Chapter 9 POLITICAL & ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Important Terms 1. Centrally Planned Economy An economy in which the government regulates the amount, distribution, and price of goods and services 2. Currency Devaluation The reduction by a government of the value of its currency relative to currencies of other nations 3. Currency Revaluation The adjusting of a country's currency value upwards 4. Democracy Government for and by the people 5. Economic Imperialism The policy or act of extending the rule or authority of one country over other countries by dominating those countries' economic structures 6. Economic System The factors of production and the rules and regulations involving production and consumption of goods and services 7. Equilibrium The point at which a business can sell its product at a profit and where the consumers agree to pay the asking price 8. Exchange Controls Political and economic measures used by a government to try to regulate the amount and value of its currency 9. Expropriation To take control and ownership (usually by governments) of land, property, assets, or a private enterprise, whether domestic or foreign 10. Floating Rate A rate of currency exchange that is not fixed and tends to fluctuate over time through buying and selling on the currency exchange market 11. Foreign Investment The purchase by non-residents of business enterprises, land, shares, and any other assets with the potential for financial return 12. General Instability Risk Possibility of uncertainty of political or economic change 13. Global Economy The combined, interdependent economies of all countries 14. Global Equity Market An international stock market that electronically links stock exchanges in key cities of the world 15. Market Economy A system where individual companies and consumers make decisions about what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced 16. Mixed Economy An economy that combines government involvement and private ownership of businesses, has aspects of both market and centrally planned economics systems 17. Operations Risk Possibility that host government policies and acts may impede business operations in another country 18. Ownership Risk Risk of losing ownership of property (plants, factories, offices), business, and assets when threatened by government takeover (nationalization) or by expropriation 19. Political Risk Risk of negative political change or instability, assessed by looking at the host country's current or future political system and examining how changes to its stability might cause a loss to investors 20. Privatize To sell publicly owned assets or enterprises to the private sector 21. Repatriation of Earnings Either retaining a portion of profit by a foreign host government, or paying profit to the parent company 22. Think Tank An organization, institution or group that studies and researches specific topics and issues often of an economic and political nature 23. Supply and Demand The relationship between the demand for something and the supply or availability of it which usually affects prices and production 24. Totalitarian Government with centralized power that often uses the military to control the country 25. Trade War Situation in which governments act aggressively in international markets and trade negotiations to promote their own countries' trading interests 26. Transfer Risk The possibility that government policy may adversely affect currency exchange rates