ESL COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 1 SUBJECT COURSE # STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Given an academic reading, students will select and respond to one or more main points in that reading, producing a coherent piece of writing of four or more paragraphs Given several sets of two or more sentences, students will combine these sets into grammatically correct sentences using coordination, subordination, parallel structures, appositives, verbal phrases, and noun clauses ESL 101 ESL 225 ESL 225L Given practical application in a lab setting students will increase proficiency of high beginner English language skills. ESL 227A A student will be able to comprehend basic personal information questions and basic spoken English. ESL 227B A student will be able to comprehend basic personal information questions and basic spoken English. ESL 228 Given a writing prompt that asks for a description, the student will write ten or more sentences that demonstrate coherent English. A student will correctly identify the meaning of vocabulary in context and its function in a sentence. A student will correctly identify the main ideas of a reading selection. Given a writing prompt, the student will write twenty or more sentences that demonstrate coherent English. ESL 233 Given a short paragraph, students will identify the main idea and supporting details. ESL 237A A student will be able to comprehend the gist of a short lecture or conversation. ESL COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 2 ESL 237B A student will be able to comprehend the gist of a short lecture or conversation. Given a writing prompt, students will write 125 words in a coherent narrative. ESL 243 A student will demonstrate a literal comprehension of intermediate level readings. Given a topic, the student will make a short speech wherein the important elements are comprehensible to a native speaker. ESL 246 A student will be able to comprehend a short lecture or conversation and be able to take notes. Given a list of 10 unfamiliar, multi syllable words in English, students will read words aloud using accurate English pronunciation. ESL 252 Dictated ten unfamiliar, multi syllable English words, students will spell the words correctly. ESL 255 ESL 255L Given writing prompt that asks students to make a comparison, describe a process, or outline causes and/or effects, the student will write 125-250 words in a unified, coherent paragraph in English. Given practical application in a lab setting, students will increase proficiency of high-intermediate English language skills. A student will demonstrate a literal comprehension of highintermediate to low-advanced level readings. ESL 258 A student will critically analyze and evaluate low-advanced reading materials containing non-controlled vocabulary. A student will apply study-reading strategies to academic reading selections and literary selections. ESL 265 Given a short reading, students will select and respond to one or more main points in that reading, producing a coherent piece of ESL COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 3 writing of three or more paragraphs Given several sets of two or more sentences, students will combine these sets into grammatically correct compound/complex sentences using coordination, subordination, and parallel structures ESL 290A Given a writing prompt that asks for a description, the student will write ten or more sentences that demonstrate coherent English. ESL 290B Given a writing prompt, the student will write twenty or more sentences that demonstrate coherent English. ESL 290C Given a writing prompt, students will write 125 words in a coherent narrative. ESL 290D Given writing prompt that asks students to make a comparison, describe a process, or outline causes and/or effects, the student will write 125-250 words in a unified, coherent paragraph in English.