Welcome to the MCCEA! The MCCEA (Mott Community College Education Association) is the bargaining unit for faculty at MCC. It represents all full-time, adjunct, and part-time faculty. We are also affiliated at the state level with the Michigan Education Association (MEA), at the national level with the National Education Association (NEA), and locally with AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations). Our members pay affordable dues to these associations. What does the MCCEA do for faculty members? We protect the rights of every faculty member at MCC, regardless of part-time, full-time, or probationary status. We also listen to our members’ concerns and address them with the administration as needed. We work with the College to ensure the best working environment for our faculty and the best learning environment for our students. We fight anti-teacher, antiunion legislation in Lansing, and make sure our members know in advance of any adverse legislation coming down the pike. Through our membership in the MEA, we have access to a UniServ director from MEA to assist with bargaining, benefits, and member advocacy issues. We also have access to free legal representation for our members. How are dues collected? Dues are collected via payroll deduction. MEA/NEA dues rates are set yearly by the MEA and NEA. Assessment of local dues for all MCCEA members is currently at .035% of wages. AFL-CIO dues are 25 cents per month. What about this “Right to Work” thing I’m hearing about? Do I have to pay dues? “Right to work” legislation does provide an opt-out process, but the MCCEA strongly cautions against seeing this as any kind of benefit. Although the EA will be legally bound to represent you should you be threatened with discipline or termination, you will lose your rights to attend and vote in faculty union matters, and you will have no opportunity for the EA to advocate and intervene for you in contract or process matters affecting you personally. There will be only limited times each year when non-members can opt back in. Where can I get a copy of the faculty contract? The faculty contract, also known as the CBA (collective bargaining agreement), is available on the Human Resources section of the the MCC website, under “Employee Group Information”: http://www.mcc.edu/hr/hr_employeegroupinfo_faculty.shtml. There is a great deal of other relevant information available on this section of the website as well. If you would like a hard copy of the contract, please contact our MCCEA office clerk at mccea.office@mcc.edu or 7620343. The union office is in Curtice-Mott 2310. Who are my divisional representatives? The MCCEA Board of Directors is made up of representatives from all of the academic divisions in the college, as well as three delegates-at-large, two part-time representatives, and one representative to CPSC, the academic governing body at Mott. In addition, the Executive Board is made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Grievance Officer, Communications Officer, and Political Officer. A current list of MCCEA Board of Directors is included with this form. Elections are held every two years in December. How can I keep up-to-date on the MCCEA’s activities? Beginning in Fall 2015, the MCCEA’s monthly newsletter will be replaced by a website, mccea.wix.com. Regularly visiting the website is the best way to keep current with your EA. If you would like to read back issues of the former print newsletter, the MCCEA Forward, contact the MCCEA office clerk. You can also “like” our page on Facebook (search for “Mott Community College Education Association”) in order to receive our newsfeed on your page, and contact your divisional representatives for updates. I believe my contract rights have been violated. What do I do? Faculty and management have a mutual obligation to abide by the terms of the contract. If you believe that management has violated the contract, first contact your divisional respresentative for assistance. In addition, you can contact our Grievance Officer. Efforts are made to resolve problems informally at first; if the problem is not solved, the EA executive committee will determine whether or not to proceed with a formal grievance. I have a meeting with my dean that I fear may lead to discipline. What do I do? The CBA provides a procedure that management must follow. There must be just cause established. You have a right to union representation at any meeting that may lead to discipline or termination. You will receive a card with your “Weingarten rights” on it, which you may present at any time you are in a situation that may lead to discipline. I’m a new faculty member and I want to join the union. What do I do? New faculty members receive a membership form (blue) from Human Resources, in their packet for new hires. Please fill out the form and return it promptly to either Human Resources, or the MCCEA office in CM 2310. I’m a part-time instructor at MCC, but I also teach full-time for another school. I’m already a member of the MEA, so do I also have to join at MCC? Since you are already a member of an affiliated association, you will be considered a local member and pay dues only to the MCCEA, not the MEA or NEA. Please be sure to let the MCCEA office know you are already an MEA member, so you are not overcharged for your dues. What benefits come with being a member of the MEA? Plenty. Your MEA membership entitles you to discounts on auto insurance, groceries, and a multitude of other things. Go to www.mea.org and click on “Members Only” to learn more. MCCEA Board of Directors Fall 2015 OFFICERS Larry Juchartz Janet Westhoff John Dempsey Josua Illian Robb Dudock Jackie Knoll Brian Harding TELEPHONE President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Grievance Officer Communications Officer Political Officer/MAHE 232-2431 762-0317 232-2538 233-7814 232-4153 232-2363 762-0516 DELEGATES AND REPRESENTATIVES TELEPHONE Frank Sobie Dustin Price Debbie Ocedek Vanessa Ferguson Mari Yancho Glenn Harris 232-8032 232-8051 762-0317 232-2292 762-0322 762-5536 Delegate-at-Large (FT) Delegate-at-Large (FT) Delegate-at-Large (FT) Part-Time Representative Part-Time Representative CPSC Representative DIVISIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Frank Krcmarik John Lucchesi Jeff Simms Jennifer Fillion Diane Tremblay Kim Owens Sue Larsen Dave Butke TELEPHONE Advising Rep Business Rep Counseling Rep Fine Arts/Social Science Rep Health Science Rep Humanities Rep Science/Math Rep Technology Rep MCCEA OFFICE Michele Champion 235-5306 235-5709 232-3708 762-0518 762-5019 232-2506 762-5312 232-2445 TELEPHONE Membership Clerk 762-0343 Overview of Faculty Contract (CBA) The MCCEA strongly recommends that