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May 2016 Newsletter
Mississauga South
Family of Schools
the gift…
Easter is the gift of HOPE.
the gift
to save
us because God
is the
of LOVE.
us with
unending love.
in Him,
us Mary,
Your mother,
to be our mother too, and You invite us
to follow her example. On Earth She
was aGod
of you
an example of obedience to God’s
the God
will, God
it takes,
to daily
in our
help us to
on the many
ways that You show Your love in our
daily lives,
us wisdom
to walk
with Your mother Mary asyou
follow You each day.
Jesus God’s
we praise
as our
Lord and our God forever and ever.
to bless your Easter Day.
L. del Rosario
D. Amaral
W. Matos
Head Secretary:
H. Cascioli
Parish Priests:
Fr. Marc Andre
Fr. Joseph Alozie
Catholic School
Council Chairs:
R. Labog
Antonietta La Penna
For the latest board news
and information, follow us on
May Crowning Celebration
The Rosary Apostolate will be preparing our students for a May Crowning
Celebration the morning of Friday May 6th in our gym. There will be two separate
celebrations with the Primary students at 9 a.m. and the Junior / Intermediates at
10:30 a.m. Students and staff will have their prayer petitions brought up by a
student led processions. There will be a dramatic presentation and the rosary will
be prayed as a school community. All parents and/or guardians are welcome to
We would like to thank The Rosary Apostolate volunteers that worked with our
students on a monthly basis this year. Thank you for teaching our students to love
Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary.
Virtue of the Month – Acceptance
Sacrament of First Communion
The staff and students of St. Herbert
School would like to extend a special
congratulations to our students who
have received the Sacrament of the
Eucharist for the first time during
the months of April and May. This is
a very special time for our students
and their families and our thoughts
and prayers are with them.
Sacrament of Confirmation
We would also like to
congratulate our Grade 7
students who have received the
Sacrament of Confirmation on
April 28th. Our Grade 8 students
will be receiving their Sacrament
of Confirmation on May 3rd. It is during this
Sacrament that our students will be accepted as
adult members of the Catholic Church.
Virtue of the Month – Acceptance
Our Virtue of Love celebration will take place on
May 27th at 2:35 p.m. in our gym. Please join us if
you can.
PA Day
There will be no school for students on Friday, May
13th – Staff will be involved in professional
development looking at Provincial Priorities in a
Catholic context.
May Statutory Holiday
There will be no school for students on Victoria
Day, Monday, May 23rd.
Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic
schools are faith communities. We – parents,
students, teachers, administrative and support
staff – walk and grow together in the faith which
we received at our Baptism. And it is the ‘together’
that we grow. Our growth is primarily a
relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called
us by name. But the response of each of us to that
growth is both personal and communal. We grow
in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our
Catholic community be that of our local parish, our
home, or our Catholic school community. Our
school community will celebrate Catholic Education
Week 2016 in ways that are appropriate to our
students’ age. We invite you to participate in one
or other of these activities as your personal time
and work schedule may permit.
Music through the Decades
Catholic School Council
We would like to invite you to take a walk down
memory lane with our student choir as we put on a
music concert on Wednesday May 4th, at 10:00 a.m.
in the school gym. The choir has been working hard,
learning songs throughout the ages, and we have
narrowed the selection down to keep you moving,
smiling and singing along. The choir is composed of
students from grades 4–8. Their talent,
determination and grace is inspirational. Our choir
leaders Mrs. Zefkic and student teacher Leizl Mejia
are hoping to see you on Wednesday May 4th, for
the show!
Our next meeting will take place on May 26, 2016.
The meeting will take place in the staff room at 7:00
p.m. All are welcome to attend. Volunteer and Help
Make A Difference! For example, the School
Council’s fundraising efforts have made it possible
to subsidize our Grade 8 Graduation luncheon and
ceremonies. An excellent way to provide a lasting
positive memory for our students who are
transitioning to high school next year.
A reminder of the grade 3 and 6 EQAO assessments
of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Testing will
take place the week of May 25th to June 8th. The
results of these tests will be received in the fall of
How to prepare your child for the test?
It is important that you take the time to talk to your
child and help reduce the anxiety related to any type
of testing situation. You should also be sure that
your child has enough sleep, eats a nutritious
breakfast and is well hydrated. It is important that
students in grade 3 or 6, be in full attendance during
the assessment.
Young Rider Orientation Day
On Saturday, August 27, 2016, the Dufferin-Peel’s
Transportation Department will be holding their
twenty-fourth annual YOUNG RIDER ORIENTATION
DAY for ALL Kindergarten children. The intent of the
day is to introduce children to school buses in an
informal setting prior to the first day of school.
They encourage you to participate by bringing your
kindergarten children and elementary age siblings
to a one hour program between the hours of 9:00
am and 12 noon. Bus rides and a school bus safety
video are only part of the informative fun. All Young
Rider Days have been tremendous successes.
Detailed information concerning site locations will
be provided in May.
Pizza Lunch Days
Thank you for supporting our Pizza Days. We thank
all the families that have use and plan to continue to
use the pre-payment order forms. As we approach
the end of the year, we are looking for volunteers to
help distribute pizza on our Pizza Days next year.
Please feel free to visit the school on Wednesday
mornings at 11 a.m. to see how it works.
Kiss and Ride
Parents and / or caregivers who drive children in
their care to school in the morning are reminded to
use the Kiss and Ride lane appropriately. Parking
and leaving your vehicle in the Kiss and Ride lane
defeats the purpose of this drop off method,
creates unnecessary traffic and may potentially
lead to car damage or even injury. We ask drivers
who need to park for drop off purposes, to park on
Fallingbrook Drive within the legal parking zone or
use the church parking lot adjacent to our school.
