St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Catholic School Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 Meeting Location: St James Library Recorded By: Lorna Kurok, Secretary St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes ATTENDANCE Name Position Jennifer McCathy Co-Chair Michael Giovanniello Co-Chair Lorna Kurok Secretary Amy Giansante Treasurer Penny Snowden Community Rep Sheila Taylor Co-Parish Rep Ellen Lau- Chang OAPCE Representative Brian Diogo Principal Teaching Representative Ms. Worboys Teaching Representative Mr Chircop Non-Teaching Rep Tess O’Mara Exec Council Member Lenora Sleep Exec Council Member Samer Mikhail Exec Council Member MEETING COMMENCED 6:38, Tuesday April 18, 2014 in the Library Page 2 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes AGENDA Welcome Opening Prayer and Mission statement Introductions Approval of Meeting Minutes from Feb 4th Approval of Agenda Old business Outcome of Uniform Vote Family Skate (Parent Involvement Grant) Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board Policy on Sibling Enrolment in Programs of Choice – Follow Up French Enrichment Working Group Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals Parent Funded School Transportation New Business Treasurer’s Report Principal Report OAPCE Parish Update Agenda for the Next Meeting April 22nd, 2014, 6:30 pm Closing Remarks Meeting Adjourned Page 3 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes OUR MISSION We, the Catholic Community of St. James, are called and committed to foster an environment where our students will grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally to become responsible life long learners and respectful members of a diverse society. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING APPROVED These Minutes were approved by council with no changes to be made. Sheila – Motioned Penny – 2nd Approval of Agenda Agenda amended – Teachers presentation moved up on the agenda. Amy – Motioned Penny – 2nd Parents Personal Development Exhibition Project Mr. Carreiro are grade 5 and 6 teacher, along with Miss Webster gave a presentation explaining the exhibition project. This is a project to be done yearly by the grade 5 students. The students are required to pick a topic. Some of the possible topics are: XL pipeline from Canada into the USA Green Space Health Care Accessibility Human Rights Education access around the world Population Distribution Natural Park Systems Conflicts in the World With each topic the students should first demonstrate what they know, then perform inquiry research to learn more. The project will end with a presentation of what they have learned. The students are not only encouraged to do research on the internet, books, newspapers and magazines but could learn new information from those in their environment. Inquire based conversations can teach us many new things and give us new insight to the world around us. Besides the presentation they are required to submit a Reference list, and a written report. On May 8, 2014 there will be an Exhibition Night where each student will present their topic. All of the school community is welcome to come. The students are encouraged to make their presentation informative and exciting. They can present the information Page 4 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes as they see fit. Some examples of mediums are power point, video, dance, and /or drama. One of the goals of this project is inspire the students to make a difference in others. Old Business Outcome of Uniform Vote The final number of the vote was 77% yes which is not enough to move forward with the implementation of a school uniform. It was suggested that those who are in favour of the uniforms could still go forward with dressing in white and blue. After much discussion it was agreed that having a sample of students dressed one way and others another would cause conflict. Since one of the main goals of uniforms was to create community and reduce bullying, it was felt that we would put the topic to rest. As per the board regulations we can not revisit this topic for 3 years. Family Skate On March 21, 2014 the council along with the support of parent volunteers will be holding a St James Family Skate night. The location will be at the Port Credit arena. Along with skating there will be crafts and face painting. Council will also be providing beverages but is requesting for parents to bring a small plate of something to eat. Council will be providing pizza to all those in attendance but is asking for a donation of a dollar per slice to cover the cost of the pizza. Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board Policy on Sibling Enrolment in Programs of Choice – Follow Up Council along with supporting parents attended a board meeting in February. Due to the late notice we were not able to official be part of the agenda. We requested to be added to the agenda and the board members voted against this. Mario Pascussi did grant us an audience after the meeting in a private room. We were able to voice are opinions but no changes were made. After further research of this topic it has been concluded that many parents who attend schools of choice do not agree with the lottery process. Therefore we would like to Page 5 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes create a subcommittee to have this rule amended. One of the goals of the committee is to reach out to other schools, in the same situation also wanting change. Please email the council at The passion of Tess will be the lead on this committee. French Enrichment Working Group During the month of February a survey was sent out to parents to decide what direction the subcommittee should go take. Many parents support the increase in French exposure in the school. Lenora disclosed the results of the survey. The French committee will be having a meeting to discuss these results in more detail. They are hoping to have a more concrete plan soon. Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals In the near future we will be sending a letter to request a financial gift as discussed in previous meetings. We have come to the conclusion that the goal list needs to revise due to the late date in the year. Some of the goals will not be accomplished. Therefore we will reduce the suggested donated amount. Parent Funded School Transportation Council has requested quotes from Transportation providers but they have yet to respond. We hope to have more detailed information for those interested at our next meeting. It was questioned when the transportation service would be implemented? Council would hope for next September. New Business Treasurer’s Report The council account is currently seating in the black at $2400. Principal Report Mr Diogo Thanked how patient and co-operative all the parents are during the kiss and ride pick up. It is about an 8 minute process. He is requesting that we use the passenger side doors for safety reasons. Thank you to all the teachers who help with the safety during this process. Front Doors The front doors to the school now have locked access. There is an intercom located on the side wall by the door. Please push the button once then wait a few minutes before pushing it again. It may take a couple of minutes for the faculty to respond. There is also a camera so we can see who is entering the school. The entire faculty has swipe cards to gain access into the school. Safety of our students is a big concern. After gaining access to the school please report to the office. Lego Competition Page 6 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes Mrs Marhesan and the grade 4 students attended the Robotics lego competition this week. Congratulations to our team for winning silver. In the month of May there will be the provincial competition held in waterloo. All gold medal teams compete. Spirit Wear St James would like to introduce spirit wear into our school. Different articles of clothing can be purchased in adult or youth sizes. The clothing will be embroidered with the school logo. The children can wear there spirit wear any day they like and we could devote days to spirit days. This is not a uniform and the purchase of any garments is completely voluntary. The list below is an example of items available. Council suggested and agreed that jackets should be purchased for the teachers, along with team tees. ITEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SIZE AVAILABILITY 1 Gildan Ultra Cotton T-Shirt Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 2 Gildan Full Zip Hoodie Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 3 Gildan Draw String Hoodie Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 4 Coal Harbour Quick Dry Golf Shirt (snag resistant) Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 5 Coal Harbour Soft Shell Jacket Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 6 Coal Harbour Full Zip Polar Fleece Jacket Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 7 Knit Beanie Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 8 Bella Ladies' Yoga Jacket Adult (A) & Youth (Y) 9 10 Youth Pro Team Tee Y350 or Y451 --Y350 Youth Silk Touch Pique Sport Shirt Y430 School Logo School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest School Name Embroidered on left Chest PRICE (include taxes) $ 12.00 $ 33.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00 $ 30.00 $ 12.00 $ 35.