1195 Clarkson Rd
Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2W1
Phone: 905. 822-0721
Fax: 905. 822- 0214
School Newsletter
April 2016
C. Bova
A.J. Hilario
Virtue of the Month:
Head Secretary
K. Romani
God wants us to serve and to see the
goodness in everyone we meet.
D. Amaral
(905) 890.1221
S. Hobin
Bus: (905) 890.1221
Our Daily Prayer for April:
Let us pray...for the virtue of love so that we will never be satisfied until all are
satisfied. Amen
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations,
a person with LOVE:
Cell: (905) 301.1210
St. Christopher’s
Catholic Church
1171 Clarkson Road
is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others
knows that we are all lovable
prays for others
Mississauga, ON L5J 2W1
Phone: (905) 822-1171
Fax: (905) 8221311
God has given us many people in our lives to show us examples of
LOVE. Our families, teachers, and friends show us their love everyday. Love can be
seen in the simplest acts of kindness, such as sharing a pencil, playing a game, or
Reverend Scott Young
even saying “thank-you”. We should always show our love for others because love is
School Council Chair:
G. Patricio & P. Robson
greatest acts of love happen when we are angry, such as by not hitting our sibling
about seeing the good in people even when they make us angry. Sometimes the
back or not screaming back at our friends. Jesus is always with us and we should
always try to remember His most important lesson, the lesson of love, because love
is not about US-it is about looking out for the good of others.
St. Augustine's thoughts on LOVE:
He poses the question: What does LOVE look like?
His answer is simple: Love has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to
the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the
sighs and sorrows of others. That's what love looks like.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
April 11
P.A.Day **New recently announced
April 13
Grad photos, Int’l Day of Pink
May 2-6
Catholic Education Week
May 3 & 5
Tribute to Broadway Shows
May 13
May 23
Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL
May 30-June 10
EQAO for Grades 3 and 6
June 30
Last Day of School
“Crusaders in action” is a school initiative where teachers
acknowledge students who perform above and beyond
with random acts of kindness which are not a part of given
responsibilities but are focused on the Virtue of the Month.
We would like to acknowledge the following students:
Our next virtue Assembly is W. April 13 at 10:00 am.
Intermediate French Speech Competition
Congratulations to Christian MacKenzie in Grade 8 who finished in second place at the
Board French Speaking Competition. Christian’s speech was on the history of video
games. The entire St. Christopher community is very proud of you!
BYOD: Bring Your Own Devices.
Early this month, students were given some information and forms for
the BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE program at St. Christopher School.
The GF 337 is a form that gives parental consent to the student to
access the Board’s wi-fi network with a device brought from home.
This device may include: iPads, iPods, laptops, cameras, phones and
other electronic devices. This is not an arrangement for everyday use.
Students will be asked to bring in the devices on specified days, for specified educational purposes, by a
specified teacher. Students will only be allowed to use the devices: IN A CLASSROOM, WITH A TEACHER IN
THE CLASSROOM; FOR A SPECIFIED REASON. Devices, whether brought from home or the property of the
school, are NOT ALLOWED in change rooms or bathrooms. Students have been given this information and
have been given the opportunity to ask for clarification. As with the Catholic Code of Conduct and the network
user agreement that is signed by each student, any inappropriate use of board technology and/or PEDs may
result in confiscation of the PED, discipline, suspension or termination of the services, or police involvement.
Please remember, we have ample access to updated technology for each student here at St. Christopher and
the BYOD policy is entirely optional.
We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors for our school who will work daily and be called on an
emergency basis when a regular monitors are absent. This position requires the Monitor to act as a supervisor
of students during indoor lunch eating periods and outdoor recess times. In order to be eligible, you must be
between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a valid Criminal Reference Check authorized by The Dufferin Peel
Catholic District School Board. The scheduled hours of work are set at 1.2 hours (72 minutes) per day, over
the lunch hour. This is a paid position. To be considered for this position please contact the school Principal at
the school location that you wish to work at for more information.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
A TRIBUTE TO BROADWAY: Tribute to Broadway -- Ms. Moran and Mrs.
Morris are very pleased with the progress the children are making on the Broadway
numbers. We are having lots of fun and enjoy our time together. A note about
costumes will be coming home sometime in early April (they will be simple) and we
have asked the children to have their lyrics memorized by after March Break. Thank
you! (Performances are scheduled for May 3rd and 5th at 12:30 pm and 7pm).
LEGO BRICKS NEEDED: Please donate! We are hoping to begin using Lego bricks in various
programs throughout the school. If you have some extra pieces, or sets that you are no longer
using at home, would you consider donating these to the school? We will collect them at the
main office, thank you!
We have had an increase in the number of students who arrive late to school in the
mornings. It is very important that students arrive to school on time and ready to work,
as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. School starts at
8:15 am and student supervision begins at 8:00 am. Students should be at school with
enough time to line up and enter with their classes. Please note that if they do not arrive
on time to make it to their line as the bell rings, they need to enter through the front
doors and check into the office to pick up an admit slip before going to class.
As part of our Safe Arrival Program we ask that you notify the school if your child
will arrive late or will be absent from school for any reason.
We ask that you inform us by calling the school at 905-822-0721 and leaving
details regarding the absence. The answering machine is on 24 hours daily so
your information may be relayed at any time. This practice will greatly assist us to
track and verify student attendance at school.
When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that
we inform parents through a phone call. This is only precautionary and we ask that you check
your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness.
A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any medication to school. This includes
prescription and non-prescription medication. As per Board protocol, all medication must be stored
in the office, accompanied by appropriate paperwork and a doctor’s signature. Please note that this
includes Advil, cough medication, cough drops, etc. We thank you for your co-operation in this
matter. As always, we care about the safety of all our students.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
Peel Public Health is reviewing immunization records
of all students at our school beginning in January
2015. Peel Public Health must
have proof that your child has
been fully vaccinated (immunized)
according to the Ontario
Immunization Schedule. If you
receive a letter, please ensure that
your child has received the required vaccine(s), then
give the date(s) your child received the vaccine
dose(s) to Peel Health immediately to update your
child’s records. Not adhering to the Peel Public
Health request may result in your child being
suspended from school. For more information call
Peel Health at 905-799-7700 or visit
Student Parliament News
March has been a very busy month for our members of Student Parliament. Our
pretzel fundraiser was a great success. We raised more than $600.00 for Share
Life. Thank you to our school community for buying the pretzels and helping us
support Share Life. On Wednesday, March 30, we presented, “A Tableau of the
Stations of the Cross” to our school. This representation of the last days and the
resurrection of Jesus were a beautiful reminder of how Jesus sacrificed himself for
us. Many members of our audience said it was fantastic and they were moved to tears. A special thank you to
all the students who spent many hours rehearsing and preparing for the presentation. We are now busily
preparing for The Crowning of Mary in May, and we will begin selling ice-cream bars in the next few weeks.
Again all proceeds will go to Share Life. The Athletic council is continuing with Primary games on Friday at
lunch, and Star Club is busy tutoring students on Wednesday at lunch. Our Youth Faith Ambassadors also
attended a Youth Conference in March. We were inspired to continue to spread our faith to the youth of St.
Christopher School. Stay tuned for more activities to come in the next few months.
At St. Christopher We are an Eco-School!
Milk Bag Mondays: Bring in your milk bags to be used for mats in the 3rd World
Tupperware Tuesdays: Bring your lunch in re-usable containers to cut down on waste.
Water-bottle Wednesdays: Buy / use your St. Chris water bottles!
No Throw Thursdays: Return all waste to be properly disposed of at home.
Lights Out Fridays: Turn off the lights to conserve energy.
We will be holding a two-week-long e-waste drive at our school beginning on Tuesday, April 12 and ending on
Friday, April 22. Families will be invited to bring in various electronics that they no longer need. The eWaste
Recovery Group will deliver the holding bins to St. Chris on April 12 and pick them up on Friday, April 22.
There is even a chance that the school would make some money, depending on the amount of e-waste
collected. Below a list of acceptable & unacceptable products that we could recycle.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
 Computers; Laptops; LCD Monitors; Circuit Boards; Cell Phones; Servers; Flat Screen TV’s;
Tablets; Wire; Ink cartridges
CRT Television; Appliances; Thermostats w/ Mercury; Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Please send us your electronic waste FROM APRIL 12-22 ONLY!
Bins are set up in the front foyer of St. Christopher School. Go green!
When batteries are not recycled properly, they can end up in landfills,
where they are not only added to soil waste but can be harmful to the environment.
Call2Recycle collects and recycles over 5 million kilograms of batteries each year.
That’s equivalent to the weight of 1000 African elephants! You can do your part to
make sure more batteries are recycled by participating in the Battery Blitz School
Mission! Our mission is to recycle as many used batteries as we can by
bringing them into school and disposing them in the Call2Recycle collection
box in the office. Remember!! Before placing the used batteries in a plastic baggy please place
masking tape on each end. The school that recycles the most batteries will win a pizza party!!!
So come on St. Christopher bring in your used Batteries until April 31st.
