DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline: “A Sense of Celebration”

DPCDSB Athletic
Virtues and Ethical Conduct
“A Sense of Celebration”
Revised: November 2014
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
DPCDSB Mission Statement ................................................................................................ 2
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
Context ................................................................................................................................ 2
Focus ................................................................................................................................... 3
The DPCDSB Principles of Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct ........................................ 4
The DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline Expectations ....................... 6
Administration Expectations ............................................................................................... 7
School Athletic Facilitator (SAF) Expectations .................................................................... 8
Coach Expectations ............................................................................................................. 9
Student Athlete Expectations ........................................................................................... 10
Spirit Group Expectations ................................................................................................. 11
Spectator Expectations ..................................................................................................... 11
Parent-Guardian –Immediate Family Expectations .......................................................... 12
Official’s Expectations ....................................................................................................... 13
DPCDSB ROPSSAA and DPEAA Executives Expectations................................................... 14
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group Expectations .................. 15
Local School Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group Expectations............ 16
Concluding Statement....................................................................................................... 17
Acknowledgments............................................................................................................. 17
Acknowledgement of DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Guideline ............................ 20
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Mission Statement
The Mission of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, in
partnership with the family and church, is to provide, in a responsible
manner, a Catholic education which develops spiritual, intellectual,
aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual
to live fully today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus
enriching the community.
The focus of Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) athletics is to create the Catholic conditions
that support the development and well-being of the whole child. It continues to be a system responsibility among
all stakeholders to ensure that character development as referenced in our Catholic virtues remains a primary
focus for all participants.
The committee representing DPCDSB Principals received the DPCDSB Executive Council's approval and support
to move forward with the development of the Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline and support the
inclusion of guiding principles in the Guideline in the local Catholic School Learning Plans (CSLP) and align with
principles of school Pastoral Plans and virtues.
Athletics has become an important and powerful force in the world. Aided by technology, athletes have
achieved unprecedented fame, salaries and pop power. The growth in athletics globally has drawn the attention
of both the Vatican and the United Nations. In 2004 Pope John Paul II established a Vatican Office committed to
developing values in sports. This is recognition of the role sports can play in bringing people together and
developing the human person.
“For the world of sport still has its sound environments and still its generous protagonists who strive to
reclaim the ideal of sport as a real school of humanity, education, and virtue. It also continues to grow in
its popularity and its unique capacity to unite the entire planet around a big event. As Pope Benedict XVI
recalled last fall, sport is a discipline that “when practiced with respect for the rules, can become an
educational instrument and a means of transmitting important human and spiritual values.” (Wednesday
General Audience, 21 September 2005).
Pope Francis stated in 2014:
“Sports have important educational value because they contribute to personal growth, highlight the
harmony of body and spirit, foster social development and promote the values of "solidarity, loyalty and
respect." (Pope Francis 2014)
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
The United Nations established 2005 as an International Year of Sport. It was their belief that sports can be used
as a vehicle to meet their Millennium Development Goals and promote Education.
“Sport and physical education teach essential values and life skills including self-confidence, teamwork,
communication, inclusion, discipline, respect and fair play. Sport and physical education also have
psychological benefits such as reducing depression and improving concentration. Sport, physical
education, play and recreation have a positive impact on child education. Physical education typically
improves a child’s ability to learn, increases concentration, attendance and overall achievement. Young
people learn better when they are having fun and are being active. Within schools, physical education is
an integral component of quality education.” (United Nations: International Year of Sport and Physical
Education 2005: www.un.org/sport2005)
In DPCDSB sports programs have grown exponentially and continue to play an important role in our Catholic
education system. In this light, it is incumbent that we review, assess and develop our praxis, in order to
maximize the benefits of our efforts.
The DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline is designed to build capacity among system partners
with the following goals;
1. To establish a guideline in which school sports would operate.
2. To clarify alignment with the DPCDSB System Direction and the Catholic Board Learning Plan.
3. Assist in developing the skill set of system partners and stakeholders in creating a culture that aligns to
DPCDSB System Direction and the Catholic Board Learning Plan.
