on my part may result in disciplinary action(s), including denial of admissions. I agree to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Mott Community College Upward Bound Program. Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant’s Parent/Guardian Date Application check list □ □ □ □ □ □ Complete application form accurately, including all signatures Have one of your teachers fill out teacher recommendation form. Turn all your material in to your school counselor/representative for a recommendation and transcript or a copy of your latest report card. Your counselor /school representative will deliver these to us. After application is received, qualified applicant will receive a letter to set up an interview with applicant and applicant’s parent/guardian. We will process your application and notify you of our decision as soon as possible. For further information you may call (810) 762-5117 or visit our website Mott Community College is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on basis of race, color; religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, political persuasion, age, weight, handicap, or martial status in any of its education programs and activities, including admission and employment. For more information, contact the Human Resources Office at (810) 762-0565 General Information General Information • What is Upward Bound? o Upward Bound is a college preparation program funded by the U.S. Department of Education designed to encourage students from low-income families and whose parents did not graduate from a four-year college to further their education beyond high school. • Who is Eligible? o The Upward Bound staff selects 9th and 10th grade students based upon the recommendations of teachers, counselors, social service agencies and others who are acquainted with them. Upward Bound chooses those students with academic potential who need the opportunity to demonstrate their talent. Students must be attending or planning to attend one of the following High Schools: Southwestern, Northwestern, Beecher or Hamady. They also must be low income and/or first generation as defined by the Department of Education. • How can it help me? o Upward Bound gives the high school student a chance to find out what college life is al about and helps the student develop those skills necessary to succeed in college. The program emphasizes reading, writing, math and science skills along with tutoring in the student’s present curriculum. Personal, career and academic counseling are also provided. • What do you do in Upward Bound? o During the summer, Upward Bound students attend classes at Mott Community College for six weeks and participate in a variety of academic, social and cultural activities, which include a 3-day college with dorm experience. During their regular school year, Upward Bound students are in contact with Upward Bound staff members including teachers, counselors and tutors through classes, home visits, counseling sessions and tutorials. • Is there any cost involved? o Upward Bound students receive a monthly stipend for participation and all programs services are cost free to participants. More Information can be obtained by calling Upward Bound at (810) 762-5117 or on the web at FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Do not write in section below. Application Reviewed Yes Date: Applicant’s Eligibility: FG/LI FG Applicant Interviewed: LI Acceptance Date: At-Risk: SS Card (Copy): Rising 8th 9th 10th No Applicant Interview Date: Academic needs: Grade Level to Start: Yes Date of First Service: HS School Attending: Expected graduation Cohort: GPA: NCES: Counselor: LEP: Yes No Date of last service: Reason for leaving code: UB Coordinator Signature: Date: UB Director Signature: Date: TEACHER’S RECOMMENDATION This section must be completed by school teacher Student’s Name: ___________________________________________ Please rate the above student according to the scale on the bottom of this sheet: Rating Attitude toward school work 4 3 2 1 Intellectual ability 4 3 2 1 Initiative/motivation 4 3 2 1 Integrity 4 3 2 1 Influence and leadership ability 4 3 2 1 Ability to get along with others 4 3 2 1 Responsibility 4 3 2 1 Emotional stability 4 3 2 1 Attendance 4 3 2 1 Scale for Rating: 4 Exceptional 3 Good 2 Average 1 Poor Comments: _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature:________________ School:________________ Date:_________________