Please send all your clean and empty milk bags
to school. We are saving the environment and helping the
people in underprivileged countries who don't have a
comfortable place to sleep. The milk bags will be used to
make mats which will be transported to places where the need
is greatest. Every little bit counts! Please also collect and send
your pop tabs! They will also be recycled and used to make
useful items!
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
April 7
1. Easter Mass 12:30 pm
June 17
Year End Mass 12:30 pm
June 22
Graduation Mass &
Ceremony 7:00 pm
Weekly Mass Times
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am, and 12:00 noon
Weekday Mass Times:
Monday - Saturday: 9:00am
Reconciliation: Saturday: 10:00am
St. Christopher’s Catholic Church
Phone: (905) 822-1171
Wednesday, May 25 th at 6:30 p.m.
FAIR PLANNING Meeting April 18, 2016 6:30
All parents/guardians are encouraged to come
out to meetings and participate.
The Fun Fair Summer Bash is scheduled for: Fri. June 24th
Mark your calendars! Friday, June 24th from 5:00pm-9:00pm. Great way to kick
off to summer vacation! It is going to be the best Fun Fair yet with many new
inflatables, games and attractions! Many sponsorship opportunities available…
Great exposure for businesses! Looking for volunteers - if you can spare even a half hour of your time, we
would greatly appreciate it. YOU can help make this fabulous St. Chris Community event one your children will
never forget! Please contact Jackie Thorn at if
you would like more information on sponsorship or would like to
volunteer your time.
Next Fun Fair meeting – Mon., April 18th at 6:30pm in the library.
EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) testing of our grades 3 and
6 students will take place from May 30th to June 10th. Please try to avoid scheduling any
appointments or anything else that will take your child out of school during these dates. A
letter to grades 3 and 6 parents will be sent home closer to the testing dates.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
Apr.9- Central Committee for Catholic School Councils Conference & Marketplace
April 9th, 2016: 8:30 a.m. Registration & Marketplace; 9:00 a.m. Liturgy and Opening Remarks; 9:30 a.m.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist; 10:30 a.m. Marketplace; 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Workshop Sessions; 12:00 p.m. Closing Remarks; 12:15-12:45 p.m. Marketplace. Location: St. Joseph
Secondary School, 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga. For more information, visit
During the winter (or spring) months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school operations. Notification: Parents/guardians, students
and school staff are asked to monitor the following radio/television stations after 6:00 a.m.
to receive bus cancellation/school closure information. Should the announcement refer to
cancellation only in the COUNTY OF DUFFERIN, this does NOT affect our school.
Check with these Radio or Television Stations:
CHFI FM 98.1
FM Z 103.5
CHIN FM 100.7
CJBC (FR) AM 860
EZ ROCK 97.3 CBC 99.1
CFNY FM 102.1
CHUM AM 1050 CFRB AM 1010
FM Q107
FM 93.1
AM 640
A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at
or by calling 905- 890-1221.
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Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart: United in Faith
April Newsletter
Volume 3
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
While whole numbers represent
quantities of whole units, fractions
signify parts of whole units or parts of
sets. Although fractions are all around
us, learning about fractions may be
challenging for some children.
Identifying fractions in our
environment makes them meaningful
and easier to visualize.
What do we mean by “growth mindset”?
Mindsets change is not about picking up a few pointers here
and there. It’s about seeing things in a new way… changing
from a “judge and be-judged” framework to a “learn-and-help
learn” framework.
– Carol S. Dweck
Web Resources:
CLIPS (Critical Learning Instructional Paths
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 7. Provide Honest, Constructive Criticism That
Emphasizes Growth
 Work with your child to identify strategies for improvement.
 Use phrases like: “Let me add new information to help
you solve this…” or “What parts were difficult for you?
Let’s look at them.”
Family Math Activity K – 3:
Big Idea
A fraction shows the relationship
between a part and a whole.
 With your child, gather several similarly shaped
objects, such as a piece of paper, a towel, a
placemat, a picture frame, a magazine and a book.
 Ask your child to show you one half of each object,
perhaps by using a ruler to mark the halfway point.
This is an opportunity for your child to see that
fractional portions must be of equal size.
Extension: Ask your child to show you one fourth of
each object.
Family Math Activity 4-6:
 Ask what real-life situations might these fractions describe:
Two fifths 2/5, Three sixths 3/6, Five eighths 5/8
(e.g. Five eggs have been eaten from the dozen. This represents
5/12 of the set. Can your child describe the fraction of eggs
eaten (5/12) and the remaining eggs (7/12)?)
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing
the Conversation about
Financial Literacy!
Explore Career Possibilities
Talk to your child about:
 What two things do you enjoy most in
o What career possibilities are there
in these two areas?
 What are you best at in terms of your
own abilities?
o Are there career possibilities that
fit with these talents?
All intermediate students have
access to My Blueprint (Career
Pathways Planning):
Have your child go online and
share his/her profile with you.
“Give to the Emperor what belongs to him, and give to God what belongs to God.” Matthew 22: 17-21
Ready to register?
Registration information is available in
the school office
or through the CCCSC website:
Saturday, April 9, 2016
8:30 a.m.
Registration, Refreshments,
Vendor Market Place
9:00 a.m.
Liturgy and Opening Remarks
9:30 a.m.
Keynote Address:
Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist.
Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and
Increasing Resilience in Children
10:30 a.m.
Refreshment Break
Vendor Marketplace
Alternatively, you may complete the
Survey Monkey™ to register
using this URL:
Extraordinary Lives
Start with a Great
Catholic Education
For more information on the Central
Committee of Catholic School Councils
in Dufferin-Peel CDSB,
11:00 a.m.
Workshop Sessions [Attend one of eight sessions]
12:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks and Door Prizes
12:15 p.m.
Vendors open to Conference
participants until 12:45 p.m.
Opening Doors of Mercy
“Blessed are the merciful, for
they will receive mercy.” –
Matthew 5:7
Conference & Marketplace
St. Joseph Catholic
Secondary School
5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON
Located on Creditview Road,
north of Bristol Road south of Britannia
for Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Catholic School Council
Chairs, Members &Volunteers
and School Administrators
Saturday, April 9, 2016
St. Joseph Secondary School
5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga
Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist
Parent’s Guide to Reducing Stress and
Increasing Resilience in Children
Dr. Williams is currently the Director of the
Halton Centre for Cognitive Therapy and
Stress Reduction in Oakville.
maintained an appointment for 8 years as
Assistant Professor (PT) in the
Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster
University where she conducted research
on prevention and intervention with
anxious and depressed children, provided
treatment in the child, adolescent, and
adult hospital programs, and trained residents and interns in
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). She has worked on the CBT
Unit at the former Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto (now
CAMH), at the Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre at St. Joseph’s
Healthcare in Hamilton, the Mood Disorders program at the former
Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, the Adolescent Program and Eating
Disorders Clinic at McMaster University Medical Centre, and the Child
and Family Centre at Chedoke Hospital, Hamilton.
Children who are excessively stressed or anxious can underachieve
in school, have low self-esteem, be angry, sad and lonely, have
difficulty with schoolwork and have difficult family and peer
relationships. Parents have a significant impact on how well children
respond to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is important that we, as
parents, teach ourselves healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety
so we can pass on this knowledge to our children. We also need to
follow some fundamental parenting principles so children learn how
to self-regulate when stressed and anxious. Healthy habits learned
in childhood promote lifelong healthy habits and a happier and more
productive life.
This presentation will describe some reasons why children are more
stressed and anxious than before and help parents develop
resilience, reduce stress, improve their child’s overall well-being and
create a happier home. The presentation will be followed by a
question and answer period.
Keynote Address
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Being Catholic is Cool!!
Inspiring Our Children to Deepen their Faith
Presenter: S. Byrne, Chaplaincy Leader
This workshop will explore different avenues of the Church which
your child will find attractive. How do you encourage your child to
attend Mass? How about the value of reconciliation and support
for youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto? This workshop will give
you all the tools to talk to your child about the beauty and value of
our Church
Empowering Youth to be Leaders and Achievers
Presenter: Miguel Martinez
This 45-minute workshop is called "Speaking Their
Language." This workshop does not aim to perfect you, but rather
to give you insight into your loved one's mind. This workshop will
enable you to understand and communicate better with your
youth. Results will be based on your effort and diligence in
applying the knowledge and techniques you learn. I will teach you
the power of music and movement and how you can harness that
power in order to understand and connect with the young people
in your lives.
Mental Well-Being: Supporting Students Experiencing
Stress and Worry Sponsored by the Dufferin-Peel
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Presenters: J. Golla, Principal, Bishop Scalabrini School,
Mississauga; Dr. S. Sweet, Clinical Child Psychologist & Mental
Health Liaison for DPCDSB; S. Wessler, Social Worker, DPCDSB
In response to the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health and
Addictions Strategy aligned to the Catholic Board Learning Plan
(CBLP), Dufferin-Peel is committed to creating safe, caring,
inclusive and healthy school communities. Through a team
approach, an administrator, psychology staff, and social work staff,
will facilitate a workshop on the needs of the student experiencing
stress and worry. This session will provide an overview of
worry/anxiety and the team process educators/parents/caregivers
may use to support students facing particular challenges.
