Unit B: Sustainable Ecosystems 4.7: The Urban Ecosystem pg. 142

Unit B: Sustainable Ecosystems
4.7: The Urban Ecosystem
pg. 142
Key Concepts:
6. Urban ecosystems are dependant on surrounding ecosystems to provide
food and materials for urban inhabitants.
- Cities are sources of air and water pollution.
- Air pollution is caused by; car exhaust, burning fossil fuels, and gases from
- Water pollution is caused by; biological, commercial and industrial wastes.
- In cities natural ecosystems are replaced by artificial ecosystems,
controlled by humans.
- Buildings, roads, and sidewalks replace forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
Table 1: Comparison of Urban and Nature Ecosystem
Plant Species
Water Cycle
Flow of
Food Webs
Urban Ecosystem
Natural Terrestrial
Greener Cities
- Humans are becoming more concerned about preserving their green spaces.
- Urban planners are now making a greater effort to protect their green
spaces and lessen the human impact.
- We can save energy, resources and space with better urban planning.
Table 2:
Examples of How some Cities Are Working to Reduce Their Ecological
Community Action
Evidence of Learning: Students can …
- assess the impact of human activity in urban ecosystem.
- understand how city ecosystems differ from natural ecosystem.
- identify ways in which urban ecosystems rely on outside ecosystems.
- identify problems that urban ecosystem create.
- identify possible solutions to problems created by urban ecosystems.
- relate human activity to the sustainability of urban ecosystems.
Check Your Learning
Questions 1 – 7, page 145
- Cities are major sources of air and water pollution.
- Urban ecosystems are different from natural ecosystems.
- People living in urban settings rely on outside ecosystems for food,
resources, and waste disposal.
- Urban ecosystems impact the surrounding ecosystems that supply them
with services.
- Living in urban ecosystems can benefit the environment because highdensity housing reduces our consumption of energy, resources, and space.
- There are many ways to enhance urban living spaces and reduce their
negative impacts on the environment.
Chapter Review Questions
BLM: 4.Q: Teacher Resource, page 236 - 237
Chapter 4 Quiz
BLM: B.Q. Teacher Resource, page 240 - 242
Unit B Quiz
pg. 150