Hartnell College Student Equity Plan December 18, 2015 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 1 HARTNELL COLLEGE STUDENT EQUITY PLAN Table of Contents Signature Page ................................................................................................................... iii Executive Summary............................................................................................................. 4 Target Groups ........................................................................................................................... 7 Goals ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Activities .................................................................................................................................. 10 Outcomes ................................................................................................................................ 10 Resources ................................................................................................................................ 11 Contact Person/Student Equity Coordinator .......................................................................... 20 Planning Committee and Collaboration .............................................................................. Access .................................................................................................................................... Campus-Based Research .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................................................ Indicator Definitions and Data ............................................................................................... Conclusions: Disproportionately Impacted Student Groups ................................................. Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ Access Baseline Data and Goals ............................................................................................. Activities to Improve Access for Target Student Groups ....................................................... Expected Outcomes for Target Student Groups .................................................................... Course Completion Campus-Based Research .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................................................ Indicator Definitions and Data ............................................................................................... Conclusions: Disproportionately Impacted Student Groups ................................................. Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ Course Completion Baseline Data and Goals ........................................................................ Activities to Improve Course Completion for Target Student Groups .................................. Expected Outcomes for Target Student Groups .................................................................... ESL and Basic Skills Completion ............................................................................................ Campus-Based Research .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................................................ Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 2 Indicator Definitions and Data ............................................................................................... Conclusions: Disproportionately Impacted Student Groups ................................................. Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ ESL and Basic Skills Completion Baseline Data and Goals ..................................................... Activities to Improve ESL and Basic Skills Completion for Target Student Groups ............... Expected Outcomes for Target Student Groups .................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ Degree and Certificate Completion ...................................................................................... Campus-Based Research .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................................................ Indicator Definitions and Data ............................................................................................... Conclusions: Disproportionately Impacted Student Groups ................................................. Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ Degree and Certificate Completion Baseline Data and Goals ............................................... Activities to Improve Degree and Certificate Completion for Target Student Groups ......... Expected Outcomes for Target Student Groups .................................................................... Transfer ................................................................................................................................. Campus-Based Research .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................................................ Indicator Definitions and Data ............................................................................................... Conclusions: Disproportionately Impacted Student Groups ................................................. Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ Transfer Baseline Data and Goals .......................................................................................... Activities to Improve Transfer for Target Student Groups .................................................... Expected Outcomes for Target Student Groups .................................................................... Other College- or District-wide Initiatives Affecting Several Indicators .......................... Goals, Activities, Funding and Evaluation ........................................................................ Goals Addressed by Activities ................................................................................................ Activities, Funding and Evaluation to Improve Outcomes for Target Student Groups ......... Summary Budget ....................................................................................................... 73 Summary Budget spreadsheet .......................................................................................... 74 Summary Evaluation Plan .......................................................................................... 76 Attachments Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 3 Signature Page Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 4 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan Signature Page District: Hartnell College Board of Trustees Approval Date: 12.1.15 I certify that this plan was reviewed and approved by the district board of trustees on the date shown above. I also certify that student equity categorical funding allocated to my college or district will be expended in accordance the student equity expenditure guidelines published by the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). [Signature] Dr. Willard Lewallen wlewallen@hartnell.edu I certify that student equity categorical funding allocated to my college will be expended in accordance the student equity expenditure guidelines published by the CCCCO. [Signature] Marty Parsons mparsons@hartnell.edu I certify that was involved in the development of the plan and support the research goals, activities, budget and evaluation it contains. [Signature] Dr. Romero Jalomo rjalomo@hartnell.edu I certify that was involved in the development of the plan and support the research goals, activities, budget and evaluation it contains. [Signature] Dr. Lori Kildal lkidal@hartnell.edu I certify that Academic Senate representatives were involved in the development of the plan and the Senate supports the research goals, activities, budget and evaluation it contains. [Signature] Carol Kimbrough ckimbrough@hartnell.edu I certify that Classified Senate representatives were involved in the development of the plan and the Senate supports the research goals, activities, budget and evaluation it contains. [Signature] Delia Edeza dedeza@hartnell.edu Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 5 I certify that Associated Student Body representatives were involved in the development of the plan and supports the research goals, activities, budget and evaluation it contains. [Signature] Ali Saleh asaleh@student.hartnell.edu [Signature] Antonio Alarcon aalarcon@hartnell.edu 831.755.6832 [Signature] Kathy Mendelsohn kmendelsohn@hartnell.edu 831.755.6827 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 6 Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Founded in 1920, Hartnell College is one of the oldest educational institutions in California and operates three campuses in the Salinas Valley: the Main Campus at 411 Central Avenue in Salinas, which opened in 1936; the Alisal Campus (formerly East Campus) at 1752 E. Alisal Street in Salinas; and the King City Education Center at 117 N. Second Street in King City, located in southern Monterey County. The King City Center celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2012. The college also delivers on-site instruction at communities throughout its District. The college’s nearly 10,000 students (7,100 FTES) are diverse, with Latino students accounting for more than 60percent of enrollments, reflecting the greater community population. Many students are the first in their family to attend college, and many speak Spanish as their primary language. Hartnell has earned the federal designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution. In 2012, the college was awarded two Title III HSI STEM and Articulation grants for the purpose of improving student access and success for underrepresented groups in the STEM disciplines. With more than half of the District’s population living below the poverty level of income, the college provides an opportunity for making a significant social and economic impact on the community and the lives of the individuals. Hartnell College is committed to ensuring student equity throughout the programs and services it offers, as is evidenced in Board Policy 5300: The Board is committed to assuring student equity in educational programs and college services. The CEO or designee shall establish and implement a student equity plan that meets the Title 5 standards for such a plan. This commitment is also portrayed in the College’s mission statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. In addition, Hartnell College has included ensuring equity across the college in its strategic planning: Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 7 Strategic Priority 1—Student Access Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. Outcome 1A.6: Increase participation rates for historically underrepresented students Outcome 1A.5: Provide an inviting, welcoming, and supportive campus atmosphere for all student groups Strategic Priority 2—Student Success Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Outcome 2B.1: By academic year 2017-2018, Hartnell College will achieve approximately equal success rates among all demographic groups for measures on the California Community College Chancellor’s Office “Student Success Scorecard” Strategic Priority 3—Employee Diversity and Development Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2) providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage, curricula, and other reflections of life at the college. Outcome 3A.1: During 2013-14, establish a Diversity Development Committee. Outcome 3A.2: To help Hartnell College become an ever-more welcoming place for all members of the campus community, by the end of the 2015—2016 academic year, successfully establish Hartnell College as a place