Cheryl L. Stevens January 2014 Purpose • To show a Snapshot of Ogden College • Includes descriptive data on people, outcomes, and finances • Hope to stimulate some discussion in departments 2 Ogden Student Profile UG/G Gender G 9% Female 37% Male 63% Total 3185 Enrollment UG 91% Ave ACT 24 Ave GRE 1027 from WKU Fact Book 2013 3 Ogden Student Ethnicity Profile N/A 1% Intrntl 9% AA 5% Other 5% White 80% from WKU Fact Book 2013 4 Ogden UG Student Majors by Department 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 UG Enrollments Female UG Enrollments Male from WKU Fact Book 2013 5 UG Student Majors – Domestic/ International 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 International Domestic from WKU Fact Book 2013 6 Undergraduate Degrees 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 from WKU 2013 Fact Book 7 Total Student Credit Hour Production by Department 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 G 4000 UG 2000 0 from WKU Fact Book 2013 8 Student Credit Hour Production per Fulltime Faculty 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 CLS calculation 9 Honors Student Credit Hour Production 600 500 400 300 UD 200 LD 100 0 from WKU Fact Book 2013 10 2013 Honors Theses 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 from TopScholar2013 11 Ogden Grad Students Ogden Grad School Enrollment Ogden Graduate Assistantships 265 98 College Total Average/student Stipend $865,375 $8,830 Tuition $428,939 $4,376 Average package $13,206 from Lisa Wood F14 12 Grad Student Enrollment – Domestic/International 60 50 40 30 International Domestic 20 10 0 from Lisa Wood F14 13 Grad Student Enrollment - Gender 60 50 40 30 Female Male 20 10 0 from Lisa Wood F14 14 F2013 Grad Students and Graduate Assistantships 60 50 40 30 GS GA 20 10 0 from Lisa Wood F14 15 2013 Thesis and Non-thesis MS/MA Degrees 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Thesis Non-Thesis 16 Ogden College Faculty by Gender Female 29% Male 71% Total Faculty 182 from WKU Fact Book 2013 17 Ogden Faculty by Ethnicity Other 21% AA 4% White 75% from WKU Fact Book 2013 18 Ogden Faculty by Rank and Tenure Status Instr 19% Asst Prof 26% Prof 29% Non Tenure Track 21% Assoc Prof 26% TenureTrack 25% from WKU Fact Book 2013 Tenure 54% 19 FT Faculty by Department 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Female Male from WKU Fact Book 2013 20 Faculty Publications and Conference Proceedings 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Proceedings Publications from 2013 Fac Vitas 21 2012 Proposals/2013 Grant Awards 40 35 30 25 20 15 2012 Proposals 2013 Grants 10 5 0 from OSP 22 FY13 Externally Funded Grants State 16% Other 13% Federal 79% Total $5,771,981 IDC $712,667 23 2012 Externally Funded Grants by Amount Amount Funded No. Administered by No. < $1,000 1 Federal 36 $1,000 - $10,000 13 State 25 $10,001 - $30,000 21 Other 10 >$30,000 36 Total Total 71 71 from Cindy Graham 24 2013 Revenue from Contracts Type Amount Professional Services $508,411 Conferences/Workshops $743 Royalties $11,732 Miscellaneous $10,146 Total $531,032 from OSP 25 WKU Internal Funding To Date – Number of FUSE Awards Total 101, Total FUSE Funding $505,000 30 25 20 15 10 FUSE 5 0 26 WKU Internal Funding To Date – Number of RCAP Awards Total RCAP Funding $440,075 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 RCAP 27 FY2013 Ogden Resources - Sources FY12 Carry Forward 15% F&A 9% Personnel 40% Operating 9% Grad students 17% DELO 10% Total Budget $2.4 M From CG Budget Sheets 2013 28 FY2013 Ogden Expenditures Personnel 33% Travel 2% Operating 7% Grad Students 36% from CG Budget Sheets FY2013 29 FY 13 Foundation Funds - Sources Foundation 5% Corps 29% Alumni 47% Friends 19% Total $447,988 from Krista Steenberugen and WKUF 30 FY13 Foundation - Expenditures Other 2% Scholarships 36% Unrestricted 18% Facilities/ equipment 3% 31 Acknowledgements • • • • Lisa Wood Cindy Graham George Taylor Krista Steenbergen 32