

1195 Clarkson Rd

Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2W1

Phone: 905. 822-0721

Fax: 905. 822- 0214


C. Bova


A.J. Hilario

Head Secretary

K. Romani


D. Amaral

(905) 890.1221


S. Hobin

Bus: (905) 890.1221

Cell: (905) 301.1210


St. Christopher’s

Catholic Church

1171 Clarkson Road

Mississauga, ON L5J 2W 1

Phone: (905) 822-1171

Fax: (905) 8221311


Reverend Scott Young

School Council Chair:

G. Patricio & P. Robson

School Newsletter

March 2016

Virtue of the Month:


God wants us to give generously to others around us .

God wants us to be kind to everyone we meet. Being kind is about more than just pretending to be nice. It is about helping and playing with others because we want to and not because we feel we have to. God helps us to be kind to our family and friends because by being kind we are able to see God in every one we meet.

Our Daily Prayer for March:

Let us now pray for the virtue of kindness so that everyone we meet will feel like we are looking out for their good. Amen

From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations, a person with kindness:

 Relates to family members in a loving compassionate manner



Values and honours the important role of the family in society

Examines, evaluates and applies knowledge of interdependent systems

 Promotes the sacredness of life

This holy season, let us think about our call to


Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them

Fast from emphasis on our differences; feast on our oneness

Fast from the darkness around us; feast on the light of Christ

Fast on thoughts of illness; feast on the healing power of God

Fast on words that pollute; feast on words that purify

Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude

Fast from withholding anger; feast on sharing our feelings

Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism

Fast from worry; feast on trust;

Fast from guilt; feast on freedom

Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation;

Fast from stress; feast on self-care

Fast from hostility; feast on letting go;

Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness

Fast from selfishness; feast on compassion for others

Fast from discouragement; feast on seeing the good

Fast from apathy; feast on enthusiasm;

Fast from suspicion; feast on seeing the good

Fast from idle gossip; feast on spreading good news

Fast from being so busy; feast on quiet silence

Fast from problems that overwhelm us; feast on prayerful trust


Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart

Fast from talking; feast on listening

Fast from trying to be in control; feast on letting go.

Loving God, let us Fast from anything that leads us away from you and teach us to feast on all that brings us closer to you.



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March Newsletter


March 14 - 18 March Break

March 25

March 28

April 11

May 2-6

May 13

May 23

Good Friday – NO SCHOOL

Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL

P.A.Day **New recently announced

Catholic Education Week


Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL


“Crusaders in action” is a school initiative where teachers acknowledge students who perform above and beyond with random acts of kindness which are not a part of given responsibilities but are focused on the Virtue of the Month.

We would like to acknowledge the following students:

Primary Students : Isabella

June 30 Last Day of School Junior Students : Martin

Intermediate Students : Michael


We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors for our school who will work daily and be called on an emergency basis when a regular monitors are absent. This position requires the Monitor to act as a supervisor of students during indoor lunch eating periods and outdoor recess times. In order to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a valid Criminal Reference Check authorized by The Dufferin Peel

Catholic District School Board. The scheduled hours of work are set at 1.2 hours (72 minutes) per day, over the lunch hour. This is a paid position. To be considered for this position please contact the school Principal at the school location that you wish to work at for more information



The annual springtime break will be from Monday, March 14 th to Friday, March 18th . School will resume on Monday, March 21st, 2016 . We hope that everyone enjoys a safe and restful break.




On Wednesday February 24 St. Christopher was a sea of pink! We welcomed Argo's Community Director

James Colero, Argos Linebacker James Yurichuk and Cheerleader Jackie to our school for an amazing, inspiring presentation organized by our very own Grade 7 & 8 Huddle Up Committee Members. I would like to thank Mrs. Perdue, Mrs. Wos, Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Halchuk for making sure the day was a success! It was an amazing feeling seeing all the parents, students and staff wearing pink to support our anti-bullying initiative.

Please stay tuned for other fantastic events the Huddle Up Committee will have in store for St. Christopher students!

Thank you! Kellie Donaher, Child and Youth Worker Follow me on twitter @CYWtweets for great student mental health information

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On February 8, a dedicated group of public speakers in Grade 7 and 8 presented their speeches to 3 judges and their peers. All students did a wonderful job on a variety of topics.

