February 2016 Venerable Michael J. McGivney Catholic School Upcoming Events February 2 450 Fernforest Drive, Brampton, ON, L6R 2P7 Phone: 905-792-0630 Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/GIVNY Principal: J. Amodeo Vice Principal: V. Carey Secretaries: S. Del Gobbo Superintendent: L. Storey Trustee: S. Xaviour St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish: Fr. R. Mignella Catholic School Council Chairs: M. Licata Rosary Apostolate (a.m.) February 4 Black History Month Movie Presentation for Gr. 4-8 (905.890.1221) (905.792.7497) February 10 Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 1:00p.m. February 12 French Carnival February 12 Prayer to Love God above all Things God, my Father, may I love You in all things and above all things. Spirit Week-Red & White Day February 15 Family Day May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against Your Will, and all that is good comes from Your Hand. Place in my heart a desire to please You and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love, February 16 Spirit Week-Wacky Hair Day February 17 Spirit Week-Sports Jersey Day February 18 Spirit Week-Change Your Style Day so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace. February 19 Spirit Week-Cultural Pride Day February 22 Virtue Assembly-1:00p.m. Page 1 of 8 February 23 Guest Speaker-Duane Gibson VIRTUE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY — RESPECT In the month of February, we celebrate the virtue of RESPECT. Students will focus on this virtue in the classroom and we remind them over the P.A. during the month of February. Respect is always promoted at Venerable Michael J. McGivney school but we bring particular attention to it this month. Students are encouraged to have respect for themselves as well as those around them. A respectful person…. Treats himself/herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy Uses a positive tone of voice and body language Avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and inappropriate gestures Says “excuse me, please and pardon me”…. Avoids gossip Upcoming Virtue Assemblies Feb. 22 Mar. 29 Apr. 25 May 06 Jun. 20 “Respect” “Kindness” “Love” “Acceptance” “Fairness” NEWSLETTERS Newsletters are also made available electronically on the school website. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and communicate with families in an effective and timely manner we are now distributing our Newsletters via email. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER.. Venerable Michael J. McGivney School has a Twitter Account. Knights@McGIVNEYSCHOOL We will be posting information on this account throughout the year. NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING is April 4th @ 6:30. Please join us. All of our Virtue Assemblies will take place at 2:15 in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend. Page 2 of 8 BULLYING PREVENTION AND EDUCATION What to Do If A Child Is... Being Bullied Believe what they say, listen and try to understand their feelings Involve children in community activities to help them make friends Contact the school to talk about the problem and get support Witnessing Bullying Talk to children about issues such as bullying and listen to what they think/feel Help children plan what they will do if they see someone being bullied Get involved in working to prevent violence in your school and community Bullying Others Let children know, by your words and actions, that bullying is not okay Teach children to act in ways that show they respect themselves and others Acknowledge what is happening and accept help if needed Communication is important. Create opportunities to talk with children. WINTER WEATHER We have had some extremely cold weather lately. This is a reminder that children need to be dressed appropriately for the weather. Our Board policy is that recess is a part of the school day. We have guidelines from the Board office that help us make a decision as to whether it is too cold for students to go outdoors. If your child is prone to getting wet during recess or lunch hour, please send a change of clothes, especially socks and pants. With the arrival of the colder weather, we continually remind students that they are expected to remove their winter boots once they enter the building. Please ensure that your child has indoor shoes to be worn in school. Wet floors and hallways can result in slippery conditions which may result in injuries. There is another reason children need to wear shoes indoors. If the fire alarm rings, or if we need to evacuate the building, there is no time to put on their boots. Proper footwear should be worn for gym class. ATTENDANCE & LATE ARRIVALS A reminder to parents/guardians to call in their children’s