Hi everyone,

Hi everyone,
Monday, September 29th will mark the launch date of Hartnell College’s awesome new website! The
address will not change - it will still be http://www.hartnell.edu , but you will find a new vibrant website
where the old one used to be.
Our web master James Fitch and the web committee have been working hard during the past year,
creating the framework for the new site, and encouraging more involvement from across the institution.
Our Instructional Technologists, Megan Blevins and Laura Lark have been providing and will continue to
provide training on how to become a contributor to the website (this training is currently limited to
Hartnell College employees and ASB leadership).
For a sneak peek at the new site, use this link: http://live-hartnell.gotpantheon.com. Here are a couple
of screen shots of the new site, and we think you’ll be impressed!
The technology used to create the new site is called Drupal, which is a powerful, open-source content
management system.
Powerful, you say? Does that mean it is complicated and hard to use?
Absolutely not, because we’ve created templates that make Drupal easy to use. This means that more
people will be involved in creating fresh, relevant content to help student and community members
become aware of our incredible academics, pathways, services, and opportunities.
What is a “launch”?
The new website will go live September 29th. This means that the new website will become visible to
the public and the old website will eventually be archived. For a short time the old website will still be
accessible at http://old-www.hartnell.edu in case people need to use it to find information until they
learn where to find that same information in the new website. As time goes on the old website will no
longer contain accurate or relevant data. So we encourage everyone to look around in the new website
to become familiar with it.
What do I do if I encounter a bug or error?
If you happen to click on a page that leads to a dead end or you have trouble finding what you need or
you encounter any issue with the new website, PLEASE let us know by either emailing the webmaster at
ithelp@hartnell.edu. Be sure to put the word website in the subject of the email. Or call 831-755-6789.
You will be connected with people to happy to help you resolve your found issue.
Will content be migrated from the old website?
Yes! All the critical links to student services such as counseling, registration, financial aid or assessment
have been updated ready to lead you to where one needs to go. All faculty and staff information has
been updated and migrated. All the critical links to business and academic contacts and services have
also been updated. All Hartnell College departments have refreshed and updated their information
about their programs and services as well as up-to-date schedule, calendar and directory information.
Does this impact my email, Etudes or PAWS?
No. This transition does not affect your email or anything to do with Etudes or PAWS – those sites and
the credentials to log into them will remain as they are. Hopefully finding these resources and
interacting with them will be easier than ever.
Again, the new Hartnell College website will launch on Monday, September 29th. We are excited to hear
your reaction and your input to this new tool to help you pursue your educational and professional