2013 Annual Performance Report

2013 Annual Performance Report
U.S. Department of Education
Title III - Part F - HSI STEM and Articulation Programs
ED 524B Cover Sheet
1. PR/Award #:
2. Grantee NCES ID#:
3. Project Title:
Creating a STEM Pathway to Increase Hispanic Student STEM Degrees and Transfer
4. Grantee Name:
Crafton Hills College
5. Grantee Address:
11711 Sand Canyon Road Yucaipa, CA 92399
6. Project Director Name: Richard Hogrefe Title: Dean, Arts and Sciences
Ph #:
909-389-3205 Fax #:
Email Address:
Reporting Period Information
7. Reporting Period: From: 10/01/2012 To: 09/30/2013
Budget Expenditures (To be completed by your Business Office.)
8. Budget Expenditures:
Federal Grant Funds
Non-Federal Funds
(Match/Cost Share)
a. Previous Budget Period
b. Current Budget Period
c. Entire Budget Period
(For Final Performance Reports only)
Indirect Cost Information (To be completed by your Business Office.)
Indirect Costs
a. Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant?
b. If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government?
c. If yes, provide the following information:
Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement: From:
Approving Federal agency: __ED __ Other (Please specify):
Type of Rate:
(For Final Performance Reports only)
d. For Restricted Rate Programs (check one) -- Are you using a restricted indirect cost rate that:
Is included in your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement?
Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)?
Human Subjects (Annual Institutional Review Board (IRB) Certification)
10. Is the annual certification of Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval attached?
Performance Measures Status and Certification
11. Performance Measures Status
a. Are complete data on performance measures for the current budget period included in the Project Status Chart? Yes
b. If no, when will the data be available and submitted to the Department?
12. Authorized Representative Name:
Cheryl A, Marshall, Ed.D.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Executive Summary
In its second year, the HSI-STEM Articulation Program project, “Creating a STEM Pathway to Increase Hispanic Student STEM Degrees and Transfer” has been
successful in creating sustainable programs which serve as the basis for achieving the goals identified in the grant proposal. In particular we will outline activities review
personnel changes as well as outline activities in each other five major activity areas outlined in the grant: STEM outreach; curriculum alignment, review, and development;
student success activities, laboratory up-dates and professional development.
Members of the project team hired during Year 1 continued their work through Year 2. Ernesto Rivera was hired as the STEM Transfer Services Coordinator effective
January 2013. Ernesto brings with him experience in federally funded programs such as Upward Bound Math and Science at UCR and state funded EOPS program at
Chaffey College assisting low-income first generation students. In January 2013, Michelle Riggs, the Research Analyst, was promoted to a management position at the
College. A search was conducted and Benjamin Gamboa joined the team as the grant Research Analyst in June. Ben brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the
project team, having served in the fiscal services division within the district for eight years.
Major Activities
Outreach. The project team has devoted considerable time and effort to outreach efforts which exposed 2000 elementary, middle and high school students to careers in
STEM. The grant team continues to work with a variety of partners which has established working relationship with middle and high school STEM teachers and
counselors throughout the service area. Through these partnerships, the project team was invited to participate in a variety of outreach activities during the past year.
STEM faculty participated in Senior Day by providing hands-on activities in all STEM disciplines; TrigSTAR, an event intended to promote excellence in high school math;
and the NASCAR Math and Science Day at the Auto Club Speedway, and event associated with the Auto Club 500 NASCAR race, where the project team led an activity
in which 500 students predicted the outcome of pine wood car races where cars were modified with different weights and aerodynamic features.
In February 2013, 100 high school students attended the inaugural SciFri event. Students began the day with keynote speaker Dr. Laura Schoepf. After speaking to high
school students about research in her field, Dr. Schoepf took six CHC students to breakfast to continue a more in depth discussion of that research. he high school
students rotated through three STEM activities. Data reported in Objective 1.4 summarizes the success of SciFri in increasing the number of students entering STEM
programs at Crafton Hills College.
