

1195 Clarkson Rd

Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2W1

Phone: 905. 822-0721

Fax: 905. 822- 0214


School Newsletter September 2015


C. Bova


A.J. Hilario

Head Secretary

K. Romani

Assistant Secretary

G. Cantore


D. Amaral

(905) 890.1221


S. Hobin

Bus: (905) 890.1221

Cell: (905) 301.1210


St. Christopher’s

Catholic Church

1171 Clarkson Road

Mississauga, ON L5J 2W 1

Phone: (905) 822-1171

Fax: (905) 8221311


Reverend Scott Young

School Council Chair:

C. Cappuccitti

Enclosures this month include:

 Update from the

Trustee S. Hobin

 Update from our


D. Amaral

 Duty to Report

 School Year


Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart

Welcome Back…

On behalf of the staff at St. Christopher Catholic School, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the new families and to those returning to St.

Christopher this year. We trust that over the summer you had the opportunity to rest, relax and to enjoy peaceful times with family and friends.

Once again, we extend a special welcome to our Year 1 of FDK students who began school for the first time and to all the new families joining our Catholic community. We would also like to welcome Mr. Evans who is covering Mrs. Gabrielli’s maternity leave.

As you know, September is always a busy time of year and it brings about many changes. Please know that not all staffing and/or new registrations can be completed on the first day of school. This may mean some adjustments during the first few weeks of school up to Sept. 18th.

Please know that the Ministry imposes class size caps, which can impact on staff and school organization. The loss and retention of students may have a similar impact. We will make every effort to keep these changes to a minimum.

The staff have spent a great deal of time creating the very best class lists based on sound pedagogical criteria. Your support is most appreciated in this matter.

This week we began a new academic year full of ambition and hope. As we begin our new year, let us be reminded that God gives us each day as a gift.

Each day, He encourages us to work really hard and be kind to one another…in doing so, amazing things will happen. May God continue to bless us and keep us safe this year.


Mrs. C. Bova and Mrs. A.J. Hilario

St. Christopher School Hours

Morning Bell 8:15a.m.

Morning Recess

Lunch Recess

Afternoon Recess




September Newsletter


Virtue of the Month:


God created us to live together as a family rooted in Christ.

A faithful person …

• prays from the heart whenever they can

• learns from Bible stories

• believes that there is good in everyone

• knows that we are all created and loved by God

FAITH believes the incredible, sees the invisible, and receives the impossible. A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, cared for, and included, especially at school.

FAITH is the great virtue of believing and trusting in God. Our faith helps us to remember the importance of God in our lives, and calls us to deepen our relationship with God, when things are going well and when they are not.


Let us now pray for the Virtue of FAITH, for the grace and strength to be people of FAITH-people who can truly believe that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe at school. Amen.

From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations, I AM A BELIEVER, a discerning believer formed in the Catholic faith community who integrates faith with life.

Please Note These Upcoming Dates:

September 18 P.A. Day – reorganization day

September 25 Pizza Lunch order forms are due

September 24 Sch.Council Nominations due 3pm

September 24 Book Fair Begins

September 28 School Council meeting 7p.m.

September 28 School Picture Day—smile!

September 29 Immunization Grade 7 student and

Grade 8 girls only

October 1 First School Mass 12:30pm

October 2

October 12

Terry Fox Walk

Thanksgiving Day – No school


For your child’s safety, we request that children not be on school property until supervision begins at 8:00 a.m.


The safety and security of all children in our care is one of our prime concerns. In order to ensure safety and security, we are asking all visitors to the school, including parents, to come to the office through the front door when you arrive. No parent(s) should access the school through any other doors other than the main entrance. All visitors, including parents, are required to sign in and sign out in the main office when entering the school. Identification badges or a visitor sticker are to be worn while visiting the school. In addition to ensuring the security of the children in the school, this will allow the staff to get to know the visitors and parents. We ask for your cooperation in making this system work. “For Safety’s sake!”

Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart September Newsletter 2


The “Kiss and Ride” lanes are an area concern for the safety of all our students, staff and parents.

Here are the expectations and procedures for the Kiss and Ride Lane:

The yellow striped lanes are for walkers; please obey the teacher on duty.

The lane entitled “Kiss and Ride” is for you to drop off your children. The children are to exit the vehicle from

 the passenger side closest to the school. There is absolutely no parking in this lane.

The final lane closest to the Church is the drive through lane for drive through traffic. This is not for stopping, or parking.

If you need to stop the car, get out and help your child out of the car you are to use the parking lot. The Kiss and Ride area is not to be used for parking purposes.

Also no one should be driving in the parking area at the west end of the school to drop off or pick up children or park in the fire route area. All students should be dropped off and picked up in the Kiss and

Ride area. You risk the chance of being ticketed.

The safety of our students, teachers and community is our priority. Thank you, for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any concerns about this matter, please contact the office.

Entrance Exit


Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart

Drive through Lane: No Parking/No stopping

Kiss and Ride Lane Drop Off

No Parking



Busses Only

September Newsletter



Your child has received a package which contains a number of forms requiring your attention. Of particular importance is the Information Verification Form . We ask that you take a few minutes and review this information to ensure its accuracy. Please make any changes needed directly onto the sheet and return to your child’s teacher this week. Please add area codes for all phone numbers. ALL BLUE SHEETS NEED TO BE

RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible, even if there are no corrections needed. It is very important that we have accurate phone numbers and contact persons in the event that we need to contact you in an emergency.


All students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. In the event that your child will be late or absent, please call the school and follow the prompts to leave a message. This can be done 24 hours a day.

For students who are absent and for whom a call is not received, we will attempt to contact you.

PLEASE CALL: 905-822-0721 Press # 1

Please leave the following information:

Date of the absence

Student’s full name

Grade level and teacher

Reason for absence

Expected date for student to return


If your son / daughter has any medical concerns, please ensure that you inform the school. Information may be shared directly with the classroom teacher / office. If medication is required, forms will be sent for completion by parents and the family doctor. All information is held in confidence.


Please speak with the office staff if there any concerns or needed consideration regarding the storage of medication. Parents are required to complete a “Request for Storage of Medication” available through the school’s office.


As a caring community, St. Christopher School is committed to supporting the needs and safety of all our students. Our student population includes students who are susceptible to anaphylactic reactions and who have severe life-threatening allergies.

Although we have always tried to ensure that the products we provide to our students are safe (Terra Cotta

Cookies, etc.), we would like to continue taking additional steps to ensure the safety of all our students. Once again this year, we ask that parents avoid sending food products to school for special celebrations (i.e. birthdays). If you would like to send treats in to your child’s classroom, we encourage you to send non-edible items such as stickers, erasers, pencils, small toys, etc. Another idea may be a board game or books for the classroom to share. This is completely optional.

Please be informed that if food products are sent to school they will remain in the office and sent home with the student at the end of the day. Please rest assured that many of the exciting school sponsored activities at St. Chris

(i.e. pizza days, Lunch Moms, sub days, etc.) will continue and are in compliance with the Government of Ontario’s Food and Beverage Policy (PPM 150).

Parents will be informed well in advance that these activities will be taking place. Specifically for classroom parties or cupcake days, if you do not wish your child to participate, please inform your child’s teacher that your child is not permitted to consume any treats. Through a cooperative effort, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our students by adopting these policies. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation!


Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart September Newsletter


Head lice are always present in the community. By checking your child’s head once a week for head lice, you will catch it early and treat it before it has a chance to spread. Should you suspect that your child(ren) have head lice, please notify the school. Please remember, an infestation of lice is not a reflection of the cleanliness of your child. A reminder to refrain from sharing hats, brushes, etc., at any time, but especially during the cooler months. Any infected student will need to be rechecked before re-entry into class.

The Facts of LICE (Pediculosis)

HEAD LICE are small insects that live on human hair.

HEAD LICE can be a pest but they are NOT a health problem.

