Summer 2013 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga News St. Aloysius Gonzaga C.S.S. 2800 Erin Centre Blvd. Mississauga ON, L5M 6R5 Phone: 905.820.3900 Fax: 905.820.3902 Marian Prayer of St. Aloysius Gonzaga O Holy Mary, my mother, into your blessed trust and custody, and into the care of your mercy I this day, every day, and in the hour of my death, commend my soul and my body. To you I commit all my anxieties and miseries, my life and the end of my life, that by your most holy intercession and by your merits all my actions may be directed and disposed according to your will and that of your Son. Amen. Administration: St. Aloysus Gonzaga Trustees: Sharon Hobin (Wards 2 & 8) Esther O’Toole (Wards 9 & 10) Peter Ferreira (Wards 6 & 11) (effective December 1, 2010) Family Superintendent: Tilia Cruz Principal: Laura Green Vice Principals: Rosina Ariganello John Dmytrasz Debbie Duke-Kelly Parent Council Chairs: T. Stephan L. Van Bokhorst Letter from the Principal HELLO, IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE ONLY A FEW WEEKS LEFT BEFORE FINAL EXAMS BEGIN ON JUNE 18TH. May and June are extremely busy months with not just culminating activities in academics, but also with the extra-curricular events. In May we had our annual Fashion Show, Film Festival, Spring Music Concert and Coffee House. Each event was a fantastic opportunity for students, staff and families to come together in celebration. Esther O’Toole, one of our school trustees, attended all of these events. It never ceases to amaze me the talent possessed by our student body. At the end of May, the Prefects and the Junior Leaders of Gonzaga organized our first annual House Olympics. This event was a fundraiser for the “Make a Wish” charity and ShareLife. Students were able to participate in a variety of activities: soccer, hockey and basketball tournaments, carnival games, student vs. staff games in soccer and hockey, and a Peel Regional Police vs. student Chaplain: Patrick Marcolla basketball game. Thanks to the Peel Police who donated their time for the worthy cause. The weather was fantastic and it was a wonderful day for all participants. With the end of the year comes the time we say goodbye to some of our colleagues. On behalf of the students, staff and the whole Gonzaga community, I would like to wish Ms. P. Corradetti, Ms. D. Galea, Mr. R. Ryan and Mr. R. Michalko an enjoyable and fulfilling retirement. Thank you for your many years of dedication to Catholic education and the positive influence you have had on the Gonzaga community. As well, the end of June will mark the end of my time here at St. Aloysius Gonzaga. I am so proud of the students and staff of this school community. Year in and year out, the members of this community continue to demonstrate our school’s motto, “For the greater glory of God”. Thank you Gonzaga for the fantastic experience of the last 11 years. This community will be in my heart during my travels over the next year. God Bless L. Green From Your Catholic School Trustees Peter Ferreira, Sharon Hobin and Esther O’Toole Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education Over the years, parents/guardians who chose Catholic education for their children have told us that they are overwhelmingly satisfied with the education their children receive in our Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools. Indeed, there are many ways to measure success, one of them being standardized testing, such as EQAO assessments that are conducted across the province each year. In these tests, Dufferin-Peel students have invariably met or exceeded the provincial average in virtually all areas year after year. This, combined with our high graduation rates, variety of programming choices, the all-pervasive, spiritual, Christian Catholic faith-imbued nature of our schools, high standard of excellence, committed and dedicated faculty and staff and welcoming, diverse learning environments, make our schools places where extraordinary lives begin to take shape. As your Trustees, we try to continually share good news stories about Catholic education in Dufferin-Peel …. at Board Meetings, School Council, newsletters and community meetings, through social media, face-to-face conversations; essentially, wherever we go. While we try to connect with thousands of parents/guardians and family members, there are countless others who may be unaware of what we have to offer. Last summer, we embarked on an awareness campaign to enhance our Board’s profile in a variety of public spaces in the community. The campaign, which is ongoing, was labeled, Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education. We took this simple message to all corners of our jurisdiction using images that reflect our richly diverse community. You may have seen our message in transit shelters, shopping malls, community newspapers and other publications. Soon, you may spot our message displayed in colourful graphic design across many