During Year 2, Crafton Hills College established a partnership with the Ontario-Montclair School District as a part of its Promise Scholars program, a nationally recognized
program designed to improve the college-going rates of low-income, primarily Hispanic students attending OMSD schools. Approximately 600 students from five schools
visited campus, visiting college classrooms and participating in hands-on activities in a variety of programs, including biology, fire science and computer science. In
particular, 80 students from Vineyard School, OMSD’s STEM magnet spent a day at CHC designed to replicate the experience of a STEM college student.
During the summer months, CHC again welcomed 100 students to campus as a part of the X-treme Summer Camp. Students participated in science-related activities,
forensics-themed workshops and a geology field trip. In addition, the College hosted the second Learning Computer Science through the Lens of Culture and Society
(LCS2) workshop. Computer science faculty planned and executed an experience in which students explored both technology and their Hispanic culture using a variety of
free, open source computer applications. The week-long camp concluded with a celebratory dinner for students and their parents and a presentation of their work. This
camp was supported in part through additional funding received from Google. Finally, the College hosted a two-week SeaPerch aqua-robotics camp sponsored by The
Science Experience.
Curriculum. During the Spring 2013, the College offered Intro to Engineering for the first time. The course was offered to 21 students as a part of a learning community
accompanied by a student success seminar. During the past year, CHC has been able to articulate ENGR 101 with five CSUs. Six students began working with
engineering faculty on a wind-turbine competition hosted by UCR in 2014.
Articulation efforts for the five new computer sciences courses developed during Year 1 were started and in Fall 2013, the new Computer Science program was launched,
with 20 students enrolling in CSCI 110, Intro to Computer Science I. STEM faculty developed an introductory environmental science course and accompanying lab as well
as PS 101, Intro to Physical Science, an alternative for non-STEM majors intended to alleviate growing demand in STEM-directed courses in physics and chemistry.
Members of the project team also met with professionals in the geographic information systems field to develop a framework for the college’s GIS coursework. The
college plans three courses directed toward building the GIS competency of transfer students, including introductory and critical/spatial thinking courses.
Student Success. The STEM team has been instrumental in developing relationships with universities including UCR, UCLA, Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State San
Bernardino. These schools have provided CHC students with personalized tours of campus which included tours of labs and associated research facilities, STEM
demonstrations, admissions workshops and presentations by student mentors and faculty about campus life.
The STEMTrek Program was piloted in Fall 2012 with 17 students. Since then, the program has been expanded to include two programs: STEM Academy, designed to
give new STEM majors a chance to explore STEM fields and enhance their academic readiness for STEM-directed coursework, and STEMTrek which offers academic,
social, and co-curricular opportunities designed to support successful transfer into a four-year STEM programs. These programs combined now service approximately 80
students. Data is currently being compiled to evaluate the success of students within the program, although preliminary data demonstrates that students who seek
counseling as a part of the STEMTrek were more likely to both complete (90.2%) and succeed (80.4%) in STEM courses than those who did not (83.3% and 62.1%).
The project supported three learning communities and supplemental instruction in STEM areas. In each learning community, students received support in regards to
educational planning and student success behaviors. The SI program continued support to students in MICRO 102 and PHYSIC 250 and added CHEM 150 and MATH
103 to the courses in which students receive support. The grant supported one-on-one tutoring services in STEM courses through the college’s Tutoring Center. As
evidence of the SI program’s success, the GPA (3.04) and success rate (75.3%) of students attending at least one STEM SI session was greater than those who did not
access the support (2.87 and 50.8%).
Although not called for in the grant proposal, the College dedicated resources to the development of a STEM Success Center during Year 2. The Center is housed in a
small space adjacent to the STEM programs and services. Plans have been finalized to create a permanent STEM Success Center in the renovated LADM building due to
be completed in 2016. The STEM Success Center will support the institutionalization of the aforementioned programs after the term of the grant ends.