People DO NOT get HEADLICE because they are not clean.

HEAD LICE is common in school aged children.

If you have any questions please contact the Region of Peel Health Department at 905.799.7700 or visit


Open communication between home and school is very important. Although we will be reporting to you formally during the year, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call at the onset of a concern usually resolves itself before it becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any concerns about your child, we will also contact you at the earliest opportunity. Please use your child’s agenda to maintain communication with the teacher. If you wish to meet with a teacher please phone the school for an appointment.


We are pleased to once again be offering hot lunches. Hot lunches will be provided through Lunch Moms on

Mondays and Fridays for all grades. The school office will also be offering Sub days which will be on alternate

Wednesdays. Brochures with dates and pricing will be distributed to the students.


We have many parents who drop off lunches for their child(ren) at school. Classes are not to be interrupted for students to pick up lunches. Please advise your child(ren) in the morning to expect a lunch to be dropped off prior to the lunch time. There is a table outside the main office where lunches can be left; please ensure your child’s first and last name is on their lunch. The students will be allowed to come down and pick up their lunch prior to lunch time.


Friday, September 18, 2015 has been designated as a Professional Activity Day for teachers for faith development, curriculum and reorganization (as needed). There will be no classes for students.


Photographs of students will take place on Monday, September 28, 2015. All students will have their picture taken in the morning or afternoon.

Photo Retake Day will take place on Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

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September Newsletter


St. Christopher School Terry Fox Walk will take place on Friday, October 2, 2015. We will walk in the neighbourhood and around our school. While this event is a fun day for students, it is also an important occasion to focus on the ongoing efforts of many to continue the research that leads to better treatments for cancer, a cure and to maintain student awareness. St Christopher has raised over $14,640.00 in the past 11 years through the donations brought in on this annual event. Thank you for your support! More information will follow.


Next Meeting: Monday, September 28


@ 7:00pm (Elections)

Communication between home and school is greatly enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic

School Council. All parents/guardians are encouraged to come out to meetings and participate.

The aim of the Catholic School Council is to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board and the Catholic community it serves and to advise the

Principal and the Board. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS will take place on Monday, September

28 th . Nomination forms are available at the office or please see attached. All parent nominations must be submitted by Thursday, Sept 24 nd , 3:00 p.m. to the office .

Why you join should join the 2015/2016 St. Christopher Catholic School Council:

Have fun , meet great people and be part of a network of parents who share a common goal.

Get connected – there’s no better way to know about what is going on in the school

Make a difference – contribute meaningfully to our children’s overall experience at the school.

Be a role model – demonstrate to your kids that their education is important.

Help raise funds to enhance the learning environment.

It’s flexible – time commitment can be as little or as much as you have time for.

It’s for every parent – your voice and opinion matters!

We will be having our first Council meeting on Monday, September 28 at 7:00pm in the Library. We encourage you to come out and meet the current members and see firsthand what a rewarding experience it can be. Any parents interested in being on Council should fill out a nomination form (attached, and available in the school office) and return it to the office or bring it with you to our first meeting.

St. Christopher is an awesome place, in large part thanks to the dedicated group of parents that serve on the

School Council. We look forward to seeing you!


Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart September Newsletter

October 1

December 10

February 10

March 10

April 5

June 2







Liturgical Dates

Opening Mass at School 12:30 pm

Advent Family Mass 6:30 pm


Lenten Mass 12:30 pm

Easter Mass 12:30 pm

End of Year Mass 12:30 @ Church

June 27 Grade 8 Graduation Mass & Ceremony 7:00 pm @ Church

Parish Information – St. Christopher Catholic Church

1171 Clarkson Road North, Mississauga L5J2W1 (905) 822-1171

Pastor: Rev. Scott Young

St. Christopher Catholic Church Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Sunday 12:00 p.m.

Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental preparation is done through St. Christopher Church. We are pleased to collaborate with the parish in preparing our students for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the parish.


