Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson 1 Unit 1 PRETEST. Discuss student and parent letters. Motivate students to be the best they can be. (Skills tested: Patterns 1-4, Page 1 adjective and adverb definitions, capitalization/punctuation, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, fragments, helping verbs, and paragraph writing.) 2 STUDY SKILLS. Introduce long term goals and short term goals. 3 3 STUDY SKILLS. Introduce getting organized, listening, planning study time, doing homework. Use Quigley stories to discuss study skills. 4 4 STUDY SKILLS. Introduce beginning setup plan for school, study plans for school and home, student progress chart, and daily lesson planner. 9 TEACHER RESOURCE SECTION 13 5 Introduce vocabulary: abandon, synonyms, and antonyms. 25 6 GROUP A. Introduce sentence jingle, complete sentences, and kinds of sentences. Review abandon. Give Group A Test. (Skills tested: Kinds of sentences and synonyms/antonyms.) 27 7 GROUP A. Introduce vocabulary: ferocity, noun, verb, adverb, and adjective jingles, and journal writing. Review sentence jingle. Check Group A Test. Write in journals. 31 8 GROUP B. Introduce subject noun, verb, adjective, adverb, article, and question/answer flow. Review ferocity and previously taught jingles. Classify Group B Beginning Practice Sentences. 35 9 GROUP B. Introduce vocabulary: boast, Pattern 1, complete subject/complete predicate, and end punctuation. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group B Beginning Practice Sentences. Give Group B Test. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 40 10 GROUP B. No new skills. Review boast and previously taught jingles. Classify Group B Beginning Practice Sentences. Check Group B Test. Write in journals. 45 11 GROUP 1A. Introduce vocabulary: sabotage and oral skill builder check, finding nouns, singular/plural nouns, and parts of speech. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. 47 12 GROUP 1A. Introduce simple subject/simple predicate and how to find one part of speech. Review sabotage and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1A Sentences. Give Group 1A Test. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, complete 51 sentences and synonyms/antonyms.) subject/complete predicate, naming the parts of speech, and finding one part of speech.) 13 GROUP 1A. Introduce vocabulary: customary. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1A Sentences. Check Group 1A Test. Write in journals. 55 14 GROUP 1B. Introduce common/proper nouns and vocabulary check. Review customary and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1B Sentences. 56 15 GROUP 1B. Introduce vocabulary: fragrance and homonyms. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1B Sentences. Give Group 1B Test. 60 16 GROUP 1B. No new skills. Review fragrance and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1B Sentences. Check Group 1B Test. Write in journals. 63 17 PRACTICE & IMPROVED SENTENCES. Introduce vocabulary: abundant, practice and improved sentences, and guided class writing activity for practice and improved sentences. Review previously taught jingles. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 64 18 PRACTICE & IMPROVED SENTENCES. Introduce writing practice and improved sentences as a test. Review abundant and previously taught jingles. Do a teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. 68 19 GROUP 2A. Introduce vocabulary: sullen, preposition jingle and concept, object of the preposition jingle and concept, preposition flow jingle, prepositional phrase, the preposition as a part of speech, the object of the preposition in the noun check, and predicate words located in the complete subject. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 70 20 GROUP 2A. Introduce matching English terms and definitions. Review sullen and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2A Sentences. Give Group 2A Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, noun job table, definitions, and homonyms.) 78 21 GROUP 2A. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 1-8 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2A Sentences. Check Group 2A Test. Write in journals. 82 22 GROUP 2B. Introduce adding subject-verb agreement to skill builder check. Review Vocabulary Words 1-8 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2B Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 83 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual iii © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 1 Continued Page 23 GROUP 2B. Introduce subject-verb agreement in test format. Review Vocabulary Words 1-8 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2B Sentences. Give Group 2B Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, noun job table, vocabulary words, and subject/verb agreement.) 88 24 GROUP 2B. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2B Sentences. Check Group 2B Test. Write in journals. 92 25 GROUP 3A Introduce pronoun jingle and concept, subject pronoun jingle and concept, understood subject pronoun, possessive pronoun jingle and concept, possessive noun, and recognizing pronouns in the noun check. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 93 26 GROUP 3A. Introduce vocabulary: prosperity, the eight parts of speech jingle, and adding pronouns to parts of speech. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3A Sentences. Give Group 3A Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, naming parts of speech, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, and 101 subject/verb agreement.) 27 GROUP 3A. Introduce oral definition test. Review prosperity and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3A Sentences. Check Group 3A Test. Write in journals. 104 28 GROUP 3B Introduce vocabulary: renown and adding a verb chant to skill builders. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3B Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 105 29 GROUP 3B. Introduce a/an choices. Review renown and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3B Sentences. Give Group 3B Test. Do independent or teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 109 sentences, a/an choices, definitions, and finding one part of speech.) 