Laboratory Equipment and Instrumentation. MSA 101 was reconfigured to address the needs of math faculty, with 19 workstations and 38 new computers with the
necessary specifications to run ArcGIS, added. Additional equipment and supplies were purchased for all STEM programs. The project team, in conjunction with faculty in
each area, continue to evaluate the improved learning associated with the use of this equipment. Year 2 of the grant corresponded with the final planning stages of the
College’s new science building, scheduled to open in 2015. This new facility, combined with the lasting improvements and significant new practices implemented as a part
of the grant will ensure the future of quality STEM education at CHC well into the future.
Professional Development. The project continues to sponsor professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. The Project Director joined STEM faculty at the
AHSIE Best Practices Conference and the project team travelled to the 2012 and 2013 STEMtech Conferences. Various opportunities have been made available to
faculty including the STEMinar newsletter and a STEM pathways professional development website serves as a repository for STEM instructional resources. The project
team also piloted the Getting Results mentoring experience for part-time STEM faculty. Getting Results is adapted from the professional development program created by
NSF and the League for Innovation in the Community College, created specifically for community college faculty who teach in STEM disciplines.
As evidenced here and in the accompanying data, CHC has made considerable progress toward meeting the overall goals and performance measures described in the
grant proposal. The work completed in Year 2 has created a precedent for success both in the final three years of the grant as well as beyond. The project team is
enthusiastic about continuing its work and realizing the positive effect on the success of Hispanic and other low income students pursuing a STEM education at CHC.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Section A: Performance Objectives
Project Objective: To increase the number of Hispanic students receiving degress in STEM programs.
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
1.1: CHC will increase by 25% (5% per year) the numbers of Hispanic students graduating with an AA, AS
or Transfer Certificate from the 2009-2010 baseline of 18 degrees/certificates to 54 by 2016, a 200%
Actual Performance
Ratio %
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
Data was collected student awarded STEM degrees in 2012-2013 and represents a 38% increase over the target.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To increase capacity to transfer more Hispanic four-year STEM programs
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
1.2: By Fall 2016, CHC will increase the number of Hispanic students transferring to UC or CSU systems
declaring majors in STEM from nine students in 2009-2010 to 27 students in 2016, a 200% increase.
Actual Performance
Ratio %
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
The baseline data for this objective was based on data collected from the California Post Secondary Education Commission (CPEC). In 2011, that data source was
eliminated. During Year Two, we collected self-report data from students, thirty of whom reported their plans to transfer to a four-year university in a STEM field. In
addition, the University of California reported 81 Crafton Hills College students who were admitted to one of their ten campuses in a STEM field. However, neither of
these data sets identifies specifically Hispanic students. The project team will request a revision of this performance objective for Years Three through Five utilizing
data which is readily available to the College.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To increase the use of evidence-based decision making.
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
1.3: By 2016, CHC will increase the number of STEM programs that utilize data to inform decision-making
from one program (CHEM) in the 2009-2010 academic year to eight programs (CHEM, ANAT, BIOL,
MICRO, PHYSIC, GEOL, CS, GIS), an overall increase of 700%.
Actual Performance
Ratio %
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
The programs which show evidence of using data to significantly improve decision making are CHEM, ANAT, MICRO and CS. Other departments including GEOL and
PHYSIC are using data, but have not have done so at a level the project director will include them amonng the programs that have done so. The GIS program has yet
to begin.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To increase the number of Hispanic students entering STEM programs at CHC
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
Actual Performance
1.4: By 2016, 15% of incoming CHC students who participated in a STEM related activity while in high
school will register for at least one STEM course the Fall semester following their high school
15 / 100 15
16 / 100
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
One hundred high school students attended outreach events during Year Two. Of those 100 students, 25 later applied at CHC, 18 enrolled and of the 18, 16 enrolled in
one or more STEM courses. All other outreach activities were focused on elementary and middle school students not yet of college-going age.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To increase the number of students successfully completing coursework and obtaining a STEM degree and transfer readiness
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
Actual Performance
1.5: By 2016, CHC will increase the number of all students successfully improving from
Intermediate Algebra (MATH-095) to Calculus (MATH-250) from 5 to 50, a 900% increase
(180% per year).
Actual Performance
1.6: By 2016, CHC will increase the percent of all students successfully completing STEM
courses with a “C” grade or better from 61.9% to 70%, an increase of 8.1% (1.6% increase in
the rate each year).
