St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Catholic School Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: May 27, 2014 Meeting Location: St James Library Recorded By: Lorna Kurok, Secretary St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes ATTENDANCE Name Position Jennifer McCathy Co-Chair Michael Giovanniello Co-Chair Lorna Kurok Secretary Treasurer Penny Snowden Community Rep Sheila Taylor Co-Parish Rep Ellen Lau- Chang OAPCE Representative Brian Diogo Principal Teaching Representative Ms. Worboys Teaching Representative Mr Chircop Non-Teaching Rep Tess O’Mara Exec Council Member Lenora Sleep Exec Council Member Samer Mikhail Exec Council Member MEETING COMMENCED 6:30, Tuesday May 27, 2014 in the Library Page 2 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes AGENDA Welcome Opening Prayer and Mission statement Introductions Approval of April minutes Approval of Agenda Lunch Lady Presentation Old business First Communion Celebration Parent Funded School Transportation OAPCE New Business Treasurer’s Report Principal Report Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals Elections Subcommittee Closing Remarks Meeting Adjourned Page 3 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes OUR MISSION We, the Catholic Community of St. James, are called and committed to foster an environment where our students will grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally to become responsible life long learners and respectful members of a diverse society. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING APPROVED It was decided that the minutes from the April meeting would be combined with the minutes from the May meeting. The reasoning for this decision was based on the fact that there were unforeseeable issues that impacted the completion of the minutes. Sheila – Motioned Penny – 2nd Approval of Agenda Sheila – Motioned Penny – 2nd Lunch Lady Presentation Dominic, a representative from the lunch lady was invited to give the St James parent community a presentation. Dominic was there to explain the ordering and delivering process of the lunch lady. The presentation also included nutritional facts, reasoning for packaging and samples of the menu. A portion of the Lunch Lady sales is donated back to the school. The actual amounts are $0.35 for each regular sized lunch and $0.25 for the kinder. The lunch lady tries to be as accommodating as possible especially with food allergies. Parents questioned about having gluten free buns. This request is difficult as the school board has strict food guide lines; therefore sometimes finding a product that’s meets the criteria is not easy. Another concern by the parents was the alumni packaging. Dominic responded that they have tested different packaging in the past but have found this to be the best for retaining temperature. The information was well received but the audience and many enjoyed the taste testing. Old Business First Communion Celebration Since the grade 2’s will be celebrating their first communion individually, council and the school wanted to recognize this momentous event. This matter is of grave importance Page 4 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes to the council. It is not the school’s decision but rather the churches policy that first communion be celebrated in this way. Therefore the school and the council decided that at the year end mass the grade 2’s would be called forth and congratulated. After the mass a small reception will be held in honour of our St James students. Cake and beverages will be offered. Parent Funded School Transportation After extensive investigation, we have come to a halt with this topic. There were many attempts to contact busing companies to obtain a quote but none were able to reply. We can only speculate that due to our petite size the distributors may have felt that they could not provide us with a reasonable quote. Our next suggestion to our parent community is to organize some type of carpools. OAPCE On May 23 and 24 the OAPCE held its 75th annual conference and AGM. The theme was “Parental Influence on Student Wellbeing and Catholic Education. It was located at Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School (4555 Tomken Road, Mississauga). The conference was informative and a success. New Business Treasurer’s Report As of April 30, there was $1787.46 in the bank. Last weeks donations totaled $4010 and some recent expenses included a coffee urn and associated paraphernalia of $69.83. Principal Report Spirit Wear The spirit wear will be arriving by the end of the week. The reason for the delivery delay is each order is being individually packaged. This will reduce any risk of error and makes distribution easier for the school. EQAO The EQAO test was held on May 27, 28 and 29. This test involves the grade 3 and 6 students. The test was written in the library and the children seemed well prepared and confident. Tree Planting Grade 3 to 6 students will be involved in a tree planting event. Upcoming Dates June 5 – Welcome to Kindergarten Night June 9 – PA Day June 10 – Choir Performance at Wonderland (the fee is $29 per student) Page 5 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes Track and Field The grade 5 and 6 students will be involved in a track and field event. Relay teams require 4 students to participate. We are lucky to have 4 exceptional females who have all made the St James relay team. Renovations The first 2 kindergarten rooms were renovated last year. In the beginning of the year a proposal to renovate the third kindergarten room was submitted. This plan was accepted and the funds were recently granted. It has come to our attention that this room may not always be needed for this grade level. To ensure that the funds are used effectively the plans will reflect the needs of today and the future. Anticipated Class Allocation for September Parents enquired on how the classes will look in the fall. Mr. Diogo gave us the run down. Please note this picture could change as enrollment may increase or decrease. Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grade JK / SK split JK / SK split full grade 1 1 / 2 split 3 4 5 6 / 7 split Currently the grade 6 and 7 class has 23 students enrolled. These grades also have a waitlist, but the number is not enough to make a separate class. As for the kindergarten waitlist there has been little movement. Parents will be notified if any changes occur. Fathers Day Celebration On Friday June 13 the teachers are planning a father’s day barbeque. Hot dogs will be served. There will be various activities that the kids and father’s can participate in. Council intervened to take a vote on purchasing a school barbeque that could used at this event and other community focused gatherings. Michael Motioned this purchase Ellen second it and all other council members agreed. Page 6 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals We would like to Thank everyone for contributing to the goals fund. A little over $4100 was raised. We feel that as you have entrusted us with these resources and it is our responsibility to communicate how they will be disbursed. The following table illustrates the original goal list and any changes made: ITEM 1 EVENT First Communion Commemoration Cost $72.00 Revised Estimate of Cost and Expenditure $72.00 Notes Still to fund for in classroom celebration (cake, etc) Teacher and school have recently ordered supplies to fill gaps, recommend waiting until the new school year to see if additional gaps are found. 2 Classroom Grant (each classroom teacher receives $100 to spend on classroom enhancement or experience) $900.00 3 Staff Appreciation $200.00 $200.00 for discussion 4 Staff Jackets (21 x $50) $1,050.00 $970.66 paid 5 Sport Team Uniforms (spirit wear 15 x $30) $450.00 $372.90 6 Other Clubs $100.00 $0.00 no additional clubs requiring funds identified this year 7 Down to Earth - Loretta Penny $515.00 $519.80 paid 9 Author in the School- Tim Beiser $521.00 $521.00 paid 12 Scientists in School $737.10 $0.00 funds not required from council this year 14 Math Club $260.00 $0.00 funds not required from council this year 16 Crochet Club $150.00 $94.15 paid 17 Board Games/Puzzle Club $200.00 $0.00 funds not required from council this year 18 End of Year Mass $300.00 $330.00 still to fund Page 7 of 10 proposing blue golf shirts for academic teams St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes 19 Referee Fees $140.00 $0.00 funds not required from council this year 20 Junior Soccer $300.00 $0.00 school decided on intramural soccer, no cost 22 Easter Mass $300.00 $330.00 still to fund 23 Mass Kit for Father $500.00 $500.00 still to fund school board to make up cost difference 24 Family Barbeque $500.00 25 Coffee Urn $56.48 $56.48 paid 26 French Resource Centre (videos, books, toys, enhancements) $300.00 $300.00 still to fund 27 Meeting Cost (covering cost of any permits) $100.00 $100.00 $7,651.58 $4,366.99 $1,787.46 Totals Amount in Councils Account as of April 1 Funds Disbursed in May $1,627.54 Donations Received Lorretta Penny Contribution Lunch Lady Contribution $4,100.30 Appreciation Jackets, Loretta Penny, Coffee Urn, Meeting Costs, Reimbursement for Skating Event, Bank Charges $30.00 90.00 $ $ 4,380.22 $ 72.00 $ 372.90 $ 660.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 $ 2,475.32 Available Council Funds First Communion Commitment Sport Team Uniform 2 Bus Trips for Mass Mass Kit French Resources Estimated Remaining Funds Council had planned on organizing a St James barbeque in the middle of June but after careful consideration decided to change the date to September. Motion – Michael Second – Ellen All council agreed Page 8 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes There was a discussion about using finances to purchase student agenda’s. No final decision was made on this topic. Elections Subcommittee In September as a new year begins, the parent body must decide who will represent the 2014 / 2015 council. All parents of St James students will have the opportunity to apply for a position. Current members can also reapply. If the applicants exceed 10 a voting forum will be held in September. As a result we are establishing a subcommittee to organize next year’s council elections. The committee will include Lorna, Kamila and Valerie. If you wish to be involved please email the council. Page 9 of 10 St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre Minutes AGENDA FOR THE NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER Welcome Opening Prayer Mission Statement Introductions Approval of Minutes from May 27, 2014 Old business French Enrichment Working Group Parent Funded School Transportation Financial Gift Covering Council and School Goals Purchase of the 2014 / 2015 agenda ($7 per student) New Business Treasurer’s Report Principal Report OAPCE Parish Update First Holy Communion Celebration Barbeque Announcement of New Council members and Allocation of Positions Agenda for the Next Meeting Closing Remarks CLOSING REMARKS The last school council meeting gave all involved, teachers, council and parents a strong sense of community and friendship. There were many smiles and laughter seen and heard throughout. As many fairytales read so did the opening year of St James. It began with Once upon a time we were all strangers, we than faced challenges, differences, to finally arrive at the success of our many accomplishments. The story ended with a happily ever after as the community closed the year with a strong bond of respect, love and friendship. We look forward to continuing the saga this coming September. Have a good summer!! MEETING AJOURNED – 8:30pm NEXT MEETING: September 2014 in the school library. Date to be announced. Page 10 of 10