Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School April 2016 Newsletter Spring Prayer

Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School
April 2016 Newsletter
Corpus Christi
Elementary School
4155 Elora Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3N4
Tel: 905-897-7037
Fax: 905-566-4333
Mr. E. Filippozzi
Mrs. N. Avila
School Council Chair
Mr. J. Maaolouf
Mr. T. Lariviere
Ward 4 Trustee and Past
Chair of the Board
Mrs. A. Abbruscato
905-890-0708 x 24239
Ward 6 Trustee and Past
Chair of the Board
Mrs. L. del Rosario
Parish Team
Rev. Carlos Macatangga
Cristo Rei Parish
EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments
Spring Prayer
Good and gracious God
This time of year we think of all
the things
we should be thankful for.
We take a moment today to give
thanks for
the blessings you have given
Thank you for our friends, our
families, for
laughter, for sunshine, for the
gentle rains,
and the beautiful skies.
May we always see the blessings in our lives
and take time to appreciate
Each Ontario student in Grades 3 and 6 will
be assessed in Reading, Writing and Math
for a period of 3 days beginning May 25th,
2016, through June 8th, 2016. Kindly avoid
booking dental, doctor and other appointments during this period. If you have a
child in either grade 3 or 6 you will receive
specific communication and information
regarding the Provincial Assessment just
prior to the testing period
School Hours
The school hours for students are as follows:
8:30 am
10:35 am
11:30 - 12:30
1:55 pm
3:00 pm
Classes Begin
Recess Break
Lunch Break
Recess Break
Please note that supervision in the playground begins at 8:15 a.m. Please do not
leave children unattended in the school
grounds before the teacher supervision begins.
Teaching for The Father Inspired by The Son Guided by The Holy Spirit
Rosary Bracelet Making Workshop to Corpus Christi
On March 23, 2016 students in Grade 2 participated in a
special Rosary Bracelet Making Workshop. They were
taught to make a beautiful glass pearl and crystal rosary
bracelet with a cross charm for the girls and a wooden rosary bracelet with a cross charm for the boys. This workshop was a creative and fun activity and gave students an
opportunity for artistic expression. This workshop was free
of charge to students due to compliments of parent council
(the First Communion gift). The bracelets will be blessed at
the school Easter Mass and distributed to gr.2 students prior their communion day so they could wear them on their
big day.
School Lockdown Drill
It is a policy in Dufferin Peel CDSB that all of its schools
conduct a “Lockdown Procedure” twice a year. This will be
initiated should an emergency exist on school property or
in the surrounding neighborhood. Part of the process is to
practice the “Lockdown Procedures” as we practice our
Fire Drills.
During the last week of April we will be conducting our
second Lockdown Drill with our staff and students. The
procedures that we will follow have been recommended by
the Board.
Students will be instructed that when they hear the announcements “Initiate Lockdown Procedure” followed by
the repeated ringing of the bell, all staff and students will
follow the following actions:
Thank you to parent council for providing this opportunity
to our gr.2 students.
School Organization 2016-2017
School organization for next year is in the planning stages.
Timelines for making decisions about the number of classes
and teacher assignments will be tentatively determined by
the end of June. To help us with our planning for September 2016, it would be appreciated if you could let us know
now if you will be moving out of our school area over the
All students and staff inside the building will remain in their classrooms.
Students or staff in the hallways or washrooms will
be expected to go to the closest classroom.
Students and staff will remain in the classroom
until further instructions are given.
All students and staff who are outside the building
are to quickly move as far away from the building
as possible and remain there until further instructions are provided.
The drill will be conducted with as much sensitivity as posCreating Classes for Next Year
sible in order not to cause undue concern with students. If
you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
We will be beginning the process by making up the class
to contact the school. Please assist us with this drill by relists for the 2016-2017 school year this April. This is a com- viewing the Lock Down Procedures with your child(ren).
plex process, and is done in consultation with this years’
teachers, support staff and administration. In each class we
School Dress Code Reminders
strive for a balance of learning styles, a balance of gender, a
balance of learning needs, and a cross section of abilities.
We expect that warmer weather will
If you as a parent wish to provide input into the process,
soon be here, making classrooms
please take into consideration the following guidelines:
somewhat warm and bringing about
more casual dress. With this in mind,
 Input must be in written form to Mr. Filippozzi no later
we will be discussing with students,
than Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.
what is generally considered to be
 Frame your request in terms of educational contexts
suitable clothing for school. Clothing
e.g. your child’s learning needs/style; information not
should be comfortable, tasteful and appropriate for a
already known to the school; tips on what has worked school environment. Please refer to the Dress Code Section
best for your child in the past
of the Student’s Agenda.
 Please be advised that letters which cite the names of
individual teachers, or names of children you wish to
Shorts are permitted, as long as they are neither too tight
be placed with your child will not be considered.
nor too short. Tank tops, tube tops, halter-tops, muscle
shirts or anything that exposes midriffs are not suitable for
There is no guarantee that requests will be fulfilled, but all any student from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Slogans on
will be considered.
t-shirts will also be carefully monitored. The intent of our
school dress code policy is to continue to provide modest,
yet comfortable work atmosphere for our students during
the school day. We look forward to your continued support as concerned parents.
Clean Clothing Reminder
Catholic Schools Council Meeting
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. in our school
library. We hope to see you there.
At times, our play area behind
the school can become quite
muddy. We ask that students Please support our fundraiser and our Catholic School
keep an extra pair of pants and Council Initiatives.
socks in their backpacks or at
school. Many parents are unable to bring a change of clothes
when needed during the day.
The Virtues
April Virtue of the Month is LOVE
During the month of April, we celebrate the virtue of
LOVE. God has given us many guidelines and examples
Corpus Christi Catholic
School has
of how to live our lives. He sent his Son Jesus to make sure
MANY students that have SEVERE LIFEthat we could see what life could be like. Jesus made one
THREATENING allergies to foods that
lesson clear above all other lessons—the lesson of love.
may contain peanuts. To ensure the safety
Love is not about us—it is about forgetting ourselves and
of all our students, we request that no
looking out for the good of the other. That’s what Jesus
foods be brought to school that may condid—he forgot about himself on purpose. He chose to give
tain peanuts or peanut by-products.
up his life for the good of others—us! Becoming a truly
Birthdays can be celebrated without food.
loving person is challenging. It takes prayer and concenStudents are asked to bring pencils, erasers or items from tration to get used to making little sacrifices for the good of
the dollar store for their classmates, instead of food. Your others. Making little sacrifices on purpose so that others
co-operation is greatly appreciated!
will have a bit of food, a bit of shelter, a bit of peace, a bit of
quiet, a bit of fun, a bit of friendship.
Collecting of money for Pizza Days, School Trips, etc.
A LOVING person:
 Wants the best for others
Please ensure that when you are sub-  Is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others
mitting money with your child for
 Learns from the heroic lives of saints and holy people
trips, food orders, etc. to please treat  Knows that we are all lovable
them separately and send in the exact  Prays for others
change. (We are not able to provide
change or tamper with money in enSacramental Dates
velopes). Please do not combine siblings or single child orders together. First Holy Communion at Cristo Rei Parish - Saturday,
This creates confusion for our Accounting Department.
April 24th, 2016
Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.
Sacrament of Confirmation at Cristo Rei Parish - Sunday,
April 24th, 2016