Sacred Heart Elementary School 24 Kerwood Place, Brampton, ON, L6Z 1Y1 905-846-0802 Fax 905—846-9465 Principal: M. Boss Superintendent: D. Finegan-Downey Secretary: L. Maramieri Trustee: D. D’Souza Pastor: Fr. John Nosan Farewell to Superintendent Denise Oude-Reimerink Over the past year we have been blessed to have Superintendent Denise OudeReimerink as a partner in learning at Sacred Heart in the Brampton North-East Family of Schools. She has been actively involved in the wonderful learning that our students engage in. Recently Mrs. Oude-Reimerink, who has been a great supporter of Catholic education for many years with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board, announced her retirement. We wish her all the best and God’s blessing in this new phase of her life journey. Welcome Deb Finegan-Downey, Superintendent of Brampton North East As of February 1, 2016, we excitedly give a big welcome to our new Superintendent Deb Finegan-Downey. Ms. Finegan-Downey has left her position as Assistant Superintendent of Program at the board and has joined the Brampton North East Family of Schools as Superintendent. Ms. Finegan-Downey will be “coming home” to Brampton where she spent the majority of her teaching career and where her family has called “home” for generations. We look forward to working with Superintendent Finegan-Downey. February 3 - National Walk to School Day Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical on the environment invites us to be ‘Stewards of the Earth’. The National Walk to School Day on February 3 provides an opportunity to reduce gas emissions and answer our Catholic call to care for God’s Creation. Traffic congestion continues to be a concern in many of our schools; health and safety of our students are paramount concerns in these times. Dufferin-Peel has worked with a variety of community partners, such as Peel Regional Police, Peel School Board, Peel Health and Bike Brampton, to promote walking and biking to school with continued momentum. The benefits of walking and physical activity are positively linked to physical and mental health as well as academic performance. 2015-16 School Year Calendar Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016: Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar. The Virtue for February is Respect February 2016 Newsletter Issue: 6 DO IT ANYWAY People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. Mother Teresa P. A. Day Friday, February 5 Please visit our school website regularly for information regarding school and community events! DATES TO REMEMBER Feb 2 Term 1 Report Cards home Feb 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews Feb 5 PA Day Feb 9 School Council Meeting 7PM Feb 10 Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9AM Feb 15 Family Day Feb 19 Dairy Educator Visit Feb 23 Lent Mass 1PM Mar 2 Poetry Slam Mar 8 School Council Meeting 7PM Mar 14-18 Mid-Winter Break Safety and Security in the School: The safety and security of all children in our care is one of our prime concerns. In order to ensure this, we are asking all visitors to the school, including parents, to come directly to the office when you arrive. If a student arrives at school during morning announcements they are late and must sign in at the office. Any student leaving the school during the day must be signed out at the office. Please send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher. Please remember that to other children you are a stranger! Thank you for your cooperation. Lent 2016 Wednesday, February 10th to Thursday March 24th Lent is a period of forty days during the church’s liturgical year. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends during Holy Week. It is time for us to turn away from sin – to have a change of heart – as we prepare for the joyous feast of Easter. It is a time for prayer, penance, sacrifice and works of charity for others. As new life comes to the world each spring, Lent offers renewal of life that comes when we pray and try harder to follow Jesus. We will be distributing ashes to the students after our Ash Wednesday celebration at the school – 9 am. Mar 25 Good Friday Mar 28 Easter Monday Mar 31 Gr 4/5 & 5/6 Silvercreek Trip Apr 4-6 Gr 8 Camp Muskoka Trip Apr 11 PA Day Apr 15 Confirmation Practice 10AM April 19 Gr 7 & 8 Confirmation 7PM May 2-6 Catholic Education Week May 3 Welcome to Kindergarten May 7 First Eucharist 10AM May 10 School Council Meeting 7PM May 11 Dental Screening JK/SK/2 May 13 PA Day May 23 Victoria Day May 25-Jun 8 EQAO Jun 7 School Council Meeting 7PM Jun 13 PA Day Jun 22 Year End Mass Jun 28 Term 2 Report Cards home Jun 30 Last Day of School Students should come to school ready to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Please ensure that your children are dressed warmly: wearing insulated boots, winter weight coats, mittens, hats, scarves, etc. Please label all articles of clothing for easy identification. Students will have recesses outdoors with the following exceptions only. Outdoor recess time will be reduced when the temperature is -20 degrees Celsius or colder, including wind chill, and children will be kept indoors when the temperature is -25 degrees Celsius or colder, including wind chill. As well, all students should have indoor footwear at school. This is very important in case of an emergency evacuation. Students will not have time to put on their boots. MINIMIZING CLASS DISRUPTIONS The instructional day begins promptly following morning announcements. To not miss valuable instructional time, students should arrive at school before 8:45 and not be picked up until 3:15, if possible. By trying not to disturb classes, except in very important situations, we reduce disruptions to quality teaching and learning time. We understand that there are times when disruptions will be unavoidable. Then, we ask the following; If you wish to discuss something with your child’s teacher, we ask that you set up an appointment with the teacher. Approaching the teacher before, during and/or after school makes it difficult for the teacher to focus on her/his students. This also becomes a safety issue. Please leave a message and the teacher will call you back. Send a note to the teacher when your child needs to be picked up early. Identify who will pick them up and then meet them in the office to sign them out. If delivering lunches to your child at school, write your child’s and the teacher’s names on the lunch bags and leave them on the lunch table in the front hall. Please ensure that lunch is there by 12:20pm. We appreciate your continued support in minimizing disruptions to classes, whenever possible.