Special Education: A Ministry of Education
Perspective on Supports for Students with Differing
Abilities Session sponsored by Dufferin-Peel Special
Education Advisory Committee (SEAC))
Ministry of Education Presenters: M. Wallace - Education Officer,
Toronto and Area Regional Office, Z. Xu, Education Officer,
Special Education Policy and Programs Branch
This session is provided for parents/guardians of students with
differing abilities including special education learning needs.
Staff from the Ontario Ministry of Education's Regional Office and
Special Education Policy and Programs Branch, along with
Dufferin-Peel Staff, will bring a provincial context for special
education and support services aligned with Board programs and
The New Ontario Health and Physical Education
Presenter: Shelagh Peterson, Coordinator of Religious
Ed & Faith Formation, DPCDSB
Ms. Peterson is the Coordinator of Religious Education and Faith
Formation for the Dufferin-Peel CDSB. She has been part of the
provincial team compiling Catholic resources to support our
schools in the implementation of the new Health and Physical
Education curriculum. With over twenty years teaching religious
education in Dufferin-Peel, she is well versed in the elementary
Fully Alive program and the secondary religious education
21st Century Supports for All Students
Presenter: Joseph Marquis
Mr. Marquis will focus on technology to support all students in
the classroom as part of our Dufferin-Peel Universal Design for
Learning Suite. He will also provide handouts to support home
downloads of selected software.
Healthy Bodies Nurture Healthy Minds
Presenters: Hardev Sohi (PHN), Julia Pilliar (Dietician)
Peel Health Nurses will outline the importance of a healthy
lifestyle for young children.
Presenters will discuss the
importance of making appropriate food choices, increasing
exercise and proper rest. Focus in these areas can effect a
child’s behaviour, growth and development, both mentally and
Please return this completed form to the School. GF 337 PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE USED WITH WI‐FI NETWORK STUDENT AGREEMENT Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board policies and procedures support the use of personal electronic devices (PEDs) for educational purposes. This agreement will be signed when your child registers to attend a school within Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board. In compliance with the Catholic Code of Conduct and other board policies and procedures including, but not limited to the Student Network User Application and Agreement, any student opting to use a PED while on school premises for educational purposes is required to adhere to the following: Part A. 1. We understand that if I bring my PED to school I must follow board and school policies and procedures regarding appropriate use of technology. 2. We will be a responsible digital citizen by adhering to guidelines regarding content, security, safety and ethical use through appropriate use of technology, as outlined in the Catholic Code of Conduct and other board policies and procedures. 3. We will accurately represent myself while online and that my online interactions are reflective of our Gospel values and virtues. 4. We understand that PEDs may be used during instructional time and in instructional space only with the expressed permission of the classroom teacher and/or staff and only in a manner that supports the teaching‐learning process. 5. We understand that I may use my PED in common areas for educational purposes, as designated by the principal. 6. We will not share my password with others and I will respect the privacy of other people. I will not share other people’s passwords or personal information. 7. We understand that upon reasonable grounds, staff reserve the right to review material viewed, created or saved on my authorized registered PED and/or other personal electronic devices. 8. We understand that no school and/or board data is allowed to be stored on PEDs. 9. We will not use my PED in a manner that will harm the board’s system or another person's work. 10. We understand that if I bring my PED for use on board premises I am responsible for the safety and security of that device at all times and the board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices. 11. We understand that we should not have the expectation to be able to charge our device at school. 12. We understand that photos, videos or images of an individual/group are not permitted to be taken without expressed consent. Expressed consent must be obtained from the individual(s) ‐ over the age of 18—or parental/guardian consent (for those under the age of 18). 13. We understand the school administration will be the arbiter of what constitutes a violation of this agreement. Any failure to comply with these guidelines may result in confiscation of my PED, discipline, a loss of PED privileges, police involvement and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration. 14. We agree, by virtue of access to the board’s computing and electronic communication systems, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the board for any suits, claims, losses, expenses or damages, including but not limited to litigation costs and legal fees, arising from or related to the user’s access to or use of board electronic communication and computing systems, services and facilities. Part B. 1. We understand that I am responsible to take the necessary steps to ensure my authorized PED is connected to the board wireless network, and that the board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans. 2. ST. CHRISTOPHER CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Name of Student (Please print, FIRST AND LAST):________________________________________________________________ I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE USED WITH WI‐FI NETWORK STUDENT AGREEMENT. Signature of Student: _____________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:__________________________ Date: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ CC: Copy to the student and/or parent/guardian 