n° 78 - February-March-April 2015 Le journal de l'IRD Translations: Technicis p. 3 News p.10 Research p. 1 News The curious history of the Indian Ocean Evolution & health Migrants adept at democracy B D © IRD / L. Corsini p.11 Upgrading p. 3 News C omparative analysis of 16 anopheles genomes recently sequenced reveals information about the biology of these mosquitoes. This work opens up avenues for new strategies for vector control. p.11 Upgrading dentifying Ebola infection is a challenge for research. IRD scientists are working on this front, and their discovery of immunogenic peptides could lead to the diagnostic tests of the future. p. 5 Partners La Réunion: less mysterious sharks… T Alternative energies against climate change G estimony from fishermen, surfers and divers, increased attacks over the last few years… These observations in the west of La Réunion underline the need to complete the lack of scientific data concerning the presence of sharks in La Réunion. In this context, all of the scientists, local authorities and associations working in the marine sector in La Réunion took part in the Charc programme, coordinated by the IRD. The shared goal was to enhance knowledge about the presence of two species of shark near the island, the tiger-shark and the bull-shark. p.13 Planet Climate Change: from perception to adaptation R ural populations in sub-Saharan Africa have a heightened perception of the environmental changes at work in the region. Most farmers asked were aware of changes to the climate when they affect their activities. This is the case for the return of the rains seen in Senegal since the 1990’s. They are a step ahead of the scientific community when it comes to this question which has been under debate for a long time! Highlighting rural populations’ perceptions of changes to the climate in Niger, Benin and Senegal is a significant result of the Escape programme. Recently unveiled at a seminar in Paris, this project led the team to analyse adaptation strategies developed by the farmers in response to the perceived changes. p. 6 Education © IRD / G. Di Raimondo, Lengguru 2014 © DR T he Parraf programme, coordinated by the IRD, promotes the development of regional scientific networks in sub-Saharan Africa. It supports their activities alongside research, demonstrated by the recent training course organised in Bondy. p. 7 Research p.15 Planet Complementary currencies see a boom Appointments A political, economic or social project, complementary currencies have seen firm growth in the North and South. In line with an original research-action approach, scientists and stakeholders are exploring this phenomenon. It holds interesting perspectives in terms of citizen governance, local development, economic activity and the integration of vulnerable populations. O © Inserm / F. Guénet © Banco de Palmas p. 8, 9 Research Roots: the precious hidden side of plants J ust under the surface of the soil or deeply embedded in it, the root system can account for more than half of a plant’s biomass. It is the plant’s anchorage, the key system in its nutrition and its communication tool. Consumed as food, spices and medicine around the world, roots also hold precious assets for our polluted ecosystems. © Wikipedia – A. Escobar robably the greatest homage that could be paid to Johan Hjort, “the Charles Darwin of the marine environment” according to the specialists: One century after the publication of the Norwegian zoologist’s theory, IRD and Ifremer scientists have finally proven its relevance. This puts paid to 100 years of debate within the biologists’ community! Hjort’s hypothesis, which states that a stock of fish at sea depends on far more environmental factors than just the quantity of possible genitors, garnered so much criticism that it led to one of the richest bodies of scientific literature in marine biology. reen energy represents a significant stake in the development of Africa. Today, almost 70% of the sub-Saharan population is not connected to a reliable electricity supply. Remedying this energy deficit without using fossil fuels is the challenge being met by African decision-makers to cope with that of climate change. Africa is the continent that suffers the most from accelerated global warming. It can favour alternative energies over other fossil fuels, the source of greenhouse gas. Negotiators in Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan and South Africa, future representatives at COP21 in Paris, have put this issue at the top of the agenda in the seminar “Climate change for Africa”, organised jointly by the IRDin Johannesburg. n March 11, 2015, during the French Council of Ministers, Jean-Paul Moatti has been appointed President and Director general of the French Research Institute for Development (IRD), by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister for National Education, Higher Education and Research, and Laurent Fabius, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development. Prior to his appointment, Jean-Paul Moatti, 63, was Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and Director of the IRD/Inserm/AMU joint research unit “Economic and social sciences for health and the process of medical information” (SESSTIM). Professor Jean-Paul Moatti has appointed JeanMarc Châtaigner as IRD’s Deputy Executive Director. Born in 1964, Jean-Marc Châtaigner is a Foreign Affairs counsellor of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. He was appointed Ambassador of France to Madagascar from 2009 until 2012. Then, he served as the Deputy Managing Director of globalisation, development and partnerships at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development until 31 September 2014. For more information: http://en.ird.fr/ Consult the articles in full on the IRD Internet site: http://www.ird.fr © IRD / E. Baudoin © G. Bertrand p.12 Planet Stronger African regional research B © J- L. Albert I © IRD / B. Martimort-Asso W Hjort was right! scientist from the IRD has provided her expertise to the Suez Environnement group as part of a project to modernise access to water in the poorest districts of Mumbai. COP20 orkshop, side-event, exhibition, publication of a book, mobilisation of civil society – the IRD and its partners spared no effort before, during and after COP20. The conference of stakeholders in the United Nations Convention on Climate Change took place last December in Lima, Peru. Its aim was to prepare the way for universal agreement on fighting climate change, and should be adopted at the occasion of COP21 in Paris in 2015. p. 2 News A Peptides to diagnose Ebola p. 3 Partners At the heart of Potable water for the shanty towns of Mumbai © Wikimedia – L. Skulason scientists and their partners are conducting a vast research project into the transfer of political standards by migrants, to their family and to their close ones remaining in their country of origin. This work is being done on Senegalese and Malian migrants, many of whom leave to work abroad, in Africa, Europe and beyond. Scientists are trying to determine if specific voting behaviour exists in Malian communes where the migratory intensity is stronger. To do so, they used census data and the results of recent municipal elections throughout the country. RD The genomes of anopheles revealed © IRD / M. Dunkan I arwinian systems occur at every level of life, between cells, organisms and populations. Advantage or handicap, competition, selection and evolution are all expressions of the tensions which are at the origin of pathologies. Scientists are exploring these interactions, often as old as time, looking for new prophylactic and therapeutic avenues. © World Bank / Curt Carnemark © MINUSMA-ONU – M.Dormino op of the climate curiosities is the Indian Ocean, which wins the prize for the most singular warming! According to a recent study, the temperature has been rising in the basin continuously since the start of the 20th century. This is the only tropical ocean to show such an overall and regular trend. The case of the Indian Ocean is all the more curious as it does not occur in the same way in the west and east of the basin. Under normal conditions, the winds cause an accumulation of warm waters in the east of the region. But the west has seen record warming. Today, the temperature difference between the two regions is practically zero during the summer. This record is not without consequences for the region’s water resources, on which almost one third of the world’s population depends. It could affect the summer monsoon and the intensity of the rains, which provide 80% of the water needs of the agricultural land to the north of the basin. © Wellcome Images Anne Weston Abstracts for the international issue /·,5'GDQVOHPRQGH France métropolitaine Siège Le Sextant 44, bd de Dunkerque CS 90009 13572 Marseille cedex 02 Tél. : +33 (0)4 91 99 92 00 www.ird.fr Centre IRD France-Nord Directeur : Dominique Cavet 32, avenue Henri Varagnat, 93143 Bondy cedex Tél. : +33 (0)1 48 02 55 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 48 47 30 88 bondy@ird.fr Centre IRD France Sud Directeur : Michel Petit BP 64501 - 34394 Montpellier cedex 5 Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 41 61 00 Fax : +33 (0)4 67 41 63 30 montpellier@ird.fr Outre-mer tropical français Guyane Représentant : Cécile Fontana (P.I) IRD, BP 165 - 97323 Cayenne cedex Tél. : +33 (0)5 94 29 92 92 Fax : +33 (0)5 94 31 98 55 cayenne@ird.fr www.cayenne.ird.fr Martinique - Caraïbe Représentant : Patrick Quénéhervé IRD, BP 8006 97259 Fort de France Tél. : +33 (0)5 96 39 77 39 Fax : +33 (0)5 96 50 32 61 martinique@ird.fr Nouvelle-Calédonie Représentant et Délégué Pacifique : Georges De Noni IRD, BP A5 - 98848 Nouméa cedex Tél. : (687) 26 10 00 Fax : (687) 26 07 92 nouvelle-caledonie@.ird.fr Polynésie française Représentant : Marc Taquet IRD, BP 529 - 98713 Papeete Tél. : (689) 50 62 00 - Fax : (689) 42 95 55 polynesie@ird.fr La Réunion Représentant : Pascale Chabanet IRD, BP 172 - 97492 Sainte-Clotilde cedex Tél. : +33 (0)2 62 48 33 56 Fax : +33 (0)2 62 48 33 53 la-reunion@ird.fr Union européenne Représentant : Jean-Pierre Finance CLORA, 8, avenue des Arts B1210 Bruxelles Belgique Tél. : +32 2 506 88 48 Fax : +32 2 506 88 45 bruxelles@ird.fr Afrique Afrique du Sud, Mozambique, Botswana, Angola, Zimbabwe Représentant : Jean Albergel Postnet Suite 164 Private Bag X844 Silverton 0127 Pretoria Tél. : 27(0)128440117/0118 Fax : 27(0)128440119 afrique-du-sud@ird.fr Bénin, Togo, Ghana, Nigeria Représentant : Gilles Bezançon IRD/SCAC Ambassade de France au Bénin - Cotonou IRD s/c Service de la valise diplomatique 92438 Châtillon cedex Tél. : (229) 30 03 52/54 Fax : (229) 30 88 60 benin@ird.fr Burkina Faso Représentant : Jean-Marc Leblanc IRD, 01 BP 182 - Ouagadougou 01 Tél. : (226) 50 30 67 37 Fax : (226) 50 31 03 85 burkina-faso@ird.fr Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée équatoriale, République Centrafricaine, République démocratique du Congo Représentant : Bruno Bordage IRD, BP 1857 - Yaoundé Tél. : (237) 220 15 08 Fax : (237) 220 18 54 cameroun@ird.fr Côte d’Ivoire Représentant : Jean-Marc Hougard IRD Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (UFHB) Commune de Cocody 08 BP 3800 Abidjan 08 République de Côte d’Ivoire Tel : +225 22 48 50 00 / 06 Fax : +225 22 48 50 08 Courriel : cote-ivoire@ird.fr Égypte, Jordanie, Liban, Libye, Syrie Représentant : Sarah Ben Nefissa IRD, P.O. Box 26 - Giza 12 211 Le Caire République Arabe d’Égypte Tél. : (202) 362 05 30 Fax : (202) 362 24 49 egypte@ird.fr Kenya, Éthiopie, Tanzanie Représentant : Alain Borgel IRD c/o WAX PO Box 30677 - Nairobi Tél. : (254) 2 52 47 58 Fax : (254) 2 52 40 01 /52 40 00 kenya@ird.fr Mali, Guinée Représentant : Bruno Sicard IRD, BP 25-28 - Bamako Tél. : (223) 20 21 05 01 Fax : (223) 20 21 05 12 mali@ird.fr Maroc Représentant : Benoît Lootvoet IRD, BP 89-67 - 15, rue Abou Derr 10000 Rabat Agdal Tél. : (212) (0) 5 37 67 27 33 Fax : (212) (0) 5 37 67 27 43 maroc@ird.fr Niger, Tchad Représentant : Oumarou Malam Issa IRD, B.P. 11416 - Niamey Tél. : (227) 75 38 27 Fax : (227) 75 20 54 / 75 28 04 niger@ird.fr Sénégal, Gambie, Mauritanie, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée Représentant : Yves Duval IRD, BP 1386 - Dakar Tél. : (221) 849 35 35 - Fax : (221) 832 43 07 senegal@ird.fr Tunisie, Algérie Abdelghani Chehbouni IRD, BP 434 - 1004 El Menzah - Tunis Tél. : (216) 71 75 00 09 / 71 75 01 83 Fax : (216) 71 75 02 54 tunisie@ird.fr Amérique latine Bolivie Représentant : Jacques Gardon IRD, CP 9214 - 00095 La Paz Tél. : (591 2) 278 29 69 / 78 49 25 Fax : (591 2) 278 29 44 bolivie@ird.fr Brésil, Paraguay Représentant : Frédéric Huynh IRD, CP 7091 - Lago Sul 71619-970 Brasilia (DF) Tél. : (55 61) 248 53 23 Fax : (55 61) 248 53 78 bresil@ird.fr Chili, Argentine, Uruguay Représentant : Sébastien Carretier IRD, Casilla 53 390 - Correo Central - Santiago 1 Tél. : (56 2) 236 34 64 Fax : (56 2) 236 34 63 chili@ird.fr Équateur Représentant : Olivier Dangles IRD, Apartado Postal 17 12 857 - Quito Tél. : (593 2) 223 44 36 ou 250 39 44 Fax : (593 2) 250 40 20 equateur@ird.fr Mexique, États d’Amérique centrale, Cuba Représentant : Alessandro Rizzo Calle Anatole France # 17 Col. Chapultepec Polanco C.P. 11560 México D.F., Mexico Tél. (52 5) 280 76 88 Fax (52 55) 52 82 08 00 mexique@ird.fr Pérou, Colombie, Venezuela Représentant : Jean-Loup Guyot IRD, Casilla 18 - 1209 - Lima 18 Tél. : (51 1) 719 98 85 Fax : (51 1) 718 32 69 perou@ird.fr Océan Indien Madagascar, Seychelles, États insulaires de l’océan Indien Représentant : Eric Blanchart (P.I) IRD, BP 434 - 101 Antananarivo Tél. : (261 20) 22 330 98 - Fax : (261 20) 22 369 82 madagascar@ird.fr Asie Indonésie, Timor-Leste Représentant : Jean-Paul Toutain IRD, Wisma Anugraha, Jalan Taman Kemang 32 B Jakarta 12730 Tél. : (62 21) 71 79 2114 - Fax : (62 21) 71 79 2179 indonesie@ird.fr Laos, Cambodge Représentant : Marc Souris IRD, B.P. 5992, Vientiane République du Laos Tél. / Fax : (856-21) 41 29 93 laos@ird.fr Thaïlande Représentant : Jacques Berger IRD Representation in Thailand 29 Sathorn thai Road 10120 Bangkok Tél. : (66 2) 627 21 90 - Fax : (66 2) 627 21 94 thailande@ird.fr Vietnam Représentant : Jean-Pascal Torreton Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound Appt. 202, Bat.. 2G, 298 Kim Ma - Ba Dinh Hanoi – Vietnam Tél. : (84)-(4) 37 34 66 56 - Fax : (84)-(4) 37 34 67 14 vietnam@ird.fr