MARCH 2016 1325 Bodley Road Mississauga ON, L5J 3X1 Phone 905.822.4564 Fax 905.822.5622 Ward 2 Trustee Sharon Hobin 905-301-1210 Sharon.Hobin Superintendent David Amaral 905-890-1221 Principal Connie Gale Lord Jesus Christ, You gather your people during this Holy Season of Lent, and call us to repent. As we return back to you once again, open our hearts, so that we might be transformed in your image. Remove any barriers that keep us from you, so that we may live fully the life we received at Baptism. Help us to love you more and to reach out to others in friendship, especially to those who need it most. May the ashes that we receive on our foreheads remind us of your call to change. Parish May Your Spirit give us the courage and strength, we need to be people of faith By Your grace, may we turn to you in our abundance, and share your love with the world around us. We ask this in Jesus’ name Reverend Jerry Amen. Secretary Debby Vieira St. Christopher’s Dunn & Reverend Scott Young Chair Brian Skrepnek Dear Parents, March has come upon us very quickly. We have entered the Lenten season, a very sacred time in our Catholic faith. It is a time for reflection and sacrifice. We are called at this important time, to focus on others and reflect on how we can be of service. This season is a reminder that as Catholics we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Classes will also be involved in special prayers and activities during the Holy Week to enhance their understanding of the Holy Season of Lent. March Break is just around the corner! I hope you will take time to enjoy the break and become rejuvenated and ready for the last term. Whether you are travelling or staying local, please be safe and have fun! Our stations of the cross assembly will take place on Thursday, March 24th @ 10:45. I hope that parents will join us. Thank you to all the parents who volunteer in the school to make us a better school. A particular thank you to the School Council and to St. Christopher’s Parish, who work very hard in partnership with staff to educate our children. Remember to, “Make your own Sunshine”. Connie Gale Principal MARCH BREAK INSIDE THIS ISSUE: (905) 822-1171 School Council Principal’s Message School Council 2 Take Note 2 Living Our Faith 3 Transitions 3 Take Note 4 Upcoming Dates 4 A reminder the school will be closed March 14th – 18th for our mid-winter break. School will begin again on Monday, March 21st. We would like to wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. PAGE 2 School Council The next St. Helen School Council meeting will be held on Thursday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room. Please come out and join us. Speech Contest The annual St. Helen School Public Speaking contest took place on Thursday, February 11th. There were 12 student representatives from our Grades 48 classes who presented their speeches. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the speech contest: Samantha D., Doreen S., Rafaela L., Michelle S., Alek C., Grace R., Carl C., Laszlo C., Cassidy W., Carley D., and Brenna R. Congratulations to our top finishers: 1st Intermediate Cassidy W. Junior Samantha D. Cassidy and Samantha represented St. Helen at the Family Public Speaking Competition on February 18th, 2016. Job well done!! Valentine Cake Walk A big thank you to the St. Helen School community for all your Valentine cake donations. We received 61 beautiful cakes and raised over $600 for Share Life. Thank you to Mrs. Vieira and the parent council for helping to organize such a wonderful event. Take Note A reminder from your Eco Team: In an effort to be eco-friendly and be recertified as an Eco-school, we are asking parents, guardians and students to please pack Eco-conscious lunches. Avoid necessary wrapping and prepackaged items. Use reusable water bottles and containers for lunches. Every Wednesday, students’ lunches will be checked to make sure they are eco-friendly. The less waste, the better! 2016 Annual Offence Declaration for Volunteers Attached you’ll find a copy of the school’s 2016 Annual Offence Declaration for Volunteers. This declaration saves parents from completing another Criminal Reference Check, if done within the year. If you have a Criminal Reference Check here at the school, we’re asking you to please complete, sign and submit this declaration to the office. We're very thankful and appreciative of everyone’s commitment and support to the students of St. Helen! If you're interested in helping at the school, and do not have a Criminal Reference Check, we ar e more than happy to give you the necessary forms to be signed and completed. Criminal Reference Checks are free of charge for volunteers. All volunteers, including those going on one day school trips, must have a Criminal Reference Check completed by the Peel Police. Graduation Pictures Grade eight graduation pictures are scheduled for Friday, April 22nd. MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTE R PAGE Living Our Faith Virtue Corner MARCH ~ KINDNESS This month we will celebrate the virtue of KINDNESS. A person with kindness… Says nice things about others so they feel good about themselves. Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help. Refuses to join others who are insulting,, intimidating, mean or hurtful. Watches and looks for way to help those in need. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. It’s not enough to say I will be kind or I am kind. We must show that we are kind by our words and our actions. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet. MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTE R 3 Take Note Kiss ‘n’ Ride @ St. Helen The driveway at the front of the school is set up as our Kiss ’n’ Ride, allowing parents the opportunity to drop off and pick up their children in a safe and effective manner. To this end, the success of this requires the mutual understanding and support of all our parents to assure as smooth a transition as possible to the start and end of each day. Guidelines: Follow the arrows on the driveway to the dropoff/pick-up area. Please do not use the Bus Loading zone as this area is meant for buses or emergency vehicles. Pull up as far as you can, it allows more cars to use the Kiss’n’Ride. Do Not Park or Get out of Your Vehicle in this area, even if only for a few seconds. Parents who wish to get out of the car are asked to park in the designated visitor parking in the front and at the side of the school. Students are to exit the vehicle on the passenger side (right side) Once your child has left the car, please exit right away. Please drive slowly and carefully in these lanes at all times. PAGE 4 Take Note Take Note Chess Club Flu Season The St. Helen Junior & Intermediate Chess team will be going to St. Luke to compete in the Mississauga South Chess Tournament on Wednesday, March 30th. We wish the following players the best of luck: We are heading into the flu season. Being parents ourselves, we are only too aware of the work pressure you experience when providing care at home for a child who is ill. Nevertheless, aside from being the best course of action for your child, keeping your sick child at home may also serve to limit the spread of influenza in the community of school children and staff. Below, you will find such advice coming from the Health Department: Junior: Antony T., Carl C., Jacob P., Kyle D., and Reid R. Intermediate: Zoe M., Joshua M., Carson D., Angelo A., and Jonathan W. • Stay home! Don’t drag yourself into work or school. You’ll only infect your colleagues or classmates • Stay away from people who are elderly, chronically ill, or have respiratory problems Go St. Helen Go!!! Wet Clothing Are You Moving If you are planning a move, or have already moved, please let us know. You are required to complete new assessment forms even if you move within our school boundaries. If you are moving to a new school we will give you a Transfer Form to take with you to the new school. If you are moving but would like your child to remain at St. Helen, please submit your request in writing. We will be preparing classes for September 2016 and this information will be helpful in determining class sizes. In the past we have had to reorganize our classes in September due to unexpected transfers. With the long, wet winter and the unpredictable temperatures, our schoolyard alternates from icy and slippery to soggy and muddy, When conditions become dangerous or too wet we close the field to student use. On most days, however, the students have access to the field and complete paved areas. We have been encountering some issues, however, with wet clothing. Often times, especially our older students, are coming to school without boots and snowpants. We ask for your assistance in ensuring that all students come to school with appropriate attire for the weather, including boots, to ensure that they are comfortable to learn when returning indoors. Please also consider leaving a change of clothes (or even just socks) in your child’s backpack. UPCOMING DATES March 1st - Dental Screening for all Grades0 March 14th - 18th MARCH BREAK - No School March 2nd - Grade 8 Grad Trip to see Beauty & The Beast March 24th - Stations of the Cross Presentation March 4th - Monthly Assembly @ 10:45 March 25th - Good Friday (No School) March 7th - Rosary Apostolate March 28th - Easter Monday (No School) March 7th - Dairy Education Presentation Kinder - Grade 2 March 30th - Easter mass at St. Helen @ 10:30 March 10th - Dairy Education Presentation Grade 2 - 8 March 30th - Chess Tournament MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTE R