“ - I S M S ” SCHEDULE OF EVENTS #TerpsRiseAbove

Office of Diversity & Inclusion diversity.umd.edu
Monday, October 19 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
What’s in a Name? What Difference Does It Make?
A community forum to discuss the contemporary implications of historical (and
sometimes problematic) naming of buildings, monuments, mascots, stadiums, and
more. Lunch will be served.
Special Events Room, 6137 McKeldin Library
Monday, October 19 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
#ITooAmMaryland, and we belong here together
A continuation of last year’s conversation about the microaggressions* that many
students face everyday on campus. This event will offer ways for the UMD community
to respond to exclusivity through positive action to create a more inclusive campus
community. Ice cream social to follow.
Atrium, Stamp Student Union
Tuesday, October 20 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Trans* Advocacy Training
A primer on the fundamentals of transgender and gender variant issues, including
gender theory and gender variance, cisgender privilege, and ways allies and
advocates for trans* communities on campus can take action. Please register at:
Special Events Room, 6137 McKeldin Library
Tuesday, October 20 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
Interrupting Sexism: A Photo Booth
An opportunity to offer your thoughts on how to address sexism on campus and
beyond. Fill out a white board with your idea, slide into the photo booth and snap
a picture! Images will be tweeted to #TerpsRiseAbove. Co-sponsors: CARE, DFSL,
Student Affairs Diversity Advisory Council & Sex Week.
Lobby, Stamp Student Union
Tuesday, October 20 4:30 pm – 6:00pm
An Afternoon Conversation with Alicia Garza, co-creator of
#BlackLivesMatter Alicia Garza discusses the civil rights movement of the 21st
century with Professor Nancy Mirabal, American Studies.
Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student Union
Wednesday, October 21 10:30 am – 11:45 am
Self Care & Healing in Social Justice Movements
An intimate discussion with Alicia Garza about how to sustain yourself and honor your
personal needs while engaged in social justice work. Student activists are especially
encouraged to attend. Registration required at diversity.umd.edu/riseabove2016
David C. Driskell Center, Cole Student Activities Building
Wednesday, October 21 12:00 pm – 1:30pm
Who gets to stay & Who is told to leave?: Immigration Stories from Our Community
Roundtable discussions, in response to videotaped interviews of UMD faculty, staff and
students, about ways to combat xenophobia in our campus community. Lunch will be
Special Events Room, 6137 McKeldin Library
Thursday, October 22 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Radical Access, Disability Justice, & Awkward Ableism
An interactive workshop to identify ways to interrupt ableism and the system of
discrimination against people with disabilities.
Special Events Room, 6137 McKeldin Library
Thursday, October 22 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Driskell After Dark: Resistance, Hope, & Justice in Art, Song, & Poetry
Various performances, by people from the university community, which resist oppression,
prejudice, and discrimination and forge a path towards justice.
David C. Driskell Center, Cole Student Activities Building
* According to Sue et al. (2007), a microaggression is a brief, everyday verbal or
behavioral response that, either intentionally or unintentionally, communicates a negative or
derogatory slight or insult toward a marginalized group.