HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (HCCD) CITIZENS’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE FOR MEASURE H Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:00 p.m. Hartnell Campus Building A - Rm 105 411 Central Ave., Salinas, CA 93901 AGENDA MEMBERSHIP Senior Citizens: Michael Payne,Vice-Chair Term: April 2011 - March 2013 April 2013- March 2015 Business: Dennis Donohue Term: July 2013 - June 2015 Taxpayers’ Rep: Celia Perez Martinez Term: March 2010- February 2012 March 2012 - February 2014 Student: Elaine Duran Luchini Term: April 2013 - March 2015 Support & Organization of District: John Buttgereit Term: July 2013 - June 2015 Members at Large Vearl Gish, Chair Term: April 2012 - March 2014 Deneen Newman Term: January 2013 - December 2015 Contact Persons: Dr. Willard Clark Lewallen Superintendent/President wlewallen@hartnell.edu Joseph Reyes, Director of Facilities,Operations and Asset Management jreyes@hartnell.edu Damon Felice, Felice Consulting Services damon@felice-consulting.com 1. Call to Order: Welcome/Introductions 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of October 16, 2013 & November 13, 2013 Meeting 4. Public Comment: Any member of the audience desiring to address the Bond Oversight Committee should complete and submit to the Chair prior to the meeting, if possible, a Speaker Request Form, available at the door. When the item “Individuals Desiring to Address the Bond Oversight committee” is taken, the Chair will recognize those who have filled out a Speaker Request Form in the order in which they are received. If the speaker desires to address the Bond Oversight Committee on an item on the agenda, the speaker, at his/her option, may speak immediately or wait until the item is considered. The Chair may limit the time of presentations to three minutes per speaker, per subject. 5. Update from Superintendent/ President Dr. Willard Lewallen 6. Bond Oversight Committee Member Comments Pertaining to Measure H 7. Update from Sub-Committee on Annual Report 8. Information Items § Measure H and Construction Update/Discussion – Damon Felice & Joseph Reyes §Measure H Financial Report 9. Discuss Vearl Gish extending BOC term thru 2016 10. TTB Ground Ribbon Cutting Event - January 30, 2014 @ 11:30 AM - Alisal Campus 11. Future Agenda Items 12. Next Meeting Date: April 16, 2014 @ 3PM - Building AC-B101 Hartnell Community College Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee for Measure H Meeting Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Main Campus / Building A, Room 105 411 Central Avenue, Salinas CA 93901 Members Present: John Buttgereit Dennis Donohue Vearl Gish Elaine Duran Luchini Celia Perez-­‐Martinez Deneen Newman Michael Payne Regular Attendees: Dr. Willard C Lewallen, Superintendent / President Al Munoz , VP Administrative Services Joseph Reyes, Dir. Of Facilities & Asset Management Damon Felice, Felice Consulting Services – PM Carolyn Lecce, Felice Consulting Admin Asst. Guests: Monterey County Grand Jury attendees: Peter Purdue, chair education committee Francis M. Small, Jr. (fore-­‐person) 1. Call to Order: Welcome/Introductions 3:05pm Vearl Gish, Chair 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved and adopted 3. Approval of Minutes of July 17, 2013 meeting Moved and adopted 4. Public Comment Grand Jury Member, Francis Small: Attending regular BOC meeting to observe. Quite interested in committee’s view of how effective the committee is, as well as features of the committee members would recommend making changes in. It would be more appropriate to meet at another time to talk about the function of the committee when more members of the Civil Grand Jury would be present, possibly following the next meeting. 