that embraces all underrepresented, disenfranchised, and other protected persons and groups. Hartnell College further supports the importance of equity by including it as one of the tenets of its core values: Diversity and Equity—We embrace and celebrate differences and uniqueness among all students and employees. We welcome students and employees of all backgrounds. Hartnell College began the development of the Student Equity Plan by inviting faculty, management, staff, students, and community members to participate in the process; as a result, the SEP Work Group includes participants from the above constituents, who have been meeting regularly to discuss and analyze data and to develop the narrative, goals, activities, outcomes, and budget for the plan. The chair of the group meets weekly with the SSSP/SEP Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 8 (Student Success and Support Program/Student Equity Plan) Steering Committee. Upon completion of the plan, it is shared with the councils and committees that comprise the College’s participative governance structure before being submitted to the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor’s Office. TARGET GROUPS The SEP Work Group examined student equity success data by using the tools recommended in the “Updated Student Equity Plan” document as well as local college tools. Data was discussed and analyzed in the framework of the five student equity success indicators as identified by the Board of Governors in 2001: A. B. C. D. Access Course Completion ESL and Basic Skills Completion Degree and Certificate Completion E. Transfer The underserved student groups shown in the table below were determined using the pointgap methodology presented in the Student Equity Plan template. The SEP Work Group, under the guidance of one of the College’s research analysts, identified those groups in each of the success indicators whose educational performance is indicative of disproportionate impact. The Work Group discovered that there are several target groups who appear in multiple success indicators and designed activities that can support these students using multiple approaches. Success Measure Underserved Students Students who are Access White, Males, Veterans, Latinos Foster Youth, American Indian / Alaska Native, Native Course Completion Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Basic Skills Course Completion Indian / Alaska Native, Individuals with disabilities, Black English or African American, Males American Indian / Alaska Native, Black or African Basic Skills Course Completion - ESL American, White American Indian / Alaska Native, Black or African Basic Skills Course Completion American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Math White, American Indian / Alaska Native, Black or African Degree and Certification Completion American, Individuals with Disabilities Individuals with Disabilities, American Indian / Alaska Transfer Native, Females, Low-income Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 9 ACCESS Goal: Improve access for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Males, Veterans, Whites, and Latinos Activities: Develop a targeted marketing and outreach plan, create a data collection system that helps to identify target populations, and build systems that simplify enrollment Outcomes: Increase access by 5% within the first three years of this plan for Hartnell students who identify into the target group COURSE COMPLETION Goal: Improve course completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Foster Youth, Native Americans, Latinos, and African Americans Activities: Develop Student Academic Support Services (SASS), increase peer mentoring opportunities, and create opportunities for learning culturally responsive pedagogies for faculty Outcomes: Increase course completion by 3% within the first three years of this plan for Hartnell students who identify into the target group ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COMPLETION Goal: improve ESL and basic skills completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: African Americans, Native Americans, and males in Math; Native Americans, students with disabilities, and males in English; Latinos and males in ESL Activities: Increase academic support through SASS with increase computer lab, tutoring, supplemental instruction, and embedded counseling, expand Early Alert, and increase professional development for faculty and staff Outcomes: Increase basic skills pathway completion by 3% within the first three years of this plan for Hartnell students who identify into the target group Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 10 DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION Goal: to improve degree and certificate completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Native Americans, African Americans, students with disabilities, and males Activities: Research and develop systems that remove barriers and increase momentum points for students, expand the mentoring program to be more of an expectation than an option Outcomes: Increase degree and certificate completion by 3% within the first three years of this plan for Hartnell students who identify into the target group TRANSFER Goal: Improve transfer for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Native Americans, students with disabilities, and low income students Activities: Increase the culture of a transfer institution by fostering relationships with universities, professionals, and through mentors, enhance student success through the SASS, and build on successful programs such as the Math Academy Outcomes: Increase transfer rates by 3% within three years for Hartnell students who identify into the target group. RESOURCES: The SEP Work Group prepared a budget that leverages SEP funds with various other funding sources such as SSSP, BSI, General Funds, and others. The equity initiative on campus strives to integrate the goals and services provided in different plans and initiatives at Hartnell College. Resources to implement the Student Equity Plan goals and activities to achieve outcomes are provided by the following sources of funding: BSI funding Categorical funding Grant funding o Title III, Part F, HSI STEM and Articulation Program, US Department of Education o Title V, Part A, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, US Department of Education o TRiO Student Support Program, US Department of Education o National Science Foundation o California Endowment o Youth Empowerment Success Strategies Independent Living (YESS-ILP)—Foundation for California Community Colleges Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 11 o Independent Living Program (ILP)—County of Monterey o Transitional Age Foster Youth Health and Wellness Program (TAFY) o Foundation for California Community Colleges o CA College Pathways Initiative o Walter S. Johnson Foundation General Fund allocations for support programs, salaries, and benefits and professional development Funding is allocated based on Program Planning and Assessment (PPA) documents and on alignment to the College’s Strategic Planning Priorities. The Student Equity Plan was developed by a work group of faculty, management, staff, and students and vetted through the College’s councils and committee structure. CONTACT PERSON The contact person for the Hartnell College Student Equity Plan is Kathy Mendelsohn Academic Affairs Dean, Languages, Learning Support, & Resources Hartnell College 831.755.6827 kmendelsohn@hartnell.edu Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 12 District: College: Planning Committee and Collaboration Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 13 District: College: PLANNING COMMITTEE AND COLLABORATION Participatory Governance The Student Equity Work Group focused on building an equity plan through a transparent and participatory governance process. Collaborative planning efforts: To integrate Student Equity planning into college and district wide planning efforts: Accreditation Educational master planning Program review SSSP Program Plan Basic Skills Plan To adopt a holistic approach to planning, budgeting, and delivery of services to support equity in student access and student success To promote campus-wide awareness and delivery of equity through best-practices and datadriven programs and services The SSSP and SEP Steering Committee is composed of the Chairs of the SSSP and SEP workgroups, the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Dean of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, the Director of HSI Initiatives, and the Director of Student Academic Support The Steering Committee supports the development and implementation of the plans and helps to leverage resources to ensure completion by the required deadline The group collaborates to ensure consistencies among plans and to remove duplicated activities and expenditures Responsible for planning, developing, implementing, and monitoring the Student Equity Plan Includes an appropriate mix of administrators, faculty, classified staff, students, and community members Includes participants who represent campus constituencies such as Financial Aid, Foster Youth, Veteran’s, Disabled Student Services, and participants from other campus planning efforts, such as the SSSP and BSI Action Plans In the fall of 2015, the Equity Work Group expanded to include a broader representative group to define activities for the plan. The Student Equity Work Group used a proposal form that was designed in collaboration with the Student Success Committee and the SSSP/SEP Steering Committee. During the fall semester, the funding request form was adapted further to clarify how funding requests tie in to student equity and how each proposal relates to the campus planning and goals in a scalable and measurable manner. A rubric was adapted to rank funding requests moving forward that aligns with the goals of student equity. Funding requests for future years will use both the new request form and the rubric in order to meet the funding approval criteria set by the Student Equity Work Group. This model will also be proposed as the Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 14 model for other campus initiatives to use in order to promote alignment among the plans and initiatives. Review of Proposals, Rankings, and Funding Approval During fall 2015, committee members reviewed academic literature on defining an equityoriented campus culture. The conversation about campus needs and equity best practices resulted in proposals that could impact the college’s disproportionate impacts. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 15 Student Equity Plan Committee Membership List Member Name Organization(s), Program(s) or Role(s) Represented Title Antonio Alarcon Director, Student Academic Support Services Academic Affairs Moises Almendariz Director, HSI Initiatives SSSP/SEP Steering Committee Kristen Arps Interim Director, Adult Education Consortium Community Manuel Bersamin Director, TRiO Student Services Eric Becerra Director, Grant Programs (HEP) Student Services Paul Casey Director, Categorical Programs Student Services Sergio Diaz Counselor Mentoring Program Student Services Jacqueline Flores Administrative Assistant SSSP/SEP Steering Committee Romero Jalomo Vice President, Student Affairs SSSP/SEP Steering Committee Mariana Torres-Jimenez Downie Administrative Assistant Academic Affairs, FKCE Hortencia Jimenez Instructor, Sociology Academic Affairs Gabriela Lopez Counselor (King City Center) Student Services Brian Lofman Dean, Institutional Planning and Effectiveness SSSP/SEP Steering Committee Kathy Mendelsohn Dean, Languages, Learning Support & Resources Academic Affairs Daniel Perez Instructor, English Academic Affairs Ken Rand Coordinator, Math Academy Retired, Academic Affairs Mark Sanchez Dean, Student Success SSSP/SEP Steering Committee Layheng Ting Institutional Research Analyst Institutional Planning/Effectiveness Jessica Tovar Lead Specialist, Financial Aid Financial Aid Gemma Uribe Cruz Counselor Veteran’s Program Ron Waddy Instructor, English Academic Affairs Margie Wiebusch Director Grants Project, FKCE Academic Affairs, FKCE Summer Rae Worsham ILP Mentor/FKCE Student (Foster Youth) Laura Zavala Coordinator, College Pathways Student Services Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 16 District: College: Access Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 17 District: College: CAMPUS-BASED RESEARCH: ACCESS A. ACCESS. Compare the percentage of each population group that is enrolled to the percentage of each group in the adult population within the community served. Target Population(s) # of your college’s total enrollment in 20132014 Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown Total of 8 cells above (Orange cells should = 100%) Males Females Unknown Total of 3 cells above (Orange cells should = 100%) Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans % of your college’s total enrollment (proportion) # of adult population (18-64) within community served 59% % of adult Gain or loss in population proportion (18-64) within (Percentage the point community difference served with +/(proportion) added)* 64% -6** 40 0% 652 0% 0 559 233 4% 2% 9,027 4,171 5% 2% -1 0 8,309 55 62% 0% 122,987 450 64% 0% -2 0 1,649 N/A 216 2,420 13,481 12% N/A 2% 18% 100% 52,298 335 3,302 N/A 207,766 27% 0% 2% N/A 100% -15 N/A 0 N/A 0% 6,823 6,613 45 13,481 51% 49% 0% 100% 104,167 89,056 N/A 207,766 54% 46% N/A 100% -3 3 N/A 0% 65 0% 526 4% 10,793 6% -2 7,556 93 56% 1% 26,868 14% 7,313 4% 42 -3 Sources: Enrollment by Ethnicity and Gender: California Community College Chancellor’s Office Datamart, http://datamart.cccco.edu/Students/Student_Term_Annual_Count.aspx , accessed on 08/26/2015 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 18 Foster Youth enrolled in Hartnell: Cal-Pass, www.calpassplus.org (Log-in required) , accessed on 08/26/2015 Individuals with disabilities: California Community College Chancellor’s Office Datamart, http://datamart.cccco.edu/Services/DSPS_Status.aspx , accessed on 08/26/2015 Access count for low income students is based on the number of students receiving BOG waiver. http://datamart.cccco.edu/Services/FinAid_Summary.aspx, accessed on 09/09/2015 Veteran: Fall 2014, California Community College Chancellor’s Office Datamart , http://datamart.cccco.edu/Services/Special_Pop_Count.aspx , accessed on 08/31/2015 For % of adult population within the community served: -Using the CCCGIS Collaborative (http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=bccfdc4ff8034c7e83143b459b848cf9), list of zip codes under HCCD are identified. Using http://californiacommunitycolleges.cccco.edu/districts.aspx , zip codes that are not under Monterey and San Bernardino counties are excluded from the list. Data Source: 2010 Census, http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml -For disability population in community, DISABILITY CHARACTERISTICS 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml - For Veteran: Veteran Status: 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5 Year-Estimates http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t# Cohort count for low-income is approximated using a 14% poverty rate (an average of all poverty rates of individuals aged 18-64 for all locations by zip code under HCCD. 2010 Census Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 19 District: Hartnell Community College College: Hartnell College GOALS, ACTIVITIES, FUNDING AND EVALUATION: ACCESS GOAL A. The goal is to improve access for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -6, 2014 White -15, 2015 Males -3, 2015 Veterans -3, 2015 Latinos -3, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -8 No gap No gap No gap Goal Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 ACTIVITIES: A. ACCESS A.1 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID A.1 Target Group Males Veterans Latinos # of Students Affected 6,823 93 8,309 Sample Student Equity Plan Template - 20 Activity Implementation Plan: Develop targeted financial aid information to specific populations (such as AB540 students, veterans, foster youth, DSPS, TRiO, and EOPS students, Latinos, Whites, males, and students with disabilities) across all district sites and promote the completion of the FAFSA, BOGW Fee Waiver and/or Dream Act Applications. According to the Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth provided by Department of Education, colleges should create open and inviting environments; provide services and resources to help guide undocumented students; communicate and demonstrate support for undocumented youth; provide peer-to-peer support and relationship-building opportunities; and build staff capacity and knowledge of relevant issues. Addressing the issue of undocumented students. This documents reports that “the issue of college affordability has kept many from pursuing and completing postsecondary education (4).” This activity supports the development of policies and procedures to assist undocumented students in obtaining access to a college education. Implementation: Hire a full-time financial aid technician (will the list below be the responsibility of this person Develop a marketing plan to disseminate financial aid information both online and in print pertaining to college resources to student groups who are experiencing disproportionate access to the College Create partnerships with local high schools and local community agencies to promote financial aid programs to low-income students by providing materials and financial aid presentations Include completion of FAFSA/BOGW Fee Waiver and/or Dream Act Application in the Steps to Success process Provide referrals to veterans to the Veterans Service Center for orientation on VA benefits Participate in the coordination and delivery of the College’s Financial Literacy Project Implementation Team: Financial Aid Technician, Academic Follow-up Services Specialist ID Planned Start and End Date(s) A.1 Spring 2016 – Spring 2017 Student Equity Funds $49,863 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Targeted outreach, information dissemination, and increased support will increase the number of students applying for financial aid programs. This will increase access to Hartnell College for the targeted groups. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 21 Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the financial aid department to determine change in application counts. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Beginning of each term - Qualitative data will be collected through student surveys and reviewed during the term collected. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 22 A.2 Activity Type(s): X X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID Target Group A.2 Whites Latinos Veterans Foster Youth Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support # of Students Affected 1,649 8,309 93 65 Activity Implementation Plan Increase marketing of academic and student support services offered by Hartnell College to students who attend District high schools with larger white populations (i.e., private/charter schools) and who traditionally attend four-year universities. Expand networks and coordinate with high schools, adult schools, community-based, foster youth- and, veteran-serving organizations, and other disproportionately disadvantaged groups to close the access gap. Increase foster youth enrollment in existing Hartnell College programs (EOPS, TRiO, ACE) and services by increasing collaboration within the college and with area high schools and agencies and by improving on-campus marketing. Create a data collection system to better identify foster youth, students with disabilities, low-income students, and veterans to increase support services to these groups. Establish a task group to review policies for admission of undocumented Latino, foster youth, and male students to Hartnell College. Implementation: Hire a part-time Foster Youth Coordinator to develop and market services for foster youth Increase dedicated foster youth counseling by an additional 15 hours a week Identify district high schools who serve a larger white population and whose students primarily transfer to four-year universities (College Pathways Coordinator) Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 23 Conduct a needs assessment survey with key stakeholders to determine gaps and to avoid duplicating services Coordinate with identified schools to implement the Steps to Success program Collaborate with College Pathways Coordinators to implement the Hartnell College Steps to Success Program to the target populations Develop an marketing plan to disseminate information both online and in print pertaining to financial aid and other college and community resources Create partnerships with local high schools, adult schools and local community agencies to promote student services and academic support programs Identify policies and barriers that affect undocumented students and how they affect access and equity and develop a plan to reduce those barriers and that support access for the undocumented student population Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Foster Youth Coordinator, Public Information Officer ID Timeline(s) A.2 Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $33,000 Other Funds** SSSP $1,500 Link to Goal: Increased marketing and improved services for targeted groups will help to promote Hartnell College as a viable, affordable, and effective choice for students who do not currently enroll in numbers proportional to the population the district serves. Enrollments of targeted groups will increase. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine enrollment numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Academic Year - Qualitative data will be collected through surveys administered to the community. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 24 A.3 Activity Type(s): X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID Target Group A.3 Latinos Foster Youth Males Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support # of Students Affected 8,309 65 6,823 Activity Implementation Plan Develop in-depth customized orientation segments tailored to Native American, African American, Latino, and White and male students along with students with disabilities (added to existing orientation). Include orientation to parents in Spanish as part of Panther Prep Day and AB540 workshops. Translate essential sections of the Hartnell College website and college pathways materials to Spanish, including Financial Aid and Admissions and Records information. Provide textbook support to Latinos, foster youth, and males who enroll in the College’s Student Success Seminar (in their first semester to support access?). Implementation: Identify essential sections of Hartnell website (i.e., Financial Aid, Admission and Records information, audio online orientation) that are of particular interest to Spanish-speaking students Identify and hire a professional translation service that will provide on-going maintenance to the currency, accuracy, and consistency of translated materials Create task force to review materials for cultural sensitivity and acknowledgement of District population Charge out 125 reserve copies of the COU 1 text through the Library to foster youth, Native American, and Pacific Islander students to support successful COU 1 completion Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 25 Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Foster Youth Coordinator, Academic Support Specialists, Veteran’s Counselor ID Timeline(s) A.3 Spring 2016 – Spring 2017 Student Equity Funds $40,125 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Targeted orientations and translated webpages and videos in Spanish will provide more information to prospective students, thereby increasing their access. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine enrollment numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. (Attachment) Academic Year - Qualitative data will be collected through surveys administered to the community and by College Pathways Coordinators. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 26 A.4 Activity Type(s): X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID Target Group A.4 Veterans Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support # of Students Affected 93 Activity Implementation Plan Provide in-depth and well-rounded support to assist veteran students in completing all required certification documentation and in accessing educational planning, guidance, psychological and other follow-up services. Implementation: Increase the number of hours to 40 hours a week to sustain a full-time Veteran Certifying Official position Provide access for veterans to a full time dedicated Veterans’ Counselor Provide specialized academic and personal guidance to veteran students, including a targeted orientation that addresses the challenges of transitioning from the military to a civilian, college setting Identify the academic and psychological needs of veteran students and provide adequate support to meet these needs Establish a welcoming and friendly veteran environment within the Veterans Services Center Provide faculty and staff professional development opportunities to better understand the needs and special circumstances required to appropriately serve an increasing veteran population Implementation Team: Veteran’s Counselor, Veteran’s Certifying Official Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 27 ID Timeline(s) A.4 Spring 2016 – Fall 2017 Student Equity Funds $80,569 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Increased referrals and enrollment of veterans will result from providing an inclusive and well-developed veteran support system. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine enrollment numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Academic Year - Qualitative data will be collected through surveys administered to veteran students and community partners. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 28 A.5 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID Target Group A.5 ESL Students Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support # of Students Affected 328 Activity Implementation Plan Develop ESL Math Assessment Prep (EMAP) Implementation: Collaborate to design an ESL Math Academy program (no FTES) Use the existing ESL Math Academy model (multiple measures) to determine appropriate math placement Implementation Team: (College Pathways Coordinator, Student Success Counselor, math faculty, ESL faculty ID Timeline(s) Student Equity Funds Other Funds** A.5 Spring 2016 – Spring 2017 $35,000 Link to Goal: Targeted preparation for ESL students will build confidence in students and more accurately place students into the correct math sequence, allowing them to take classes that are a better fit, resulting in an increase in enrollment of math classes. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 29 Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine enrollment numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Academic Year - Qualitative data will be collected through surveys administered to EMAP participants. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 30 A.6 Activity Type(s): X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID Target Group # of Students Affected A.6 Low-income Students 7,556 Activity Implementation Plan Offer a Summer Boot Camp to support incoming students from high school who are in the target groups. This will provide students with an opportunity to gain college success skills prior to their first semester. Implementation: Use the existing Summer Bridge model to provide a two-week first-time “Experience College Success” program that will introduce lowincome students to strategies for college success Explore different scheduling models, such as “bridging” COU 1 between the summer session and fall semester to develop cohorts Provide topical workshops (such as the Higher Education System; Financial Aid Literacy; How to Transfer; Cultural Responsiveness; Safety; Study Skills, Effective Time Management, etc.) to new, low-income students Implementation Team: EOPS, Financial Aid Technician, Director of Student Academic Support, Tutorials Coordinator ID Timeline(s) A.6 Spring 2016 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $21,000 Other Funds** EOPS Link to Goal: Regularly scheduled workshops will provide new students with an opportunity to acclimate to college and to begin the community building process while strengthening skills needed for college success. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 31 Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine enrollment numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. End of Program each term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered to participants. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 32 Success Indicator: Course Completion Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 33 CAMPUS-BASED RESEARCH: COURSE COMPLETION B. COURSE COMPLETION. The ratio of the number of credit courses that students, by population group, complete compared to the number of courses in which students in that group are enrolled on the census day of the term. Calculate course completion rates by dividing: Rate Rate of Course Completion Denominator The # of courses students enrolled in and were present in on census day in the base term. Target Population(s) Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Numerator The number of courses out of (the denominator) in which students earned an A, B, C, or credit in the goal term. the # of courses students enrolled in & were present in on census day in base year Fall 2014 The # of courses in which students earned an A, B, C, or credit out of The % of courses passed (earned A, B, C, or credit) out of the courses students enrolled in & were present in on census day in base year Fall 2014 2567 1463 57% Comparison to the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/added)* 51 31 61% 71% 72 % 1,194 633 20,160 104 976 446 13,989 64 82% 70% 69% 62% 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % 10 -2 -3 -10 3,228 N/A 588 620 26,578 13,061 13,500 17 24 1,144 2,706 N/A 412 557 19,181 9,370 9,800 11 14 810 84% N/A 70% 90% 72 % 72% 73% 65% 58% 71% 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % 12 N/A -2 18 72% 0 1 -7 -14 -1 353 253 72 % Low-income students Veterans Total (all student average) pass rate* -14** 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % 72 % -11 0 Source: CCCCO Datamart, http://datamart.cccco.edu/Outcomes/Course_Ret_Success.aspx, accessed on 09/03/2015 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 34 District: College: 1 Equity Gap --Largest Gap Second Largest Third Largest Student Group Example Group Foster Youth American Indian / Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Gap in comparison to the Average, Expressed as Percentage 2 Percentage expressed as decimal 25% becomes .25 3 4 Multiply the # of courses students enrolled in & were present in on census day in base year = Number of Students “Lost” 14% .14 x 2567 = 359 14% .14 x 24 = 3 11% .11 x 51 = 6 10% .10 x 104 = 10 Sample Student Equity Plan Template - 35 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College GOALS, ACTIVITIES, FUNDING AND EVALUATION: COURSE COMPLETION GOAL B. The goal is to improve course completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -14, 2014 Foster youth -14, 2015 American Indian / Alaska Native -11, 2015 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander -10, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number. **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* Gap no > -6 Gap no > -7 Gap no > -5 Gap no > -5 Goal Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 ACTIVITIES: B. COURSE COMPLETION B.1 Activity Type(s): Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID B.1 Target Group(s) Foster Youth Native Americans African Americans # of Students Affected 24 51 104 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 36 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Activity Implementation Plan Develop professional learning workshops for faculty and staff to promote culturally responsive pedagogies and strategies to help foster youth, Native American, Latino, and African American students learn and apply student success strategies Implementation Collaborate with the Diversity Committee to coordinate and deliver professional learning workshops, inviting social justice and multicultural education guest speakers as necessary, offered during Convocation and throughout each semester. Implementation Team: Diversity Committee, Student Equity Work Group, Faculty ID Planned Start and End Date(s) B.1 Fall 2016 – Spring 2018 (ongoing) Student Equity Funds See F.2 $20,000 Other Funds** Professional Development Link to Goal: Practiced culturally responsive pedagogies will help students with increase successful course completion by giving instructors to tools needed to teach effectively to their student populations. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered after each term, and surveys will be administered to faculty after each workshop. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 37 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College B.2 Activity Type(s): Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X X X X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID B.2 Target Group Foster Youth American Indian / Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Latinos Black or African Americans # of Students Affected 24 51 104 20,160 633 Activity Implementation Plan: Establish a Student Academic Support System to provide academic support to foster youth, Native American, Latino, and African American to improve successful course completion. According to Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in California Community Colleges (Poppy Copy), The most common form of academic support or learning assistance occurs at the community college in the form of the lab or center featuring a variety of services. Since most developmental students simultaneously enroll in transfer or occupational courses, learning assistance programs are particularly important for the students’ ability to successfully move through their courses of study. Since approximately 80 percent of the College’s students are developmental when beginning their coursework, Hartnell needs to create academic support services as recommended in Instructional Effective Practice D.10 of the Poppy Copy, which states, “Programs provide comprehensive academic support mechanisms, including the use of trained tutors.” Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 38 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Implementation: Hire a Director of Student Academic Support, an Academic Follow Services Specialist, and three Academic Support Specialists to develop a coordinated academic support system for targeted populations available to students at all three sites Develop workshops and other academic support systems Expand existing support services, such as tutoring and supplemental instruction Develop marketing strategies to promote awareness of all academic support services Develop marketing strategies to promote tutoring, supplemental instruction, and peer tutoring opportunities to students and to faculty (to promote to students, both as leaders and participants) Expand services and programs available to foster youth (e.g., Guardian Scholars) Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Academic Follow Services Specialist, Academic Support Specialists ID Timeline(s) B.2 Fall 2015 – Spring 2018 (ongoing) Student Equity Funds $345,000 (continued from 14-15 plan) Other Funds** Link to Goal: Coordinated academic support services will provide students with the resources they need to successfully complete their courses and persist. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered after each term, and surveys will be administered to SI leaders and participants after each term. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 39 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College B.3 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID B.3 Target Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities Males Low-income students # of Students Affected 51 633 20,160 1,144 13,061 7,556 Activity Implementation Plan: Provide low-income students with computer literacy training and basic skills support by creating a laptop loan program that will increase access to technology for students. Supplement Computer Center hours to provide access for male and Latino students as well as for students with disabilities and who are low income needing technology support (computer literacy skills) to complete coursework. Implementation: Develop application process to determine eligible students for the Laptop Loan Program Develop Laptop Loan Contracts and laptop charge-out process Work with the Hartnell College Mentor Program to promote student involvement as mentors and mentees Survey faculty and students to determine computer literacy needs for successful college course completion Expand and offer consistent Computer Center hours and Provide marketing to targeted groups and to faculty and staff regarding computer support availability Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 40 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Expand hours of operation of the Computer Center to provide assistance for students with disabilities and other targeted populations Implementation Team: Student Affairs Categorical Program staff, Counselors, Computer Center staff, faculty ID Timeline(s) B.3 Fall 2015 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $59,100 (from 14-15 funding) Other Funds** Link to Goal: Improved technology skills are a key component for students to successfully complete their classes Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term as well as from feedback from DSPS staff. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 41 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College B.4 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID B.4 Target Group Individuals with Disabilities American Indian / Alaskan Natives Females Foster Youth Veterans # of Students Affected 49 6 544 93 65 Activity Implementation Plan: Increase participation in the Math Academy for students with disabilities, Native Americans, females, and low-income students into Math Academy to improve success and acceleration through math course sequences Since 2011, Math Academy participants have shown significantly higher success rates in their subsequent math courses; for example, success in MAT 123, Intermediate Algebra, has ranged from 15 to 29 percentage points higher than non-Math Academy participants. In MAT 201, PreAlgebra, Math Academy participants have demonstrated success at between 5 to 26 points higher than non-Math Academy students. However, data show that results for success in MAT 121 have been lower for MAT 121 Math Academy students than for those not participating. This trend is under investigation. Implementation: Develop a marketing strategy including promotional materials for identified populations Work with counselors to offer priority registration for these populations within the Math Academy enrollment process Use multiple measures during Math Academy to support academic mobility toward math transfer Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 42 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Math Academy coordinator, math faculty, Tutorial Services Coordinator ID Timeline(s) B.4 Spring 2016 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $75,000 Other Funds** Student Life, $18,750 Link to Goal: Targeted effective math learning support to identified groups will increase completion of the math sequence, leading to higher transfer rates. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine transfer rates. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after Math Academy participation. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 43 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Success Indicator: ESL and Basic Skills Completion Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 44 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College CAMPUS-BASED RESEARCH: ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COMPLETION C. ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COMPLETION. The ratio of the number of students by population group who complete a degree-applicable course after having completed the final ESL or basic skills course compared to the number of those students who complete such a final ESL or basic skills course. Calculate progress rates through basic skills by dividing: Rate Rate of ESL and Basic Skills Completion Denominator The # of students who complete a final ESL or basic skills course with an A, B, C or credit in the base year Numerator The # of students out of (the denominator) that complete a degree applicable course with an A, B, C, or credit in the goal year Remedial Progress Rate (Math): The percentage of credit students who attempted for the first time a course designated at “levels below transfer” in Math and successfully completed a college-level course in Math within six years. REMEDIAL MATH Target Population(s) Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans Cohort Count Success Count 1457 Remedial Math Completion Rate 247 Total (all student average) completion rate* Comparison to the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/added)* 24% 36% -7** 11 3 17% 27% 58 57 1004 13 22 16 374 6 38% 28% 37% 46% 36% 36% 36% 36% 2 -8 1 10 170 N/A N/A 185 1498 677 815 6 N/A 125 893 N/A 53 N/A N/A 68 542 234 307 1 N/A 49 357 N/A 31% N/A N/A 37% 36% 35% 38% 17% N/A 39% 40% N/A 36% 36% 36% 36% -5 N/A N/A 1 36% -1 2 19 N/A 3 4 N/A 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% -9 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 45 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Source: https://misweb.cccco.edu/dataondemand/Accountability/ARCC.aspx Remedial Progress Rate (English): The percentage of credit students who attempted for the first time a course designated at “levels below transfer” in English and successfully completed a college-level course in English within six years. REMEDIAL ENGLISH Target Population(s) Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans Cohort Count Success Count 1457 Remedial English Completion Rate 247 Total (all student average) completion rate* Comparison to the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/added)* -7** 13 4 17% 31% 24% 43% 93 50 1,397 15 55 19 587 4 59% 38% 42% 27% 43% 43% 43% 43% 16 -5 -1 -16 174 N/A N/A 231 1,973 911 1,052 10 92 N/A N/A 96 857 365 485 7 53% N/A N/A 42% 43% 40% 46% 70% 43% 43% 43% 43% 43% 43% 43% 10 N/A N/A 1 #VALUE! -3 3 27 N/A N/A N/A 43% N/A 124 1,097 39 522 31% 48% 43% 43% -12 5 N/A N/A N/A 43% N/A -12 Sources https://misweb.cccco.edu/dataondemand/Accountability/ARCC.aspx Remedial Progress Rate (ESL): The percentage of credit students who attempted for the first time a course designated at “levels below transfer” in ESL and successfully completed a collegelevel ESL course or a college-level English course within six years. The cohort is defined as the year the student attempts for the first time a course at “levels below transfer” in Math, English and/or ESL. ESL Target Population(s) Cohort Count Success Count Remedial Total (all Comparison to Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 46 District: Hartnell Community College District College: ESL Completion Rate Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans 1457 247 Hartnell College student average) completion rate* the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/added)* -7** N/A N/A 17% N/A 24% 16% 16 2 251 N/A 4 2 37 N/A 25% 100% 15% N/A 16% 16% 16% 16% 9 84 -1 N/A 3 N/A N/A 56 328 127 199 2 N/A 12 130 N/A 1 N/A N/A 9 53 12 41 0 N/A 4 31 N/A 33% N/A N/A 16% 16% 9% 21% 0% N/A 33% 24% N/A 16% 16% 16% 16% 17 N/A N/A 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% -7 5 -16 N/A 17 8 N/A N/A 0 Source: https://misweb.cccco.edu/dataondemand/Accountability/ARCC.aspx Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 47 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Remedial Math: Equity Gap --Largest Gap Second Largest Third Largest Student Group Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African American White 1 Gap in comparison to the Average, Expressed as Percentage % 2 Percentage expressed as decimal 25% becomes .25 7% 3 4 Multiply The # of students who complete a final ESL or basic skills course with an A, B, C or credit = Number of Students “Lost” .07 x 1457 = 101 9% .09 x 11 = 1 8% .08 x 57 = 5 5% .05 x 53 = 3 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 48 GOALS, ACTIVITIES, FUNDING AND EVALUATION: ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COURSE COMPLETION GOAL C. The goal is to improve ESL and basic skills completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Remedial Math: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -7, 2014 American Indian / Alaska -9, 2015 Native Black or African American -8, 2015 White -5, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -4 Goal Year 2020 2020 Gap no > -4 Gap no > -2 2020 2020 Remedial English: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -7, 2014 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander -16, 2015 American Indian / Alaska Native -12, 2015 Individuals with disabilities -12, 2015 Black or African American -5, 2015 Males -3, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -8 Gap no > -6 Gap no > -6 Gap no > -2 No gap Goal Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Remedial ESL: Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 49 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -7, 2014 Unknown -16, 2015 Males -7, 2015 Hispanic or Latino -1, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -8 Gap no > -3 No gap Hartnell College Goal Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 ACTIVITIES: C. ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COURSE COMPLETION C.1 Activity Type(s): X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.1 Target Group(s) Veterans Foster Youth Individuals with Disabilities # of Students Affected 353 24 1,144 Activity Implementation Plan: Expand the Early Support Program (ESP; also known as Early Alert) pilot to broader implementation across Hartnell campuses with online data gathering and reporting elements (to include more high-risk populations, such as veterans, foster youth, disabled students, and first-generation students) Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 50 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College According to Ensuring Equitable Access and Success: A Guide to Assessing & Mitigating Disproportionate Impact in Student Success and Support Programs published by the Chancellor’s Office, “Programs like early alert or early warning require that faculty and counselors work together as part of a structured and proactive process to identify and link students to tutoring and any other needed supports (Lynch-Holmes, Troy & Ramos, 2012).” In addition, the early alert program must be delivered effectively for it to improve retention by first identifying at-risk students and then by linking them to support services. The College has been piloting its Early Support Program (ESP) with basic skills instructors with some success and is now increasing the capacity of the program with the support of additional counselors funded by SSSP. Two embedded part-time counselors initially supported with Title V and BSI funds collaborated with faculty to provide follow-up services to at-risk basic skills students. A presentation of the Early Support Program is part of the Annual Student Success Conference scheduled for January 2016 to educate faculty of the program and to expand its use. Implementation: Identify all basic skills faculty and provide training on use of the Early Support Program Ensure that veterans, foster youth, and students with disabilities are aware of Early Support Services Hire additional embedded basic skills counselors to connect with identified students Develop marketing strategies to promote awareness of academic support services to faculty and students Implementation Team: Student Affairs staff, counselors, faculty ID Planned Start and End Date(s) C.1 Spring 2016 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $0 Other Funds** SSSP $83,235 Link to Goal: Increased collaboration among faculty, counselors, tutors, and students to create a “success team” will provide students with follow-up services in the crucial first stages of their educational journeys, which will positively affect course completion or reenrollment if necessary. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 51 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 52 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College C.2 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.2 Target Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities Males Whites # of Students Affected 51 633 20,160 1,144 13,061 3,228 Activity Implementation Plan: Recruit Native American, African American, Latino, and White and male students along with students with disabilities into a mentorship program that includes computer literacy and basic skills support. Create a laptop loan program that will increase access to technology for students who do not have it. Supplement Computer Center hours to provide access for male and Latino students as well as for students with disabilities needing tech support (computer literacy skills) to complete coursework. Implementation: Work with campus dependencies as gateways to loan out computers to targeted populations Work with the Hartnell College Mentor Program to promote student involvement as mentors and mentees Survey faculty and students to determine computer literacy needs Develop internal and external marketing to support awareness for students in targeted populations, staff, faculty, and the community Connect with community-based organizations and attend community events Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 53 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Survey faculty and students to determine computer literacy needs for successful college course completion Offer consistent Computer Center hours and provide marketing to targeted groups and to faculty and staff regarding computer support availability Expand hours of operation of the Computer Center to provide assistance for students with disabilities and other targeted populations Implementation Team: Mentor Program staff, counselors, Computer Center staff ID Timeline(s) C.2 Fall 2015 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $59,100 (from 14-15 funding) Other Funds** Link to Goal: Improved technology skills are a key component for students to successfully complete their classes Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term as well as from feedback from DSPS staff. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 54 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College C.3 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.3 Target Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities Males Whites # of Students Affected 51 633 20,160 1,144 13,061 3,228 Activity Implementation Plan: Collaborate with the Director of Student Academic Support to create professional development activities (such as Faculty Inquiry Groups) to determine and analyze the “barrier points” preventing students from persisting through the levels of basic skills and ESL courses to transfer-level courses and to create “momentum points” to help students succeed. Academic support services will establish several well-organized venues to help students improve their success rate and reduce attrition. Work with faculty to create workshops for ESL and basic skills math and English courses to increase student success for targeted student populations. Implementation: Work with the Academic Senate and the Student Senate to create an effective learning culture by developing workshops to address common barriers and successful coping strategies Provide meaningful topics to improve student success at times conducive to students’ schedules Create faculty support workshops by inviting participation to develop and present workshops Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 55 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Incentivize workshop participating by providing students with indirect support such as food vouchers for providing feedback of usefulness of presentations and topics Implementation Team: Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Student Academic Support, the Student Success Committee, Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) ID Timeline(s) C.3 Fall 2015 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $7,000 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Increased support opportunities for students in areas that traditionally cause course attrition will provide coping strategies/skills that will increase course completion. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after each workshop. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 56 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College C.4 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.4 Target Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities Males Whites # of Students Affected 51 633 20,160 1,144 13,061 3,228 Activity Implementation Plan: Increase embedded counselor support in basic skills courses with focus on reaching out to students who are veterans, disabled, Native American, African American, Latino, and White and male Implementation: Hire additional embedded counselors and embed in basic skills courses Promote awareness of services to impacted students through targeted marketing and counselor support Implementation Team: Dean of Counseling, counselors, faculty ID Timeline(s) C.4 Fall 2015 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $0 Other Funds** SSSP $83,000 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 57 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Link to Goal: Providing additional counseling support will increase completion. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 58 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College C.5 Activity Type(s): Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.5 Target Group Latinos # of Students Affected 20,160 Activity Implementation Plan: Provide internship opportunities relevant to Latino students’ majors to facilitate the completion of coursework. Implementation: Provide internships for students enrolled in Early Childhood Education and other human development courses Develop the structure of the internship program and the processes for recruitment and application Recruit and hire students from relevant majors to participate in the internship program Implementation Team: Dean of Counseling, counselors, faculty ID Timeline(s) C.5 Fall 2015 Student Equity Funds $20,000 Other Funds** CDC $60,000 Link to Goal: Providing additional counseling support will increase completion. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 59 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 60 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College C.6 Activity Type(s): Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID C.6 Target Group Latinos Males # of Students Affected 20,160 13,061 Activity Implementation Plan: Expand access to Reading Plus by hiring a part time staff member to facilitate a student orientation to the software as well as collaborate with faculty to promote access to the program and integration with courses. Utilize distance learning technology to leverage resources. Implementation: Hire Academic Support Assistant for the King City Campus to provide reading support to Latinos and males Coordinate with Director of Student Academic Support to deliver support activities, including Reading Plus orientations Investigate technology requirements to broadcast workshops and courses through use of the distance learning classrooms on the main campus and King City Center Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Tutorial Services Coordinator, Academic Support Specialists, tutors, SI Leaders, faculty ID Timeline(s) C.6 Fall 2015 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $28,000 Other Funds** BSI Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 61 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College Link to Goal: Improved reading skills will promote course completion. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine course completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 62 Success Indicator: Degree and Certificate Completion Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 63 CAMPUS-BASED RESEARCH: DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION D. DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION. The ratio of the number of students by population group who receive a degree or certificate to the number of students in that group with the same informed matriculation goal as documented in the student educational plan developed with a counselor/advisor. Calculate degree and certificate completion rates by dividing: Rate Degree and Certificate Completion Target Population(s) Example Group American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Denominator The # of first-time students who enrolled in the base year and named certificates and degrees as their matriculation goal in their student educational plan or by taking degree or certificate applicable course(s) using the definitions outlined in the Scorecard. The # of firsttime students who enrolled in the base year with the goal of obtaining a certificate or degree The number of students out of (the denominator) who earned a degree or certificate within one or more years. Numerator The number of students out of (the denominator) that earned a degree or certificate within one or more years, as decided by the college. The rate of Total Certificate (all completion student average ) complet ion rate* Comparison to the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/added)* # Received Cohort count Certificate 1947 568 10 0 0% 33% 20% 62 25 11 3 18% 12% 20% 20% -2 -8 936 11 189 3 20% 27% 20% 20% 0 7 146 N/A N/A 231 1,421 29 N/A N/A 51 286 20% N/A N/A 22% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0 N/A N/A 2 0% 29% -4** -20 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 64 Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans 662 747 12 N/A 109 175 2 N/A 16% 23% 17% N/A 20% 20% 20% 20% -4 3 -3 N/A 64 8 13% 20% -7 1041 N/A 226 N/A 22% N/A 20% 20% 2 N/A Notes: • A student with multiple awards is counted once. • Filipino students are combined with Asian. There is no current state level MIS data available in this category for Veteran and Foster Youth students. Source: https://misweb.cccco.edu/dataondemand/Accountability/ARCC.aspx, accessed on 10/01/2015 Degree and Certificate Completion Gender unduplicate completer Female Male Unknown Grand Total Ethnicity Asian Black/African American Filipino Hispanic or Latino American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 175 109 2 286 unduplicate completer Cohort Count Degree and Comparison to Certificate the all student Completion average 747 23% 662 16% 12 17% 1421 20% Cohort count 4 3 7 189 0 17 25 45 936 10 Degree and Certificate Completion 24% 12% 16% 20% 0% 3 11 27% 3 -4 -3 0 3 -8 -5 0 -20 7 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 65 White Unknown Grand Total 29 51 286 DSPS unduplicate completer No Yes Grand Total 146 231 1421 unduplicate completer No Yes Grand Total 0 2 0 Degree and Certificate Compoletio n 1357 20% 64 13% 1421 20% 0 -7 0 Cohort count 278 8` 286 Low income 20% 22% 20% Cohort count 60 226 286 Degree and Certificate Compoletio n 380 16% 1041 22% 1421 20% -4 2 0 Note: • A student with multiple awards is counted once. Source: CCCCCO Data on Demand, Accessed on 10/01/2015 Equity Gap --Largest Gap Second Largest Student Group Example Group American Indian / Alaska Natives Black or African 1 2 3 4 Gap in comparison to the Average, Expressed as Percentage Percentage expressed as decimal 25% becomes .25 Multiply The # of first-time students who enrolled in 2011 and named certificates and degrees as their matriculation goal = Number of Students “Lost” 7% .04 x 1947 = 77 20% .20 x 10 = 2 8% .08 x 25 = 2 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 66 Americans Third Largest Individuals with disabilities 7% .07 x 64 = 4 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 67 GOALS, ACTIVITIES, FUNDING AND EVALUATION: DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION GOAL D. The goal is to improve degree and certificate completion for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -4, 2014 American Indian / Alaska -20, 2015 Native Black or African American -8, 2015 Individuals with disabilities -7, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -10 Goal Year 2020 2020 Gap no > -4 Gap no > -3 2020 2020 ACTIVITIES: D. DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION D.1 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID D.1 Target Group Native Americans African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities # of Students Affected 10 25 936 64 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 68 Males Whites 662 146 Activity Implementation Plan: Recruit Native American, African American, Latino, and White and male students along with students with disabilities into a mentorship program that includes computer literacy and basic skills support. Create a laptop loan program that will increase access to technology for students who do not have it. Supplement Computer Center hours to provide access for male and Latino students as well as for students with disabilities needing tech support (computer literacy skills) to complete coursework. Implementation: Work with campus dependencies as gateways to loan out computers to targeted populations Work with the Hartnell College Mentor Program to promote student involvement as mentors and mentees Survey faculty and students to determine computer literacy needs Develop internal and external marketing to support awareness for students in targeted populations, staff, faculty, and the community Connect with community-based organizations and attend community events Survey faculty and students to determine computer literacy needs for successful college course completion Offer consistent Computer Center hours and provide marketing to targeted groups and to faculty and staff regarding computer support availability Expand hours of operation of the Computer Center to provide assistance for students with disabilities and other targeted populations Implementation Team: Mentor program coordinator, faculty, staff, Director of Student Academic Support ID Timeline(s) D.1 Fall 2015 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds See C.2 - $59,100 (from 14-15 funds) Other Funds** Link to Goal: Improved technology skills are a key component for students to successfully complete their classes. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 69 Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine degree and certificate completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term as well as from feedback from DSPS staff. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 70 D.2 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID D.2 Target Group American Indian / Alaska Native Black or African Americans Latinos Individuals with Disabilities Males Whites # of Students Affected 10 25 936 64 662 146 Activity Implementation Plan: Collaborate with the Director of Student Academic Support to create professional development activities (such as Faculty Inquiry Groups) to determine and analyze the “barrier points” preventing students from persisting through the levels of basic skills and ESL courses to transfer-level courses and to create “momentum points” to help students succeed. Academic support services will establish several well organized venues to help students improve their success rate and reduce attrition. Work with faculty to create workshops for ESL and basic skills math and English courses to increase success for targeted student populations. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 71 Implementation: Work with the Academic Senate and the Student Senate to create an effective learning culture by developing workshops to address common barriers and successful coping strategies Provide meaningful topics to improve student success at times conducive to students’ schedules Create faculty support workshops by inviting participation to develop and present workshops Incentivize workshop participating by providing students with indirect support such as food vouchers for providing feedback of usefulness of presentations and topics Implementation Team: Faculty, Director of Student Academic Support ID Timeline(s) D.2 Fall 2015 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds see C.3 - $7,000 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Increased support opportunities for students in areas that traditionally cause course attrition will provide coping strategies/skills that will increase course completion. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine degree and certificate completion numbers. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after each workshop. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 72 Transfer Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 73 CAMPUS-BASED RESEARCH: TRANSFER E. TRANSFER. The ratio of the number of students by population group who complete a minimum of 12 units and have attempted a transfer level course in mathematics or English, to the number of students in that group who actually transfer after one or more (up to six) years. Calculate transfer rates by dividing: Rate Transfer Denominator The # of students who complete a minimum of 12 units and have attempted a transfer level course in mathematics or English Target Population(s) Example Group Cohort Count Transfer Count 1947 American Indian / Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race More than one race Unknown All Students Males Females Unknown Current or former foster youth Individuals with disabilities Low-income students Veterans Numerator The number of students out of (the denominator) who actually transfer after one or more years. Transfer Rate Total (all student average) pass rate* 568 Comparison to the all student average (Percentage point difference with +/- added)* 6 1 29% 17% 33% 29% -4** 42 15 673 9 13 6 192 3 31% 40% 29% 33% 29% 29% 29% 29% 2 11 0 4 103 N/A N/A 165 1013 464 544 5 N/A 32 N/A N/A 46 293 134 155 4 N/A 31% N/A N/A 28% 29% 29% 28% 80% N/A 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 2 N/A N/A -1 #VALUE! 0 -1 51 N/A 49 768 N/A 8 214 N/A 16% 28% N/A 29% 29% 29% -13 -1 N/A -12 Source: http://datamart.cccco.edu/Outcomes/Transfer_Velocity.aspx Equity Gap Student Group 1 2 Gap in comparison to the Average, Expressed as Percentage expressed as 3 Multiply The # of first-time students who 4 = Number of Students Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 74 --Largest Gap Second Largest Third Largest Example Group Individuals with disabilities American Indian / Alaska Natives Females Percentage decimal 25% becomes .25 7% .04 x 1947 = 77 13% .13 x 49 = 6 12% .12 x 6 = 1 1% .01 x 544 = 5 enrolled in 2011 and named transfer as their matriculation goal. “Lost” Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 75 District: Hartnell Community College District College: Hartnell College GOALS, ACTIVITIES, FUNDING AND EVALUATION: TRANSFER GOAL E. The goal is to improve transfer for the following target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact: Target Population(s) Current gap, year Example Group -4, 2014 Individuals with disabilities -13, 2015 American Indian / Alaska Natives -12, 2015 Females -1, 2015 Low-income students -1, 2015 Unknown -1, 2015 *Expressed as either a percentage or number **Benchmark goals are to be decided by the institution. Goal* No gap Gap no > -6 Gap no > -6 No gap No gap No gap Goal Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 ACTIVITIES: E. TRANSFER E.1 Activity Type(s): X X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID E.1 Target Group(s) Individuals with Disabilities American Indian / Alaskan Natives # of Students Affected 49 6 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 76 District: College: Females 544 Activity Implementation Plan: Promote institutional (academic and student) support programs and use of the College’s Transfer Center to students with disabilities, Native Americans, females, and low-income students to improve students’ academic persistence and migration from basic skills courses to degree applicable/transferable courses, and to eventually transfer Implementation: Provide laptops with cameras in the Transfer Center for students to Skype with transfer institutions Provide funding for students to take field trips to various transfer institutions Develop marketing strategies to promote awareness of transfer opportunities Target students with disabilities, Native Americans, females, and low-income students to participate in Transfer Center activities, such as College Day/Transfer Night Develop targeted transfer workshops for student veterans, students with disabilities, Native Americans, females, and lowincome students through the College’s Career/Transfer Center Provide financial literacy workshops Implementation Team: Student Affairs, categorical program staff, financial aid technician ID E.1 Planned Start and End Date(s) Spring 2016 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds See C.1 - $59,100 (from 14-15 funds) Other Funds** Link to Goal: Providing students with a fully-functional and welcoming transfer center will help these students work toward integrating into the transfer culture at Hartnell College. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine transfer rates. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after each workshop. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 77 District: College: E.2 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID E.2 Target Group Individuals with Disabilities American Indian / Alaskan Natives Females # of Students Affected 49 6 544 Activity Implementation Plan: Strengthen transfer partnerships and programs at the community college level such as Title V-Gavilan, CSUMB RN BSN, EOPS, TRiO, and with public colleges and university transfer programs at the California State University and University of California, such as the Educational Opportunity Programs. Build the mentoring program to include transfer as a possibility. Visit universities and provide students with the opportunity to get to know other campuses. Implementation: Collaborate with the Director of Student Academic Support to create professional development activities (such as Faculty Inquiry Groups) to determine and analyze the “barrier points” that prevent students with disabilities, American Indians, and females from persisting through the levels of basic skills and ESL courses to transfer-level courses and to create “momentum points” to help students in these groups to succeed Identify and collaborate with all Hartnell College student partnerships and pathways, such as bridge programs, the FosterKinship Independent Living Program, the Salinas Valley Adult Education Consortium, Migrant Region 16 to develop and align pathways to Hartnell Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 78 District: College: Develop marketing strategies to improve awareness of academic and student support services, such as financial aid, supplemental instruction, tutoring, workshops, language labs, and the Computer Center, to Native American, Asian, African American, and male students along with students with disabilities students and faculty and staff Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Student Affairs, categorical program staff ID E.2 Timeline(s) Spring 2016 – Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $10,000 Other Funds** Link to Goal: Improved transfer rates will occur with the building of a transfer culture within the affected groups that will instill confidence that transfer is a viable goal Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine transfer rates. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after each workshop and campus visit. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 79 District: College: E.3 Activity Type(s): X Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development X X Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID E.3 Target Group Individuals with Disabilities American Indian / Alaskan Natives Females Foster Youth Veterans # of Students Affected 49 6 544 93 65 Activity Implementation Plan: Increase participation in the Math Academy for students with disabilities, Native Americans, females, and low-income students moving through the math sequence to transfer level. Since 2011, Math Academy participants have shown significantly higher success rates in their subsequent math courses; for example, success in MAT 123, Intermediate Algebra, has ranged from 15 to 29 percentage points higher than non-Math Academy participants. In MAT 201, Pre-Algebra, Math Academy participants have demonstrated success at between 5 to 26 points higher than non-Math Academy students. However, data show that results for success in MAT 121 have been lower for MAT 121 Math Academy students than for those not participating. This trend is under investigation. Implementation: Develop a marketing strategy including promotional materials for identified populations Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 80 District: College: Work with counselors to offer priority registration for these populations within the Math Academy enrollment process Use multiple measures during Math Academy to support academic mobility toward math transfer Implementation Team: Director of Student Academic Support, Math Academy coordinator, math faculty, Tutorial Services Coordinator ID E.3 Timeline(s) Spring 2016 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $75,000 Other Funds** Student Life, $18,750 Link to Goal: Targeted effective math learning support to identified groups will increase completion of the math sequence, leading to higher transfer rates. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to determine transfer rates. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through student satisfaction surveys administered during each term and after Math Academy participation. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 81 Other College- or District-wide Initiatives Affecting Several Indicators Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 82 F.1: Institutional Research Director Indicators/Goals to be affected by the activity X X X Access Course Completion ESL and Basic Skills Course Completion X X Degrees and Certificate Completion Transfer Activity Type(s) Outreach X X Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID F.1 Target Group NA # of Students Affected Activity Implementation Plan Hire and Institutional Research Director Design and implement a research and data collection plan to ensure that measurable outcomes are met ID F.1 Planned Start and End Date(s) Fall 2015 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $33,724 Other Funds** $52,672 (SSSP, General fund) Link to Goal: Working under the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, the Director of Institutional Research will provide the data and measure outcomes for activities outlined within the Student Equity Plan. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 83 Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through surveys and systems designed by the Director of Institutional Research Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 84 F.2: Professional Development Indicators/Goals to be affected by the activity X X X Access Course Completion ESL and Basic Skills Course Completion X X Degrees and Certificate Completion Transfer Activity Type(s) Outreach Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID F.2 Target Group NA # of Students Affected Activity Implementation Plan Collaborate among College councils and committees, such as the Student Success Committee and the Professional Development Committee, to organize and schedule social justice and multicultural education opportunities, such as workshops Promote and encourage awareness of and participation in student equity training, support, and counseling by bringing equity and social justice specialists to Hartnell ID F.2 Planned Start and End Date(s) Spring 2016 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $14,000 Other Funds** Various amounts (SSSP, General fund) Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 85 Link to Goal: Planned and regularly scheduled professional development offerings to all staff at the College will increase equity awareness and lead to better support services for students. In addition, professional development among College staff will improve collaboration and efficiency of implementing plan activities; professional development among College staff and district high school staff will improve pathways for students. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Professional Development Committee to determine staff participation rates. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through staff satisfaction surveys administered at the conclusion of each professional development activity. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 86 F.3: Conferences Indicators/Goals to be affected by the activity X X X Access Course Completion ESL and Basic Skills Course Completion X X Degrees and Certificate Completion Transfer Activity Type(s) Outreach X Student Services or other Categorical Program Research and Evaluation X Student Equity Coordination/Planning Curriculum/Course Development or Adaptation Professional Development Instructional Support Activities Direct Student Support Target Student Group(s) & # of Each Affected*: ID F.3 Target Group NA # of Students Affected Activity Implementation Plan Conferences ID F.3 Planned Start and End Date(s) Spring 2016 - Spring 2018 Student Equity Funds $5,000 Other Funds** Various amounts (SSSP, General fund) Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 87 Link to Goal: Providing opportunities to all staff at the College to attend conferences will increase equity awareness and lead to better support services for students. In addition, conference attendance by College staff will provide staff with opportunities to interact with professionals from other districts and to participate in social justice and multicultural education opportunities. Evaluation: Academic Year - Quantitative data will be collected and reviewed through the Professional Development Committee to determine staff participation rates. Conference attendees will make presentations to appropriate College councils and committees. The SEP Activity Evaluation Rubric will be completed and reviewed. Each Term - Qualitative data will be collected through staff satisfaction surveys administered at the conclusion of each professional development activity. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 88 Summary Budget Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 89 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 90 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 91 Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 92 Summary Evaluation Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 93 SUMMARY EVALUATION SCHEDULE AND PROCESS The office of Institutional Effectiveness along with the Student Equity Work Group will work jointly to track the activities planned throughout the year of funding. Evaluation will take place on an ongoing basis, and each method will take place either annually or by semester, and reporting back will coincide with each method’s timeline. The Equity Plan will administer the following components in the evaluation process. a. Longitudinal study: The success indicators: Access, Completion, ESL & Basic Skills, Degrees/Certificates and Transfer will be monitored on an annual basis. The measurements will be compared on a year to year basis using the Scorecard and internal data. b. Activity based: All of the activities will have evaluation methods defined for each activity. Some activities will have pre and post evaluation to help in the process. c. Summative Evaluation: Success indicator metrics will be compared to the data prior to the current analyzed cohort and effectiveness will be determined. A summary report of findings will be completed and presented. d. Goals/Measurable Outcomes: Outcomes will be measured and compared against the goals set forth by the plan. Activities that fail to make significant progress in reducing the equity gap will be re-evaluated. e. Self-evaluation component: Participating dependencies will self-evaluate on an ongoing basis, and reporting back to the Student Equity Work Group will be required. Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 94 Attachments Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 95 Attachment 1: Funding Request Form Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 96 Attachment 2: Activity Evaluation Rubric Hartnell College Student Equity Plan - 97