C RAFTON H ILLS C OLLEGE FALL 2012 C AMPUS C LIMATE S URVEY R ESULTS W HY C ONDUCT A C LIMATE A SSESSMENT ? To improve the environment for working and learning on campus Facilitate ongoing improvement and organizational change Identify needs and strengths Provide a baseline and identify trends N EXT S TEPS Share results Inform decision making and planning Work together to address challenges and continue to create a positive work environment E XAMPLES OF I MPROVEMENTS MADE R ESULTS FROM THE FALL 2010 C AMPUS C LIMATE S URVEY BASED ON Examples of Progress on Implementing Suggestions from the Fall 2010 Campus Climate Survey Suggestion Progress Make applause cards readily available for use. A link to the Applause Cards is available on the Navigator Online Resource Web Site. Training for managers on recognition Training occurred on Friday, November 9th, 2012. Committee chairs should be trained how to run a committee. Training occurred on August 22nd, 2012. Future trainings will occur once every primary term. The ability to search the email database by first name, department, or office. Contacted DCS in Fall 2012. When click on “To”, check “More columns” and enter first name. “Bring a friend” to committee meetings. Where the friend can sit in on committee as a guest. Piloted in Spring 2012, and did not work well. D URING THE P RESENTATION OF THE R ESULTS , P LEASE THINK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING : What strikes you as positive? What accounts for this and how can we continue? Identify areas for improvement Discuss strategies Suggest solutions What stands out overall? M ETHODOLOGY /S AMPLE Survey was available to all administrators, staff, and full and part-time faculty from October 15, 2012 to December 3, 2012 121 valid surveys received 38% response rate (121/321) 89% response rate for managers (n = 16) 64% response rate for full-time faculty (n = 45) 45% response rate for classified staff (n = 43) P ERC ENT A GREED OF R ESPOND EN TS 86% 78% 81% S TRONGLY E AC H A REA FALL 2 0 1 2 OR S ATISFIE D WITH B ELOW : FALL 2 0 1 0 TO Fall 2010 58% A GREED THAT THEY WERE L ISTED 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% WHO Fall 2012 76% 92% 81% 81% 71% 63% 60% 49% 52% 50% O PPORTUNITIES FOR I MPROVEMENT I DENTIFIED IN FALL 2010 Recognition Workload Resource Allocation Communication Decision Making Shared Governance S ATISFACTION WITH INCREASED FROM R ECOGNITION FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 Being satisfied with receiving recognition for good work substantially increased for Faculty and Classified employees I am recognized for my good work % Agree/ Strongly Agree 85% 75% 65% 55% 45% Managers Faculty Classified 81% 67% 63% 57% 47% Fall 2010 Fall 2012 S ATISFACTION INCREASED FROM W ORKLOAD FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 WITH Being satisfied with the fair allocation of work substantially increased for Faculty and slightly increased for Classified employees % Agree/ Strongly Agree There is a fair allocation of work in my area 80% 80% 75% 70% 64% 60% 67% 59% Managers Faculty Classified 50% 40% 44% 2010 2012 S ATISFACTION WITH R ESOURCE A LLOCATION I NCREASED FROM FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 Being satisfied with the resource allocation process substantially increased for both Faculty and Classified employees % Agree/Strongly Agree I am satisfied w/ the resource allocation processes at Crafton 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 71% 56% 72% 71% 65% Managers Faculty 29% Fall 2010 Classified Fall 2012 S ATISFACTION WITH C OMMUNICATION INCREASED FROM FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 Being satisfied with communication across campus substantially increased for Classified employees Communication across campus is timely and accurate % Agree/ Strongly Agree 75% 65% 55% 67% 58% 66% 63% 56% 45% 35% 25% 15% 20% Fall 2010 Managers Faculty Classified Fall 2012 S ATISFACTION WITH D ECISION M AKING I NCREASED FROM FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 Being satisfied with decision making substantially increased for both Faculty and Classified employees and slightly increased for managers. % Agree/Strongly Agree I am satisfied w/ the planning & decision-making processes at CHC 95% 75% 55% 80% 58% Faculty 35% 15% 86% 78% 77% Managers 21% Fall 2010 Classified Fall 2012 S ATISFACTION WITH S HARED G OVERNANCE INCREASED FROM FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 Being satisfied with Shared Governance substantially increased for both Faculty and Classified employees and slightly increased for managers. % Agree/Strongly Agree Overall, I am satisfied with shared governance at Crafton. 90% 80% 70% 71% Managers 60% 50% 40% 79% 75% 71% 50% 44% Fall 2010 Faculty Classified Fall 2012 O PPORTUNITIES FOR I MPROVEMENT IDENTIFIED IN FALL 2012 Resource Allocation Prioritizing Objectives Outcomes Assessment Reporting Communication R ESOURCE A LLOCATION 76% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the distribution of resources from the District to CHC is adequate 71% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the distribution of resources from the District to CHC and Valley is equitable R ESOURCE A LLOCATION R ELATED C OMMENTS “Not sure why it is still 70/30 with SBVC? I don't feel that our facilities are maintained and updated as needed (BC101, LADM304, CHS237, LADM restrooms, faculty offices, etc.) We are short staffed in maintenance and custodial.” “The district should re-examine the allocation process. The very notion that CHC has a structural deficit even after sever cuts would suggest that the budget, and not the college, is the problem.” P RIORITIZING O BJECTIVES – FALL 2012 120% Managers Faculty Classified % Agree/Strongly Agree 100% 92% 80% 60% 69% 79% 73% 66% 97% 96% 83% 76% 64% 63% 55% 40% 20% 0% The annual process of prioritizing objectives is transparent The annual process of CHC personnel contribute prioritizing objectives