We thank the many who do use the Kiss and Ride
lane appropriately.
Library Book Return
The end of the year also means returning all library
books. Please have a look around at home for any
library books and return them to school so that we
may complete our end-of-the-year inventory. If
your child has lost a book, you will receive a letter of
notice outlining replacement cost.
cooperation is appreciated. All books are due to be
returned no later than Friday June 10, 2016.
We hope all our students will continue to enjoy
reading over the summer holidays!
Intermediate Boys Basketball
Hats off 2 Kidz
Schools across Dufferin Peel Catholic District School
Board are invited to participate in the 7th Annual
Hats off 2 Kidz Walk. Our walk will take place on the
afternoon of Friday May 20th at 1:30 p.m. weather
Hats off 2 Kidz is a charitable organization that
supports Leukemia Research for the Hospital for Sick
Children and Sick Kids Foundation.
On Event Day, the children are asked to wear
baseball cap as a sign of support for children living
with leukemia and the effects of chemotherapy.
In the days prior to the walk, each class will be asked
to design their own banner to carry on Event Day.
Sick Kids donation envelopes will be circulating
through the classrooms from Monday, May 16th to
Friday, May 20th. A suggested donation will be a
toonie but no donation is too small. We invite all
members of our school community to come and
take a walk with us on this very special day.
Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys
Basketball team for a well-played season. They
were such a dedicated group of athletes, who
really came together and played like a true team.
I’m so proud of all their hard work, respect for the
game, and commitment to our team. They did an
amazing job representing St. Herbert. Way to go
Jadin, Chris, Brian, Kenny, Adam, Jalen, Ivan, Jiro,
Jyro, Kevin, and Jason! Thank you for a great
And thank you Ms. Milczarczyk for coaching them!
LEGO Blocks Request
Do you have any unwanted Lego at home that you
would like to donate the school?
We are
investigating the possibility of implementing a new
teaching strategy called Makerspaces. What are
They are creations made by
construction/deconstruction. We are planning to
invite students to work on these Makerspaces
during lunch recess. The first step in getting this
initiative off the ground is to gather building
materials. So please consider donating any Lego
that you may have at home that is not being used.
Any Lego blocks, even those from themed sets will
be gladly received. Feel free to contact the office if
you would like more information.
Intermediate Girls Basketball
The Intermediate Girls Basketball team enjoyed a
great season showing sportsmanship and great
teamwork. Congrats goes out to all the players on
the team: Daicer, Alannis, Chantea, Sparkle, Rachel,
Nicole and Victoria.
Thank you Mrs. Ariganello and Ms. Borges for
Student/Teacher/Parent Ice Hockey Game
for ShareLife The Junior and Intermediate Hockey
Team members; Aiver, Noah, Brian, Noah, Justin,
David, Declan, Keil, Russell, Helaine, Kieran, Kevin,
played against our teachers and parents and former
students on April 20, 2016 at Iceland Arenas.
Special thank you to our former teachers; Mr.
Swerbywus for playing (you still got it!), Mrs.
Dombrady for her fabulous MC work on the mic and
Mrs. Mohareb for joining in on the fun too. We are
so proud of our brave Ms. Dileo who put on the
equipment again this year and give our students
some serious competition every time she was on the
ice. It was a real treat to have Mr. Carreiro officiate
the game even though he did give Mr. Matos a
Thank you to our former students; Jacob M., Dante
L., and Jamie B. for playing and helping the old
timers out.
It was so good to hear our choir members led by
Mrs. Zefkic sing O’Canada to begin the game. Their
voices and Mrs. Zefkic’s tambura playing were
This event would not have been possible without
parent community members; Mr. Carlone, Mr.
McGandy, Mr. Chong, Ms. Cascioli (Mrs. Cascioli’s
daughter), and Mr. Beemer joining in on the fun.
Thank you to Mr. Munisteri, Constable Ryan and his
Peel Police colleagues who did a great job coaching
the student team.
Thank you to our lunch supervisors who
volunteered to help supervise this worthwhile
outing. We want to thank our students and parents,
for being so generous, especially the Beemer family,
with their donations to ShareLife and making this
event possible. We will be letting everyone know
the amount raised later in May.
Oh and the score? A very close 8 – 8 draw!
Summer Literacy Camp
Remedial Literacy Program
Grades SK to 6
July 11 - July 29, 2016
3 week program
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
No transportation provided.
Deadline for applications: May 27, 2016
Mississauga Locations:
Father Daniel Zanon
St. Bernard Clairvaux
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Gregory
St. John of the Cross
St. Louis
St. Pio of Pietrelcini
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263 ext. 0
Elementary Summer School
Grade 7 and 8 students
Remedial literacy and numeracy
July 4 - July 22, 2016
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
Busing provided at home school pick up points
Deadline for applications: May 27, 2016
Mississauga Locations:
Bishop Scalabrini
Holy Cross
St. Faustina
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Gertrude
St. Philip
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263
Dates to Remember
May 2-6 Catholic Education Week
May 4
Music Through the Decades Performance
10 a.m. in the gym. All are welcome.
May 6
Crowning of Mary Celebrations
9 a.m. for Primary
10:30 a.m. for Junior / Intermediate
May 8
Happy Mother’s Day!
May 13 PA Day
May 17 Welcome to Kindergarten Night at 6 p.m.
in the library
May 20 Walk for Sick Kids at 1:30 p.m.
May 23 Victoria Day- no school
May 25 EQAO Testing
–June 8
May 26 Volunteer Appreciation at 6 p.m.
May 26 School Parent Council Meeting at 7 p.m.
May 27 Virtue of Acceptance celebration 2:35 pm
May 30- Ride Your Bike to School Week
June 3