of our Board maintenance vehicles as they roll throughout the community. As parents/guardians and stakeholders, we hope that you, too, will feel proud to be a part of our community and to also spread this message, based on your experience, through word of mouth and other means at your disposal. It has been another incredible year for our School Board. To highlight a few accomplishments: • • • • • • • Sixth consecutive balanced budget Aggressive technology plan for our schools Full Day Kindergarten in every elementary school, in September Continuing reinvestments in Special Education Working towards Eco certification for all schools Vigorous schedule of renovations and repairs to schools Launched our dynamic new Board and school websites As we close out the 2013-14 school year, we can say that we have much to be pleased with and proud about in our schools. Our students continue to perform at levels that meet or exceed the provincial standards and average in most areas of EQAO assessments. This speaks to the range of academic programs that are designed to meet the needs of the diverse range of learners in our system. The recently concluded Catholic Education Week gave our students and our schools the opportunity to highlight the incredible work that takes place each day and provided a forum for our community to see this work firsthand. At St. Aloysius Gonzaga we were blessed to attend some of the many activities that took place over the week. We thank the Catholic School Council, the many volunteers and the teachers who give so much of their precious time to the students. We wish Principal Laura Green the very best as she takes a leave of absence/sabbatical and thank her for her many contributions to the school over these many years. We also thank Vice-Principals Ariganello, Dmytrasz and Duke-Kelly for their leadership and guidance. If you would like to receive ongoing information from the Board on school and Board issues, events and activities, consider signing up for eCommunity, a free information service provided through the Board website at or follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools. It has been our honour and pleasure to serve as your Trustees this past year. To those whose children are graduating and leaving our system, we hope your experience has been a positive one that you will stay connected to Dufferin-Peel and continue to be a Catholic school supporter. To those parents and guardians whose children remain with us, we look forward to working on your behalf over the coming years. To all, it is our hope that you will have a safe and enjoyable summer and experience God’s richest blessings in all that you do. “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou (1928-2014) OSAID Prefects OVER THE PAST YEAR GONZAGA’S ONTARIO STUDENTS AGAINST IMPAIRED DRIVING (OSAID) HAS BROUGHT AWARENESS TO FELLOW STUDENTS HERE AT GONZAGA ABOUT THE DANGERS OF IMPAIRED DRIVING. We have organized many events throughout the past school year to remind and educate students about the negative impact impaired driving can cause. In October, we had a guest speaker, Albert Veira, who is a representative from the MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) organization. He spoke to all the students about the horrific accidents that are caused by driving while impaired and showed clips of some people whose lives were affected by such accidents. These people told their tragic stories about their loved ones who were killed in car accidents involving an impaired driver and the grief it caused them and their families. The video was very graphic and emotional but did convey a strong message across to students. At the beginning of November, we had our OSAID week. From Tuesday to Friday of that week, our group sold black and white rainbow loom bracelets to help raise money for our charity (MADD). During that week we also had a “Be a Lifesaver” pledge event where students signed their name on a buoy pledging that they will never drink and drive, they also received a lifesaver candy for pledging. We also sold tickets for our Movie Night where we played The Great Gatsby which occurred on Friday after school, it was a great turnout. Now that prom is upon us, we are preparing for our final event, Choose Your Ride that is going to be held on Friday May 23rd, 2014 during 3B lunch. The event will provide an opportunity for students to talk to firefighters, police officers and paramedics about the dangers of drunk driving. We will also be getting a wrecked car to show students the result of what can happen when driving under the influence. This is targeted to all students, especially the grade twelve’s with prom coming up days after this event. A week prior to the event, students will have the opportunity to go to Menchies across the street and buy frozen yogurt of which 20% of the proceeds will go towards our charity. This has been a successful year for OSAID and we would like to thank our teacher supervisor, Mrs. Theriault