30 GROUP 3B. Introduce vocabulary: zeal. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3B Sentences. Check Group 3B Test. Write in journals. 112 31 GROUP 4A. Introduce helping verb jingle and concept, the NOT adverb, the question verb. Review zeal and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 113 32 GROUP 4A. Introduce vocabulary: absorb. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4A Sentences. Give Group 4A Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, naming the parts of 118 speech, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, and subject/verb agreement.) 33 GROUP 4A. Introduce oral definition test. Review absorb and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4A Sentences. Check Group 4A Test. Write in journals. 120 34 GROUP 4B. Introduce vocabulary: conflict, the object pronoun, and the object pronoun jingle. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4B Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 121 35 GROUP 4B. No new skills. Review conflict and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4B Sentences. Give Group 4B Test. Do independent or teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, a/an 125 choices, definitions, and finding one part of speech.) 36 GROUP 4B. Introduce vocabulary: eliminate. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4B Sentences. Check Group 4B Test. Write in journals. 127 37 GROUP 5A. Introduce conjunction, interjection, adding conjunction and interjection to the parts of speech, and writing an independent Pattern 1 sentence. Review eliminate and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 128 38 GROUP 5A. Introduce vocabulary: designate. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5A Sentences. Give Group 5A Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, naming the 133 parts of speech, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, and subject/verb agreement.) 39 GROUP 5A. Introduce oral definition test for new concepts. Review designate and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5A Sentences. Check Group 5A Test. Write in journals. 135 40 GROUP 5B. Introduce vocabulary: evaporate. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5B Sentences. Give Group 5B Test. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for an independent Pattern 1 sentence. (Skills 136 tested: Pattern 1 sentences, a/an choices, definitions, finding one part of speech.) 41 GROUP 5B. No new skills. Review evaporate and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5B Sentences. Check Group 5B Test. Write in journals. 141 42 WRITING. Introduce the three-point expository paragraph. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #1. 142 iv Level 4 Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 1 Continued Page 43 WRITING. Introduce first person point of view and third person point of view. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignments #2 & #3. 153 44 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 9-16 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Give Group 6 Test. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 1 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, 155 a/an choices, subject/verb agreement, definitions, finding one part of speech.) 45 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 9-16 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Check Group 6 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #4. 159 46 GROUP 7. No new skills. Review and test Vocabulary Words 9-16. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 7 Sentences. Give Group 7 Test. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 1 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 160 47 GROUP 7. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 7 Sentences. Check Group 7 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #4. 164 48 GROUP 8. Introduce a scrambled sentence. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Give Group 8 Test. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 1 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, unscrambling a sentence, noun job table, a/an 165 49 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Check Group 8 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #5. 170 50 GROUP 9. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 9 Sentences. Give Group 9 Test. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 1 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 1 sentences, unscrambling a sentence, noun 171 51 GROUP 9. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 9 Sentences. Check Group 9 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #5. 175 52 WRITING. Introduce how to change plural categories to singular points in a three-point paragraph. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignments #6 & #7. Share Time for Writing Assignments #6 & #7. 176 53 WRITING. Introduce the time-order paragraph format. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignments #8 & #9. Share Time for Writing Assignments #8 & #9. 179 1 sentences, naming the parts of speech, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, vocabulary words, and subject/verb agreement.) choices, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, and subject/verb agreement.) job table, naming the eight parts of speech, a/an choices, and finding one part of speech.) Lesson Unit 2 Page 54 GROUP 1. Introduce direct object jingle and concept, transitive verb, Pattern 2, and the direct object in the noun check. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. Write in journals. 181 55 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Give Group 1 Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences, noun job table, a/an choices, 187 56 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Check Group 1 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #10. 189 57 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: alertness, capitalization/punctuation, and writing an independent Pattern 2 Sentence. Review: Classify Group 2 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for an independent Pattern 2 sentence. Write in journals. 190 58 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review alertness and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Give Group 2 Test. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences, scrambled sentence, homonyms, subject/verb agreement, definitions, and definitions.) 198 59 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Check Group 2 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #10. 200 60 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: legend and writing rule numbers for capitalization and punctuation of a friendly letter Review: Classify Group 3 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 3 Test. Assign independent Pattern 2 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences, scrambled sentence, capitalization/punctuation.) 201 61 GROUP 3. No new skills. Review legend and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3 Sentences. Check Group 3 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #11. 206 62 GROUP 4. Introduce vocabulary: vision, and capitalization and punctuation of a friendly letter using corrections only. Review: Classify Group 4 Sentences. Give Group 4 Test. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 2 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences, a/an choices, synonyms/antonyms, and capitalization/punctuation.) 207 homonyms, synonym/antonyms, and subject/verb agreement.) Level 4 Teacher’s Manual v © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 2 Continued Page 63 GROUP 4. No new skills. Review vision and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4 Sentences. Check Group 4 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #11. 212 64 GROUP 5. Introduce vocabulary: universally and capitalization/punctuation of a business letter using rule numbers. Review: Classify Group 5 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 5 Test. Assign independent Pattern 2 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences and capitalization/punctuation.) 213 65 GROUP 5. No new skills. Review universally and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5 Sentences. Check Group 5 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #12. 218 66 GROUP 6. Introduce vocabulary: margin and capitalization/punctuation of a business letter using corrections only. Review: Classify Group 6 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 6 Test. Assign independent Pattern 2 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 2 sentences and capitalization/punctuation.) 219 67 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review margin and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Check Group 6 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #12. 224 68 GROUP 7. Introduce vocabulary: composed and mixed patterns 1-2, and making nouns possessive. Review: Classify Group 7 Sentences. Give Group 7 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-2, possessive forms of nouns, and capitalization/punctuation.) 225 69 GROUP 7. No new skills. Review composed and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 7 Sentences. Check Group 7 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #13. 231 70 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 17-22 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 8 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-2 sentences, possessive forms of nouns, 232 capitalization/punctuation.) 71 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 17-22 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Check Group 8 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #13. 236 72 GROUPS 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review and test Vocabulary Words 17-22. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 9A Test and Group 9B Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-2, capitalization/punctuation, vocabulary 237 words, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, a/an choices, subject/verb agreement, possessive forms of nouns and definitions.) 73 GROUPS 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Check Group 9A & 9B Tests. Write in journals. 242 74 WRITING. Introduce the persuasive paragraph. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #14. 243 75 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignments #15 & #16. Share Time for Writing Assignments #15 & #16. 251 76 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #17. Share Time for Writing Assignment #17. 252 Lesson Unit 3 Page 77 GROUP 1. Introduce indirect object jingle and concept, Pattern 3, and the indirect object in the noun check. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. Write in journals. 253 78 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Give Group 1 Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 3 sentences, scrambled sentences, noun job table, a/an choices, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, and subject/verb agreement.) 258 79 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Check Group 1 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #18. 260 80 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: stationary, fragments, simple sentences, simple sentences with compound parts, run-on sentences, and an independent Pattern 3 sentence. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for an independent Pattern 3 sentence. Write in journals. 261 81 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review stationary and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Give Group 2 Test. Practice identifying fragments and simple sentences with compound parts. (Skills tested: Pattern 3 sentences, scrambled 268 sentences, fragments, simple sentences, simple sentences with compound parts.) 82 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Check Group 2 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #18. vi 270 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 3 Continued Page 83 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: reluctant. Review: Classify Group 3 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 3 Test. Assign independent Pattern 3 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 3 sentences, fragments, simple sentences, simple 271 84 GROUP 3. No new skills. Review reluctant and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3 Sentences. Check Group 3 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #19. 