J A N U A R Y & F E B R U R A R Y 2 0 1 6 Canadian Martyrs Catholic School 1185 Mississauga Valley Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3R7 Telephone: (905) 275-0094 Fax: (905) 275-8187 School Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/CMART Principal P. Wild Vice Principal M. Greenan Head Secretary M. Lo-Guidice Assistant Secretary P. Giansante Superintendent T. Lariviere Mississauga East (905) 890-1221 Trustee A. Abbruscato (905) 890-1221 Ward 4 Anna.Abbruscato@dpcds b.org Parish Sts. Peter & Paul 4070 Central Parkway E. Mississauga, Ontario (905) 273-6630 Pastors Father Panarnas Father Ogugbuaja School Council Chairs MJ. Ferreira S. Perera Prayer for a New Year Come Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Risen Christ, Be with us today and always. Be our Light, our Guide and our Comforter. Be our Strength, our Courage, and our Sanctifier. May this year be a time Of deep spiritual growth for us, A time of welcoming your graces and gifts, A time of forgiving freely and unconditionally, A time for growing in virtue and goodness. Come Holy Spirit, Be with us today and always. Amen Save the Date! JAN. 25 WELCOME TO FDK NIGHT Come register your Kindergarten child from 7-9 PM FEB.2 REPORT CARDS GO HOME FEB.4 &5 SCHEDULED FOR PARENTTEACHER INTERVIEWS FEB. 5 PA DAY NO SCHOOL JANUARY VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: SELF-CONTROL The month of January will focus on the virtue of Self-Control. God has given us the ability to choose how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. A person with self-control… reacting to situations (hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, etc.) through and do what is best for everyone Virtues Award Winners for the Month of December Stephanie K., Berbarah S., Neora L., Dominic W., Riley K., Vivianne G., Steven S., Alaina D., Maya E., Ronnie N., Kian H.-Z., Joey C., Serena G., Mirna R., Daniella B., Solly J., Treshan F., Ethan G., Rami S., Lizbeth R., Victoria R., Alyson L. 2 FULL DAY K REGISRATION INFORMATION Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools hold Kindergarten Registration in January 2016 Kindergarten registration for the 2016-17 school year, will be held at all Dufferin-Peel Catholic elementary schools on January 25th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. and January 27, 28, 29 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. *A snow date has been designated on January 26 from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. Dufferin-Peel offers the full-day Kindergarten program in all 123 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Registration materials will be available on the board website and in our schools in January. Parents/guardians are to register their child in person at their designated Catholic school. To inquire about home school locations/boundary areas, please contact the Planning Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440. The following documents are required for registration: proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport) Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (for child and/or parent/guardian) or baptismal certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is a baptized Roman Catholic or has been baptized in an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must bring their own baptismal certificate. updated immunization records (Immunization Card, Peel Health Form or Letter of Exemption) proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate/Passport) or permanent resident status proof of home address (two of the following: property tax bill, current utility bill, real estate document or Government of Canada issued forms) emergency rural address numbers for identifying your property, if applicable (residents of Caledon and Dufferin County) proof of English Separate School Support (may be done at the time of registration by completing an Application For the Direction of School Support and/or a Separate School Lease Agreement available at the school) Admissions are open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least 4 years of age by December 31, 2016. For more information, parents/guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the board website, or call the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board at 905-890-1221. Registration Packages can now be picked up in the school office. 3 In The News EARTH RANGERS PRESENTATION On January 11th,, Earth Rangers treated our Grades 1-6 students with an Environmental presentation. Students met a snake, a skunk named “Daisy” an African Serval and a Peregrine Falcon. All of these animals have one thing in common- they are all endangered! Students are encouraged to select an animal to help and log on to the website: earthrangers.com Start helping today! Knowledge Building Circles Students in Ms. Perrozzo’s Grade ¾ Class take part in a knowledgebuilding circle to share ideas, question each other’s thinking and ask new questions! String was used to show the path of the students’ conversation and to illustrate how an idea grows when we work on improving it with each other! Please join us at our next Parent Council meeting on Wednesday March 9th at 6:30 in the school library! 