for helping us run such great events. We would also like to thank Mrs. Green as well, for her support in allowing us to run the events. Finally we would like to thank our members for their hard work and staying with us till the end! IT’S All the best! Christine Chin and Marissa Myers, OSAID Executives BEEN ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR for the Gonzaga Prefect and Student Leader Organization. We started the year strong by welcoming our grade 9 students to the Gonzaga community on Orientation Day and the Grade 9 Retreat Day. Our group of 130 student leaders strong have been able to plan and host multiple school events and activities such as our Fall-Fling Dance, Halloween Week and Haunted House, Christmas Week, and Semi-Formal. Hosting intramural hockey, basketball, and volleyball tournaments have been exciting and have provided students with some fun, friendly competition amongst each other. Prefects have also shown outstanding dedication to our fellow peers through our peer-tutoring program which has academically supported students who need it. In the last couple of months we will be busy trying to make our school year end with a bang with three exciting events to come. Gonzaga student talent will be showcased at this year’s Coffee House, an annual tradition. Our first-ever Gonzaga House Olympic Day will take place at the end of May. This final fundraiser for our Make-a-Wish sponsored child Brooklyn will be an action packed day of sports tournaments, carnival and arcade games. At our annual House Gala, this year’s winning House will be crowned champions of the 2013-2014 school year. We look forward to seeing Gonzaga continue its tradition of success in our community! Your Head Prefects, Nick and Diana BRAVO, BULLDOGS! GONZAGA WINS BIG AT DPCDSB CONCOURS ORATOIRE A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THIS YEAR’S DUFFERINPEEL CONCOURS ORATOIRE, an annual French public speaking contest where competitors not only have the opportunity to become Dufferin-Peel champions but may also advance to provincial or even national levels of competition. After months of preparation and practising with coaches Mlle Finelli, Mme Fiorelli and Mme Palinic-Jezerinac, the hard work and dedication of five Gonzaga students greatly paid off and Gonzaga walked away with four awards! Congratulations to Klaudia Wojtanowski (Grade 11), Asany Piragasanathar (Grade 11), Juliana Markelj (Grade 9), Sydney Liao (Grade 9) and Alex Wu (Grade 10) for their outstanding performances among some very stiff competition. Both Asany and Juliana were awarded second place in the Senior Immersion and Junior FSL Plus categories respectively, while Sydney took home third prize in the Junior Extended French category. A first place finish was awarded to Alex Wu for his speech on the potential health hazards of cellular phones and wireless technology. Both Asany and Alex will advance to the Provincial competition at York University on May 10. Way to go, Bulldogs!!! Guiding Gonzaga THE GONZAGA GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN QUITE BUSY SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 2014. With feeder school visits, supporting our grade 12’s with post-secondary applications, assisting grade 9, 10 and 11 students with course selections, and organizing a number of grade 8 transitional programs, the Guidance Department has worked hard to keep Gonzaga moving ahead. Currently, the Guidance Department along with administration and the SAC committee, are working on developing a master schedule for our students for the 2014-15 school year. We are looking forward to a number of other events and activities between now and the beginning of next year. Grade 9 students will have their grade 9 Orientation Day on Monday August 25th at 9:00 am. Grade 10, 11, and 12 students will also have their orientation day scheduled for the last week of August where they can pick up their first semester schedules. Students and parents are also reminded that summer school and summer on-line applications are available in the Guidance Office. Please speak to your Guidance Counsellor for more information regarding summer programs and due dates. In the meantime, with exams right around the corner, students are reminded to see their Guidance Counsellor for Peer Tutoring support. On behalf of all the counsellors and support staff, we wish students the best of luck in their courses and exams and wish the entire Gonzaga community a safe and restful summer holiday. The following is an alphabetical division for each counsellor: Mr. Jason Eagles Ms. AnneMarie Thuss Mrs. Liza Santin Mrs. Donna Lajoie Mrs. Lori Zanatta - letters A-C (ext. 70016) - letters D-H (ext. 70013) - letters I-Me (ext. 70014) - letters Mi-R (ext. 70012) - letters S-Z (ext. 70011) GLE = Helping Others GLE (Learning Strategies) offers many exciting learning opportunities and school or community-based experiences in which students participate. Volunteering is