276 85 GROUP 4. Introduce vocabulary: deposit, compound sentences, and a comma splice. Review: Classify Group 4 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 4 Test. Assign independent Pattern 3 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 277 sentences with compound parts, and capitalization/punctuation.) 3 sentences, fragments, run-on sentences, simple sentences, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and capitalization/punctuation.) 86 GROUP 4. No new skills. Review deposit and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4 Sentences. Check Group 4 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #19. 283 87 GROUP 5. Introduce vocabulary: serious. Review: Classify Group 5 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 5 Test. Assign an independent Pattern 3 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 3 sentences, fragments, run-on sentences, simple 284 sentences, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and capitalization/punctuation.) 88 GROUP 5. No new skills. Review serious and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5 Sentences. Check Group 5 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #20. 289 89 GROUP 6. Introduce vocabulary: triumph. Review: Classify Group 6 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 6 Test. Assign independent Pattern 3 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 3 sentences, run-on sentences, fragments, simple sentences, 290 simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and capitalization/punctuation.) 90 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review triumph and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Check Group 6 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #20. 295 91 GROUP 7. Introduce vocabulary: original, mixed patterns 1-3, and double negatives. Review: Classify Group 7 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Assign independent Pattern 3 sentence. Give Group 7 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed 296 patterns 1-3, run-on sentences, fragments, simple sentences, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and double negatives.) 92 GROUP 7. No new skills. Review original and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 7 Sentences. Check Group 7 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #21. 301 93 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 23-28 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 8 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-3, run-on sentences, fragments, simple sentences, 302 94 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 23-28 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Check Group 8 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #21. 306 95 GROUP 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review and test Vocabulary Words 23-28. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 9A Test and Group 9B Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-3, run-on sentences, fragments, simple 307 simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and double negatives.) sentences, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, double negatives, vocabulary words, homonyms, synonyms/antonyms, a/an choices, subject/verb agreement, possessive forms of nouns, capitalization/punctuation, and definitions.) 96 GROUP 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Check Group 9A Test and Group 9B Test. Write in journals. 312 97 WRITING. Introduce rough drafts, revising and editing,the editing checklist, and editing an expository paragraph. Writing: Give Group 10 Editing Test. 313 98 WRITING. Introduce editing with partners. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #22. 318 99 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #23. 320 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual vii © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 4 Page 100 GROUP 1. Introduce predicate noun jingle and concept, linking verb, Pattern 4, and the predicate noun in the noun check. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for practice and improved sentences. 323 101 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Give Group 1 Test. Do teacher-guided test for practice and improved sentences. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, scrambled sentence, noun job table, 328 102 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Check Group 1 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #24. 330 103 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: mature, regular/irregular verbs, and independent Pattern 4 sentence. Review: Classify Group 2 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Do teacher-guided group work for independent Pattern 4 Sentence. Write in journals. 331 104 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review: Classify Group 2 Sentences. Give Group 2 Test. Practice identifying regular and irregular verbs. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, scrambled sentence, regular/irregular verbs, and possessive forms of nouns.) 335 105 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Check Group 2 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #24. 337 106 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: verdict, simple verb tenses, and tenses of helping verbs. Review: Classify Group 3 Sentences. Give Group 3 Test. Assign independent Pattern 4 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, scrambled 338 fragment, simple sentence, simple sentence with compound parts, compound sentence, double negatives, capitalization/punctuation.) sentence, regular/irregular verbs, tenses of helping verbs, fragment, simple sentence, simple sentence with compound parts, and compound sentences.) 107 GROUP 3. No new skills. Review verdict and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3 Sentences. Check Group 3 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #25. 344 108 GROUP 4. Introduce vocabulary: hazard and changing present tense verbs to past tense verbs in a written paragraph. Review: Classify Group 4 Sentences. Give Group 4 Test. Assign independent Pattern 4 Sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 345 109 GROUP 4. No new skills. Review hazard and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4 Sentences. Check Group 4 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #25. 