4. To provide clear expectations for all stakeholders to assist administrators, coaches, convenors and
managers in resolving any infractions occurred.
5. To continue to focus on student success in areas such as student engagement and character/virtues
formation opportunities for all students and spectators.
6. To further align the principles referenced in the DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline
with the foundational principles of the Catholic Board Learning Plan, the Catholic School Learning Plan
and Pastoral Plans.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
The DPCDSB Principles of Athletic Virtues & Ethical Conduct
Athletic virtues and ethical conduct is a core principle within the DPCDSB community. This is
foundational in support of healthy and positive interaction among all participants in athletic
events. It will serve as a frame of reference in all aspects to promote character formation as
found in our Catholic virtues.
Background: The DPCDSB Committee on Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct embarked on an initiative to
increase awareness and commitment to athletic virtues and ethical conduct across the Board.
The committee collected stakeholder feedback that assisted in shaping the first Athletic Virtues
and Ethical Conduct Guideline in 2012.
In response to the Ministry PPM 158, the committee reassembled and revised aspects of the
guideline. The most significant change was in the document’s title to align with a more inclusive
learning environment. The name was changed to the “DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical
Conduct Guideline: A Sense of Celebration”. The title is rooted in Pope Francis’ 2014 comment
on sports in today’s world.
All sports programs in DPCDSB will promote the character/virtues development of participants
in alignment with the:
Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
DPCDSB System Direction
Catholic Board Learning Plan
Catholic School Learning Plan and Pastoral Plan
Catholic Board Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Education Plan
Catholic Board Corporate Plan
Catholic Virtues
Ministry PPM 158
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
It is an expectation that students, coaches, administrators, spectators and all other partners
associated with these sports programs and events will be guided by our Catholic Virtues.
Catholic Virtues will be manifested not only in athletic participation but also in the broad spectrum of activities
surrounding all sports programs. It is an expectation that each DPCDSB school:
a) Implement the “DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline: A Sense of
Celebration”, for appropriate conduct in all sports programs consistent with “a Catholic
approach to fair and inclusive play and supportive participation for athletes, coaches,
spectators and the community” (DPCDSB System Direction 2010-2013).
b) Ongoing communication to all stakeholders regarding the expectations outlined in the
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
The DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline Expectations
The DPCDSB is committed to establishing athletic virtues and developing healthy environments for
competition. DPCDSB continues to lead the way in enhancing the practice of alignment
between what is acceptable in the classroom with what is occurring in all athletic competitions.
DPCDSB will strive to create athletic environments that are consistent with the expectations and
virtues of our Catholic system.
Catholic education through athletics teaches our youth and our communities to conduct themselves
with athletic virtues and respect for opponents within our Catholic context.
In an effort to achieve this goal, DPCDSB has developed and revised this guideline which outlines the
expectations of the various groups and individuals associated with all athletic programs.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Administration Expectations
To create a safe, caring and inclusive environment for teams, officials, spectators and parents.
Ensure all eligibility and league processes are followed. The administration will review all league
schedules and approve competition dates and start times as appropriate per panel.
Ensure there are no athletic competitions during Holy Week.
Ensure that the behavioural expectations outlined in the Catholic Code of Conduct and school protocols
and responses to unethical conduct are made clear to all athletes.
Ensure all coaches acknowledge and understand the importance of the DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and
Ethical Conduct Guideline and adhere to the expectations outlined.
Administration is responsible to monitor adherence to the Guideline and have courageous conversations
with individual stakeholders who are in violation of the expectations outlined in the DPCDSB Athletic
Virtues and Ethical Guideline and possibly withdraw those individuals who demonstrate a lack of
commitment to the Guideline.
The Administrator will ensure communication of the Guideline expectations through newsletters, school
websites and posted at events where possible.
It is incumbent upon the Principal to select an individual from among self-identified candidates to the
voluntary position of School Athletic Facilitator (SAF) / School Athletic Rep.
It is the responsibility of the administration to review principles found in the Guideline through a local
school-based Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group in alignment with the Catholic
Community of Culture and Caring Action team as appropriate per panel.
It is incumbent upon the Principal to ensure that all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities have a symbol
of our faith visibly present in a prominent place.
It is the responsibility of the board to ensure that the Church’s liturgical year be marked by all teams.
Teams that are away for a weekend tournament will have the opportunity to attend mass. Athletic
competitions are not be scheduled on Holy Days of Obligation.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Secondary School Athletic Facilitator (SAF) Expectations
Candidates will self-identify for the position and the Principal will make a selection from these
individuals. It is understood that the School Athletic Facilitator (SAF) is a volunteer position and not in
the job description of a Physical Education Department Head.
To assist in ensuring sports programs are adhering to the expectations as outlined in the Guideline.
To ensure a transparent and open communication between coaches, the SAF/SAR, physical education
department head and administration.
The SAF or designate is to publicly welcome visiting teams and coaches and ensure handshakes occur
after competition.
To ensure the visiting coach is aware of the host school expectations and routines including the reading
of the “DPCDSB Athletic Virtues Prayer” before competition between DPCDSB teams.
To provide an opportunity for the visiting coach(s) to address any concerns, indicate the location of the
game managers in the gym or field and identify the school staff supervisors present for the competition.
Candidates will self-identify for the position and the Principal will make a selection from these
individuals. It is understood that the School Athletic Representative is a volunteer position.
To create a process for visiting fans, parents and participants to ensure appropriate communication
regarding expectations has occurred between the schools involved.
To implement an ongoing mentoring program for all coaches supported by local administration and
included in the CSLP.
To chair a local school Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory group or be a member on the
Catholic Community of Culture and Caring Action team as appropriate.
To attend system level SAF professional learning opportunities.
The SAF or designate must ensure that those who are employed by the DPCDSB treat the opponents
with fairness and respect.
The SAF or designate must ensure, if applicable, the public address announcers be required to announce
the contest in an even-handed manner with equal respect for both teams.
The SAF should review periodically with staff members, coaches, student-athletes and spirit groups
(spirit squads and bands) precisely what is acceptable conduct, as set forth in this document.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Coach Expectations
It is understood that coaching at DPCDSB is a volunteer position. Coaches will model the expectations as
outlined in the Guideline.
The actions of all Coaches must be founded in courageous leadership where the considerable influence
coaches have will be used to teach and enact the high principles of Catholic athletic values. The DPCDSB
has benefited from the high calibre of coaches who have risked losing a contest by removing studentathletes who have demonstrated disrespect for their opponents and/or other forms of inappropriate
conduct. Coaches are to make athletic virtues and respect a core value of their team and pay special
attention to their student-athletes' behaviour. DPCDSB and its coaches are committed to teach
messages that are in alignment with creating Catholic conditions for well-being, learning and leading.
Continue to empower students to be well rounded individuals and successful in the classroom and outside
of athletics in their pursuit of achieving our Catholic Graduate Expectations.
Coaches will take every opportunity when addressing the media, spirit groups or other public forums to
express the desire for spectators to support their team at home contests and respect visiting teams.
Coaches and administrators will stress that the participants in our athletics contests are young people
who do not deserve to be mistreated by a hostile crowd and this behaviour does not comply with
Catholic values and virtues.
Coaches shall acknowledge that they are aware and will comply with the expectations as outlined in the
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline as well as the DPCSDB Concussion Guideline.
It is understood that in circumstances whereby the Principal will appoint a volunteer community
member(s) to assist the teacher head coach, that the community coach be responsible to the principal
and adhere to the same expectations as outlined in this document. In all matters of media
communication coaches and principals shall adhere to the DPCDSB Communications protocol.