Student Transportation of Peel Region

(STOPR) is a consortium, formed by agreement between the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School Board, for the purpose of providing a common administration of transportation services for our school students. Please access the STOPR website to determine if your child is eligible for busing for this school year. If you would like to request busing for your son or daughter please ask the office for a

‘courtesy seat request’ form. While the school will accept these “Courtesy Seat requests” to fill empty seats, no action will be taken until October in filling these seats. Therefore, no eligibility will be granted until October.

The STOPR website also provides access to up-to-date information regarding delayed buses as well as bus cancellations due to inclement weather. This website also includes transportation policies, procedures, forms and frequently asked questions. For more information, visit

Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart

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September Newsletter


If you're interested in helping at the school, and do not have a Criminal Reference Check , we are more than happy to give you the necessary forms to be signed and completed. Criminal Reference Checks are free of charge for volunteers with school-issued forms available from the office .

All volunteers, including those going on one day school trips and volunteer drivers, must have a Criminal Reference

Check completed by the Peel Police. We're very thankful and appreciative of everyone’s commitment and support to the safety of our students at St. Christopher.


Important notice to parents/ guardians regarding insurance for students who participate in out-ofschool excursions and extra-curricular sports activities.

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires that parents, guardians and adult students provide written acknowledgment that they have received the ‘insuremykids’ student accident insurance brochure. This requirement applies to all students participating in out-of-school excursions and/or extra-curricular sports activities.

Although the Board takes every precaution to provide a safe learning environment for students, accidents can and do happen. Some injuries result in medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by the provincial health care or employer group plans. As a parent, guardian or an adult student you become responsible for these expenses. Some families have private accident insurance which is able to respond to costs arising from injuries however many families do not.

Under the Education Act, an Ontario school board may “provide, by contract with an insurer under the

Insurance Act, accident and life insurance for pupils, the cost of which is to be paid on a voluntary basis by the parents or guardians. R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, s. 176, par. 4.”

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board does not and cannot insure students. Coverage may be purchased through the Reliable Life Insurance Company ( or through their family’s individual work or private plan. For more information, please contact:

Telephone; 1-800-463-5437 (toll free), or 905-523-6525



Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart September Newsletter


From Your Catholic School Trustee

Sharon Hobin

Dear Lord, please bless us as we begin this new school year and guide us to be your beacons of light on earth.

Welcome to everyone including our new students and their families. To our Full Day

Kindergarten parents who are joining us for the first time we thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child or children. We endeavor to give all our students the desire to learn so as to understand better God's world in a respectful, non-threatening environment. This is fundamental to our philosophy of Catholic education.

A special welcome to our grade nine students who are now on a new adventure. Your four years will fly by. Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our Link Crew and Get Ready for Secondary School programs. Never be afraid to ask questions. I hope that you have a Link Crew Leader to help you along the way.

To our grade twelve students - I wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary school. You will be thinking about college, university, apprenticeships or the world of work.

This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! I hope you make the best of this exciting year.

Your Board of Trustees has approved a balanced operating budget of $922, 901,010 with 89.7 % of this budget going to salaries and benefits. We have 149 schools, 84,000 students and 10,000 employees. We are the second largest Catholic school board in the province. We have very strong links to our parishes so we will see our priests visit our schools as well as many of our students who will visit our parishes for Mass and the sacraments. We are blessed that our priests make a special effort to visit with our students.

If you have transportation questions please remember you can call STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1-

800-668-1140 or check our web site at

. Click on schools and then student transportation. Transportation was removed from the trustees’ purview under Bill 177 several years ago.

Parents, please support and join your Catholic School Council . It is a great opportunity for input and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. You will be amazed at how much you will learn and how much you can contribute to your child’s school.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you the very best for this school year and always.

May the good Lord always hold you in the palm of His hand.

September 8, 2015



Dear Families:

Welcome back to another year of learning!

