Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School February 2015 Newsletter Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School
February 2015 Newsletter
Corpus Christi
Elementary School
4155 Elora Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3N4
Tel: 905-897-7037
Fax: 905-566-4333
Mr. E. Filippozzi
Mrs. N. Avila
School Council Chair
Mr. J. Maaolouf
Mr. C. Blanchard
Ward 4 Trustee and Past
Chair of the Board
Mrs. A. Abbruscato
905-890-0708 x 24239
Ward 6 Trustee and Past
Chair of the Board
Mrs. L. del Rosario
Parish Team
Rev. Carlos Macatangga
Cristo Rei Parish
Saint Valentine
A Prayer For Love For Others
Precious Lord Jesus, Wonderful Holy Spirit,
Awesome God, help me not to be selfish.
When I am alone, give me a heart to think not
about myself, but about others.
When I am with others, give me a heart that
forgets about myself and reaches out to them.
When I am in pain, push the pain aside so I may
be consumed by the needs and hurts of others.
Inspire me to be a beacon of your love to my
friends, family, and co-workers.
Give me a heart to make new friends regardless
of who they are.
When I meet others who are very different from
me, give me a heart to see these people as they
are where they are.
Help me to trust others even when I might be
hurt by them.
Help me to never hold a grudge or be resentful
because of what others have done.
Remind me every day to do what Jesus did in
healing and loving others.
Help me be a healing force by pushing my wants
and needs aside.
Help me to sacrifice myself for others as you
sacrificed yourself for us.
All these things I humbly pray in the name of
the most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the Mighty
God, and the Ever-present Holy Spirit upon
whom we can rely.
In the month of February we celebrate Saint
Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was a
bishop who bravely died for his faith. The
name Valentine means “Valiat” or “Strong”.
This day is connected with love because of a
legend that birds pick their mates on February 14th. Secret notes of love and friendship sent on this day are called Saint Valentine’s notes or Valentines.
Report Cards and Reporting Evening
Report Cards will be going home on Tuesday, 3rd, 2015.
Thursday, February 5th , 2015 and Friday,
February 6th is scheduled for Parent Student Teacher Conferences. A reminder that
Friday, February 6th, 2015 is a PA Day and
there are no classes for students.
National Sweater Day
National Sweater Day will be observed
board-wide on Thursday, February 5th,
2015, providing an opportunity for employees and students to learn about the importance of saving energy, while at the
same time, reminding us to use less heat
throughout the winter.
The heat in our school classrooms, other
schools in our board and in board facilities
will be turned down by 2% on National
Sweater Day and students and employees
are encouraged to wear a sweater.
Teaching for The Father Inspired by The Son Guided by The Holy Spirit
School Hours
The school hours for students are as follows:
8:30 am
10:35 am
11:30 - 12:30
1:55 pm
3:00 pm
Classes Begin
Recess Break
Lunch Break
Recess Break
Please note that supervision in the playground begins at
8:15 a.m. Please do not leave children unattended in the
school grounds before the teacher supervision begins.
School Security Protocol
In accordance with the Dufferin-Peel’s GAP Policy 509.02
we have taken proactive measures to secure the safety of
staff and students by locking the front door. Visitors may
gain entrance by pressing the buzzer mounted on the wall,
beside the door. The buzzer activates a 2-way speaker and
camera system. The Office will then be able to tell who is
at the door through a TV monitor and thus, regulate visitor
access to the school.
Have you moved?
If you have changed your phone
number(s), address or workplace it
is im p erative that you notify the
We appreciate continued parental help and support in min- school promptly. It is extremely
imizing disruptions to classes, whenever possible. By try- important that our records be curing our best not to disturb classes, except in very important rent and up-to-date. In the event of an emergency, we
situations, we are reducing disruptions to quality teaching must be able to contact you immediately.
and learning time. To this end, we ask the following:
Traffic Safety Concerns
 If you wish to discuss something with your child’s
School Driveway and Kiss/Ride
teacher, we ask that you set up an appointment with
the teacher. Approaching the teacher, before, during
The safety of our students and staff is of paramount imand/or after school makes it difficult for the teacher to
portance. Despite our ongoing conversations about traffic
focus on her/his students. This also becomes a safety
safety, and information shared in our school newsletter
issue. Please leave a message with the office and the
about the need for adherence to our school traffic circulateacher will call you back.
tion plan, we continue to experience serious incidents relat If your child is late please have him/her report to the
ed to traffic circulation at the front of the school and in the
Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival and afternoon
 Send a note in advance, to your child’s teacher when
your child needs to be picked up early, then meet them
in the office and sign them out.