at to the annual process of CHC is easy to understand prioritizing objectives The annual process of prioritizing objectives is integrated with the CHC EMP P RIORITIZING O BJECTIVES – FALL 2010 100% % Agree/Strongly Agree 90% 80% Fall 2010 Fall 2012 97% 81% 70% 60% 50% 68% 64% 53% 80% 58% 40% 30% 38% 20% 10% 0% The annual process The annual process of prioritizing of prioritizing objectives is objectives at CHC is transparent easy to understand CHC personnel contribute to the annual process of prioritizing objectives The annual process of prioritizing objectives is integrated with the CHC EMP P RIORITIZING O BJECTIVES R ELATED C OMMENTS “The planning and program review process has made great strides. The college should continue to do its best to make the process accessible and user-friendly.” “Compared to other institutions where I have served, the CHC process isolates faculty members from shared assessment and goal-setting by fragmenting program reviews. In many cases, one full-time faculty member is the only one writing a particular program review...” “I am unclear as to how decisions are made with regards to hiring new managers. How are those decisions being justified using data driven decision-making?” “The processes and procedures we have in place for decision making are good. However, I don't believe that some of the decisions that are made take into consideration the information that is collected during the planning and program review process.” O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT R EPORTING – FALL 2012 120% Managers 110% % Agree/Strongly Agree 100% 90% 80% Faculty Classified 100% 92% 90% 84% 86% 85% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CHC uses the results from the SLOs to CHC uses the results from the SLOs to improve student learning improve programs and services O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT R EPORTING – FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 100% % Agree/Strongly Agree 90% 80% 70% Fall 2010 Fall 2012 91% 74% 89% 73% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CHC uses the results from the SLOs to improve student learning CHC uses the results from the SLOs to improve programs and services O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT R EPORTING R ELATED C OMMENTS “Create one central repository for all SLO's. Currently, I have four locations to which each SLO is recorded.” “Right now the procedure for submitting seems to be whatever you want, however you want, wherever you want. For faculty wanting direction, this is confusing. For anyone wanting to review outcomes for the institution, it is a barrier.” “Streamlining outcomes assessment is the most important part. As a faculty member, I am always assessing my methods, and make changes accordingly. The SLOs help with that, although they are extra work for the most part.” “The outcomes assessment process continues to grow and improve; however, I think that we can continue to make the reporting process easier.” C OMMUNICATION – FALL 2012 100% % Agree/Strongly Agree 90% Managers 94% Faculty Classified 86% 80% 70% 60% 50% 66% 65% 57% 53% 49% 40% 36% 30% 30% 20% 10% 0% Communication across campus is timely and accurate. Communication & understanding among the different employee constituency groups at CHC is sufficient. Best practices are shared effectively at CHC. C OMMUNICATION – FALL 2010 TO FALL 2012 100% % Agree/Strongly Agree 90% 80% Fall 2010 Fall 2012 70% 66% 60% 50% 40% 52% 44% 30% 57% 49% 32% 20% 10% 0% Communication across campus is timely and accurate. Communication & Best practices are shared understanding among the effectively at CHC. different employee constituency groups at CHC is sufficient. C OMMUNICATION R ELATED C OMMENTS “Although communication has improved somewhat, there is still the feeling that any input we may have really isn't taken into consideration when decisions are being made, even when the decision directly affects our job. There are also times when we are told of a decision that was made without seeking any input from the person or area that will be affected the most.” “Communication is improving. T ELL US WHAT YOU THINK Additional questions/comments Thoughts Suggestions for Improvement C ONVERSATION Resource Allocation 76% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the distribution of resources from the District to CHC is adequate 71% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the distribution of resources from the District to CHC and Valley is equitable C ONVERSATION Prioritizing Objectives – Fall 2012 80% Managers Faculty % Agree/Strongly Agree 70% 73% 69% 60% Classified 66% 64% 63% 55% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% The annual process of prioritizing objectives is transparent The annual process of prioritizing objectives at CHC is easy to understand C ONVERSATION Outcomes Assessment Reporting Related Comments “Create one central repository for all SLO's. Currently, I have four locations to which each SLO is recorded.” “Right now the procedure for submitting seems to be whatever you want, however you want, wherever you want. For faculty wanting direction, this is confusing. For anyone wanting to review outcomes for the institution, it is a barrier.” “Streamlining outcomes assessment is the most important part. As a faculty member, I am always assessing my methods, and make changes accordingly. The SLOs help with that, although they are extra work for the most part.” “The outcomes assessment process continues to grow and improve; however, I think that we can continue to make the reporting process easier.” C ONVERSATION Communication – Fall 2012 100% % Agree/Strongly Agree 90% Managers 94% Faculty Classified 86% 80% 70% 60% 50% 66% 65% 57% 53% 49% 40% 36% 30% 30% 20% 10% 0% Communication across campus is timely and accurate. Communication & understanding among the different employee constituency groups at CHC is sufficient. Best practices are shared effectively at CHC.