The judges were very impressed with how well students can memorize and speak on such a variety of topics. Our student public speakers were: Liam A. who presented a speech on the

Solar System, Leo T. who spoke about his love of Comics, Tamara N. who passionately told us about Malala Yousafzai, Joanna M. who expanded our knowledge of the Constellations, and Joy P. who reminded us that Racism still exists today. All of these students were fantastic and made the judge’s decision very difficult. The students who went on to represent

St. Christopher at the Mississauga South Public Speaking Competition were Joy (Int.) and Martin (Gr 6 EF).

We are very proud of all our competitors especially these two. Congratulations to all of you!

The French Speech competitions for the junior division was held on Feb 18 th . The students worked hard to prepare their speeches and prepare themselves. There were various topics and the students made excellent presentations that held the interest of all the audience. It was wonderful to witness the efforts of all the students. There were 8 students- 4 fifth graders and 4 sixth graders- competing at the school level; the winner would go on to represent the school at the school board level. The judges had a truly tough time deciding.

Congratulations to Emily B who won.

Thank you to the judges who kindly gave their time and the parents for their support. The board level competition will be held on Tuesday March 8 th . We look forward to the exciting day.

For the Gr.8 Extended French Competition we would like to congratulate Christian MacKenzie who was selected overall and will be representing St. Christopher at the Board competition on Tuesday March 8 th . We wish him well! Bonne Chance!


Tribute to Broadway -- Ms. Moran and Mrs.

Morris are very pleased with the progress the children are making on the Broadway numbers. We are having lots of fun and enjoy our time together. A note about costumes will be coming home sometime in early April (they will be simple) and we have asked the children to have their lyrics memorized by after March Break. Thank you! (Performances are scheduled for May 3 rd and 5 th at 12:30 pm and 7pm).


: Please donate! We are hoping to begin using Lego bricks in various programs throughout the school. If you have some extra pieces, or sets that you are no longer using at home, would you consider donating these to the school? We will collect them at the main office, thank you!


We have had an increase in the number of students who arrive late to school in the mornings. Especially as more wintery weather approaches, it is very important that students arrive to school on time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. School starts at 8:15 am and student supervision begins at 8:00 am. Students should be at school with enough time to line up and enter with their classes. Please note that if they do not arrive on time to make it to their line as the bell rings, they need to enter through the front doors and check into the office to pick up an admit slip before going to class.

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As part of our Safe Arrival Program we ask that you notify the school if your child will arrive late or will be absent from school for any reason.

We ask that you inform us by calling the school at 905-822-0721 and leaving details regarding the absence. The answering machine is on 24 hours daily so your information may be relayed at any time.

This practice will greatly assist us to track and verify student attendance at school.


When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents through a phone call. This is only precautionary and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness.


A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any medication to school. This includes prescription and non-prescription medication. As per Board protocol, all medication must be stored in the office, accompanied by appropriate paperwork and a doctor’s signature. Please note that this includes Advil, cough medication, cough drops, etc. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter. As always, we care about the safety of all our students.


Peel Public Health is reviewing immunization records of all students at our school beginning in January 2015.

Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the

Ontario Immunization Schedule. If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child has received the required vaccine(s), then give the date(s) your child received the vaccine dose(s) to Peel Health immediately to update your child’s records. Not adhering to the Peel

Public Health request may result in your child being suspended from school. For more information call Peel Health at 905-799-7700 or visit


February has been a very busy month here at St. Christopher. The biggest highlight was our Share Life Dance-a-thon which took place on Friday, February 12, 2016.

The music kept everyone dancing, the decorations were fabulous and the café with all kinds of treats for the students to buy was delicious. All students from FDK to

Grade 8 had a great time. This event raised $1,782.20 for Share Life. The hearts hanging around the school are a wonderful reminder of what a generous community we have here at St. Chris. We are now busily preparing our Pretzel orders. These delicious pretzels are supplied by Dimpflmeier Bakery. Orders have been sent home so don’t be disappointed and order as soon as possible. Orders are due by Tuesday, March 8. In addition, all members of Student Parliament are rehearsing for our presentation of “A Tableau of the Stations of the Cross” to be performed on Holy Thursday. This beautiful and solemn reenactment is a reminder to all of us of our faith and the sacrifice of our Lord. Please join us in the gymnasium if you can. Finally, members of

Student Parliament and other Grade 7 and 8 students have started Star Club. This is a lunchtime club where

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the older students help younger students with homework, reading and other things they may need assistance with.


As part of our Lenten preparation, our Youth Faith Ambassadors will be selling pretzels for Share Life. Please participate in this spirit filled fundraiser by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for only $2.00, (large, soft dough, peanut free, Ingredients: enriched white flour, spring water, vegetable shortening, cotton seed oil or canola oil, salt, yeast, liquid malt, sodium hydroxide). History of the Pretzel : The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning usually tied into the Lenten season dating back 1500 years. At that time, children ate pretzels during Lent because they were made of only flour, salt and water. Fat, eggs and milk were forbidden during Lent. The pretzel was shaped into the form of two arms crossed in prayer to remind children that Lent was a season of penance.

Please have your order into the classroom teacher by Tuesday, March 8, 2016.

At St. Christopher We are an Eco-School!

Milk Bag Mondays: Bring in your milk bags to be used for mats in the 3rd World

Tupperware Tuesdays: Bring your lunch in re-usable containers to cut down on waste.

Water-bottle Wednesdays: Buy / use your St. Chris water bottles!

No Throw Thursdays: Return all waste to be properly disposed of at home.

Lights Out Fridays: Turn off the lights to conserve energy.

A toast to tap water!


The Region of Peel and the Peel District School Board have invited all students to celebrate Peel tap water during Canada Water Week by taking part in a school wide synchronized drink of tap water.

Our school’s Great Gulp event will take place on Friday, March 11, 2016.

Help support this initiative by sending your child to school with a reusable water bottle or cup so that they can make a toast to tap water. Please use this opportunity to buy a snazzy official St. Christopher Reusable Water

Bottle! They are available for sale every Wednesday. As a participating school, we will be entered into a draw for a water refill station for the school or reusable water bottles for each student.

Peel tap water is a safe, clean, convenient choice that is good for your health and the environment. To learn more about Peel tap water visit



When batteries are not recycled properly, they can end up in landfills, where they are not only added to soil waste but can be harmful to the environment.

Call2Recycle collects and recycles over 5 million kilograms of batteries each year.

That’s equivalent to the weight of 1000 African elephants! You can do your part to make sure more batteries are recycled by participating in the Battery Blitz School


Our mission is to recycle as many used batteries as we can by bringing them into school and disposing them in the Call2Recycle collection box in the office.

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Remember!! Before placing the used batteries in a plastic baggy please place masking tape on each end.

The school that recycles the most batteries will win a pizza party!!!

So come on St. Christopher bring in your used Batteries until April 31st.


will take place on Thursday, April 10 at 2:30.

The students will get to celebrate fresh local food during March, which is

Nutrition Month by taking a bit bite out of a juicy red apple on

Thursday, March 10, 2016.


Please send all your clean and empty milk bags to school. We are saving the environment and helping the people in underprivileged countries who don't have a comfortable place to sleep. The milk bags will be used to make mats which will be transported to places where the need is greatest. Every little bit counts! Please also collect and send useful items! your pop tabs! They will also be recycled and used to make

April 7

June 17


1. Easter Mass 12:30 pm

Year End Mass 12:30 pm

June 22 Graduation Mass &

Ceremony 7:00 pm

St. Christopher’s Catholic Church

Phone: (905) 822-1171

Weekly Mass Times

Sunday Mass Times: Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am, and 12:00 noon

Weekday Mass Times: Monday -

Saturday: 9:00am

Reconciliation: Saturday: 10:00am


Wednesday, April 6th at 6:30 p.m

FAIR PLANNING Meeting March 30, 2016 6:30

All parents/guardians are encouraged to come out to meetings and participate. FUN FAIR!

Planning is well underway. It is going to be a fabulous "Summer Bash"...