5. Update from Superintendent/ President, Dr. Willard C. Lewallen Accreditation: Hartnell is on schedule to submit a progress report in March 2014 to the Accreditation Committee for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). Groups on campus are actively working on the matter. Five (5) of the twelve (12) recommendations are completed with the remaining seven (7) requiring much more time and engagement. The Progress Report must address 4 of the12 by March 2014 – but include a status report on all recommendations. If all items were completed by March 2014, the ACCJC would address it, conduct another school visit, then submit a follow-­‐up report to make recommendations. Action would not be taken until the June 2014 ACCJC meeting. The most problematic areas are: the (broad) area of Institutional Planning; Program Review, Assessment and Student Learning Outcomes. Finally, with the addition of a 56,000 square foot building (Science Building), Support Operations will be another big challenge. University of Guanajuato: Hartnell College is interested in establishing an agreement with the University of Guanajuato in Mexico. This would benefit students and employees in a cultural and academic exchange. We want to provide our students with the best education opportunities and believe that by creating partnerships and collaborations with other groups, and in this case, going international to our neighbors in Mexico, are natural. There will soon be a drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will include the development of student internships in Guanajuato and other exchanges that will enrich the education experience at both institutions. 6. Appointment of BOC Chair and Vice-­‐Chair for the next calendar year (2014) Nominations for Bond Oversight Chair: M. Payne motions re-­‐electing present slate for next year D. Donahue 2nd Additional nominations: None Motion made to continue with same 2013 slate (V. Gish-­‐ chair; M. Payne-­‐vice chair) Motion approved and passed 7. Bond Oversight Committee Member Comments Pertaining to Measure H a. M. Payne – Noted clerical errors he found in packet regarding Science Center Project and PE Field House. Design Phase for Science Building should be moved to final date column. With regard to PE Field House, Group II vendor should be noted as Peninsula Business Interiors, and the fundraising element of the project should be shown as NOT having been deposited into Fund 45 at this time. Conflict wherein CAB Modernization NORTH project is understood as being completed, but it is not shown in materials as complete. Damon Felice explained that as of the time of the printing, Hartnell had not received the final unconditional waiver at the time of printing so actual final numbers could not be included. and that it should also be noted that Peninsula Business Interiors should be listed as the Group II vendor (as noted in the PE Field House project). b. V. Gish – Asked about the status of the Elevator Project: Damon Felice responded that the project has been submitted to DSA (Division of State Architect) for plan review, but the likelihood is this is as far as this project will go. Originally the project was slated for being built on a floating slab. However, testing proved that method to be insufficient, and would require it to be built on a pile. This change alone would cause the cost of the project to sky-­‐ rocket (a rig to that location would be quite costly). The main push for the college at this time is the completion of the Science Building. The Elevator Project will likely NOT be completed due to the significant increase in construction cost. 8. Information Items -­‐ Measure H and Construction Update by Damon Felice PE Field House (865003) – Technology items have finished CAB Modernization NORTH (814001) – Project completed, Human Resources, TRIO, Academic Affairs departments have all moved in. Technical Training Building (813028) – Located at Alisal Campus – project is about 80% done. Project is slated for completion in December and being ready for use in January 2014. Campus Signage – Project is on-­‐going Science Building – DSA (Division of State Architect) sent approval and final sign-­‐ off Thursday on the project’s plans. Hartnell Board meets November 19th and we are hopeful to approve at special meeting, a contractor to begin to drive piles for this project. This portion of the project is very loud –as acoustics is a significant issue. We are trying to get indicator piles done without students on campus (during winter break). Neighbors will also likely be an issue. In order to bring piles in and begin, piles need police escort to be brought onto jobsite. Time of day will be an issue. Excited because it will be a spectacular building – 18.5 million is the engineer’s estimate. Timing is everything, so we pressed to get it on the street for bid. If we can get bid results within that estimated rate – we would then potentially have funds left to complete the “to-­‐do” list. Merrill Hall Renovation (813034) Merrill Hall’s future use has not been determined at this time. ADA compliance factors are a significant financial issue to be addressed. Dr. Lewallen added: Addressing the conundrum for large lecture halls, Lewallen noted: Changes were made into the final Science Building plan so we have (2) larger, 85-­‐seat lecture halls. The college is looking at firms to help with facilities master planning (not -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ using bond funds). A recent “Request for Proposals” (RFP) was sent out, and Hartnell is looking through the results. Measure H Financial Report update M. Payne asked: “Where do we stand on the resale of the bonds?” Alfred Munoz responded: There are multiple parts to this issue. The bond is divided into parts: A, B, C, and D. “D” is the problematic one, and we are unable to deal with that until 2017. Hartnell is currently looking at refinancing parts “B” and “C” to save the local taxpayers, millions of dollars. The biggest savings to taxpayers will be with the Series D portion. D. Felice will place the Bond Refinance topic on the agenda for the next regular meeting for further discussion. Select sub-­‐committee for 2012/13 Annual Report Celia Perez-­‐Martinez will start working on annual report now. Michael Payne and Deneen Newman will volunteer to join Celia in completing the project for the 2013/2014 Annual Report. Review 2014 BOC meeting calendar V. Gish moved to approve 2014 meeting calendar J. Buttgereit seconded 2014 BOC Meeting Calendar voted and approved 9. Future Agenda Items (to include for next special meeting agenda or next regular meeting in 2014) -­‐Auditors (11-­‐13-­‐13) -­‐Dr. Lewallen (11-­‐13-­‐13) -­‐New Facilities Master Plan (2014) -­‐Bond Refinancing (2014) -­‐Building progress (2014) -­‐Civil Grand Jury to meet with BOC members (11-­‐13-­‐13) following audit presentation. Add 30+/-­‐ minutes to November 13, 2013 meeting for BOC members to meet with Civil Grand Jury (CGJ) members. Purpose: CGJ members to gain insight on Bond Oversight Committee’s authority; its effectiveness; learning if there are ways to improve the effectiveness of the committee; as well as any noteworthy comments about the committee. NOTE: D. Felice – will send Grand Jury a BOC binder for their review 10. Next Meeting Date: *November 13, 2013 @ 3pm – Building A-­‐105 *Special Meeting to review the findings of the FY12/13 Audits Meeting adjourned 4:18pm Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee for Measure H Meeting Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Hartnell Community College Main Campus / Building A, Room 105 411 Central Avenue, Salinas CA 93901 Present: John Buttgereit Vearl Gish Elaine Duran Luchini Michael Payne Dr. Willard C Lewallen, Superintendent / President Al Munoz , VP Administrative Services Joseph Reyes, Dir. Of Facilities & Asset Management Damon Felice, Felice Consulting Services – Project Manager Carolyn Lecce, Felice Consulting Admin Asst. Not Present: Dennis Donohue Celia Perez-­‐Martinez Deneen Newman Presenters: Jeff Jensen, CPA with Crowe Horwath LLP Guests: Monterey County Civil Grand Jury attendees: Peter Purdue, chair education committee David Burbidge, secretary of committee Debbie Anthony, vice chair of committee Ken Allen, member 1. Call to Order: Welcome/Introductions 3:06 pm V. Gish 2. Adoption of Agenda M. Payne moved. J. Buttgereit 2nd Agenda Adopted 3. Public Comment Members of Grand Jury present – Noting no comments, but will meet with BOC members for a short time following the Audit Presentation. 4. Update from Superintendent/ President, Dr. Willard C. Lewallen On Thursday, November 7, the CLSEI (California Legislative Staff Education Institute) spent the entire day getting to know the Hartnell staff, some students, and about the various programs offered here at Hartnell. These individuals were key advisors to senators, assembly members, congressman, legislative committees, and even the governor himself. Some of the topics that were discussed included, Student Success Act of 2012, accreditation, career pathways, associate degrees for transfer, veteran’s programs, theater arts, STEM, NASA EMAA, and more. The visit included both the Hartnell main campus and the Alisal Campus. Members were very impressed with what we are doing here at Hartnell. November 12th we opened bids for the Science Building. There were seven (7) bids in the 25 – 26 million-­‐dollar range. One bid was much lower, but may have been due to a clerical error. We are working with attorneys to sort it out to decide how to move forward considering the other slated projects. No determination has been made at this time to accept or reject the bid results. We began spring enrollment, and already many critical classes are filled. We are looking to open additional classes (Science, English and Math) during the afternoon to address the issue. Last year we implemented developing a Facilities Master Plan, to address these and other facility-­‐use issues. 5. Review Annual Audit Jeff Jensen – National Accounting Firm, Crowe Horwath LLP *Performance Audit: Prop 39 and Measure H – Funds examined were spent appropriately. Financial Audit: No financial recommendations M. Payne moves that we commend the district for a “squeaky clean” audit 2nd by J. Buttgereit Motion voted and passed Motion to accept the audits as presented, E. Duran Luchini moved M. Payne 2nd Motion voted and accepted 6. Next Meeting Date: January 14, 2014 @ 3pm Building A – Room 105 Bond Oversight Meeting adjourned 3:55pm * Excerpt from Crowe Horwath’s November 8, 2013 Letter on Audit results: “In our opinion, the basic financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Measure H General Obligation Bonds of the District as of June 30, 2013, and the changes in financial position for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.” HARTNELL COLLEGE MEASURE H BOND PROJECTS FACT SHEET AS OF September 30, 2013 PROJECT NAME: CAB North Elevator & ADA Project PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Complete renovation to first floor of CAB Improve pedestrian access routes across campus for safety Renovate and provide Americans with Disabilities Act access throughout campus SPECIFIC MEASURE H EXHIBIT B ITEM: Renovate and remodel Classroom Administration Building built in 1977 NAME BUDGET AMOUNT BID AMOUNT PROJECT TO DATE FINAL EXP ARCHITECT HGHB $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 58,725 $0.00 PROJECT MGR/CM Felice Consulting Services $ 48,551 $ 48,551 $ 11,167 $0.00 OTHER SOFT COSTS IOR, Special Inspector, Cont., Others $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 33,835 $0.00 CONTRACTOR (ADA) TBD $ 362,225 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 CONTRACTOR (ELEVATOR) TBD $ 412,224 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 GROUP II TBD $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 CONTINGENCY CONTINGENCY $ 0 $ 0 $ 9,325 $0.00 $ 1,033,000 $ 258,551 $ 113,052 $0.00 TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGET MEASURE H BOND FUNDS PROJECT TO DATE $1,033,000 $ 113,052 TOTAL $1,033,000 $ 113,052 DESIGN INITIAL DATE FINAL REV INTEREST / REFINANCE FUNDRAISING CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Jan-13 Jan-13 Jan-13 PROJECT COMPLETION Sep-13 Sep-13 Sep-13 INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Oct-13 Oct-13 PROJECT COMPLETION Feb-14 Feb-14 CONSTRUCTION FORECASTED BUDGET PERCENT COMPLETE PREPARED BY: Damon Felice $1,033,000 23% DATE: 12/31/13 HARTNELL COLLEGE MEASURE H BOND PROJECTS FACT SHEET AS OF September 30, 2013 PROJECT NAME: CAB North First Floor Renovation PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Complete renovation to first floor of CAB SPECIFIC MEASURE H EXHIBIT B ITEM: Renovate and remodel Classroom Administration Building built in 1977 NAME BUDGET AMOUNT BID AMOUNT PROJECT TO DATE FINAL EXP ARCHITECT HGHB $ 150,000 $ 125,000 $ 118,000 $118,000.00 PROJECT MGR/CM Felice Consulting Services $ 84,600 $ 84,600 $ 84,600 $84,600.00 OTHER SOFT COSTS IOR, Special Inspector, Cont., Others $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $60,000.00 CONTRACTOR (DEMO) DILBECK & SONS $ 115,000 $ 105,470 $ 95,000 $95,000.00 CONTRACTOR TOMBELSON $ 1,125,000 $ 1,374,600 $ 1,329,903 $1,329,903.00 GROUP II PBI $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 20,564 $45,000.00 CONTINGENCY CONTINGENCY $ 105,400 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 $ 1,840,000 $ 1,949,670 $ 1,708,067 $1,732,503.00 TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGET MEASURE H BOND FUNDS PROJECT TO DATE OVER/UNDER FINAL REV $1,840,000 $ 1,708,067 $131,933.10 $ 1,708,067 TOTAL $1,840,000 $ 1,708,067 $131,933.10 $ 1,708,066.90 DESIGN INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Sep-12 Sep-12 Sep-12 PROJECT COMPLETION Dec-12 Dec-12 Dec-12 INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Dec-12 DEC -12 DEC -12 PROJECT COMPLETION Sep-13 SEP - 13 SEP - 13 INTEREST / REFINANCE FUNDRAISING CONSTRUCTION $1,840,000 100% FORECASTED BUDGET PERCENT COMPLETE PREPARED BY: Damon Felice DATE: 12/31/13 HARTNELL COLLEGE MEASURE H BOND PROJECTS FACT SHEET AS OF September 30, 2013 PROJECT NAME: PE Fieldhouse Project PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of new changing room, classrooms, restroom and concessions at new PE Complex SPECIFIC MEASURE H EXHIBIT B ITEM: Remodel PE classrooms and laboratories Construct health wellness center NAME BUDGET AMOUNT BID AMOUNT PROJECT TO DATE FINAL EXP ARCHITECT Belli Architecture $ 126,700 $ 165,000 $ 149,200 $149,200.00 PROJECT MGR/CM Felice Consulting Services $ 94,000 $ 94,000 $ 94,000 $94,000.00 OTHER SOFT COSTS IOR, Special Inspector, Cont., Others $ 60,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $90,000.00 CONTRACTOR Tombleson, Inc $ 1,810,000 $ 1,734,438 $ 1,700,481 $1,700,481.00 GROUP II PBI $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 45,584 $45,584.00 CONTINGENCY CONTINGENCY $ 110,000 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 $ 2,300,700 $ 2,183,438 $ 2,079,265 $2,079,265.00 TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGET MEASURE H BOND FUNDS PROJECT TO DATE $1,697,700 OVER/UNDER FINAL REV $ 2,079,265 -$381,565 $1,697,700 $ 2,079,265 $221,435 INTEREST / REFINANCE FUNDRAISING $603,000 TOTAL $2,300,700 DESIGN INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Apr-11 Apr-11 Apr-11 PROJECT COMPLETION Dec-11 Dec-11 Dec-11 INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Jun-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 PROJECT COMPLETION Jul-13 Aug-13 Aug-13 CONSTRUCTION FORECASTED BUDGET PERCENT COMPLETE PREPARED BY: Damon Felice $2,300,700 100% DATE: 12/31/13 $ 2,079,265 HARTNELL COLLEGE MEASURE H BOND PROJECTS FACT SHEET AS OF September 30, 2013 PROJECT NAME: Technical Training Building PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Diesel Mechanics & Construction Technology Facility SPECIFIC MEASURE H EXHIBIT B ITEM: Technical Training Facility at Alisal Campus NAME BUDGET AMOUNT BID AMOUNT PROJECT TO DATE FINAL EXP ARCHITECT NTD/HBFL $ 500,000 $ 487,500 $ 458,964 $0.00 PROJECT MGR/CM Felice Consulting Services $ 235,000 $ 235,000 $ 218,550 $0.00 OTHER SOFT COSTS IOR, Special Inspector, Cont., Others $ 168,000 $ 168,000 $ 172,240 $0.00 CONTRACTOR Dilbeck & Sons $ 4,500,000 $ 4,965,171 $ 4,410,249 $0.00 GROUP II PBI / Snap-On $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 405,781 $0.00 CONTINGENCY CONTINGENCY $ 500,000 $ 0 $ 0 $0.00 $ 6,403,000 $ 6,355,671 $ 5,665,784 $0.00 TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGET MEASURE H BOND FUNDS PROJECT TO DATE $6,403,000 $ 5,665,784 TOTAL $6,403,000 $ 5,665,784 DESIGN INITIAL DATE FINAL REV INTEREST / REFINANCE STATE FUNDS CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Jun-10 Jun-10 Jun-10 PROJECT COMPLETION May-11 May-11 Nov-11 INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Jan-12 Oct-12 PROJECT COMPLETION Mar-13 Jan-14 CONSTRUCTION FORECASTED BUDGET PERCENT COMPLETE PREPARED BY: Damon Felice $6,403,000 93% DATE: 12/31/13 HARTNELL COLLEGE MEASURE H BOND PROJECTS FACT SHEET AS OF September 30, 2013 PROJECT NAME: Science Center Project PROJECT DESCRIPTION: New Science Center SPECIFIC MEASURE H EXHIBIT B ITEM: Renovate Science Building (Merrill Hall) built in 1964 NAME BUDGET AMOUNT BID AMOUNT PROJECT TO DATE FINAL EXP ARCHITECT Lionakis $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,314,620 $0 PROJECT MGR/CM Felice Consulting Services $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 195,000 $0 OTHER SOFT COSTS IOR, Special Inspector, Cont., Others $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 51,000 $0 CONSTRUCTION (ABATEMENT) PARC $ 55,000 $ 54,517 $ 54,517 $54,517 CONSTRUCTION (DEMO) RANDAZZO $ 250,000 $ 179,235 $ 179,235 $179,235 CONSTRUCTION TBD $ 23,000,000 $ 0 $ 0 $0 GROUP II TBD $ 1,200,000 $ 0 $ 0 $0 CONTINGENCY TBD $ 500,000 $ 0 $ 0 $0 $ 28,355,000 $ 3,583,752 $ 1,615,137 TOTAL . ORIGINAL BUDGET MEASURE H BOND FUNDS $28,355,000 PROJECT TO DATE $ 1,615,137 $ 1,615,137 . FINAL REV INTEREST / REFINANCE STATE FUNDS TOTAL $28,355,000 DESIGN INITIAL DATE 20000000 CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE PROJECT START Jan-09 Jan-09 Jan-09 PROJECT COMPLETION Jan-13 Jan-13 Aug-13 INITIAL DATE CURRENT PROJECTION FINAL DATE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT START Nov-13 Feb-14 PROJECT COMPLETION Dec-15 Dec-15 $28,355,000 26% FORECASTED BUDGET PERCENT COMPLETE PREPARED BY: Damon Felice . DATE: 12/31/2013 Excel: FinTab-­‐H-­‐Rev4.26.12.xls Page 1 of 3 26,340,343 1,615,137 26,739,863 58,725 41,049 3,381 14,850,000 10,910,000 141,933 737,066 36,233 5,543 161 21,700,000 1,059,819 603,000 673 1,427 31,504 I Notes 26,340,343 100% 1,615,137 26% a 58,725 8,951 21,296,619 8,812,960 1,708,067 7,539,360 6,577,596 5,665,784 3,473,184 3,063,767 594,457 6,099,839 1,139,644 1,634,701 1,476,265 1,343,786 34,327 848,573 860,344 590,985 488,496 H % Completed E Total Spent or Encumbered to Date from All Sources (D + F) F G This data is as of 12/31/13 FUNDING SOURCES -­‐ ALL OTHERS (Actually received to date) 131,000,000 State of California General Funds 47,460,000 a 746,018 Other State Bond funds 6,829,788 Private Donations 603,000 (725,097) 137,850,709 TOTAL FUNDS FROM OTHER SOURCES 48,063,000 Measure H Funds ONLY 23,185,956 26,340,343 19,056,965 28,355,000 541,500 541,500 491,400 491,400 700,000 700,000 50,000 50,000 15,000,000 21,300,000 9,032,000 8,812,960 7,500,000 1,850,000 7,200,000 7,539,360 7,020,000 6,577,596 7,000,000 6,402,850 5,131,170 3,473,184 3,100,000 2,000,000 600,000 1,555,000 6,100,000 1,500,000 1,139,644 2,250,000 1,634,701 1,590,700 1,200,000 1,343,786 1,122,500 35,000 795,250 850,000 750,000 860,344 691,020 590,985 666,000 520,000 D Spent or Encumbered from OTHER Funds C Variance from Latest Estimate: Under (Over) Project Titles Parking Structure Science Center CAB ADA Complience CAB ELEVATOR DEMO MERRILL HALL OR MODERNIZATION FOR CONT. USE Annex / CAB Swing Space Alisal Campus Center for Advanced Technology CALL Building CAB North Renovation -­‐ First Floor Student Center PE Renovation Project Tech Training-­‐Series B Campus Infrastructure Phase I King City Land Acquisition Equipment Modernization Learning Resource Center (LRC) PA ADA Project NE Landscape Project PE Field House MDF Data Center Keyless Entry-­‐Series B Alisal Campus Parking Lot Pool Renovation Alisal Landscape Project Infrastructure Phase II B Printed 1/8/14 Spent or Encumbered 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A (All numbers rounded to nearest whole dollars) FUNDING SOURCES -­‐ MEASURE H Total bond sales to date Received from bond Refunding Interest Received Net gain (loss) in funds held by Mo Co Treasurer TOTAL FUNDS FROM MEASURE H LATEST Anticipated total Measure H Cost * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FINANCIAL STATUS OF MEASURE H FUNDS ORIGINAL Estimated Measure H Cost Hartnell Measure H Oversight Committee 8,951 36,146,619 19,722,960 1,708,067 7,539,360 6,577,596 5,665,784 3,473,184 3,063,767 594,457 27,799,839 1,139,644 1,634,701 2,079,265 1,343,786 34,327 848,573 860,344 590,985 488,496 23% 1% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 7% 100% 100% 100% 100% FINANCIAL STATUS OF MEASURE H FUNDS Excel: FinTab-­‐H-­‐Rev4.26.12.xls 600,000 600,000 600,000 575,000 511,020 500,000 550,000 320,000 316,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 242,000 225,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 473,015 529,223 325,000 529,914 233,702 25,000 505,313 243,511 113,653 100,624 175,000 223,712 73,716 250,000 165,632 211,575 205,682 173,027 154,535 207,001 91,835 63,140 86,250 100,063 75,000 94,123 59,251 52,176 28,020 38,098 32,446 28,109 Page 2 of 3 473,015 529,223 322,038 529,914 233,702 23,452 505,313 243,511 113,653 100,624 150,454 223,712 73,716 93,525 165,632 211,575 205,682 173,027 154,535 207,001 91,835 63,140 86,250 100,063 73,331 94,123 59,251 52,176 28,020 38,098 32,446 28,109 G 2,962 1,548 24,546 156,475 1,669 473,015 529,223 322,038 529,914 233,702 23,452 505,313 243,511 113,653 100,624 150,454 223,712 73,716 93,525 165,632 211,575 205,682 173,027 154,535 207,001 91,835 63,140 86,250 100,063 73,331 94,123 59,251 52,176 28,020 38,098 32,446 28,109 H I Notes F % Completed LATEST Anticipated total Measure H Cost * Project Titles AHT Relocation CAB Refresh #3 City Sidewalk Phase I Campus Lighting Phase I CAB Refresh #1 Votech Parking Lot CAB Boiler-­‐Chiller CAB Refresh #4 CAB Refresh #2 City Sidewalk Phase II Miscellaneous Construction-­‐Series B Performing Arts -­‐ Theater Seating ADA Accessibility Signage Microwave Tower Tennis Court Restore-­‐Series B Energy Efficient Roof Alisal/Homestead Mmt Sign-­‐Series B Main Campus EIR Planetarium Remodel Campus Lighting Phase II King City Energy Efficient Roof Campus Lighting #2 KC Equipment Modernization Alisal Entrance Sign RHORC Modular -­‐ Series B KC Energy Efficient Roof Merrill Hall Landscape CAB Financial Aid Relocation College Center Skylight Energy Efficiency Cal Works-­‐Series B ORIGINAL Estimated Measure H Cost 9 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 E Total Spent or Encumbered to Date from All Sources (D + F) C D Measure H Funds ONLY Spent or Encumbered from OTHER Funds B 8 Variance from Latest Estimate: Under (Over) A Printed 1/8/14 Spent or Encumbered Hartnell Measure H Oversight Committee 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% FINANCIAL STATUS OF MEASURE H FUNDS COLUMN TOTALS * Includes ALL anjcipated costs, including but not limited to design, DSA, project mgmt, construcjon, conjngencies, tesjng/inspecjon, etc., as most recently adjusted, which will be paid for out of Measure H Funds. Excel: FinTab-­‐H-­‐Rev4.26.12.xls 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 22,131 14,862 28,109 31,520 11,541 23,703 15,765 1,824 5,000 23,271 8,626 1,249,348 15,081 22,131 14,862 28,109 31,520 11,541 23,703 15,765 1,824 1,052 23,271 8,626 303,384 15,081 G 22,131 14,862 28,109 31,520 11,541 23,703 15,765 1,824 1,052 23,271 8,626 303,384 15,081 3,948 945,964 H I Notes F % Completed LATEST Anticipated total Measure H Cost * Project Titles Foundation Swing Space Institutional Advancement Relocation Web Registration Student Services (Counselors, STARR, Transfer Center) PE 134 Conversion Hammer/Discuss Gage MC-­‐Well Pump Upgrade Series B Institutional Research & Planning Relocation Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Demo of Annex & HR Series B Diesel Site Safety Project Program / Project Management Campus Signage-­‐Series B Site Development Contingency ORIGINAL Estimated Measure H Cost 9 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 E Total Spent or Encumbered to Date from All Sources (D + F) C D Measure H Funds ONLY Spent or Encumbered from OTHER Funds B 8 Variance from Latest Estimate: Under (Over) A Printed 1/8/14 Spent or Encumbered Hartnell Measure H Oversight Committee 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% b 137,917,480 107,252,925 29,935,764 STATUS OF MEASURE H BOND BALANCES Total Funds for Measure H Projects -­‐ Total Spent or encumbered -­‐ Estimated but yet unspent or unencumbered = Total funds yet unallocated or budgeted Page 3 of 3 48,063,000 155,315,925 137,850,709 107,252,925 29,935,764 662,020 BOC Meetings 2014 January 15, 2014 April 16, 2014 July 16, 2014 October 15, 2014 November ??, 2014 All meetings will start at 3PM 11/26/13 Location A-105 AC-B-101 A105 A-105 Special Meeting - Audit Review