A special welcome to all of our students who may be joining our Mississauga

South Family of Schools, and, in particular, to our new Full Day Kindergarten students who are beginning their journey in learning in their Catholic School. The Mississauga South Family of Schools is a very active and vibrant Family of Schools where the love of Christ can be found in our hallways, our classrooms and in our daily endeavors. The Family of Schools consists of 22 elementary schools and 4 secondary schools, all of which are served by extremely dedicated

Administrators, teachers and support staff who put the needs of every child first and truly believe in the potential of each and every child. 8 parishes and pastoral teams support our schools’ liturgical plans, working in partnership with teachers and students to provide spiritual nourishment and development of our students and their teachers.

Furthermore, our school communities are privileged to be served by 4 dedicated trustees: Mario Pascucci (chair of the board, Wards 1 and 3), Sharon Hobin (Wards 2 and 8), Luz del Rosario (Wards 6 and 11) and Bruno Iannicca (Ward 7), each of whom brings with them a wealth of experience and a relentless passion for Catholic Education and the success of all students.

Pope Francis states, “The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.” Therein lies the transformative power of Catholic education; a treasure that has been forming quality young men and women… young men and women who are not only solid academically but well-rounded citizens who have contributed positively to our society, both locally and on a global scale, for over 170 years. You have chosen a Catholic education for your child. I encourage you to remain steadfast in your efforts to ensuring that the enduring gift of Catholic education is protected and promoted. Jesus is indeed at the very center of our mission in Catholic education. We will continue to celebrate the story of Jesus, and of Catholic Education this year within the theme of Catholic Education Week, “Opening Doors of Mercy”. All schools will continue their focus on responding to the Board’s Strategic Plan, as set out by our trustees, namely the tenets of: Catholicity, Catholic

Learning Environment, Catholic Community Engagement, Parish-Home-School Relationships, Stewardship of our Physical

Environment, Technology, and Sacredness of our Environment.

The education of any child is indeed a co-operative endeavor. As parents, you are requested to be part of your child’s education. You are encouraged to ask questions about your child’s learning and to work collaboratively with your child’s teacher and school to ensure that your child is receiving the highest quality Catholic education. We look forward to continue working with you, your child’s “first teacher”, as we endeavor to provide a high quality, Catholic education that supports the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus enriching the community.

I wish you, the families within the Mississauga South Family of Schools, a very successful and productive year full of wonder and learning and witnessing the love our Lord has for us. Our vocation in providing your child with the highest quality Catholic Education is a privilege and one we hold very dear; it is indeed a sacred trust.

God Bless,

David Amaral

Superintendent of Education

2015 - 2016 School Year Calendar

First day of classes Elementary and Secondary Schools

First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary

School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools

Number of school days for the 2015 – 2016 school year

Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools

Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools

Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools

Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools

 School Holidays for the 2015-2016 School Year

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016






Every Saturday and Sunday

Labour Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Break (inclusive)

Family Day

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mid-Winter Break

Good Friday

Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 (inclusive)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Easter Monday Monday, March 28, 2016

Victoria Day Monday, May 23, 2016

 Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days

1. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

2. Friday, September 18, 2015

Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development

3. Monday, January 18, 2016 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

4. Friday, February 5, 2016

5. Friday, May 13, 2016

Reporting to Parents

Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

6. Monday, June 13, 2016 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

 St. Sofia Only – Professional Activity Days

1. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

2. Thursday, January 7, 2016 Curriculum/Faith Development

3. Friday, February 5, 2016

4. Friday, April 29, 2016

Reporting to Parents

Curriculum/Faith Development

5. Friday, May 13, 2016

6. Monday, June 13, 2016

Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

 Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days

1. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

2. Friday, September 18, 2015

3. Wednesday, February 3, 2016

4. Tuesday, June 28, 2016

5. Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6. Thursday, June 30, 2016

Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context

Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround

*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

*Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials; curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year.

 Secondary Schools – Examination Days

Semester 1: January 26, 27, 28, 29, February 1, 2016 February 2, 2016 – Instructional Day – Examination Review

Semester 2: June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2016 June 27, 2016 – Instructional Day – Examination Review