every new faculty member take the time to read over the faculty contract upon hiring. If you have questions, please contact either your divisional representative or your Grievance Officer, who is an expert on contract content. We also strongly encourage all faculty members to check their MCC email account regularly, as both the MCCEA and the College communicate with faculty via email on a regular basis. If you have trouble accessing your MCC email, please call 2-HELP for technical assistance. CALENDAR: Fall and winter semesters are each 15 weeks long. Fall semester begins the Tuesday after Labor Day; winter semester begins the second Saturday in January. Spring and summer semesters are each 7 ½ weeks long. Spring semester begins the Wednesday after graduation. Summer semester begins the Monday after spring semester ends. Some spring classes run for 10 weeks. Online classes always run for 15 weeks. MCC is closed for the following holidays: Labor Day, Thanksiving Day (and the day after), Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July. In addition, MCC is closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s. TEACHING LOAD: Each discipline has its own established load defined in terms of contact hours, usually between 12-18 hours for full-time faculty. Full-time faculty can teach additional hours (overload) once they have finished their first probationary semester. Part-time faculty can teach up to 3/5 load of a full-time faculty member in their discipline, not to exceed 12 credit hours. CLASS SIZE: There is a master list of maximum class sizes which cannot be increased. Faculty members cannot sign overload slips once this maximum has been reached. ABSENCE REPORTING: Each semester, faculty must report absences via WebAdvisor every three weeks. Faculty will be sent reminders, as well as stepby-step instructions on how to use WebAdvisor, via their MCC email. Faculty do not have to report absences after week 12. SUBMITTING GRADES: Faculty must submit midterm and final grades for fall/winter classes and final grades for spring/summer classes. Grades must be submitted via WebAdvisor. Faculty will be notified of the deadline for submitting grades well in advance. Faculty are advised to check their MCC email in the days following submission of grades in case of error. The CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning) offers a how-to session on submitting grades each semester. COURSE SYLLABI: Each faculty member must supply students with a course syllabus that includes course objectives, the attendance policy, and the plagiarism policy. Syllabi must also be submitted to your division office during the first week of the semester. All syllabi at MCC must also include a statement about DisAbility Services. MEETINGS: There is a mandatory (for full-time faculty) meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 3-4:30 p.m. Locations and agendas for these meetings are sent via MCC email. Divisions and disciplines may also have regular monthly meetings, usually Tuesdays at 3 pm. These meetings are optional for part-time and adjunct faculty. OFFICE HOURS: Part-time and adjunct faculty are not required to hold regular office hours, although they must make contact information available to students, be available to meet with students at the student’s request, and regularly check MCC email and voice mail. Full-time faculty are required to hold six “engagement hours” per week. “Engagement hours” can include attendance at CTL sessions, traditional office hours, or committee work; more details are in the CBA. Engagement hours need to be approved by your division dean at the beginning of each semester. GRADUATION: Commencement is the first Saturday in May, held at the Perani Arena. Full-time faculty members must participate in commencement exercises every other year, starting with the year of hire. This is mandatory. Regalia is provided by the College. Part-time and adjunct faculty may participate in commencement exercises, if they wish. STUDENT CONDUCT: The MCCEA has worked extensively with the Registrar and Dean of Counseling and Student Development to create a Student Code of Conduct that protects both faculty and student rights. We encourage all faculty members to familiarize themselves with it: http://www.mcc.edu/18_policies/student_code_of_conduct.shtml The above link also contains a flowchart that instructs faculty what to do if a student violates the Student Code of Conduct. Students have the right to file complaints against faculty/staff. These are normally handled at the division level. EVALUATION: Part-time faculty are evaluated during their first term and then every second term, up to three visits. Adjunct faculty are evaluated every three years. Full-time faculty are evaluated once a semester during their probation. BENEFITS: You will receive an overview of your benefits from HR during your new faculty orientation. However, here is some quick information: Health care: Full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty are eligible to receive health insurance, including vision and dental, through MCC (MESSA Blue Cross/Blue Shield). The College has Open Enrollment for health insurance every November. Tuition waiver: Faculty and staff, along with their dependents and spouses, are eligible for free tuition for all MCC classes. A GPA of 2.0 must be maintained. Tuition waiver for graduate study: MCC will reimburse full-time faculty for up to 75% of their tuition costs if they choose to pursue an additional graduate degree in their field. Travel money: Both full-and part-time faculty are granted travel funds to use for conferences and professional development. See your division’s DG (divisional governance) for details. Should you need additional money for professional development, you can apply through the VPAA’s office. Sick and emergency time: This is discussed in detail in Article XII of your faculty contract. Full-time faculty are credited with ten days of Sick/Emergency time at the beginning of each academic year. Part-time faculty accumulate one hour of Sick/Emergency/Personal Business time per weekly contact hour being taught, up to fifty hours. Full-time faculty cannot use Sick/Emergency time for personal business, but they are given two Personal Business days per academic year. These can be used for situations not involving illness, death, or other emergencies. Faculty members may donate unused Sick/Emergency time to colleagues who have exhausted their sick bank. Days taken off for professional development, military service, or jury duty are not deducted from a faculty member’s sick bank. The only faculty members who accumulate paid vacation time are Academic Success Specialists and Student Success Specialists.