Bill for Social Media Class Stacie Tolliver

Bill for Social Media Class
Stacie Tolliver
In New Jersey, the Senate has passed a bill
that will require that all middle schools
"provide instruction on responsible use of
social media." The goal is to be able to provide
information to the students that is instantly
applicable to them. Lessons in the class would
focus on cyber-bullying, cyber-safety and
responsibly using social media sites. The bill
got the required signature from Governor
Chris Christie.
Situation cont.
The class is required for 6-8th graders middle
school students in the state of New Jersey
beginning in the 2014-2015 school year. The
material would be incorporated into the
technology curriculum. The main target for
the social media material is cyber-bullying
education and awareness.
Issues the topic covers
Social Media
Argument Prompt
• Social media is a growing field in today’s society
and people of all ages are using various
networking sites. Recently New Jersey has passed
a bill requiring Garden State middle schools to
take a course covering social media and social
media safety. Write a well developed essay in
which you defend, refute, or qualify the idea that
students across the nation should be required to
take classes that better inform them on how to
safely use social media and interacting with
others on the internet.
Works Cited
• Anker, Jonathan. "New school: Bill requires
kids take social media class." HLN. HLN, 15 Jan
2014. Web. 7 Feb 2014.
• 2014. Photograph. HLN, Mooresville. Web. 7
Feb 2014.