351 110 GROUP 5. Introduce vocabulary: abundance and changing past tense verbs to present tense verbs in a paragraph. Review: Classify Group 5 Sentences. Do an oral skill builder check. Give Group 5 Test. Assign independent Pattern 4 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, regular/irregular verbs, tenses of helping verbs, and changing verb tenses in a paragraph.) 352 111 GROUP 5. No new skills. Review abundance and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5 Sentences. Check Group 5 Test. Writing: Give Expository Paragraph Writing Assignment #26. 358 112 GROUP 6. Introduce vocabulary: evidence. Review: Classify Group 6 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 6 Test. Assign independent Pattern 4 sentence. (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, regular/irregular verbs, tenses of helping 359 sentences, regular/irregular verbs, tenses of helping verbs, and changing verb tenses in a paragraph.) verbs, changing verb tenses in a paragraph.) 113 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review evidence and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Check Group 6 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #26. 364 114 GROUP 7. Introduce vocabulary: authority, mixed patterns 1-4, and personal pronouns and their antecedents. Review: Classify Group 7 Sentences. Give Group 7 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, pronouns and antecedents, regular/irregular 365 verbs, and changing verb tenses in a paragraph.) 115 GROUP 7. No new skills. Review authority and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 7 Sentences. Check Group 7 Test. Writing: Give Persuasive Paragraph Writing Assignment #27. 369 116 GROUP 8. Introduce changing mixed tenses into present tense or past tense verbs in a paragraph. Review Vocabulary Words 29-34 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 8 Test. 370 (Skills tested: Pattern 4 sentences, pronouns and antecedents, regular/irregular verbs, changing verb tenses in a paragraph.) 117 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review Vocabulary Words 29-34 and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 8 Sentences. Check Group 8 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #27. viii 375 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 4 Continued 118 GROUPS 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review and test Vocabulary Words 29-34. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 9A Test and Group 9B Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, fragments, simple sentences, simple 119 GROUPS 9A & 9B. No new skills. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 9A Sentences. Check Group 9A & 9B Tests. Write in journals. 120 Page 376 sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, double negatives, and vocabulary words.) 381 WRITING. Introduce descriptive writing and editing a descriptive paragraph. Writing: Give Group 10 Editing Test. 382 121 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Descriptive Paragraph Writing Assignments #28 & #29. 385 122 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Descriptive Paragraph Writing Assignment #30. 387 Lesson 123 Unit 5 GROUP 1. Introduce vocabulary: positive and beginning quotations. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 1 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, scrambled sentences, noun job Page 389 table, capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) 124 GROUP 1. No new skills. Review positive and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 1 Sentences. Check Group 1 Test. Writing: Give Descriptive Paragraph Writing Assignment #31. 395 125 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: indecision ,end quotations, and other quotation rules. Review: Classify Group 2 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 2 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, scrambled sentence, noun job table, 396 and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) 126 GROUP 2. No new skills. Review indecision and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 2 Sentences. Check Group 2 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #31. 402 127 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: hesitate. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 3 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4 and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) 403 128 GROUP 3. No new skills. Review hesitate and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 3 Sentences. Check Group 3 Test. Writing: Give Descriptive Paragraph Writing Assignment #32. 407 129 GROUP 4. Introduce vocabulary: attitude. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4 Sentences. Do an oral skill builder check. Give Group 4 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, scrambled sentence, and capitalization/punctuation of 408 quotations.) 130 GROUP 4. No new skills. Review attitude and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 4 Sentences. Check Group 4 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #32. 412 131 GROUP 5. Introduce vocabulary: comment. Review previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5 Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 5 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4 and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) 413 132 GROUP 5. No new skills. Review comment and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 5 Sentences. Check Group 5 Test. Writing: Give Descriptive Paragraph Writing Assignment #33. 417 133 GROUP 6. Introduce vocabulary: disguise. Review: Classify Group 6 Sentence. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 6 Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4 and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) 418 134 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review disguise and previously taught jingles. Classify Group 6 Sentences. Check Group 6 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #33. 