NEWS President’s Message D

Volume 17, Number 6
March 2013
President’s Message
these winter months some
of you may be relaxing in the sun
and warmth of southern states, others
enjoying the beauty of the snow here
in Michigan, and hopefully many of
you anxiously awaiting the start of
spring classes. As the Board meets
each month and we hear and share the
updates, events, and plans of CALL
and its committees we are reminded of
all the wonderful people involved, the
creative sharing of ideas and resources,
the support we receive from Calvin,
and how true the saying is “that it takes
a village.”
At its February meeting the Board . . .
. . . approved an invitation from
the Midwest Lifelong Learning
Conference for me to attend the April
Conference in Chicago and to present
a paper on the topic, “How your
university can benefit from a senior
adult education program.”
Twenty-five of those are renewals and
128 are new CALL members! We
now have over 1,500 members, thanks
mostly to you, our loyal members,
who promote CALL to your friends.
Our best marketing efforts are “one on
one,” as the old saying goes.
. . . approved the recommendation from
the Community and Service Relations
Committee for three service grants to
help CALL members in their giving,
serving and volunteer work.
. . . learned more about the Summer
Programs plan to include ten classes
and a week of musical concerts. Watch
for more information in future issues
of the CALL News and E-NEWS
announcements and for registration to
begin in early April.
. . . reviewed the terrific offerings
of spring classes and enrollments.
Although several classes are already
filled, there are still many wonderful
learning opportunities open such as
those listed below
. . . was excited to hear about the
. . .heard about the many great trips increased interest in the extended trips
planned by the Member Events that are planned with the Calvin Alumni
committee and learned that you can Association. There is still room on the
now register and pay for Member Event May European Art tour and a few spots
trips online! Check out the Member remain on the Canadian Rockies trip.
Events page on our website to learn Due to such a great demand the Israel
trip will be repeated in March 2014.
more [].
. . . received news that the Noontime You can read more in this Newsletter
Series got off to a great start on January and find out more on our website.
31 and that the terrific line up continues.
. . . learned why the CALL office Check it out on the website. Five of the
has been so busy—we have received six lectures this spring will be streamed
153 memberships since December! live to Raybrook and Breton Woods.
There’s still time to register for
these CALL classes:
13. “Inner Compass”
14. The Beatles
19. Black Literature
21. Investments 101
22. Beautiful Cities
23. Plaster Creek
24. Election Results
29. Hugo Distler
Ray Vander Weele
31. Public Works
32. Eating Lower
33. Digital Culture
36. Browser’s Gateway
37. Cold Case Investigations
39. Five Spanish Films
42. Storm Surges
43. Navaho History
Public Events Committee
Come and travel
the world with us!
Join us for the last
two presentations of
this year’s Passport to
Adventure Film Series.
wonder, learn and explore a variety
of places, landscapes, histories, and
peoples from the comfort of your
auditorium chair. These films are a
great experience for young and old
alike. Invite others to take a trip with
you! Contact the Calvin Box Office
(526-6282) for tickets. A great
travel bargain of only $5/adult, $2/
Henry Baron, Chair
announcer, European tour guide,
art dealer, theatrical producer and
airline pilot, shows stark changes
in the work and in photography.
Highlights of his very personal
memoir include the Taj Mahal, the
Kamakura Buddha, the Pyramids,
the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Berlin
Wall, Machu Picchu, Carnival
in Rio, the Great Wall of China,
Alaskan glaciers, and destinations
as diverse as Hollywood to Hong
Kong, Moscow to Brunei, and
Tokyo to the Amazon.
wildlife refuge areas, and several
national monuments and historical
sites. Social anthropologist and
leads us through Montana on an
adventure that includes an Indian
Pow Wow, tracing the steps of the
Lewis and Clark Expedition, and
meeting present-day immigrant
farmers, sheepherders, Indians,
miners, loggers, artists and ranchers
who live in this sparsely populated
The Feb. 7 Travel Film about
Israel: Stories from the Holy Land
with Sandy Mortimer, which was
canceled on Thursday, Feb. 7,
because of the snowstorm, has
been rescheduled for Saturday,
May 4, at 2 p.m. in the Covenant
Fine Arts Center. Your ticket(s) for
that show will be honored. Please
contact Carol Rienstra (526-6175)
if you have questions or concerns.
Thursday, Mar. 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Around the World - One Man’s
Journey with Doug Jones
Through this retrospective of forty
years of travel on six continents
and in 60 countries, Doug Jones,
professional entertainer, radio
Monday, April 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Majestic Montana
with Steve Gonser
The fourth largest state in the
U.S. contains two national parks,
ten national forests, seven Indian
reservations, more than 40 state
parks, nearly a dozen wilderness
areas, more than fifteen national
(and dozens of state-owned)
Noontime Series
Spring 2013
Mark your calendars
now and plan to join
us for the Spring
Noontime Series of
engaging, timely, and
entertaining lectures
and a concert. For full descriptions
of these lectures check the CALL
website and upcoming issues of the
CALL News.
privately and taught full-time in award-winning memoir You Don’t
medical schools.
Look Like Anyone I Know, and talks
Wednesday, March 13: Dutch about the new developments in face
Hunger in WWII: Effects of blindness research.
Adulthood: Physical, Mental and
Cognitive Health Results from the
Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study
presented by Julie Yonker
Heather is a professor of English at
Hope College in Holland, Michigan,
where she teaches poetry, fiction,
and creative non-fiction. She was
awarded an NEA Fellowship for
Thursday, March 28: I Don’t
Thursday, February 28: Health Know Who You Are: The Problem Thursday, April 11: Care :A Perspective from the of Face Blindness” presented by Calvin College Women’s Chorale
The Calvin Women’s Chorale is an
Trenches” presented by David Van Heather Sellers
Imagine hugging a stranger because honor choir, open by audition to
The United States has a health care you mistook him for your boyfriend. female students from every class
“system” in need of change. Change Or not knowing if you’re looking at and discipline. Founded in 2001
will be a challenge for physicians Brad Pitt or Winston Churchill in a by Dr. Pearl Shangkuan, they have
and health care consumers. photo. Or not being able to identify performed at festivals throughout
There are no pain-free solutions. your students outside the classroom. Michigan. In 2011 the Calvin
David Van Dyke will share his Sellers tells the painful story of her Women’s Chorale released its
presentation from the perspective rare condition called prosopagnosia, second recording, Celebremus.
of a physician who has practiced gives a short reading from her
Member Events Committee
Don and Shirley Lautenbach, Co-Chairs
If you have questions regarding events call Shirley at 698-9244, or for Tigers game call Don at 698-9244
Wednesday, March 20
Easter Luncheon.
CALL members and their friends are
invited to an Easter luncheon of praise
and worship. John and Gwen Varineau
will present “He Hath Turned Our Sorrow
into Joy.” this special program will present
music in the spirit of Good Tidings and
Easter. The luncheon will be in the Calvin
Commons Lecture Hall. Cost - $16.00
Saturday, April 20 ”The Great
Divorce” - C.S Lewis.
CALL members and friends enjoy the
best of C.S. Lewis. Steve Vander Weele,
retired Calvin professor, will share his
thoughts on C.S. Lewis. He will introduce
us to “The Great Divorce” and will tell us
the story line and what specifically to look
for in “The Great Divorce.” After lunch
we will go to the Master Arts Theater for
the performance of “The Great Divorce.”
Time. - 11:30 am
We will drive on our own to the Master
Arts Theater.
Cost - $30.00. -includes speaker, lunch
and the play. Reservations must be in by
April 1.
Thursday, April 25, Nappanee and
Amish Acres Laugh your way through “ Church
Basement Ladies” sequel at the Amish
Acres Round Barn Theater. We will also
visit the Nappanee Center and view the
special exhibit about the railroads and
their importance to the community. We
will visit the Coppes Commons -
delightful little stores.
We will complete our day with dinner at
the Mullets -the home of an Amish family.
Cost $89. Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10
Chicago and More -
Our day in Chicago will begin with the
Chicago Grand guided tour - the ultimate
tour of the city of Chicago. This is a
comprehensive tour of much of what
Chicago has to offer in both the North
and South side business and residential
districts. On this tour we will visit the
beautiful parks, Lincoln Park, Washington
Park, grants Park and we will tour virtually
the entire length of the outer drive.
After settling in at the Hilton Gardens we
will have dinner at the Drury Lane Dinner
theater. After dinner we will see the
ageless, timeless and matchless musical
“Oliver.”. Oliver is the very successful
British musical based on the novel by
Charles Dickens.
On Friday we will have guided tours of
the Hemingway Birthplace and the Frank
Lloyd Wright home and studio. We will
also see several homes in the area that he
designed. We will enjoy dinner together
on the way home.
Cost is $249 per person. (double
occupancy.). Cost includes motor coach,
rolls and coffee, Grand Chicago tour,
dinner and theater, hotel, breakfast and
the Hemingway and Frank Lloyd Wright
guided tours and dinner.
Tuesday, May 7. Purdue Men’s
Varsity Glee Club.
Trip filled. Short waiting list.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
June 11, 12 and 13 Lincoln Legacy
trip. - Springfield, IL
Due to many requests, your Member
Events team has scheduled another trip
to Lincoln land. Those who have gone
previously have been very enthusiastic
about the trip and its value. The comments
include statements like “this is a trip
every American citizen should take.”. The
places we visit are:
Lincoln Museum, Lincoln tomb, New
Salem Village, “Old” Capital Building,
Lincoln’s Law Office and the church the
Lincoln family attended.
This trip is open to CALL members and
their friends.
Cost - $340 (double occupancy) Send
in your reservation with a $50 deposit.
Balance due May 1.
Questions - call Don - 698-9244 or cell
Thursday, July 11, Detroit Tigers
and the Chicago White Sox ball
These two teams battle each year as
rivals in the Central Division of the
American League. This event is open
to CALL members and their friends and
grandchildren. Coffee and rolls on the
way to the stadium, pop and hot dog at
the stadium, admission to the game and
dinner on the way home.
Cost - $82.00
If you have
an interest
for 2014,
leave your
name and contact information with the
alumni office at 526-6142 or
North European Art Tour led by Henry
Luttikhuizen, is postponed until 2014
for further planning. More information
concerning this tour will be forthcoming.
Grou est
Interest Group
Bill Sweetman will be
leading our birding interest
group again this spring. The dates he
has planned are Tuesdays, March 19 and
26, April 30, and May 7, 14 and 21. An
exact meeting time and location has not
yet been decided.
Keep checking the CALL website (www. and watch the CALL
e-news and CALL News for current
updates. You may also send your name
The Canadian Rockies (Sept. 21-30,
This tour is almost full. Contact Witte
Travel immediately if you are interested
in this tour.
Join CALL travel expert John Apol for
a look at the grandeur of the Canadian
Rockies. See Calgary, Banff, Takakkaw
Falls, the Columbia Ice Fields, Jasper
and Edmonton. Many breathtaking sights
and contact information to Lisa at the
CALL office if you would like to be
added to the Birding Interest group list.
Knitting Interest Group
The CALL knitting interest group meets
on Wednesdays, January 30-May 8,
from 2 - 4 PM in the De Vos Center
room 160 (east side of the Beltline, next
to the Prince Conference Center). All
knitting levels are welcome. If you have
questions, please contact Diane Vander
Pol at, 940-2955 or
Diane Noorman at:, or 942-0046
John Apol, Chair
to behold! See:
travel/2013/canadian for details.
CALLNews is published monthly except for August
and January. It is sent to CALL members and
posted on the CALL website
Announcements should be submitted by the first
Friday of the month for the following month’s
CALLNews to or to (Gordon Kamps, Editor)
Brass Ensemble Interest Group
If you are interested in learning more about
the joining the CALL Brass Ensemble please
contact Roger Griffioen (
or 452-3328)
Extended Trips Committee