absences and lates. It is the school’s expectation that all students arrive at school on time and be prepared for class. Being consistently and continuously late interrupts the class during lessons and creates delays in the office. Please note that issues with lates and absenteeism may involve the school’s Administration, Child and Youth Worker and Social Worker. Thank You for your support. EXTENDED FAMILY VACATIONS FROM SCHOOL Many students have the opportunity to travel with their families during the school year. While these trips, requiring an extended absence, may be educational, there will be learning, assessment, and participation missed during the trip. Please discuss any plans for extended family trips and the implications of an extended absence with the principal, Mr. Amodeo. Page 3 of 8 SCHOOL CLOSING DUE TO SEVERE WEATHER During the winter months inclement weather may cause a disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 am and will be announced on the following radio stations: Virgin Radio 99.9 98.1 CFTR 680 CHFI EZ Rock 97.3 CJCL 590 93.1 CHIN 100.7 1540 CFRB 1010 CHIN Z103.5 CFNY 102.1 ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS I AM A LEARNER FOR LIFE! I use my gifts and talents given to me by God I always do my best I build on my strengths and weaknesses I set goals I accept change I am proud of the good things I do I am thankful for the gifts of others Because I am a learner for life, I can reach for my dreams, by living my life like Jesus. CJBC 860 And TV Stations: CITYPULSE NEWS, CBC NEWS, GLOBAL NEWS. The most accurate and up to date information can be found on the board’s website: www.dpcdsb.org Parents & Visitors in the School A reminder that all visitors and volunteers, INCLUDING PARENTS must come to the office, sign in and pick up a visitor sticker. Anyone not wearing a visitor sticker will be asked to return to the office to sign in and pick one up. SNOW and ICE Throwing snowballs and sliding on the ice can be fun. However, as much fun as it is, snow and ice can be very dangerous when there are many people in our school yard. A large number of student injuries happen during the winter months. Students are reminded constantly that snow must always stay on the ground and that sliding on ice is not permitted. The safety of our students is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, snowball throwing, kicking snow or ice, or throwing snow at anyone, is not tolerated at Venerable Michael McGivney School. Please have a conversation with your child(ren) to help to re-enforce this message. We thank you for your cooperation in supporting a safe environment at Venerable Michael J. McGivney School. Page 4 of 8 SAFETY FIRST NATIONAL SWEATER DAY Thank-you to all the parents for their concerted effort at helping to keep our students’ safety a priority when using the Kiss and Ride lane in our driveway. To ensure the safety of students please follow these guidelines: Use the Kiss ‘N Ride lane only; do not drop off your child in the Drive-Thru lane. Drop children only when you reach the front of the line at the stop sign or under the direction of the supervisor on duty. Please wait your turn. Your child must exit the car on the right hand side only. Your child must be ready to exit the car on their own; if they are unable to exit on their own please park on the street and walk your child in. Please do not: drop your child off in the Drive Thru lane allow your child to exit the car on the right hand side into the drive thru lane You may not leave your car unattended, in the Kiss N Ride, the Drive Thru Lane or the FIRE LANE at the front of the school at any time of the day. INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION Congratulations to Persis A. and Alvin A. who will be representing our school at the St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish Speech Competition on Saturday, February 27th. Persis and Alvin won our school speech competition which was held on Thursday, February 4th, 2016. On Thursday, February 4th, Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools and board sites turned down the heat and put on a sweater in honour of World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) National Sweater Day. The event is held each year across Canada to raise awareness about the importance of energy conservation. According to the WWF, heating makes up 80% of all energy used in homes and schools across Canada. If every Canadian home and school turned down the temperature of their home or school by two degrees during the winter months, enough energy would be saved to close an entire coal-powered plant. At McGivney, our staff and students wore their warmest, fuzziest sweater – or even their favourite sweater - to honour this event. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BASKETBALL FREE THROW CONTEST It was great to see the McGivney spirit alive on a cold Saturday morning on January 23rd as several gr. 4 to 8 McGivney students attended the Knights of Columbus basketball free throw event. Thank you to the following students for representing the school very well: Alexandra, Sabina M., Nicole R., Vanessa N., Mahalia, Tehila R., Steve M., Jermain M.,Baraka, Ose, Romelle, Robert, Stephan M., Nicolas G. Six of these students placed first in their age group and are invited to the district competition on Feb. 20. Congratulations to: Alexandra 9 yr old girls; Steve M. 9 yr old boys Romelle 10 yr old boys; Mahalia 11 yr old girls Vanessa 12 yr old girls; Tehillah 13 yr old girls Good luck! Page 5 of 8 ECO SCHOOLS UPDATE From January 18th-22nd, our school participated in a “Waste Free Lunch Challenge”. The goal was to reduce the amount of waste we produce by 50 percent by ensuring all students continue to bring in reusable containers and water bottles. Each day the garbage cans were weighed and overall each class was able to reduce their waste from 2.5 lbs a day to 1.5 lbs a day. If we continue this achievement throughout the year, we will be able to reach our goal and continue on our quest for GOLD level status! Let’s all try to remember to bring in reusable containers/water bottles and continue to make McGivney a Green and Clean place to be! 26th, On January the Earth Rangers were at our school. They taught students about ways they can get involved and ensure our animal species continue to survive and thrive. The Earth Rangers brought a variety of animals to our school, such as the Peregrine Falcon, Legless Lizard and Tortoise. Students were able to see for themselves how these animals’ habitats are being destroyed and ways that we could prevent this from happening. All staff and students were encouraged to become an “Earth Ranger” and help educate and empower others to Bring Back the Wild. KNIGHTS GIRLS’ INDOOR SOCCER The McGivney Knights Girls’ Soccer team participated in the OLOP Invitational Tournament on January 26th at the Soccer Centre in Brampton, featuring 22 schools from across DPCDSB. The girls played very well finishing first in their division and third overall in the tournament losing in the semi-final to eventual champions, St. Therese, from Mississauga. The highlight of the day was a thrilling Quarter Final win in a Penalty Shootout!!! The Girls should be extremely proud of their accomplishment considering they played against schools with much more soccer experience. Isabella V. was the team MVP showing tremendous skill and class on the field of play, and serving as a goalkeeper in the Quarter Final overtime and saving three penalties in the Shootout!!! Team members included: Isabella V., Brianna J., Vanessa N., Sophia R., Taniah H., Roberta L, Hailey, Annalia P., Noel A., Tehillah R., & Mareena C. Ms. Fantin + Mr. Basciano congratulate the girls for their hard work, and determination and the many parents who attended to support and cheer our girls!!! Mr. Basciano reminds the girls that they should be extremely proud of their accomplishment - they proved, with hard work and determination, everything is possible!!! Way to Go Girls!!!! MCGIVNEY KNIGHTS BOYS’ INDOOR SOCCER The McGivney Boys’ Soccer Team participated in the OLOP Invitational Indoor Soccer Tournament on January 27th at the Soccer Centre in Brampton. Our Knights reached the final match in the 26 team tournament, featuring schools from across DPCDSB. The Boys went undefeated finishing first in their division on the way to the playoff finals. The highlight of the day was the thrilling quarter-final match where the boys came back from a 2 goal deficit to tie the game with only 10 seconds to go. The Boys went on to win the match in a Penalty Shootout. The Boys demonstrated a tremendous level of commitment, skill, and most importantly sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Although fatigue and injuries finally caught up with the Boys in the Final Match, our Knights walked off the field with their heads up high for giving it their all. The Boys’ Soccer Team were presented second place medals and a Finalist Banner that will soon hang in our gym. A special honour was presented to McGivney’s Sebastian D. by the tournament organizers and officials as the Most Sportsmanlike Player in the tournament showing the Virtue of Respect and Empathy on the Field of Play! The coaches also Page 6 of 8 acknowledge the play of Kai G. as the team MVP for the tournament. NEWS FROM ST. MARGUERITE d’YOUVILLE PARISH Team Members Included: Tehail S., Joshua D., Kai G., Sebastian D., Sebastian S., Michael D., Joel O., Bryson B., Tristan