Jubilee Fellows Internship Evaluation

Jubilee Fellows Internship Evaluation
Student Name:
Supervisor Name:
Church Name:
Instructions: Reflect on your experience working with the student to complete the following evaluation. After each
section there is space for more detailed comments and observations, which are appreciated. Please review this
evaluation with the student before submitting the completed evaluation to Kary Bosma, either by emailing it or sending
it in the mail.
Use this rating key for the following evaluation (place an “x” in the appropriate column):
Exceptional: Consistently goes beyond what is required
Competent: Regularly meets expectations
Growing: Actively improving in areas of weakness
Needs improvement: Performs tasks poorly or requires excessive supervision
Not observed: Not required or applicable
Personal and Spiritual Character
Regular practice of spiritual disciplines (scripture
reading, prayer, meditation, etc.)
Expresses love by speaking kindly, showing
hospitality, or expressing sympathy
Serves without undue regard for personal gain
Is teachable and submits graciously to those in
authority in the church and community
Communicates honestly in relationships/situations
and honors commitments
Affirms others by listening, honoring decisions,
delegating and celebrating others’ achievements
Has open heart and mind to those of different
ethnicities or to those who are physically,
emotionally, or mentally disabled or challenged
Leads with confidence, flexibility, and respect for
others in large and small groups
Manages multiple tasks with a good sense of
Maintains confidentiality in pastoral work
Shows wisdom and good judgment in personal and
professional conduct and decision-making
Handles and expresses emotions in an
appropriately balanced and constructive way
Comments or other observations about the student’s personal character:
Professional Skills for Ministry in the areas of Worship, Pastoral Care, Administration, Evangelism and Teaching
Plans worship that is biblical and appropriate to
the life of the congregation
Leads portions of the service effectively, with
confidence and conviction
Listens carefully and effectively in pastoral care and
other situations
Able to relate to a wide range of people (various
ages, abilities, cultures) in a variety of situations
Demonstrates the ability to organize/manage
personal and professional work productively
Observed and participated appropriately in a
variety of meetings
Demonstrated an ability to take initiative and/or
Confident and enthusiastic about sharing their faith
The student’s desire to reach lost people was
Demonstrated the desire and ability to disciple a
person or group in the Christian faith
Teachings or lessons are well-structured and easy
to follow
Comments or other observations about the student’s professional skills:
Theological reflection and growth
What capacity has the student demonstrated to do theological reflection, i.e., to integrate their faith with the practice of
Readiness for Ministry
Did the student demonstrate a readiness for ministry appropriate to the level of their training and the responsibilities of
this assignment? Why or why not?
Comment on the student’s sense of calling. What advice would you give him/her for future training for ministry or
service in God’s kingdom?
Please conclude your report with a summary statement of your assessment of the student’s specific gifts/abilities for
ministry. Also, mention any factors that may hinder their future ministry.
Internship Mentor