January 2016
4233 Central Parkway East, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1M7
(905) 275-0509
Mississauga East
Family of Schools
M.J. Vowles
D. Giansante
Dear Lord,
Give us the kindness to hear with compassion, to offer support, loving comfort
and care.
Catholic School
Council Chair/Vice Chair:
E. Gomes
A. Costa
Give us the courage to do what is needed, the wisdom to choose what is right and
most fair.
G. Predko
C. DaSilva
Give us the faith that we will pave the way for a present that’s hopeful, a
future that’s peaceful.
Give us the vision to see what is possible.
Give us the hearing to bring joy to each day.
T. Lariviere
Trustee/Past Chairman:
A. Abbruscato
(905) 890-0708
Ext. 24239
(416) 459-0126
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
4070 Central Parkway East
Miss., ON L4Z 1T6
(905) 273-6630
Parish Pastor:
Fr. Sol Paranas
The Virtue for the
Month of January is…
Self-Control/Decision Making
Elementary: God wants us to do what we know and feel is right.
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations, a person with self-control...
Has a positive, confident sense of self and others
Adapts to situations in light of the common good
Thinks reflectively to solve problems
Applies effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving & resource
management skills
Reflects on personal values, abilities and aspirations
Participates in leisure and fitness activities for a balanced and healthy lifestyle
Like a city breached, without walls, is one who lacks self-control. (Prov. 25:28)
Associate Pastor:
Fr. Charles Ogugbuaja
M. Morta
Visit our Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/CGARN
A Christmas Thank You
Principal’s Message
Mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Thank you to all the families who donated gifts for the Angel
on the Tree and supported the food drive. Your generosity
was truly appreciated.
Give a soft answer.
Share a treasure.
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Find the time.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgive an enemy.
Apologize if you are wrong.
Try to understand.
Be gentle.
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration
Laugh a little.
Laugh a little more.
Examine your demands on others.
Express your gratitude.
Gladden the heart of a child.
Have faith.
Take pleasure in the beauty of the earth.
Remember to be kind to one another.
Speak your love.
Speak God’s LOVE!
Wishing you peace and happiness in 2016
M.J. Vowles
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school
year will take place at St. Charles Garnier School on the
following days:
Monday, January 25, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
* Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board offers the fullday Kindergarten program in all 123 Catholic elementary
schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and
Orangeville. Parents/guardians are to register their child in
person at their designated Catholic school.
For more information about registration and the Full-Day
Kindergarten program, please contact the Planning Department
at 905-890-0708 ext.24440.
French Immersion Online Registration
January 11 – February 14 Online registration will be open
from January 11 to February 14. Should the number of
applications exceed the number of spaces available, a
centralized, computer-generated lottery will be held following
the deadline. For more information: http://www.dpcdsb.org/
Dress For The Cold
Please ensure that your child comes to
school prepared to go outside for recess and
lunch hour breaks. It is the expectation that
each child comes dressed appropriately to
go outside to enjoy the weather and get some fresh air and
exercise. Appropriate outdoor winter dress for Canada
includes a winter jacket, hat, mitts (much warmer than
gloves), boots, a neck warmer (scarves can get caught and
could cause choking) and waterproof pants. If your child is
prone to getting wet during recess, please send a change of
clothes, especially socks, running shoes and sweat pants,
labelled with your child’s name.
School Footwear
Public Information Meetings for the 2016-17 Extended
French Program
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will hold a
series of public information meetings in Mississauga,
Brampton, Bolton and Orangeville for parents and guardians
interested in enrolling their children in the board’s Extended
French program for the 2016-2017 school year. The
information sessions are intended to provide parents and
guardians with an overview of our Extended French program,
the criteria for admittance, and changes that can be expected
from the regular program. The sessions are scheduled for
January 12, 13 and 14, 2016. A schedule of dates and
locations is posted on the board website. For more
information, please contact your local Extended French school
or the Program Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24332.
Please ensure that your child brings a pair of indoor shoes to
school. Please label the shoes with your child’s name.
Sandals, flip-flops and slippers do not protect
your child’s feet and toes adequately.
Running shoes are safe and can also be used
for gym. Please ensure that shoes have nonmarking soles. We appreciate your continued
Winter Safety
Winter is upon us. Please remind your child
about snow safety. Children must stay off snow
banks and ice patches. We also ask you to
reinforce the dangers of pushing
others on snow and ice. Snow MUST stay on
the ground. It must not be thrown or kicked at
any time. Following these safety rules can help
prevent someone from getting seriously hurt.
Rough Play
Report Card and Parent /Student/Teacher Interviews
The first formal report card will be going home on Tuesday,
February 2nd. Interviews will be held the evening of
Thursday, February 4th. Notes will be coming home shortly.
Please be sure to book an interview time. Teachers hope to
meet with ALL parents at this interview time.
While outside during recess students sometimes find
themselves engaging in inappropriate activities that involve
rough play. Pushing, shoving, tackling, play fighting and
wrestling are all unacceptable activities that compromise
student safety. Please reinforce with your children the
inherent dangers of rough play, even when the intent is fun.
Come to school with a packed lunch…
Making lunches as a family in the evening or
morning is a great way to chat about your
child’s school day. Your child should come to
school each day with lunch and snacks. On the
RARE occasion when you have to drop off your
child’s lunch, please place the lunch on the
table in the foyer labeled with your child’s
name and teacher. Lunches should be dropped off before
11:40 a.m. This allows students enough time to eat their
lunch and get dressed for recess.
Student Information
It is most important that we have upto-date records of your address,
phone numbers and emergency
contacts in the event that the school
must contact you regarding your
child. If there has been any changes,
please ensure that we have your most current information.
Please make every effort to communicate with our office of
any changes that have occurred.
Punctuality and Attendance/School Yard Safety
School starts at 8:45 a.m. sharp. One of the most important
lessons a parent must teach any child is punctuality. It is a
primary first step in self-discipline. Far too many children,
especially in the primary grades are arriving late for school.
As well regular attendance at school is critical for learning and
achievement of ministry expectations.
Students who
habitually miss class or arrive late will notice the direct impact
on their marks and in the evaluation process because their
participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed. Instill
that sense of responsibility by enforcing good routines.
Students who arrive late interrupt the
learning of others as well as
themselves. If students aim to arrive
between 8:30 a.m. and 8:35 a.m. they
will always be ready to enter with their
class at 8:45 a.m.
Please… inform the School Office of your child’s absence…
Our Safe Arrival program ensures that all students are present
or accounted for. It is the responsibility of the parent to
report their child’s absence to the school office. On the
occasion when your child will be absent from school, or late,
please inform the school office by leaving a detailed
message (including first and last name and reason for
absence) on our 24 hour answering system.
Front Door Entry System
This is an additional reminder that all school
doors are locked for everyone’s safety.
Visitors, parents and students must ring the
bell and identify themselves before entry is
permitted. During morning announcements
and prayers we refrain from answering the
doorbell in reverence to our prayer time with God. We thank
you for your patience and understanding and assure you that
we will attend to the door as soon as possible. As well, please
note that there is very limited access to the school over the
lunch hour, from 11:45 to 12:45. Please be sure to include a
note in your child’s agenda if they are going to be picked up
during the school day.
Student Accident Insurance
With all the activities that take place at
school in the playground, the gym and in
sports, accidents happen. Dental injuries or
broken glasses can occur when 2 children
accidentally bump heads or fall. The school
board does not carry accident insurance for
students. Outdoor activities, extra-curricular
excursions and winter snow/ice conditions
are additional reasons you may wish to buy student accident
insurance. An insurance package was sent home with your
child(ren) in September. Packages are still available from the
office if you are interested in purchasing this optional
Cold and Flu Season
Please use discretion in keeping your children home to
recover if they are ill. A child who is coughing, wheezing, etc.
is not in a state to learn and will only infect
others. If a student is sent to school, it is
assumed that they will participate in all
aspect of the school day, including outdoor
recess. We do not provide individual indoor
supervision. We also remind parents to dress
students for our weather conditions in
Canada. We will be having outdoor recess,
weather permitting, as much as possible. At
all times, we follow the Board guidelines for inclement
weather. The students enjoy going out, especially if they
have their snowsuits, boots, hats and mittens.
