Unit E: Electrical Applications Chapter 11: Electrical Energy 11.7: Energy Conservation

Unit E: Electrical Applications
Chapter 11: Electrical Energy
11.7: Energy Conservation
pg, 442
Key Concepts:
1. Electrical energy production has an effect on the
environment and society.
2. Electrical energy should be conserved and used wisely.
Energy Use and the Environment
The use of electrical devices are increasing, the demand for
electricity. Generating more electricity is costly and is
harmful to the environment. The burning of coal, natural
gas, or oil releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Coal: one kilowatt hour of energy produces 1 kg of
greenhouse gases.
If you save 1000 kW.h of coal electrical generation,
you prevent 1 tonne of carbon dioxide.
Typical family uses 20 000 kW.h per year
Using Energy Wisely
Unplug your devices – cellphones, MP3 players, and laptops.
Use power Bars – turn off power bars to prevent phantom loads.
Put it to sleep – sleep, hibernate, or energy saver modes.
Turn off lights and devices – decrease waste when not in use.
Use appliances only when necessary and use them appropriately Raise the temperature in summer; lower in winter – one degree can make a
big difference.
Take shorter showers. Do full loads of laundry, and use cold water – decrease
water heater usage.
Change your light bulbs – energy efficient lights (CFL’s)
Appliances and Their Efficiency
Buy energy efficient appliances. It may cost more but will
save more in the long term usage. Reducing demand will
decrease energy production which will decrease air
Energuide rates the energy use and efficiency of:
household appliances
heating and cooling equipment
ventilating equipment
new houses
personal vehicles
Informed buying decisions can decrease energy usage.
Choose the best device or vehicle for your needs. Energy
grants are given for home upgrades to reduce energy
- replace inefficient heating and cooling equipment
- replace or improving insulation
- replace windows, doors, shower heads, toilets, and
light bulbs. (Energy Star labels)
Producing Your Own Electrical Energy
Use of renewable energy sources, solar and wind energy
can generate electricity, and add it to the grid or store it
Check Your Learning:
Questions 1 – 5, pg. 445
Wrap Up:
- Electrical energy should be conserved and used wisely.
- Taking simple steps, such as unplugging charges or using
energy-efficient lighting can help conserve energy.
- When purchasing an electrical device, you should
consider the price, the cost of operating it, and its
environmental impact.
- People can generate their own electrical energy.