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 Page 7 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes Upcoming Dates May 20, 2014 6pm - Blessing of the school June 18, 2014 1:30pm – Year end mass at St Mary’s Council would like to support the cost of the busing for the students to attend the Easter Mass at the church. As a catholic school we feel it is important that the children attend the church as much as possible. Wait List Parents if there was any movement on the waitlist and have the next in line be informed. Parents are notified immediately. This also opened a discussion that since we were a regional school, it is possible for students out of the peel distract to attend the school. Those who are not in the peel district are automatically placed last on the wait list. This is also the why we require documents to prove a students address. Split Classes As discussed at previous meetings we can expect that certain grades will experience split classes in the primary years. This is due to the number of students accepted in the opening year. Therefore grades 1 and 2 for the 2014 / 2015 year will be placed into a split class until grade 3. There will be a grade 1 class, a class of grade 1 and 2’s and then a grade 2 class. The school will determine which class is best suited for each student. OAPCE On May 23 and 24 the OAPCE will be holding its 75th annual conference and AGM. The theme this year is “Parental Influence on Student Wellbeing and Catholic Education. It will be located at Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School (4555 Tomken Road, Mississauga). For more information you contact the OAPCE at or 1877-828-2081 EQAO Every year grades 3 and 6 are required to write the EQAO test. The purpose of this test is to ensure accountability between schools and boards. The tests are intended to measure the student’s ability to: Make sense of what they read in different kinds of texts; Express their thoughts in writing using appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation and Use appropriate math skills to solve problems The test will be held May 27, 28 and 29. There are 6 portions of the test. The first portion of the text will be held in the morning. The kids will then receive a break and begin with the second portion after lunch. Page 8 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes Parish Update Important Dates: On March 25 at 7pm there will be a reconciliation workshop for parents. Sacrament of first reconciliation will be Thursday April 3 at 7pm. Day of Confessions will be Wednesday April 9 (9:30am t0 11:00am, 7:30pm to 9:00pm) On April 17 it will be Holy Thursday and there will be a mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm. On April 18 it will be Good Friday and at 3pm there will be a Liturgy of the passion of the lord. At 5pm will be a community meal and at 7 pm will be the Stations of the Cross. On April 19 it will be Holy Saturday and at 8pm there will be an Easter Vigil On April 20 it will be Easter Sunday the Resurrection of the Lord. There will be masses at 9am and 11am. After the masses the Knights of Columbus will hold a brunch. First Holy Communion CLASSES Only for children registered for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, who are attending Public, Private and Montessori schools, at 12:15 pm in the Church Hall on the following dates: April 6, 2014 April 13, 2014 April 27, 2014 APRIL, 17, 2014 AT 7:00 PM IN THE CHURCH All families with children preparing for their First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation are asked to be present and to bring with them their two books (We prepare for Reconciliation and We share in the Eucharist), which must be completed with their names clearly printed on them, and put in the drop-off box which will be available in the Church. It is during this interview that the First Holy Communion date and time will be set, so please call Father Neil McMillan (905-278-2058) after Sunday, April 20, 2014 to set up a meeting. As only about 10 children are selected for each of the Mass times, call early since they are allotted on a first interviewed, first placement basis. at all Masses on the following weekends: Page 9 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes May 31 & June 1, 2014 June 14 & 15, 2014 June 21 & 22, 2014 will be given out at all Masses on the weekend of June 28 & 29, 2014. Parents please inform Father Neil McMillan (at the second interview), which Mass your child will be attending that weekend. Full Day Kindergarten The full day Kindergarten classes would like to grow their outdoor learning activities and are hoping for donations. Eg sandbox Page 10 of 11 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes AGENDA FOR THE NEXT MEETING APRIL 22 Welcome Opening Prayer Mission Statement Introductions Approval of Minutes from March 18, 2014 Old business French Enrichment Working Group Policy on Sibling Enrolment Family Skate (Parent Involvement Grant) Vending Machine Parent Funded School Transportation Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals Purchase of Team Tee New Business Treasurer’s Report Principal Report OAPCE Parish Update Vending Machine and Water bottle update First Holy Communion Celebration (June 18) Teacher’s Appreciation End of the Year Barbeque or Fair Agenda for the Next Meeting (May 27th, 2014) Closing Remarks CLOSING REMARKS The March meeting began on a positive note remained so. There was a large sense of community and respect. All topics were discussed thoroughly with participation from the parents, council and school faculty. We were able to come to decisions about various topics by anglicizing them through many different perspectives. There were many smiles in the room and at times laughter. MEETING AJOURNED – 8:40pm NEXT MEETING: Tuesday April 22nd, 2014 in the school library. Page 11 of 11