It is understood that the coach is aware of the DPCDSB Physical Education Safety Guidelines, DPCDSB
Contact Sport Guideline and the DPCDSB Concussion Guideline and GAP policy.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Student Athlete Expectations
Student-athletes at DPCDSB schools are expected to treat opponents respectfully and in compliance
with our Catholic virtues. Respect for the game in which the student-athlete participates also demands
respect for the opponent, fans, coaches, referees, teaching and non-teaching staff, bus drivers and the
Student athletes will understand the following are unacceptable behaviours: taunting, inappropriate
language, baiting of opponents and other types of behaviour that contravene our Catholic Code of
DPCDSB student-athletes must behave as ambassadors of their Catholic schools. Their behaviour is
observed by parents and emulated by peers and those who are younger. DPCDSB student-athletes must
honour the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of representing our schools by behaving with
dignity and respect on and off the field, regardless of the behaviour of other adolescent athletes.
Maintain a high standard of attendance, academic participation and achievement (to the best of the
student’s ability) attitude and general behaviour.
To wear appropriate school approved uniform and team uniform to events.
To support and adopt the philosophy of the teacher-coach.
To be present at school and in attendance on the date of an event.
To attend practices regularly.
To be mindful of student well-being and ensure all athletes respect and support those students that are
not participating.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Spirit Group Expectations
The focus of Spirit Groups must be toward the encouragement of their team and respect for the
opposing team. Spirit Groups and the staff facilitator must make a special effort to ensure all spectator
expectations as set forth in this Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline are adhered to.
Spirit Groups at DPCDSB schools are visible representatives of our schools. As such, we place high
expectations on them for appropriate behaviour. Cheerleaders, bands, student leadership and other
Spirit Groups are admitted to contests at the discretion of our schools to support their teams and assist
in creating an enjoyable atmosphere. They are not admitted in order to disrupt or confront the
opponent and such behaviour will not be tolerated.
Spirit Groups at DPCDSB schools are expected to treat opponents respectfully and in compliance with
our Catholic virtues.
Spirit Groups will understand the following are unacceptable behaviours: taunting, inappropriate
language, baiting of opponents and other types of behaviour that contravene our Catholic virtues.
Maintain a high standard of attendance, academic participation and achievement (to the best of the
student’s ability) attitude and general behaviour.
To wear appropriate school approved uniform and team uniform to events as appropriate.
To be present at school and in attendance on the date of an event.
To attend practices regularly.
Spectator Expectations
DPCDSB hopes and believes that the establishment of the principles outlined in this guideline will create an
appropriate Catholic conditions that will attract spectators to our events.
Spectators are present to enjoy the competition and to support and encourage their teams. Spectators
attending games will be reminded of the expectations as outlined in the Board’s Catholic Code of
Conduct and Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct guideline. Respect for players, officials and coaches
will be emphasized.
Spectators are expected to act in an appropriate manner, and respect all opposition, coaches, managers,
supervisors, officials, parents and fellow fans.
Individuals who attend games and abuse the opposition and officials will be dismissed immediately from
athletic events by the school’s supervisors, security or police.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Parent-Guardian-Immediate Family Expectations
Parents: DPCDSB hopes and believes that the establishment of the principles outlined in this guideline will
create appropriate Catholic conditions that will attract parents to our events.
Parents attending games are to be reminded that all competitions are to be viewed in the context of a
Catholic School learning environment for all students. Parents are expected to support their child and
the coaching philosophy adopted by the teacher-coach.
It is expected that all parents will act in an appropriate manner and respect all coaches, managers,
supervising teachers and students, opposition players and the officials.
It is an expectation that parents attending competitions reaffirm their role as “adult” and as supporters
of school athletics and fosters a Catholic culture of inclusivity and caring and a place where all children
participating can feel safe and secure.
It is an expectation that a parent/guardian be present and responsible for family members attending
It is an expectation that parents/guardians respect the designated start and finish times set out by the
volunteer coaches and arrange timely pick up and drop off.
Occasionally parents who attend games may abuse the local staff, players and officials. Those individuals
will be dismissed from athletic events by the school’s supervisors and if needed by local authorities.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Official’s Expectations
Officials will provide the opportunity for DPCDSB teams to read the DPCDSB Athletic Virtues Prayer at
the start of each game.