N., Tobi B., Samuel O., Jaydan R., Michael M., and our two courageous goalkeepers Fabian P. and Michael T. Family of Faith Campaign - The Arch Diocese of Toronto has asked parishioners to contribute to the Family of Faith Campaign over the next 5 years. The raised funds would go to help restore and build up parishes in need around our Arch Diocese. St, Marguerite d'Youville had a goal set of $750,000.00. A total of 364 families have chosen to participate with a total of $1,159.000.00 over the next 5 years. Ms. Sadurski & Mr. Basciano thank the boys and the many parents who dedicated their time to support our students for a wonderful day!!! Lastly - Mr. Basciano would like to remind the Boys that in his eyes - you are all Champions! Family Day The parish will have a percentage of the amount which will be able to be used towards 2 screens in the parish, a new visible sign outside, to build up our youth ministries, to update the office computers, software and more. A warm ‘Thank you’ to all the families that have contributed. Sacraments of Reconciliation - Grade 2's February 17 & 20 as well as Confirmation candidates February 22 Lenten Mission will be held on Monday February 22 Wednesday February 24 and Led by Father Joby from the Divine Retreat Centre Toronto Monday February 15, 2016 This holiday celebrates the importance of families in our community. Be sure to spend time with those you love! Alpha is running on Wednesday's from 6:30 - 9:00 in the parish hall; included this year is a Children's program. The city of Brampton offers a variety of Family Day activities at your neighbourhood community centre. The Edge youth program invites students from grades 6 to 8 and runs 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Click here to view hours of operation for Brampton Community Centres on Family Day. The Knights of Columbus is hosting their first Valentine's Dinner Dance at St. Marguerite d'Youville High School on February 13th, 2016 @ 6:30 For more information please contact 905-792-7497 ext 223 or email:smdedgeyouthministry@yahoo.com Page 7 of 8 An interactive presentation by Sherry Campbell M.A. RSW OACCPP (R) About Sherry Campbell A presentation for parents, teachers, students that demonstrate principles of living and encourage a healthy, resilient and meaningful life. This presentation is of interest to parents who wish to promote a solid foundation of healthy living, and prepare their children for the inevitable challenges and struggles they will face in their futures. It focuses on developing personal resiliency in our children as the survival strategy for the 21st Century. Too often parents buffer their children from the reasonable and natural consequences of their own actions. Parents that overprotect or rescue their children rob them of the opportunity to develop a track record of success in dealing with the pitfalls of life. This often leaves a child without the self-worth and problem solving skills necessary to function in society. This presentation encourages children to respond to life by choice rather than react to life by chance. I Overcome Failure II Deal with Disappointment III Cultivate a Healthy Self Image IV Delay Gratification V Contribute to Others VI Deal with Struggles of Life VII Become Assertive rather than Aggressive VIII Examine their Choices Sherry Campbell M.A. RSW OACCPP (R)Psychotherapist Sherry is a professional speaker as well as the principal psychotherapist and owner of Sherry Campbell Counselling Group. She is a registered Psychotherapist with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Registered Social Service Workers (RSW), and also with the Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP). Sherry earned her Master’s Degree in Life Span Developmental Psychology and has extensive training and experience in trauma, marital, individual, group counselling as well as personal growth. Sherry also holds her certification in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, providing immediate onsite assistance to organizations in need. Sherry’s clinical experience includes almost 20 years as a psychotherapist with children, teens and adults. Sherry has worked as the sexual abuse, trauma and domestic violence psychotherapist in the Niagara Health System. Recognized as the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Outstanding New Business of 2011and Women In Business Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 and most recently received the 2013 Business Excellence Award from the Greater Fort Erie Chamber of Commerce. As a psychotherapist, counsellor and Coach, Sherry provides all clients with professional, confidential, non-judgmental and ethical service. For more information visit www.SherryCampbellGroup.com Page 8 of 8