3249 / 4990 65
3151 / 4990 63
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
Data collected of students who have successfully matriculated from MATH 095 though first-semester calculus exceeds target by 2. Despite curricular intervention, the
success rate in STEM courses was 63.1, a decrease from the previous year as well as two percentage points shy of the goal established in the project proposal. The
effect of Year Two interventions, notably the creation of STEMTrek and STEM Academy, is not reflected in this data. Priliminary data shows that counseling associated
with this programs had a positive effect on success. The project team is eager to see the effect these programs will have on success rates in Year Three.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To increase the number of articulated STEM courses between CHC and local four year institutions.
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
1.7: By 2016, ten (10) new STEM courses will have completed approval processes, curriculum
development, and articulation.
Ratio %
1.7: By 2016, two new STEM programs will have completed approval processes, curriculum
development, and articulation.
Ratio %
1.7: By 2016, 30 revised courses will have completed approval processes, curriculum development,
and articulation.
Ratio %
Actual Performance
Actual Performance
Actual Performance
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
Three new additional courses were developed during Year Two: CHEM 150H, CHEM 151H and ENVS 101. This is in addition to the four course developed in Year
One. The development of the GIS program and accompanying coursework is underway but has yet to be completed. A total of 31 courses have been reviewed, revised
and additional articulation efforts undertaken during the term of the grant.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To improve the currency of laboratory equipment and experiences.
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
Actual Performance
Objective 1.8: By 2016, Hispanic Students will participate in laboratory experiences with
technologically current equipment and instrumentation.
1600 / 4000 40
2000 / 4000 50
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
Instructional equipment purchases account for a significant portion of funds expended during Year Two of the grant period. These purchases included equipment for a
computer laboratory for mathematics and geographic information systems as well as updated instructional equipment and supplies for physics, cell and molecular
biology, microbiology, anatomy and physiology and chemistry. From 2011-2012 enrollment data, we infer that over 2000 of the approximately 4000 students enrolled in
courses in the Physical and Biological Sciences departemnt will have access to equipment purchased in Years One and Two of the grant period.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Project Objective: To provide faculty development to meet the needs of Hispanic learners in STEM courses.
Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Performance Measure
Quantitative Data
Actual Performance
1.9: By 2016, 75% of STEM faculty will have taken part in faculty development/training. AND 50% will
include at least one new classroom technique proven to work with Hispanic learners.
15 / 50 30
14 / 50
Actual Performance
1.9: By 2016, 50% will include at least one new classroom technique proven to work with Hispanic
10 / 50 20
8 / 50
Explanation of Progress (Include qualitative data and data collection information)
Of 50 total STEM faculty, 14 participated in professional development activities during Year Two, one short of the goal of 15 (30%). In self-report surveys to the
Alternative Learning Strategies Coordinator, eight of those 14 report having incorporates some portion of that training into their classroom instruction.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
Section B: Budget Information
Budget information is as of September 30, 2013. At the end of Year Two of the grant period, grant expenditures totaled $857,370, which includes carry-over funds from
Year One of $170,515. The total draw down amount for Year Two was $784,640.92. Eight draw downs were made at regular intervals (October 2012, November 2012,
December 2013, March 2013, April 2013, May 2013, and June 2013) but were interrupted by the retirement of a district financial official. Regular draw downs resumed in
January 2013 and will continue to occur on a monthly basis from this time forward. Draw downs for remaining Year Two funds are not reflected in the total draw down
amount and accounts for the difference between the total amount expended and the total amount drawn down.
In addition to those funds expended before the end of the grant period, the grant has, as of December 30, 2013 , expended and encumbered expenses totaling
$177,411.87 of the remaining $183,145 Year Two carryover. Based on these figures, the total amount expended and encumbered as of December 30, 2013 represents
99.3% of the total Year Two budget and demonstrated the grant is expending funds at an expected rate.
Section C: Additional Information
At this time, we do not anticipate any significant changes to the scope, goals or personnel of the grant.
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College
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2013 Annual Performance Report
Crafton Hills College