XAVIER UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESIDENCE LIFE 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207 Phone: 513-745-3203 Fax: 513-745-2837 RESIDENT ASSISTANT APPLICANT RECOMMENDATION FORM Name of Applicant: __________________________________________________________________________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT I request that __________________________________ complete this form as a reference in support of my candidacy for the Resident Assistant position. Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: □ I have retained my right to access to this reference. □I have waived my right to access to this reference. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ DATE: ______________ Reference The Resident Assistant at Xavier University is a student who has been selected and trained to assist students in their adjustment and integration into community living. RAs are responsible for communicating information, planning and implementing social and educational programming, peer counseling, enforcing regulations, maintaining an environment conducive to learning and identifying and assisting residents with personal and academic concerns. Inherent in this position is the need to act as a role model for other residents and to live a life style congruent with job responsibilities as a Resident Assistant. By virtue of your relationship with the candidate, you may be able to supply important information which we might not obtain from the application materials or from the interviewing process. Thank you for your assistance. Under each category below there is a brief statement. Based on the following statements, please rate the applicant using the scale below (Circle your responses) Key: SA=Strongly Agree, D=Disagree, A=Agree, SD=Strongly Disagree, N=Neutral, N/A=Not Observed OBJECTIVITY SA A N D SD NA SA A N D SD NA Demonstrates the highest level of respect for self and others Willing to solicit ideas and engage students in conversations Demonstrates appreciation for differing opinions Appreciates different ideas, lifestyles, and backgrounds Displays attributes of self-respect and integrity Engages him/herself in selected environments (school, work, etc.) Comments: ROLE MODEL Is open minded and flexible to new ideas, people and learning Demonstrates ability to teach acceptable and appropriate behavior Demonstrates empathy towards students/colleagues Sets a positive example for others to follow Comments: TEAMWORK SA A N D SD NA SA A N D SD NA Committed to the achievement of group goals Demonstrates effective communication skills, both oral and written Is organized and displays effective time management skills Able to prioritize multiple tasks Understands when it is appropriate to lead and when to follow Is comfortable with confrontation, listening and conflict resolution Comments: POSITIVE ATTITUDE Is enthusiastic and positive about his/her current role (job, class, etc.) Displays a positive attitude towards institutional or job expectations Displays ability to support the needs of others Displays ability to motivate others Focuses on personal achievements and learning new things Demonstrates a desire and willingness to seek out help Comments: 0-1 1-3 3-5 5-7 Other How many years have you known this applicant? In what capacity do you know this applicant? Please list. What are the strengths of this applicant? What are this applicant’s areas for growth? Comments: For the items below, please pick only one category. Please explain your response to this category in the space provided. ____I Highly Recommend this Applicant ____I Recommend this Applicant ____I Recommend this Applicant with Reservations ____I Do Not Recommend this Applicant Comments: I, the reference writer, submit this statement to the Xavier University Office of Residence Life in full accord with the conditions set forth by the applicant on this form. Name:______________________________________ Position:____________________________________ Organization:________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ E-mail Address:___________________________________________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________ Date:_______________________________________ Please return this form to the applicant. If the student has waived his/her right to access the reference, please submit in a sealed envelope. Also, please sign your name over the seal to ensure confidentiality. Residence Life Personnel only: SA This applicant has affected the floor/hall/building community Displays a positive attitude towards the Office of Residence Life Comments: A N D SD NA