Quick Tips the Schedule of Classes

While browsing the schedule
of classes, it is helpful to jot
down the CRN numbers
(Course Registration
Numbers) Each class has a
Clicking on a class CRN will
give you additional details
about the class.
After clicking on the CRN, click
on the title of the course for
details such as restrictions
and pre/co requisites.
To find a description of the
course, click "view catalog
Day Abbreviations
MWF = Monday, Wednesday,
TR=Tuesday, Thursday
Courses that begin
numerically with 1XX or 2XX
are lower division courses.
3XX and 4XX are upper
division courses. 500+ are
graduate level courses.
If the class has a corequisite,
you must register for both
classes at the same time.
Additional Abbreviations
Before each class,
O = The class section is open.
There are seats available.
C = The class section is closed.
No seats are available.
Quick Tips – Browsing the Schedule of Classes
Office of the Registrar
(513) 745-3941 xureg@xavier.edu
Quick Tips for Browsing
the Schedule of Classes
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