4 LATE BUSES EMERGENCY SCHOOL PROCEDURES During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced over local radio and television networks. As the weather worsens please take into consideration that buses may be delayed in reaching their stops. We don’t wish to see students stranded out in the elements so, on inclement days, please: Listen to the radio for bus cancellations. Consult the GeoQuery website: www.stopr.ca If possible, arrange for car pooling Parent inquiries call Student Transportation 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140 Wait no more than 15 minutes for a late bus. Contact the school or the above listed numbers if your bus has not arrived and wait for information regarding arrival. There may be days during the upcoming winter months when inclement weather presents a potential safety hazard to our students. It is essential that parents and children discuss the procedures that they wish to follow for safe arrival at home. For students that do not take the bus please determine: *the best way to walk home; *with whom the child should walk; *where the child should go if there is no one at home; *how the child should seek help if wind and snow are so strong that they cannot see the way home; *ensure school emergency contact information is updated and accurate. SNOW AND ICE For students who do take the bus: Snow is part of our winter life in Canada, providing both frustration and enjoyment. We all like to play in it; however, snow and ice can be very dangerous. In fact, most injuries happen during wintertime. For safety reasons, our school rule must be that snow stays on the ground – no snowball throwing, kicking snow or any other activity with snow or ice that could be harmful, which includes sliding on slopes or ice patches. It is a fact that bad weather may cause delays for student pick up at bus stops. Please ensure that your child has a safe place to go if the bus is late or does not arrive. If you notice that a student is stranded at a bus stop, please attempt to contact the child’s parent. It is not recommended that parents volunteer to drive another child to school without the permission of the child’s parent. If you decide to transport your child to school because buses have been cancelled, please ensure that you have made arrangements for their return home at the end of the school day. 5 OUTDOOR RECESS STUDENT PUNCTUALITY Our students need to bring the necessary clothing and shoes/boots with them in order to ensure that they are dressed appropriately to meet the challenges of the winter season. Warm clothes, snow pants, boots, gloves, mittens, hats, scarves and coats are needed for outdoor play. Having an extra pair of clean/dry socks and mittens is always appreciated for children that play in the snow. Please note that recess is part of our school day and all students are expected to go outside for recess. If a student is too ill to participate in all components of the school day, including recess, please do not send him/her to school. If there are specific medical reasons which should exclude a child from going outside, please submit a doctor’s note to the office. At times, the weather conditions will not allow students to go outside for recess. This decision is made in accordance with the DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board Policy and Peel Public Health Cold Weather Guidelines, which direct schools to modify recesses when temperatures reach -20 C or colder (with or without wind chill) and to keep children indoors when the temperature reach -25 C or colder (with or without wind chill). (At -20° C, students will be outside for both AM and PM recesses and for not longer than 20 minutes during the lunch recess.) Punctuality is a necessary life skill that if practiced now, will be beneficial in the future. Arriving early or promptly for your day at work enables you to compose yourself and ease gently into your environment. Children who arrive late are often out- of-sorts and rushed into beginning their day. Their time to socialize and greet their peers is lost in their hurried entry into the classroom. It is the school expectation that instruction begin at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. late arrival disturbs the class and interrupts lessons both in the morning and when students return late after lunch. For those parents that ensure early arrival for their children, thank you. For those who are regularly late, please make every effort to arrive between 8:15 and 8:25 a.m. If by chance students are late, we ask that they obtain a late slip from the office. This late slip is not meant as a punishment but an important link in our safe entry process. When a child is alerted to the office as absent, the secretary crossreferences to students who have entered late before making calls home to confirm a child reported as absent. INDOOR SHOES VISITOR AND PARENT SIGN IN -BOOK All students are asked to bring a pair of indoor shoes to school. Students are to change into their indoor shoes when in the building. A MUST- Please do not escort students directly to class; rather, report to the main office. It is very important for the safety of all students in the school that parents wear a visitor’s sticker. Please always sign in at the office and obtain your visitor’s sticker. It takes only a minute to help keep your children safe. Students and staff feel safer when a visitor’s sticker is visible on unfamiliar faces as well as familiar ones. Your cooperation is appreciated. This will assist in keeping our classrooms clean and dry. (Wet floors can cause slips and falls.) Also, in the event of a fire alarm, students will not be able to stop to put their boots on; therefore, it is critical for students to wear shoes at all times. 