Each official assigned to a DPCDSB contest will be provided a card with the following statement which
must be read to the captains and coaches of every contest prior to the beginning of the game:
"The DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline requires officials to enforce all rules
regarding unethical conduct by coaches and players. There will not be any tolerance for negative
statements or actions between opposing players, including swearing, taunting and baiting.”
Officials who are assigned DPCDSB contests will be requested to enforce the rules regarding Athletic
Virtues without tolerance for abuse. The only warning to participants and coaches regarding Athletic
Virtues should come at the beginning of the contest. Once the contest begins, consequences, not
warnings, must be assessed for serious violations of unethical conduct.
Officials will eject any coach who protests inappropriately unethical conduct calls, provided such
ejection is permissible by the league rules of that sport.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
DPCDSB ROPSSAA and DPEAA Executive Expectations
It is incumbent upon the administrator and teacher representatives who are on the ROPSSAA and
DPEAA Executives to represent the needs of DPCDSB athletics.
ROPSSAA and DPEAA Executives are expected to enforce league policies and are authorized to assess
further penalties for improper behaviour that is not detected or properly addressed during the league
contest in Dufferin-Peel CDSB schools. Schools and their personnel are expected to fully cooperate with
the Executive’s effort to adhere to league guidelines and investigate possible inappropriate behaviour.
The DPCDSB administrator representatives on the executives are responsible to communicate to the
executive the needs of the Principal’s Council.
The ROPSSAA and DPEAA Executives must ensure no decisions that would directly affect DPCDSB
administration managerial rights be approved at any league meeting until approved by the appropriate
DPCDSB Secondary Principal’s Council or DPCDSB Elementary Principal’s Council.
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group Expectations
The DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory group consisting of elected representation
Senior Administration
Secondary School Athletic Facilitator
CCCSC Representative
Student Voice Representative
Chaplaincy Team Leader
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals
The Advisory group is responsible to develop and monitor progress toward attainment of system goals
for both panels.
The group will meet annually.
Each of the above stakeholder groups will develop a local system of representation for this Group.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Local School Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group Expectations Secondary
The Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Advisory Group will consist of the School Athletic Facilitator,
teachers, students, Chaplain, school council representative and administration.
Is responsible for monitoring alignment with the system and school goals within the Catholic Board
Learning Plan Pillar of Catholic Community Culture and Caring.
The group will meet monthly or as required to review and discuss alignment of the Athletic Virtues and
Ethical Conduct Guideline within the CSLP at a local level.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Concluding Statement
DPCDSB believes that the effort to meet the expectations outlined in this guideline will provide the Catholic
conditions for well-being learning and leading, while promoting our rich athletic programs.
The committee would like to thank the following individuals who were instrumental in the development of the
original and revised document. Your wisdom and shared passion for student success through sport and
principles of athletic virtues and ethical conduct in Catholic Education in Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board Athletics was remarkable.