We desperately need volunteers for the planning stage, as well as for the day of. In order to give the St. Chris community a super fun

Summer Bash we need lots of volunteers - many hands make light

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work. Pleaseconnect with the office if you can help out in any way. The Fun Fair Summer Bash is scheduled for: Fri. June 24 th FAIR PLANNING Meeting March 30, 2016 6:30

EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) testing of our grades 3 and

6 students will take place from May 30th to June 10th. Please try to avoid scheduling any appointments or anything else that will take your child out of school during these dates. A letter to grades 3 and 6 parents will be sent home closer to the testing dates.

April 5 - Read and Write Gold

– Literacy Support Software for Home

On Tuesday April 5, the Dufferin-Peel Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.) is inviting parents and guardians of elementary and secondary students with diverse learning needs to attend a Parent Engagement

Workshop: “Read and Write Gold – Literacy Support Software for Home”. This event will take place at St.

Marcellinus Secondary School located at 730 Courtneypark Drive West in Mississauga from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The evening, presented with funding from the Ministry of Education’s Parent Reaching Out (P.R.O.)

Grant, is intended to provide a handson learning opportunity to discover how Texthelp’s Read and Write Gold software may provide reading, writing, studying, and research support within familiar applications (e.g. Word,

Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader). A light dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the learning session will begin at 6:30 p.m. Please direct parents to RSVP via e-mail or by phone to Laura Conte at:

or 905-890-0708 ext. 24011 by March 22, 2016. For more information contact Peter

Atkinson at


Apr.9- Central Committee for Catholic School Councils Conference & Marketplace

April 9 th , 2016: 8:30 a.m. Registration & Marketplace; 9:00 a.m. Liturgy and Opening Remarks; 9:30 a.m.

Keynote Speaker Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist; 10:30 a.m. Marketplace; 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Workshop Sessions; 12:00 p.m. Closing Remarks; 12:15-12:45 p.m. Marketplace. Location: St. Joseph

Secondary School, 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga. For more information, visit


During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. Notification: Parents/guardians, students and school staff are asked to monitor the following radio/television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation/school closure information. Should the announcement refer to cancellation only in the COUNTY OF DUFFERIN, this does NOT affect our school.

Check with these Radio or Television Stations:

RADIO : VIRGIN RADIO FM 99.9 CHFI FM 98.1 FM Z 103.5 CHIN FM 100.7 FM Q107

CJBC (FR) AM 860 EZ ROCK 97.3 CBC 99.1 CFNY FM 102.1 FM 93.1

CJCL AM 590 CFTR AM 680 CHUM AM 1050 CFRB AM 1010 AM 640


A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at

or by calling 905- 890-1221.

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March Newsletter

Ready to register?

Registration information is available in the school office or through the CCCSC website:

Alternatively, you may complete the

Survey Monkey™ to register using this URL:

Extraordinary Lives

Start with a Great

Catholic Education

For more information on the Central

Committee of Catholic School Councils in Dufferin-Peel CDSB, visit

Saturday, April 9, 2016


8:30 a.m. Registration, Refreshments,

Vendor Market Place

9:00 a.m. Liturgy and Opening Remarks

9:30 a.m. Keynote Address:

Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist.

Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and

Increasing Resilience in Children

10:30 a.m. Refreshment Break

Vendor Marketplace


11:00 a.m. Workshop Sessions

[Attend one of eight sessions]

12:00 p.m. Closing Remarks and Door Prizes

12:15 p.m. Vendors open to Conference participants until 12:45 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic

Secondary School

5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON

Located on Creditview Road, north of Bristol Road south of Britannia






Opening Doors of Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” –

Matthew 5:7

Conference & Marketplace

for Dufferin-Peel CDSB

Catholic School Council

Chairs, Members &Volunteers and School Administrators

Saturday, April 9, 2016

St. Joseph Secondary School

5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga


Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist

Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and

Increasing Resilience in Children

Dr. Williams is currently the Director of the

Halton Centre for Cognitive Therapy and

Stress Reduction in Oakville. She maintained an appointment for 8 years as

Assistant Professor (PT) in the

Department of Psychiatry and

Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster

University where she conducted research on prevention and intervention with anxious and depressed children, provided treatment in the child, adolescent, and adult hospital programs, and trained residents and interns in

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). She has worked on the CBT

Unit at the former Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto (now

CAMH), at the Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre at St. Joseph’s

Healthcare in Hamilton, the Mood Disorders program at the former

Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, the Adolescent Program and Eating

Disorders Clinic at McMaster University Medical Centre, and the Child and Family Centre at Chedoke Hospital, Hamilton.