aligned with our Catholic values and graduate expectations, and a mandatory part of the high school experience. It has been an area of focus for GLE students this semester. Fifteen GLE students volunteered in the preparation for - and on the day of - the “Inside Ride”. The “Inside Ride” event had over 30 teams of students and staff all coming together to raise money and awareness for cancer. GLE students prepared posters, made donations and took part in the exciting event activities in many different ways. In May, these same fifteen students, along with teachers Mrs. Jones and Mr. Agnew, will be volunteering at the ROPSSAA Special Olympics Track and Field Meet. These students are learning the valuable lesson first-hand that by helping others we help ourselves. March for Life BY SABRINA DASOUKI AND PATRYCJA WILCZEWSKI AND JERMIN SHINUDA MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO ON MAY 8TH, THE CITY OF OTTAWA HELD ITS ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE TO RAISE AWARENESS OF THE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF ALL LIFE AT PARLIAMENT HILL. This year’s theme is “RU-4LIFE” because of the controversy surrounding the human “pesticide” called RU-486. The drug is a chemical abortion pill that women take orally in order to kill a developing human being in the womb. With the growing amount of controversy and division between pro-life and pro-choice, we felt privileged to be at the forefront of the recent reintroduction of an ongoing debate and be able to take a stand for what we believe in. We did not know what to anticipate but when we arrived at Parliament Hill, we were overwhelmed with Canadian pride. We were also astounded by the sheer number of youth. 23,000 people came to this event supporting the unborn child. It was a beautiful sunny day, from the morning Mass celebrated by Cardinal Thomas Collins to the heartfelt speeches delivered by post-abortion witnesses, we saw a diverse mass of people. Even the Pro-Choice enthusiasts did not deter us as we stood united. We studied morality and bioethics in our Grade 12 Theology class and with that came the discussion of abortion. The arguments that arose in our class interested us immensely. As young Catholics ourselves, it was a wonderful opportunity to bring into action our Catholic beliefs. We got a chance to practice what we preach and to strengthen our values in solidarity with our fellow peers from other high schools in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. As Grade 12s, Gonzaga has given us the opportunity to link our curriculum with social justice issues. This is one of the many experiences we will take with us when we graduate. The March for Life was an excellent experience. We were proud to be Canadian, proud to be Catholic and proud to represent Gonzaga. We will miss you Gonzaga! a No Limits ON MAY 1, 2014, SEVERAL OF GONZAGA’S SPECIALIST HIGH SKILLS MAJOR STUDENTS ATTENDED THE “NO LIMITS” CONFERENCE, held at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto. The conference was sponsored by the International Chartered Accountants Organization. Participants included 550 students, and teachers from over 60 schools across the GTA. Students participated in Team building activities and got to converse in a round robin fashion with several CPA’s from many sponsoring organizations. In addition, students were taught a lesson on how to “Dress for Success”. Overall the day was very enjoyable, students were well fed and engaged as well as being entertained and educated by the Master of Ceremonies, comedian James Cunningham. This is one of the reach ahead activities included in Gonzaga’s Accounting and Innovative Management Special High Skills Major program. FRANCE AND ITALY: MARCH BREAK 2015 Thank you to all students who signed up for next year’s trip to France and Italy in March 2015. At this time, the trip is officially sold out! Travellers, stay tuned to the morning announcements in September 2014 for further details and meeting dates. Enjoy your last month of school, good luck on your exams and have a wonderful summer! Build a D.R.eam 2014 ON APRIL 26, 2014, TWENTY-SEVEN STUDENTS AND FIVE TEACHERS FROM ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA S. S. EMBARKED ON AN OUTREACH PROJECT TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Our mission was to build a home for a family in need. In the midst of work we came to deepen our understanding of another culture, the bonds of a compassionate community, and what it means live in hope. The original house was a small shack covered by a rusted corrugated tin roof. When it rained the roof leaked and the home often flooded. This unsafe home belonged to Alejandrina, a grandmother and her two granddaughters, Dawilka (7) and Maria Jose (3). We spent seven amazing days building a new, drier, sturdier home in an attempt to improve the lives of Alejandrina’s family. We worked alongside professional contractors, mixing cement, carrying cinder blocks, sifting