DPCDSB Senior Administration
John Kostoff
Director of Education Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
John Hrajnak
Associate Director of Education, Corporate Services DPCDSB
Sheila McWatters
Associate Director of Education, Instructional Services DPCDSB
Lucy Papaloni
Superintendent of Brampton Mississauga Central Family of Schools DPCDSB
Project Co-ordinators
Kevin Greco
Principal St. Marguerite d’Youville CSS, DPCDSB
Tim Lariviere
Principal Cardinal Ambrozic CSS, DPCDSB
Linus O’Neill
Principal St. Dunstan, DPCSB
Clergy Contributing Members
Father Joe Gorman
Father Jim Roth
DPCDSB, Priest in Residence
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Contributing Members
Charles Blanchard
Superintendent Mississauga East DPCDSB
Ralph Borrelli
Retired Associate Director of Education, Instructional Services DPCDSB
Alex Tucciarone
Retired Superintendent of Brampton North East Family of Schools DPCDSB
Joe Geiser
Retired Superintendent of Employee Relations DPCDSB
Paul Schmidt
Principal Philip Pocock CSS DPCDSB,
Joe Amodeo
Principal Venerable Michael J. McGivney DPCDSB
Jeff Baechler
Principal of Secondary Employee Relations DPCDSB
Sara Caruso-Taccone
Principal St. Barbara DPCDSB
Chris Caswell
Physical Education Department Head St. Thomas Aquinas DPCDSB
Steve Chylinski
Physical Education Department Head St. Francis Xavier CSS DPCDSB
Dan Compagnon
Principal St. Thomas Aquinas CSS DPCDSB
Dave Coules
Retired Principal Secondary Program DPCDSB
Natalie Currah
Vice-Principal St. Martin CSS DPCDSB
Phil D’Amico
Student Athletic Facilitator St. Michael CSS DPCDSB
Larry Deighton
Physical Education Department Head St. Martins CSS DPCDSB
Tony Delvecchio
Student Athletic Facilitator John Cabot CSS DPCDSB
Frank Dovigo
Teacher Cardinal Ambrozic CSS DPCDSB
Brian Finamore
Cardinal Leger, Chaplaincy Team Leader, DPCDSB
Gary Fleming
Physical Education Department Head St. Roch CSS DPCDSB
Frank Furgiuele
Principal St. Marcellinus CSS DPCDSB
Joe Giancola
Principal Loyola CSS DPCDSB
John Gismondi
Retired Teacher
Cathy Holowitz
Retired Teacher
Paul Johnson
Physical Education Department Head St. Joan of Arc DPCDSB
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Chris Kane
Physical Education Department Head Iona CSS DPCDSB
Tania Knappich
Physical Education Department Head Robert F. Hall CSS DPCDSB
Kathy Kwiatkowski
Retired Principal
Alison Lewis
Student Athletic Facilitator St. Joseph CSS DPCDSB
Sam Macaluso
Principal St. Martin CSS DPCDSB
Steve MacNeil
Physical Education Department Head St. Marcellinus CSS DPCDSB
Mario Magistrale
Physical Education Department Head Ascension of Our Lord DPCDSB
Mike Maiola
Retired Teacher
Tony Maiolo
Principal George Vanier DPCDSB
Mike Mastragositno
Retired Teacher
Frank Maury
Teacher Cardinal Ambrozic CSS DPCDSB
Ed McMahon
Retired Principal
Erin McPhee
Physical Education Department Head St. Marguerite d’Youville CSS DPCDSB,
Derek McWilliam
Physical Education Department Head Cardinal Leger CSS DPCDSB
Mike O’Grady
Principal St. Aloysius Gonzaga CSS DPCDSB
Sam Papaconstantinou
Physical Education Department Head Father Michael Goetz DPCDSB
Dario Pretto
Physical Education Department Head Notre Dame CSS DPCDSB
Brent Prospero
Physical Education Department Head Cardinal Ambrozic CSS DPCDSB
Drago Radic
Vice-Principal Cardinal Leger CSS DPCDSB
Brian Rakoczy
Physical Education Teacher Loyola CSS DPCDSB
Derek Ramalho
Vice-Principal St. Michael CSS DPCDSB
Norm Roberts
Teacher Cardinal Ambrozic CSS DPCDSB
Peter Szabolcs
Retired Teacher
Rob Thompson
Physical Education Department Head St. Aloysius Gonzaga CSS DPCDSB
Craig Vicars
Student Athletic Facilitator St. Paul CSS DPCDSB
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)
DPCDSB Athletic Virtues and Ethical Conduct Guideline 2014
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Athletic Virtues Guideline
Acknowledgement of DPCDSB Athletic Virtues Guideline
All Administrators, Teachers and Volunteer Coaches, may sign off and date below, indicating they have viewed
and are aware of their responsibilities under the DPCDSB Athletic Virtues Statement.
Principal: _________________________________
Date: _____________________
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“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:7)