Children who are excessively stressed or anxious can underachieve in school, have low self-esteem, be angry, sad and lonely, have difficulty with schoolwork and have difficult family and peer relationships. Parents have a significant impact on how well children respond to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is important that we, as parents, teach ourselves healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety so we can pass on this knowledge to our children. We also need to follow some fundamental parenting principles so children learn how to self-regulate when stressed and anxious. Healthy habits learned in childhood promote lifelong healthy habits and a happier and more productive life.

This presentation will describe some reasons why children are more stressed and anxious than before and help parents develop resilience, reduce stress, improve their child’s overall well-being and create a happier home. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.

Keynote Address

9:30 a.m.

10:30 p.m.



Being Catholic is Cool!!

Inspiring Our Children to Deepen their Faith

Presenter: S. Byrne, Chaplaincy Leader

11:00 a.m.

This workshop will explore different avenues of the Church which your child will find attractive. How do you encourage your child to attend Mass? How about the value of reconciliation and support for youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto? This workshop will give you all the tools to talk to your child about the beauty and value of our Church



Empowering Youth to be Leaders and Achievers

Presenter: Miguel Martinez

This 45-minute workshop is called "Speaking Their

Language." This workshop does not aim to perfect you, but rather to give you insight into your loved one's mind. This workshop will enable you to understand and communicate better with your youth. Results will be based on your effort and diligence in applying the knowledge and techniques you learn. I will teach you the power of music and movement and how you can harness that power in order to understand and connect with the young people in your lives.

Mental Well-Being: Supporting Students Experiencing

Stress and Worry Sponsored by the Dufferin-Peel

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Presenters: J. Golla, Principal, Bishop Scalabrini School,

Mississauga; Dr. S. Sweet, Clinical Child Psychologist & Mental

Health Liaison for DPCDSB; S. Wessler, Social Worker, DPCDSB

In response to the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health and

Addictions Strategy aligned to the Catholic Board Learning Plan

(CBLP), Dufferin-Peel is committed to creating safe, caring, inclusive and healthy school communities. Through a team approach, an administrator, psychology staff, and social work staff, will facilitate a workshop on the needs of the student experiencing stress and worry. This session will provide an overview of worry/anxiety and the team process educators/parents/caregivers may use to support students facing particular challenges.


12:00 noon select


Special Education: A Ministry of Education

Perspective on Supports for Students with Differing

Abilities Session sponsored by Dufferin-Peel Special

Education Advisory Committee (SEAC))

Ministry of Education Presenters: M. Wallace - Education Officer,

Toronto and Area Regional Office, Z. Xu, Education Officer,

Special Education Policy and Programs Branch

This session is provided for parents/guardians of students with differing abilities including special education learning needs.

Staff from the Ontario Ministry of Education's Regional Office and

Special Education Policy and Programs Branch, along with

Dufferin-Peel Staff, will bring a provincial context for special education and support services aligned with Board programs and services.



The New Ontario Health and Physical Education


Presenter: Shelagh Peterson, Coordinator of Religious

Ed & Faith Formation, DPCDSB

Ms. Peterson is the Coordinator of Religious Education and Faith

Formation for the Dufferin-Peel CDSB. She has been part of the provincial team compiling Catholic resources to support our schools in the implementation of the new Health and Physical

Education curriculum. With over twenty years teaching religious education in Dufferin-Peel, she is well versed in the elementary

Fully Alive program and the secondary religious education material.

21st Century Supports for All Students

Presenter: Joseph Marquis

Mr. Marquis will focus on technology to support all students in the classroom as part of our Dufferin-Peel Universal Design for

Learning Suite. He will also provide handouts to support home downloads of selected software.


Healthy Bodies Nurture Healthy Minds

Presenters : Hardev Sohi (PHN), Julia Pilliar (Dietician)

Peel Health Nurses will outline the importance of a healthy lifestyle for young children. Presenters will discuss the importance of making appropriate food choices, increasing exercise and proper rest. Focus in these areas can effect a child’s behaviour, growth and development, both mentally and physically



One major component of mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment with no internal judgment. Research evidence suggests mindfulness has many positive effects in many areas of daily functioning, particularly with reducing stress. There is growing interest in mindfulness practice for students during their school day.

