Student 1 1-11-16

Student 1
I just read I’ve Seen the Promised Land. This was a picture book about the
life of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought for the
rights of blacks during the Civil Rights Movement. This book explained that he
fought with non-violence.
A prominent trait of Martin Luther King Jr. is that he is determined. In the
text it talked about how he was arrested many times and sometimes for no reason.
Even though he was arrested so many times, he kept fighting for the blacks and his
beliefs. This shows how determined King was. It takes a lot of determination to
keep doing something this hard.
Another trait of Martin’s was that he was a powerful leader, The text states,
“When he spoke, people listened.” Lots of people listened to what Martin said.
This shows that Martin was powerful. Good leaders can get others to do