Cars entering the site in the wrong direction, parking and
 If delivering lunches to your child at school, write your
pulling out of no parking zones, and parking in bus lanes,
child’s and their teacher’s names on lunch bags and
leave them on the table in the front foyer. This would to name some of the incident types, are putting the safety
of our children and staff in jeopardy. We cannot wait for a
be greatly appreciated.
serious injury, or worse to occur, before we correct this sitVisitor and Parent Sign In…..A Must
uation. We have contacted the local municipality and muMinimizing Disruptions to Classes
Please do not escort students directly to
class; rather, report to the main office.
It is important for the safety of all students
in the school that parents wear a visitor’s
sticker. Please always sign in at the office
and obtain your visitor’s sticker. It takes only a minute to
help keep your children safe. Students and staff feel safer
when a visitor’s sticker is visible on unfamiliar faces as well
as familiar ones. Your cooperation is appreciated.
nicipal by-law enforcement staff will be ticketing all cars
parked in designated fire routes, or in “no parking zones”
on the municipal streets surrounding the school.
It is imperative that all parents and guardians driving their
children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and
comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site.
Please use the Kiss/Ride Drop Off area at the North End
of the school driveway to drop off your children. The park- We applaud our students for improving their behaviours
ing spots are extremely limited, therefore, we ask that you on the playground, and we encourage them to continue to
not leave your car unattended in the driveway.
work together as a caring, catholic community.
Late Buses
During the winter months inclement
weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school
transportation and/or to close schools
is usually made by 6:30 a.m. and will
be announced over local radio and television networks. As the weather worsens please take into
consideration that buses may be delayed in reaching their
stops. We don’t wish to see students stranded out in the
elements so, on inclement days, please:
• Listen to the radio for bus cancellations.
• Consult the GeoQuery website:
• If possible, arrange for car pooling.
• Parent inquiries call Student Transportation 905- 8906000 or 1-800-668-1140.
Wait no more than 15 minutes for a late bus. Contact the
school or the above listed numbers if your bus has not arrived and wait for information regarding arrival.
Snow Stays on the Ground
As the winter weather begins, students are reminded that “Snow Stays
on the Ground”. Every child in the
school will be made aware of the importance of this rule in preventing
injury to others. Students are encouraged to constructively use the
snow that winter brings to build
snowmen, forts, snow sculptures, etc. Please assist us by
reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. Together we will continue to create a school yard
which is safe for all during winter.
Hand Washing is Important
Hand washing, when done correctly
is the single most effective way to
prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as the flu. Please help us
reinforce the proper techniques with
your children.
Follow these four simple rules:
Wet your hands with warm running water
Add soap and rub your hands together, making a
soapy lather. Do this away from the running water for
at least 15 seconds. Wash the front and back of your
hands, between your fingers and under your nails.
3. Rinse your hands well under warm running water. Let
the water run back down the sink, not down the elbows. Turn the water off with a paper towel and place
it in the garbage.
4. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel.
Using good hand washing techniques helps to reduce the
spread of infectious diseases. In the event your child does
get sick, please use discretion in keeping them at home to
recover and reduce the potential for them to spread the
infection/illness to others.
Lost and Found
The “Lost and Found Boxes”, located in the school are a
good place to start looking for missing items. Periodically,
we remind students to check the box for any items they
may have lost. Please remind your child(ren) to check the
Lost and Found Boxes if anything is lost.
Collecting of money for Pizza Days, School Trips, etc.
Please ensure that when you are submitting money with your child for
Safe Play in the School Yard
trips, food orders, etc. to please treat
them separately and send in the exact
We continue to remind our students regularly that they are
change. (We are not able to provide
to choose activities that do not involve “rough play” or
change or tamper with money in enve“body contact” of any sort. We are finding that most of
lopes). Please do not combine siblings
our students are becoming more clear on the meaning of
or single child orders together. This creates confusion for
NO “body contact” and we would ask that you also encourage the rule at home in an effort to support our school our Accounting Department. Your co-operation in this
rules and maintain consistency and safety for all students. matter is appreciated.
School Travel Planning Team
It’s winter, don’t hibernate. Walk to school and celebrate!