A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any
medication to school. This includes prescription and nonprescription medication.
As per Board protocol, all
medication must be stored in the office, accompanied by
appropriate paperwork and doctor signature. Please note
that this includes Advil cough medication, cough drops, etc.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. As always,
we care about the safety of all our students.
Weather Conditions and Bus Cancellations
During the winter months, inclement
weather and/or poor road conditions
may cause the disruption of bus
transportation and regular school
operations. In these cases, parents/
guardians should develop alternate
care/transportation arrangements.
A decision to cancel bus transportation
and/or to close schools is made by 6:00
a.m. Decisions are based on several
factors including precipitation, air
temperature and road conditions. A decision to cancel bus
transportation may be system wide (where all buses in
Dufferin County and the Region of Peel are cancelled) or
municipality specific (where buses in one or more
municipalities are cancelled).
If buses are cancelled in the morning, they WILL NOT
operate in the afternoon. Therefore students transported to
school by parents require the same transportation home.
Students and school staff are asked to monitor the radio/
television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation/
school closure information. Please see December newsletter
for specifics.
Parent Workshop
January 27 : Supporting Diverse Learners With Math At
Home Transitions Years: Grades 7-9
On January 27, through a Ministry of Education funded P.R.O.
grant, the Dufferin-Peel Special Education Advisory
Committee (S.E.A.C.) is inviting parents and guardians of
intermediate students with diverse learning needs to attend a
Parent Engagement Workshop with a focus on supporting
math development at home.
The session “Supporting Diverse Learners With Math At
Home Transition Years: Grades 7 -9” is a free event that will
offer a hands-on opportunity to explore mathematics through
math tools and online supports.
The event will take place in room 301 at the Catholic
Education Centre, 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga
from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
A light dinner will be served. RSVP via email or by phone to
Grace Williamson at grace.williamson@dpcdsb.org or
905-890-0708 ext. 24005 by January 6, 2016. For more
information please contact Tammie Cameron at
P.A. Day /Interviews/Family Day
The P.A. day this term is Monday, January 18, 2016. This date
has been set aside for teachers to write report cards. If you
need to call the school on these days, please feel free to leave
a message on our answering machine and your call will be
returned as soon as possible.
Parent teacher interview date is
scheduled for Friday, February 5,
The next scheduled holiday is Family Day on Monday
February 15th. School is closed this day as well.
Catholic School Council
The next St. Charles Garnier School
Council meeting will be held on Thursday,
January 14, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the
school staff room.
All parents are
Student Lunch Monitors Needed
We require one permanent Student
Monitor to cover at lunch time. If you
interested, please contact the school
office for more details.
Religious Education and Faith Formation Team.
January 28 :Nurturing a Lifelong Relationship with God
and Preparing your Child with Differing Abilities for the
Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion
and Confirmation
On January 28, The Dufferin-Peel Special Education Advisory
Committee [SEAC] cordially invites families to an interactive
evening with the Religious Education and Faith Formation
The evening, presented with funding from the Ministry of
Education’s Parent Reaching Out (P.R.O.) Grant will provide
families with the opportunity to explore the Adaptive Kits that
are used in our schools and to explore how to nurture a
lifelong relationship with God.
This event will take place in room 301 at the Catholic
Education Centre, 40 Matheson Blvd West, Mississauga from
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A light dinner will be served. Please RSVP via email or by
phone to Maryann DiAdamo
at maryann.diadamo@dpcdsb.org or 905-890-0708 ext.
24411 by January 15, 2016. For more information, contact
Jacqui Toste, Academic Consultant for Students with Diverse
Learning Needs at jacqueline.toste@dpcdsb.org or 905-8900708 ext. 24021.