Eliminating Wordiness from your Writing at the present time in the present circumstances at this point in time at this moment in this day and age Use now or today at that point in time in those days in that period Use then. in many cases in some cases in exceptional cases in most cases consider as, consider as being I consider study as being necessary to success. despite the fact that regardless of the fact that Use often. Use sometimes. Use rarely. Use most. Use: I consider study necessary to success. Use although. due to the fact that Use because. for the purpose of by virtue of the fact that the reason is because in a position to, in order to Use can. in the area of Use near or in. in the event that Use if with a verb. in the event of in case of In the event that fire breaks out, leave the files behind. If fire breaks out, leave the files behind in terms of [Revise out of your prose.] The new curriculum was designed in terms of student needs and faculty ability. The new curriculum considers both student needs and faculty ability. The new curriculum was designed to match faculty ability with student needs in the final analysis in no uncertain terms in the nature of things of that nature refer back He is of a complex character. Use finally, or drop the phrase entirely. Drop the phrase, or use firmly or clearly. Use like or things like that. Use only refer. Use: He is complex. She is of a generous nature. The car was of a green color. The weather conditions are bad. Traffic conditions are congested. Use: She is generous. Use: The car was green. Use: The weather is bad. Use: Traffic is congested. Eliminate redundancies: Redundant advance forward continue on completely eliminate refer back repeat again combine together circle around close proximity few in number cheaper in cost disappear from view past history important essentials WORDY Direct advance continue eliminate refer repeat combine circle close few cheaper, less costly disappear history, the past essentials REVISED Daniel is now employed at a private rehabilitation center working as a registered physical therapist. Daniel works at a private rehabilitation center as a registered physical therapist. WORDY REVISED My father has been working at the engineering office for fifteen years now. My father works at an engineering office. WORDY REVISED Our goal was to try to be able to help the families in their recovery from hurricane Floyd. Our goal was to help the families recover from hurricane Floyd. EXPLETIVES (there is, there are, it is, it was, etc.) frequently add unnecessary words and weaken the emphasis on a sentence’s true subject. Your sentence may be more effective if you begin with the true subject. In other instances, a oneword modifier may convey meaning more economically. (See page 3 of the Hacker handbook.) WORDY REVISED There were fourteen people in attendance at the meeting. Fourteen people attended the meeting. WORDY REVISED It is apparent that the committee members cannot agree. Apparently, the committee members cannot agree. WORDY REVISED It will be a pretty day tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a pretty day. Nominals are nouns created by adding suffixes to verbs: establishment, completion, deliverance. While using nominals in your writing is not wrong, these words tend to make writing ponderous and slow-moving. The reasons is that the verb, the word that conveys action in the sentence, has been transformed into a noun, an object. WORDY REVISED Strict enforcement of the speed limit by the police will cause a reduction in traffic fatalities. If the police strictly enforce the speed limit, traffic fatalities will be reduced.