sand, smooth-coating and painting the walls of the new home. We were also gifted with the opportunity of meeting the welcoming people of Arroyo Secco, Alejandrina’s community. Local school children did not shy away from playing alongside our own students, during breaks. Dominican families graciously allowed us into their homes to experience a “Day in the Life”, a program that opened our eyes to the daily challenges of living in poverty. As we walked into their homes the “mammas” taught us how to cook, wash dishes, and do laundry the traditional Dominican way. This experience enriched our view of how fortunate we are in Canada. Interacting with the local people also allowed us to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of relationships. Often our preoccupation with materialism clouds our understanding of how to live in authentic ways with others. Thanks go out to the financial support of Merciful Redeemer Parish, student participants, and funds collected by Gonzaga students, Reuben Corriea and Marcel Canzona. Alejandrina’s family was provided with a bed, table and chairs, a washing machine and a stove. On our final day, we bid a tearful goodbye to the family and handed them the keys to their new home. Alejandrina spoke to the group about a dream that she had about anticipation and hope. The local pastor, Fr. Garcia, reminded the people of Arroyo Secco in attendance that the family’s health and safety will continue to improve through the continued generosity of her supportive community. The students and teachers of Gonzaga will never forget their experience in Arroyo Secco. This is the 4th home Gonzaga has built for a family in need in the DR. This mission provided us with tremendous motivation to be a voice for Christian social justice both locally and globally. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead Poverty Summit 2014 THE SECOND ANNUAL GONZAGA POVERTY SUMMIT TOOK PLACE ON THURSDAY MARCH 20TH, 2014 AT ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA SECONDARY SCHOOL. It is an event that is organized by the Gonzaga Chaplaincy Team and over 250 students from 15 secondary schools came together to learn about material and spiritual poverty. The keynote speaker was Dr. Darlene Ciuffetelli-Parker, associate professor of education at Brock University. Other workshops held at the Summit were facilitated by Covenant House, Sancta Maria House, Father Frank Portelli from the Office of Catholic Youth, Angie Carboni from St. Jude’s Academy of the Arts, Emma Kendrick, a student from St. Paul’s Secondary who represented Canadian Food for Children, Catholic Family Services of Peel, and Generation Life. More than 250 students attended the Summit and they left with a greater awareness of the social, physical and spiritual effects of a life lived in poverty. A grand total amount of $1,790.00, was donated to various charities, in addition to 40 boxes of salt and 100 packages of soap to Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children missions to the developing world. At the end of the day, students left with a renewed desire to help those in need: “We all have our own calling and the opportunity to make a difference in the world. It’s up to us to make a conscious effort to support the people in our community”. It is our hope that all participants will return to their school community and work together to support those in need. Lieutenant Governor Award ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2014, SPENCER REED OF ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA S.S. WAS THE PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AWARD FOR YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT IN NATURAL HERITAGE. The ceremony took place at Queen’s Park where Spencer was recognized for his volunteer work with the Humanitarian Environmental Leadership Program (H.E.L.P) led by James Scott Neil including activities such as tree planting to preserve river beds, assisting the Riverwood Conservancy in the ecological study and preservation of a forest right beside Burnhamthorpe, removing invasive plant species from Jack Darling Park, and performing garbage clean-ups and park maintenance at many locations throughout Mississauga. In addition, on Wednesday, April 23rd in the City of Mississauga Council Chambers, Mayor Hazel McCallion, and the Director of the Ontario Heritage Trust Dawn Bennett presented Spencer and the H.E.L.P. program their awards and congratulated them on their outstanding community engagement and leadership. “The experiences that I had in the H.E.L.P program with the mentorship provided by James Scott Neil were life changing. They made me more aware of social injustices, world and environmental issues and gave me the skills to personally make change and have a positive impact. I also feel very blessed to be a student of such a supportive and academically strong school as St. Aloysius Gonzaga S.S. where I now apply the skills I have learned.” Spencer Reed.