Celebrate Winter Walk Day at our school on Thursday,
February 12th, 2015 and everyday this month! The ideas
below are on how to make winter walking fun and how
students can stay safe and warm.
How to dress for winter walking:
 Keep your hands and head covered, and layer clothing
to prevent heat loss
 Wear a scarf over your face and mouth
 Wear warm, waterproof boots with good treads
 Wear a warm coat that deflects the wind
Wear clothing or carry knapsacks with reflective material – it's important to be seen
If possible, change wet clothes at school – tuck an extra pair
of socks and mitts into knapsacks
Tips for walking when it’s cold outside:
 Avoid icy surfaces and walk where you’ll be shielded
from the wind
 Choose a route that’s been cleared of ice and snow
 Watch for cars when passing snow banks
Below -25 degrees Celsius is considered too cold for walking so walk in-doors or select another day for outdoor activities or walking to school
Winter Walk ideas:
 Hand out hot chocolate to walkers as they arrive at
 Have a friendly challenge between classes or even another school
 Reward classes with the 'golden snow boot' award – an
old boot spray painted gold
 Have the students challenge the teachers to walk in
winter and track progress on the school bulletin board
 Wear funky hats or decorate snow boots
Catholic School Learning Team
Catholic School Learning Team
Our Catholic School Learning Team and School Faculty
continue to work on goals developed by school Team and
faculty. Along with our overall school goals faculty and
students will focus on Learning Skills and Work Habits.
Each month in the newsletter we will share a description of
the Learning Skill that will be focused on by all faculty and
In the month of February there will be special focus on Collaboration. The following are sample behaviours which are
designed to help identify strengths and support of the
learning skill of Collaboration
Collaboration: consider how well your child:
 Accepts various roles and an equitable share of the
work within a group
 Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and
traditions of others;
 Builds healthy peer relationships;
 Works with others to resolve conflicts and builds consensus to achieve group goals; and
 Shares information, resources, and expertise to solve
problems and make decisions
At home you could consider how well your child:
 Takes turns and shares with others
 Works well with family and solves problems in a positive way
 Shows respect to towards others at all times
Catholic Schools Council Meeting
An exciting part of our Walk to School Day will be the Staff Our next Catholic School Council Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. in our school
vs Student Hockey Game outside at 1 pm followed by
library. We hope to see you there.
Hot Chocolate and Cookies for students.
Catholic Schools Council Annual Fundraiser
Our Catholic Schools Council Annual Fundraiser has just
kicked off. Please support our fundraiser and our Catholic
School Council Initiatives.
Get your money in by FEBRUARY 2nd and you could win a
Gift Card to Toys R US! *
Get your money in by FEBRUARY 9th and you could win
either a Door Basketball Set (Boy’s) or Skate Board (Girl’s)!
Get your money in by FEBRUARY 12th and you could win
an Ipod Nano!
Sell 1 Case of Chocolates or $40 donation for 1 Box Get
1 Ticket towar ds pr izes
Sell 2 Cases of Chocolates or $80 donation for 2 Boxes
Get 3 Tickets towards prizes
Sell 3 Cases of Chocolates or $120 donation for 3 Boxes
Get 5 Tickets towards prizes
Get your money in by the final date FEBRUARY 17th and
you could win
the grand prize being a BIKE!!!!!**
Family Literacy Program:!
Free workshops for families offered by the Region of Peel
At Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School
The Family Literacy Program is for families with children
aged 0 – 6 years, older siblings are welcome. Families come
together for stories, parent discussion on literacy strategies,
activities and snack.
Please register by calling 905 791 1585 x7222. We hope to
see you there.
We want you to
read our
Answer the question below and you can help
your child win a $2
voucher towards Toonie
Tuesday or Thrilling
Thursdays, courtesy of
Mr. Filippozzi.
What is the percentage that the school
temperature will be dropped on National Sweater Day?
The Virtues
February Virtue of the Month is RESPECT
During the month of February, we celebrate the virtue of
“Respect”. God has given us the virtues of friends and
companions to keep us company and to help us to get
A person with Respect:
 Is patient
 Knows how to wait his/her turn
 Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting
to situations
 Knows how to avoid physical aggression
 Can think things through and do what is best for everyone
Child’s Name:
Date: ________________________
Please return to Mrs. Avila ASAP
Congratulations to last month’s winners:
Kian R. in Mrs. Walkey’s Class
Natasha R. in Mrs. Kubicki’s Class
Grabriela V. in Mr. MacDonald’s Class