“Achieving, Believing & Caring”

25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3
Phone: (905) 789-1741 Fax: (905) 789-1958
“Achieving, Believing & Caring”
Principal: K. Dolan
Vice Principal: S. Chambers
Secretary: P. Tomei
(905) 789-1741
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: S. Xaviour
Superintendent: L. Storey
St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
(905) 792-7497
Pastor: Fr. R. Mignella
Associates:Fr. B. Alphonsus/Fr. R. Tolentino
During the month of April we celebrate the virtue of love.
God has given us many examples of how to live our lives. He
sent his Son, Jesus, to make sure that we could see what life
could be like. Jesus made one lesson clear above all other
lessons– the lesson to love. Love is not about us – it is about
forgetting ourselves and looking out for the good of the other.
That is what Jesus did – he forgot about himself on purpose.
He chose to give up his life for the good of others – us!
Becoming a truly loving person is challenging. It takes prayer
and concentration to get used to making little sacrifices for
the good of others. Making little sacrifices on purpose so that
others will have a bit of food, a bit of shelter, a bit of peace, a
bit of quiet, a bit of fun and a bit of friendship.
A Loving Person…
 Wants the best for others
 Is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others
 Learns from the heroic lives of saints & holy people
 Knows that we are all lovable
 Prays for others
Inside this Edition
Catholic Education Week: May 1st- 6th
Page 2
Class List Formation for 2016-2017
Earth Month and After-school Tutoring
Page 3
Page 4
Important Calendar Dates to Remember
Page 5
Reminder: P.A. Day on Monday, April 11th, 2016 – No School for
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Grade 8 Graduation Mass – Thursday, June 23rd,
2016 @ 7:00 pm @ St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
Catholic Education Week
Opening Doors of Mercy
May1st – May 6th, 2016
Lenten Mass
Father Robert celebrated our Lenten Mass with the school
community on Tuesday, March 8th at 1:00 p.m. It was a
very special moment as our community came together in
preparation for Easter.
This year’s Catholic Education Week (May 1-6)
celebrates our schools with the theme: Opening
Doors of Mercy. This year’s five sub themes are:
Stations of the Cross
On Thursday, March 31st our Grade 5 students presented
the Stations of the Cross to our school community in the
school gym. We are very proud of our students and staff
for putting together such a wonderful presentation for our
school and parents. A special thank-you to Mrs.
Lukavecki, Mrs. Pelaia & Mrs. Grabowski for their
efforts in organizing this special presentation and
liturgical event!
Are You Moving?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are planning
on moving to a new location and your children will not be
returning to Father Clair Tipping for the 2016-2017 school
year. This information will help us with our planning for
next year. Thank you.
Recess Reminders
We continue to reinforce the need for our students to play
games and activities safely outside at recess. We promote
safe and cooperate play through our PALS and Circle of
Friends initiatives which involve older students
demonstrating cooperative and safe play. This means that
activities such as contact sports, tackling, play fighting,
tripping, pushing, piling on and any rough play are not
permitted. Students are consistently reminded of these
rules by staff, supervisors and administration. We
appreciate your help to reinforce with your children the
dangers and consequences of rough play and the
importance of notifying staff on duty during recess time.
The health and safety of our students is always a number
one priority here at Father Clair Tipping Catholic School.
Lego Club at Father Clair Tipping
This year we are offering students in Grades 1-6 the
opportunity to join a lego club offered through Quantum
Kids. Information was sent home to parents regarding the
club which takes place over 5 weeks. Students will be
taught a lesson during each session in accordance with the
Ontario curriculum and then asked to build a structure out
of lego based on each lesson. More info. to parents who
have signed up for this club will be provided soon.
Mercy that Welcomes
Mercy that Loves
Mercy that Forgives
Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Mercy that Rejoices
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
highlight the partnership between our Catholic
Schools and the local Catholic parishes.
Throughout Catholic Education Week we ask you
to reflect on the significance of Catholic
education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society.
We will be sending a letter home with details of
school events and activities for Catholic
Education Week at Father Clair Tipping soon.
E.Q.A.O. Testing -- Grades Three and Six
EQAO assessment for Grade 3 and Grade
6 will run from May 31st to June 8th.
We ask that parents please avoid
medical and dental appointments for
Grade 3 and Grade 6 children during the
communication and information will be forthcoming
just prior to the start of the assessments.
School E-mails
Have you been receiving our school e-mails? If you
have not, we kindly ask that you call our school office
to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Parents/Guardians we kindly ask that you follow
the rules listed below in order to keep the
student’s safe at our school:
All parents should use the Kiss N’ Ride
lane for dropping off their child
No parents should leave their cars parked
in front of the school unless it is in one of
visitor parking spots
No vehicles should be left parked in the
Kiss N’ Ride drop-off lane
No vehicles should be parked in the Kiss
N’ Ride drive-through lane
If you wish to park and walk your child to
school, please use the parking lot located
beside the Kiss N’ Ride
Under no circumstances should vehicles
be backing up or going the wrong way
No parking is allowed in the Bus Route
Students should not be dropped off at the
front of the school. This is not a drop off
Please be advised that cars parked in the Kiss N’
Ride lanes are liable for ticketing by the City of
Brampton’s bi-law parking authority. Please also
note that the school is not responsible for any
infractions of the above directives. Cars have
been ticketed for parking in these areas.
Reading At Home
As a parent you are a powerful
influence on your child’s success
in reading. Reading with your child
conveys’ a critical message that reading
is both important and enjoyable. It is essential to
plan reading times when there will be minimal
distractions and interruptions. Your child can learn
that reading together at home is a priority. Reading
with your child can open the door to a lifelong
interest in stories and books.
Class List Formation for 2016-2017
In preparation for the new school year, we will soon
begin to look at class placements. Although class
placements will not be final until mid-September at
the earliest, it is necessary to start our class
organization with sufficient time for determining
staffing, materials and equipment needs. We
consider a number of criteria when determining our
class lists, e.g. academic strengths, needs and overall
achievement, individual work habits and study
skills, maturity, and placement history. We do our
best to ensure that classes provide a balanced
learning environment for our students. However, for
a number of reasons, we are at times limited in our
placement options.
We ask that you do not make requests for specific
teachers as teacher placements may change if we are
required to re-organize. However, we do appreciate
your input concerning your child’s unique needs. If
you have specific concerns about your child’s
placement in September 2016, we ask that you put
these concerns in writing and address them to the
Principal – Mr. Dolan. Please include the following
information about your child:
your child’s strengths and/or needs
a description of his/her learning style
the type of learning environment in which your
child has experienced the most success
Please keep in mind that it is not always possible to
respond to your requests regarding placement in
general, and more specifically in combined (split)
classes. We therefore ask for your understanding and
flexibility in this area. Rest assured that our
decisions are made only after careful consideration
of all available information and is based on the
individual good of each child, balanced with the
common good of the entire school community.
Written requests are due at the office by no
later than April 29, 2016.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Administrative Assistants Day
Genesis 1:26. Then God said, "Let us make
man in our image, and let them rule over
the fish of the sea and the birds of the air,
over the livestock, over all the earth and
over all the creatures that move along the
Formerly known as Secretary’s Day, Wednesday,
April 27th marks Administrative Assistant Day. On
this day we acknowledge and thank Mrs. Tomei for
her hard work and care in supporting students, staff,
parents and learning at Father Clair Tipping School.
Let us be mindful of how we all can
be stewards of the earth by using our
resources wisely and making our
school community a green and
healthy environment.
Saturday, April 2nd - Wear Blue for
Autism Awareness Day!
April 22, 2016 marks Earth Day across the globe
and everyone is invited to participate and to think
and act green in our everyday lives! Our busy and
dedicated Green Goblins are planning a number of
activities to highlight the importance of Earth
The Environmental Stewardship group will be doing
several things this month. They include Fitness
Friday where we are encouraging everyone to walk
or bike to school on Fridays. We will be collecting
data to make a comparison to see whether this
initiative has an impact on our habits and
subsequently on our environment. We will also be
celebrating Earth Week and Earth Day. We have a
school ground clean up planned, as well as
environmental trivia, a kick off assembly,
etc. Earth week is the week of April 18th to 22nd.
Grade 3 and 6 After-school EQAO Tutoring
Students in Grades 3 and 6 were recommended by
their classroom teacher to be part of the after-school
tutor program here at FCT. Information regarding
dates and times of each session have been sent home
with those students who meet the tutoring
requirements. If you have any questions please
contact your child’s tutor teacher at the school. Mrs.
Bowles and Ms. Cibulka – Grade 3 & Mrs. Najem
and Mr. Serrentino – Grade 6. Thank you.
Elementary Summer School
Application forms for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District Summer School Programs for 2016 will
soon be available. Please note that these programs
are intended for students achieving Level 1 or 2 in
Reading and Writing. Please contact your child’s
teacher if you are interested in having your child
participate in either the Gr. 7 and 8 Summer School
program or the Gr. SK-6 Summer Literacy Camp.
Please contact your classroom teacher for more
FCT Catholic School Council
Our last School Council Meeting took place on
Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the school
library. Thank you to all of the parents who attended.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May
11th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
April Attire
April showers bring…..lots of puddles and mud (and
this April even SNOW)! A reminder to parents to
please send an extra set of clothes and socks for your
child(ren) as they may get wet during outdoor recess.
Money for Trips, etc.
Parents could you please provide the exact change
when sending in money for school trips and other
items as we do not have change available in our
school office. Thank you.
Bag2School Clothing Drive
Congratulations Father Clair Tipping! Our
Bag2School Clothing Drive was a great success!
Thank you very much to everyone who donated to
the clothing drive! Without your donations our
success would have not been possible! A big thank
you to Ms. Cibulka for organizing this great
initiative! Remember to “Think Green!”
Sincerely, Your FCT Green Goblins
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Important Calendar Dates:
April Dates
May Dates
April 6
Jr. and Intermediate Chess Tournament
Gr. 2 Holy Communion Retreat
Catholic School Council – 7:00 p.m.
April 8
Pizza Friday
April 13
Welcome to Kindergarten
April 14
Eco Fair in School Gym
April 15
FDK – Reptilia visit!
Pizza Friday
April 18-22
May 1-6
Catholic Education Week
May 3
FDK Mother’s Day Tea (9:30 a.m.)
May 4
Jump Rope for Heart and Stroke
May 5
French Café in gym – all day
May 6
Family Diversity Conference
Pizza Friday
Grade 8’s with d’Youville S.S. - PAWS
Earth Week – Wear Green to school!
May 8
Grade 7 and 8 Confirmation Practice
April 21
Grade 7 and 8 Vaccinations
May 9
Grade 7 and 8 Confirmation @ 7:00 p.m.
April 22
Pizza Friday
May 11
April 24
Grade 2 First Communion @ d’Youville
Parish at 12:30 p.m.
Catholic School Council Meeting @
7:00 p.m.
May 13
PA Day – no school
May 20
Team Photos for Yearbook
Pizza Friday
May 23
Victoria Day – no school
May 27
Pizza Friday
May 31-Jun 8
EQAO assessments for Grade 3 & 6
April 29
Parent requests for placement for Sept.
2016 are due to Mr. Dolan in writing.
Pizza Friday
Check out our awesome school web
site! Access the site at:
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Achieving, Believing & Caring