This week’s Psychology Month article provides an introduction to mindfulness with some very brief “trial” mindfulness exercises that may be helpful for educators dealing with stresses during their work day. Try one or two of these activities to see if they are helpful and of interest.


1. Two mindful bites

Try mindful eating for the first two bites of any meal or snack

For the first two bites of any meal or snack you eat, pay attention to the sensory experiences - the texture, taste, smell, appearance, and the sounds when you bite into your food.

You're just paying attention to your sensory experience in an experiential rather than evaluative way

2. What one breath feels like

Instead of formal meditation, try paying attention to what one breath feels like.

Feel the sensations of one breath flowing into and out from your body

Notice the sensations in your nostrils, your shoulders, your rib cage, your abdomen, etc.

3. Give your brain a break

Take a mindful moment to give your brain a break rather than filling up every tiny space in your day by automatically reaching to check your phone or email.

Instead, spend a few seconds noticing your environment.

A common example is watching out the window, e.g., watch the leaves or branches of a tree fluttering in the breeze

5. Scan your body

Scan your body from top to toe for any sensations of discomfort or tension

Attempt to soften to the sensations of discomfort

Next, scan your body for any sensations of comfort or ease

6. Do one action mindfully.

Pick an action you do at the same time every day and plan to do that action mindfully

For example, the moment you flick out your rolled up newspaper, notice the sounds of the paper moving, feel the texture of the newsprint, feel the weight of the section, look at the photographs.

For further information, please speak to your school psychology staff or contact the Chief Psychologist, Dr.

Debra Lean, at

(Adapted from: Boyes, A. Psychology Today, February 12, 2013)

Volume 3



Becoming familiar with shapes and spatial relationships in their environment will help children grasp the principles of geometry in later grades.

Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth

What do we mean by

“ mindset


NEW Mindsets change is not about picking up a few pointers here and there. It ’ s about seeing things in a new way … changing from a “ judge and be-judged ” framework to a “ learn-and-help learn ” framework.

– Carol S. Dweck

Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:

Web Resource:

(all grades)

National Library of Virtual


Tip # 6.

Use Failures as an Opportunity for Reflection and Growth

 Ask: “ What can you learn from this experience? What could you try differently next time?

 The power of “ yet ” (e.g. When you think you can ’ t do it, remind yourself that you can ’ t do it YET.

Family Math Activity K – 3:

Shapes of different

Big Ideas: dimensions and their properties can be described mathematically.

 Use shape stickers to have them make a shape picture. Try to use as many different shapes as you can. Describe your picture and the shapes in it. Ask why they used those shapes.

Grades 7 & 8: Continuing the Conversation about

Financial Literacy!

Let’s discuss how “ Advertising ” affects our money decisions…

Which of the following advertising techniques do you think is the most effective at influencing your child’s opinion of a product or service? Do they agree?


Economic Appeal – this type of ad

Family Math Activities 4-6: Symmetry

 With your child, identify all the symmetrical capital letters. Have your child sort the capital letters according to the number of lines of symmetry they have.

 Go on a symmetry hunt. With your child, find shapes, objects, patterns and designs around your home that have lines of symmetry. (e.g. Look at wallpaper, floor tiles, pictures and designs on packaging) presents the “great deal” ( e.g. unlimited texting after 6pm). Read the fine print.


Comfort and Enjoyment – attempts to present a product in relation to something that, although enjoyable, is largely unrelated to the product/service.

The purpose of the ad may simply have been to get your attention.


Scare Technique – the ads portray awful consequences. (e.g. smoking ads highlighting illness, acne creams before and after photos)

“God paid a great price for you. So don’t become slaves to anyone else.” 1Corinthians 7: 23

Healthy Living and

Community Fair




April 2nd, 12 pm – 4 pm

Clarkson Community Centre


Free Swim

(1 pm – 2:30 pm)

Fun Activities for the Whole Family

Great Information on CPR & Nutrition


Please bring a non-perishable donation for The Compass Food Bank.

For more information, please visit

or call 905-896-5200
