Current Events Advanced Spanish Comparison/Contrast Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. With this standard in mind, we will use our current events in a new way this year. Each turn in, you will find, and use, one current event about, and published in, your Spanish speaking country. You will also use a second one from the United States. You will focus on one of the 6 main themes Global Challenges, Contemporary Life, Science and Technology, Beauty and Aesthetics, Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities each turn in. We will use the two different articles to understand ways that our cultures deal with situations that are noteworthy enough to be news topics. Once the article are obtained, you will create a Venn Diagram analyzing how the information contained compares/contrast in the areas of the 5 journalistic questions, who what when where why. After doing a good analysis, you will proceed to write up your current event showing how each question either compares or contrast. Identification Introduction Paragraph Comparisons- show how the two stories are similar on a particular question before moving to a new question. Contrast – show how the two stories are different on a particular question before moving on to a new question. Closing paragraph repeat how the two articles compare and contrast Current Events are due on the 1st and 15th of the month or the next class day. If we are not in class on the due date, then you turn in the next class day. The turn in on the 1st of the month will use a Spanish article from your country and will be written in English. There will be two grades given, the first grade will be based on the Current event Rubric (200 points). A second grade will be given based on a list of 30 words, people, organizations or events that were necessary to understand for the article to make sense. Those items on the list are to be translated or explained in English and are worth 10 points each for a total of 300 points. For the turn in on the 15th of the month, we will again use one article from the United States and one from your Spanish speaking country. This time the article will be read in English and the final comparison/contrast write up will be in Spanish. Again there will be two grades, the first will be taken from the Current Event Rubric (200 points). The second grade this time will be a Spanish Written Rubric grade that will assess your use of Spanish in the write up (400 points) No late work is accepted unless due to an excused absence. Then it is due the next time you are in class. Turn in Packet Contents 1) Write up in Spanish 2) Current Event Rubric 3) Copy of the 2 articles Grade 200 points for the Current Event Write up Name:_____________________ Turn In Date: __________________ Country: __________________ Publication Date: ____________ Theme: ___________________ Source:_____________________________________________________________________________ Current Event Rubric Spanish III 0 1 Not included 2 Insufficient 3 Basic Introductio n paragraph Who? No Attempt made No Attempt made Single sentence 2 Sentences 3-4 sentences No attempt at comparison/ contrast When? No Attempt made No attempt at comparison/ contrast Where? No Attempt made No attempt at comparison/ contrast What? No Attempt made No attempt at comparison/ contrast Why? No Attempt made No attempt at comparison/ contrast Closing paragraph No Attempt made Single sentence Attempted but did not succeed in making a comparison/ contrast Attempted but did not succeed in making a comparison/ contrast Attempted but did not succeed in making a comparison/ contrast Attempted but did not succeed in making a comparison/ contrast Attempted but did not succeed in making a comparison/ contrast 2 sentences Very simple statements used in the comparison/ contrast Very simple statements used in the comparison/ contrast Very simple statements used in the comparison/ contrast Very simple statements used in the comparison/ contrast Very simple statements used in the comparison/ contrast 3-4 sentences Total points (140) ________ + Venn Diagram (30pts) ________ +Original Articles (30 pts) ________ Final Grade ___________ 4 Detailed and interesting 5 or more sentences Thoughtfully and completely compared/contrasted Thoughtfully and completely compared/contrasted Thoughtfully and completely compared/contrasted Thoughtfully and completely compared/contrasted Thoughtfully and completely compared/contrasted 5 or more sentences 28=140 27=133 26=126 25=119 24=112 23=105 22=101 21=98 20=94 19=89 18=85 17=80 16=75 15=72 14=70 13=66 12=62 11=58 10=54 9=50 8=46 7=42 6=34 5=26 4=18 3=10 2=5 1=0