6 SCHOOL LOCKDOWN DRILL PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY It is a policy of the Dufferin-Peel CDSB that all schools conduct a practice of “Lockdown Procedures and/or Hold and Secure” at least twice a year. This procedure will be initiated should an emergency exist on school property or in the surrounding neighbourhood. Listed are the procedures that our students have been trained to follow. Teachers regularly practice this precautionary drill with their classes and the school has held one formal practice this winter. Upon hearing the announcement “Initiate Lockdown Procedures”. A reminder that Friday, February 5th, 2016 is a Professional Activity Day designated for ParentTeacher Interviews. There will be no classes for students. Thursday, February 4th, 2016 is scheduled for Parent Student Teacher Conferences in the evening. Term 1 Report Cards go home on Tuesday February 2nd, 2016. Students in classrooms will remain in their locked classroom, in a corner of the room which is out of the sightline of all windows and doors. All students and staff who are outside the building are to move quickly to our evacuation site of Briarwood School and remain there until further direction. The announcement “Lockdown Procedures complete” will indicate the completion of the drill. PIZZA LUNCHES Pizza will be delivered every Thursday for those students who wish to purchase a slice. Pizza can only be ordered in the morning not at lunchtime. This cost for a slice of pizza is $1.50. Thank you to the Pizza Volunteer Team for providing a healthy alternative. We welcome new volunteers to help out with our Pizza Lunches. If you are interested, please let us know at the office. VALUBLES AT SCHOOL Please remember that Board policy governs the use of personal electronic devices at school, especially cell phones. Only students who have completed the board PED Consent form are authorized to use PEDs at Canadian Martyrs During the school day, these devices must be turned off and kept in a secure location, except as directed by the teacher for learning purposes. Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school. Although we do our best to ensure that personal items are kept safe, we cannot always monitor money, jewelry, electronics, toys, etc. It is best if these items are kept at home. Please follow on Twitter us at: @CMartDPCDSB Parents are also cautioned to lock up or keep a close eye on valuables such as purses when visiting the school for events. 7 Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Bus and School Cancellation Notifications Kiss n’ Ride News Our Kiss n’ Ride in the morning has been improving. We thank all parents who use the drop off program to remember the following: A decision to cancel school transportation and/or close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually made by 6:00 AM. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel transportation and/or close schools. Have your child(ren) exit the car on the right (curb) side of the lane. Children exiting into the traffic lane may not be seen by drivers leaving the area. Also parents please do not open car doors into the traffic lane. Please listen for DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD cancellations or closures. Announcements are made on the following radio and television stations: Never park or leave your car in the Kiss n’ Ride lane, the traffic lane or beside the garbage dumpster area. Please drive as far up the lane as you can so that we can fill the lane for drop offs. VIRGIN RADIO FM99.9 CHUM AM1050 CJCL AM590 CJBC (FR) AM860 CHFI FM98.1 EZ ROCK FM97.3 CFTR AM680 CFRB AM1010 FM Z103.5 FM93.1 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 CBC FM99.1 CTV CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CANADA AM Please be considerate of others. Parents please stay in the car. Have your child ready to go with coats, mitts, hats and backpacks ready to exit the car. Do not exit vehicles to walk with your child to the school doors or park to watch your child. If you have a child in Kindergarten please let us know if and we will have a helper assist him/her to class. Parents are always welcome to park in the parking lot or on the street if you would like to spend more time dropping off your child. PICKING UP YOUR CHILD Our parking lot is closed at 2:00 each day and is marked with orange pylons. Only School Board, Day Care, Programs, and Disabled vehicles are allowed to bypass the pylons and enter the parking lot. Please be mindful that u-turns are not allowed on the street and to observe all parking signs. Parking in the Fire Lane in front of the school or in the Kiss and Ride Lane may result in a ticket. 8