422 135 GROUPS 7A & 7B. No new skills. Review and test Vocabulary Words 35-40. Classify Group 7A Sentences. Do oral skill builder check. Give Group 7A Test and Group 7B Test. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 1-4, capitalization/punctuation of quotations, 423 fragments, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and vocabulary words.) GROUPS 7A & 7B. No new skills. Review: Classify Group 7 Sentences. Check Group 7 Test. Write in journals. 428 137 WRITING. Introduce narrative writing and editing a narrative. Writing: Give Group 8 Editing Test. 429 138 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Give Narrative Writing Assignment #34. 432 139 136 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Edit Narrative Writing Assignment #34. Share Time for Writing Assignment #34. 433 140 POSTTEST. Give posttest. Check posttest. Writing: Give Narrative Writing Assignment #35. (Skills tested: Mixed patterns 14, definitions, capitalization/punctuation, quotations, fragments, simple sentences with compound parts, compound sentences, and tenses of helping verbs.) 434 141 WRITING. No new skills. Writing: Edit Narrative Writing Assignment #35. Share Time for Writing Assignment #35. 436 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual ix © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson Unit 6 Page 142 FRIENDLY LETTER. Introduce vocabulary: audience and command, the friendly letter and envelope. Group work for a friendly letter. 437 143 GROUPS 1A & 1B. Introduce unscrambling the parts of a friendly letter and envelope and tall tales. Review audience and command. Give Group 1A Test and Group 1B Test. (Skills tested: Friendly letter, envelope, and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) Writing: Give Tall Tale Writing Assignment #36. 440 144 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: enormous and intention. Review: Check Group 1A Test and Group 1B Test. Give Group 2 Test. (Skills tested: Friendly letter, envelope, and capitalization/punctuation of quotations.) Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #36. 443 145 GROUP 3. No new skills. Review enormous and intention. Check Group 2 Test. Give Group 3 Test. (Skills tested: Friendly letter, envelope, and capitalization/punctuation, quotations.) Write in journals. 445 146 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: identify and ignore. Review: Check Group 3 Test. Write a friendly letter and address an envelope. Write in journals. 447 147 BUSINESS LETTER. Introduce the four types of business letters and the parts of a business letter. Review identify and ignore . Group work for a business letter. 448 148 GROUPS 4A & 4B. Introduce unscrambling the parts of a business letter and envelope. Review Vocabulary Words 4146. Give Group 4A Test and Group 4B Test. Write in journals. (Skills tested: Business letter, envelope, vocabulary words, 452 capitalization/punctuation, and quotations.) 149 GROUP 5. No new skills. Review: Check Group 4A Test and Group 4B Test. Give Group 5 Test. Write in journals. 455 (Skills tested: Business letter, capitalization/punctuation, and quotations.) 150 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review: Check Group 5 Test. Give Group 6 Test. Write in journals. (Skills tested: Business 457 letter, capitalization/punctuation, and quotations.) 151 GROUP 6. No new skills. Review: Check Group 6 Test. Write a business letter and address an envelope. 459 152 THANK-YOU NOTE. Introduce the thank-you note. Write a thank-you note. Writing: Give Narrative Writing Assignment #37. 460 153 INVITATION. Introduce the invitation. Write an invitation. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #37. 462 154 GROUP 7. Introduce contractions. Review: Give Group 7 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #37. (Skills tested: Contractions and possessive pronouns.) 463 155 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review: Check Group 7 Test. Give Group 8 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Give Narrative Writing Assignment #38. (Skills tested: Contractions and possessive pronouns.) 466 156 GROUP 8. No new skills. Review: Check Group 8 Test. Write in journals. Writing: Share Time for Writing Assignment #38. 468 x Level 4 Teacher’s Manual © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Level 4 Table of Contents — The Shurley Method Table Of Contents Lesson 157 Unit 7 GROUP 1. Introduce vocabulary: impostor and dictionary skills: alphabetizing. Give Group 1 Test. Check Group 1 Test. Page 469 (Skills tested: Alphabetizing, capitalization/punctuation, quotations, and subject/verb agreement.) 158 GROUP 2. Introduce vocabulary: meager and dictionary skills: guide words. Give Group 2 Test. Check Group 2 Test. 471 (Skills tested: Guide words, alphabetizing, capitalization/punctuation, and quotations.) 159 GROUP 3. Introduce vocabulary: fulfill and dictionary skills: entry words. Give Group 3 Test. Check Group 2 Test. (Skills 474 tested: Entry words and guide words.) 160 GROUP 4. Introduce vocabulary: deficiency and main parts of a library, how to find books in the library, and the card catalog. Give Group 4 Test. Check Group 4 Test. (Skills tested: Parts of a library, how to find books in the library, and the card 477 catalog.) 161 GROUP 5. Introduce vocabulary: bountiful and parts of a book: title page, table of contents, copyright page, index, bibliography, preface, appendix, glossary, and body. Give Group 5 Test. Check Group 5 Test. (Skills tested: Parts of a book.) 482 162 GROUP 6. Introduce vocabulary: absolutely, table of contents, and index. Give Group 6 Test. Check Group 6 Test. (Skills 485 tested: Table of contents and index.) 163 GROUP 7A & 7B. Introduce reading purposes, reading speeds, skimming, and scanning. Review and test Vocabulary Words 47-52. Give Group 7A Test and Group 7B Test. Check Groups 7A & Group 7B Tests. (Skills tested: Skimming and 489 scanning, alphabetical order, guide words, capitalization/punctuation, quotations, and vocabulary words.) Ideas for Creative Writing Unit 8 Page I. A Remarkable Person - Me 495 II. Descriptive Writing 496 III. Creative Titles 497 IV. Tall Tales 497 V. Poetry 498 VI. Following Oral Directions 499 VII. Autobiography 499 Level 4 Teacher’s Manual xi © SHURLEY INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS