word study homework week two week one Monday: Regular/Writing Sort Monday: Word Hunt Sort words, and then write them under categories on a piece of paper. Parent Initials ____ Write your headings on the top of a piece of paper, then read a book and search for words with the same pattern. List the words your find under the headings. Parent Initials ____ Tuesday: Sight Word Sentences Tuesday: Buzz Word Sentences Use this week’s sight words (and, are, as, be, but, by) to write 6 sentences. Use this week’s sight words (and, are, as, be, but, by) to write 6 sentences. Parent Initials ____ Parent Initials ____ Wednesday: Sentences Wednesday: Sentences Pick 5 words, and write a sentence using each word. Pick 5 different words from last week, and write a sentence using each word. Parent Initials ____ Parent Initials ____ Thursday: Free Choice Timed Sort Thursday: Blind Sort Put your headings out. Put your headings out. Have someone read Pick up your words one words to you. Point to at a time and use a the column the word timer to sort them as fast as you can. Then Speed Sort goes under. Parent Initials ____ try to beat your time. Put your headings out. Pick up your words one at a Draw & Label time and sort them Draw pictures for as fast as you can. at least 6 of your words. Label the Parent Initials ____ picture. Friday: Word Study Test October 5th – October 16th