ST. BRIGID CATHOLIC SCHOOL “Live L.Papaloni…........Superintendent 905-890-1221 A. DaSilva…. ………..…Trustee 416 -709 -5679 V. Pugliese ……………Principal C. Bianchi ……….........Secretary L. Clark ... School Council Chair PARISH St. Jerome 8530 Chinguacousy Road Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5G4 Tel: 905-455-4260 Fax: 905-450-6326 Pastor Fr. J. Kolodynski School Hours Start: Recess: Lunch: Recess : Dismissal: 8:50 11:00 – 11:15 11:55 – 12:55 2:20 – 2:35 3:20 Love Learn Light” Immaculate Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our devotion and love. O most loving Virgin Mary, never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we turn to you, O Mother of mothers, our Mother. To you we come, before you we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, do not despise our petitions, but in your mercy hear us and answer us. Amen. Message from the Principal We are now well into the spring season. The long winter is over and the days are growing warmer. Birds have returned from the south and there is a sense of awakening all around us. We have entered into May. May, the month we celebrate all mothers. Since the 13th century, the Catholic Church has dedicated the month of May to the honour of Mary. It is a time of special prayer and devotion to the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of Jesus. In Mary, we are provided with a model of grace, modesty and devotion to God. She is an example of the complete acceptance of God’s will. Her faith never wavered throughout Jesus' life, even while watching Him die on the cross when most of the Apostles ran away. May provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of Mary in the life of the Church and in how we are called to give God a response of faithfulness and stewardship in our own daily lives. We do not worship Mary, we worship God. When we honour Mary we are honouring God, by remembering the role of Mary in the beginning of our salvation. Devotion to Mary always leads to Jesus Christ! In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, we take time this month to pray the rosary, to pray some of the beautiful Marian prayers, to ask Mary to intercede on our behalf and to spend a little time in her company. Sacraments First Communion First Communion for grade 2 students at St. Brigid School will take place on Sunday, May 11th at 12:00 pm at St. Jerome Church. Confirmation Confirmation for grade 8 students at St. Brigid School will take place on Friday June 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Jerome Church. These are important steps in the spiritual lives of our students. We ask that you keep them in your prayers. If you have any questions regarding your child’s sacraments, please contact the church office at (905) 455-4260. EASTER MASS Father Jan will be celebrating our Easter Mass on Thursday May 8th in the school gymnasium, at 9:30 a.m. As always, parents and family members are most welcome to join us in this Eucharistic Celebration. Virtue of the Month Acceptance In May, we celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two people are exactly alike. We may share biological families or national identity or cultural and ethnic identity but we are all very unique and distinct creations. God breaks the mould every time! It can also be a challenging fact of life if it makes us afraid. Sometimes differences are scary—especially if we haven’t learned about or don’t understand how people are different. The virtue of acceptance describes our ability to look at the attitudes and actions of those around us and then just stop and consider without judging them. The virtue of acceptance means that we look beyond what we see - a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and see a person created and loved by God. It’s especially important for us to stop and think if what we are made uncomfortable by seeing or hearing others act differently then we might choose to act. An accepting person… Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability Sees the positive traits in all people even if s/he disagrees with them Avoids judging or stereotyping others Understands that there may be more than one way to do things Sticks up for the “underdog” OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE: Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week. This year’s celebration entitled Catholic Education: Serving in the love of Christ, is the week of May 4 – 10. The five sub-themes this year are: Serve with faithfulness Serve with humility Serve with compassion Serve with justice Serve with joy. During this week the Catholic community celebrates the unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our Province. Catholic Education Week is a welcome opportunity to celebrate the mission of our Catholic schools as they strive to integrate the Gospel values of Jesus in every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum. Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our community, to participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic Education Week 2014 in our schools. What has been the history of Catholic education in the Dufferin-Peel Region? Catholic schools were fundamental in the early development of our region. With the support of local parishes, bishops and parents, Catholic schools were formed as an expression of a world view differing from other schools. In 1837 in Mono Township (Dufferin County), a school was dedicated and housed at St. Cyprian Church. Later, a log church housed a local Catholic school at St. Patrick’s in Melanchthon Township. In 1864, the first formal Catholic school was developed in Melanchthon Township. In Peel, Catholic schools were formed well before confederation as an expression of the Catholic communities developing in our region. A more detailed history of our Catholic education in our region can be found in the book entitled Catholic Education in Dufferin-Peel – A Story Worth Telling. What is the current number of Catholic schools in DufferinPeel? While Dufferin-Peel continues to grow throughout the region, our population as of 2009 was 87,000 students, with an additional 43,000 adult continuing education learners. Our board has 261,645 Roman Catholic electors and today, the board operates 148 schools, 26 secondary school and 122 elementary schools. Our board supports 38 Catholic parishes in our region. As an employer we have over 10,000 employees and Dufferin-Peel operates 1,406 buses per day in the region to transport students to and from school. From: An Historical Understanding of Key Issues Related to Catholic Education, March 2009 E.Q.A.O. Testing -- Grades Three and Six A reminder that this year the EQAO assessment for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will run from May 26th to June 5th. We ask that parents of students in these grades ensure that their children are in attendance during these weeks. Visit DPCDSB on the web for Board and School profiles SCHOOL WEBSITE Check out our school web site. Access the site through the School Board’s website at Quebec City Trip Attention tout le monde! The French language lives in Québec City! From May 12th to 15th, 2014 the intermediate students will take a trip to this historic city (the second oldest city in North America). Students will be enjoying numerous activities such as; a trip to Montmorency Falls, a tour of Old Quebec and mass at Ste. Anne de Beaupre Church. This trip will not only help our students understand that French is a wonderful way to learn about our neighbours, but as well, provide an opportunity to learn about our history and experience the Québécois culture. We wish them a safe and fun filled trip. ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION 905-454-0316 PRESS 1 St. Brigid Catholic School Council News Our next Catholic School Council meeting has been scheduled for Monday May 26th at 7:00 p.m. All parents are welcome to attend. Please come out to help make St. Brigid School the very best it can be for all the children. Fun Fit Family Night Our Catholic School Council would like to invite parents and students to our first Fun Fit Family Night on Tuesday May 6th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Parents and students will be participating in karate and hip hop activities. Healthy snacks will also be available. Please join us and let’s all get fit together. St. Brigid Evening at Swiss Chalet Please join us on Wednesday May 28th at the Swiss Chalet, located at 2 County Ct Blvd, Brampton, for our third annual St. Brigid Evening at Swiss Chalet. Please note that is a different location from last year’s event. St. Brigid staff will be serving the public between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. and 10% of all St. Brigid sales will be returned to our School. Last year’s event was a great success with teachers, students and parents all having a wonderful time. Front Foyer Renovation We are in the process of renovating our front foyer. We are planning on placing a stone/glass mosaic of the Risen Christ on the wall facing the front doors. As this is a major endeavour, we will be asking for community/parent donations to help with the costs of creating the mosaic. We are looking to raise between 5,000 and 7,000 dollars. Please note that all money raised will be used for the mosaic. We would like to thank our Catholic School Council for their most generous donation. A Charitable Donation receipt will be issued by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board for donations of $ 25.00 and over. Get your Newsletter Delivered Right to Your Inbox We’re going to do our bit to help the environment right here at St. Brigid School! We’d like to drastically reduce the amount of paper we use in the form of monthly newsletters and other notices. We’re in the process of making it possible for all of our families to be part of a direct email notification system. Not only will you be able to receive your monthly newsletters in a timely fashion but you’ll be able to receive notification of other important notices as well (e.g., public health notices). Once you sign up we’ll stop distributing hard copies of newsletters and notices to your child(ren). And as an added bonus, you’ll never have to go hunting for a newsletter or information again…it’ll be a few short mouse clicks away! Please complete the following information and return it to your child’s teacher: Family Name: _________________________ Name(s) of Child(ren) and Teacher: Yes, I wish to receive direct email notification of newsletters and other notices from the school. Email address: _________________________ Victoria Day Just a reminder that Monday, May 19th is Victoria Day. This is a holiday and therefore the school will be closed. We wish all our students and their families a safe and relaxing long weekend. _________________________ (please print neatly) No, I do not wish to receive paper copies of newsletters and other notices from the school. History is Made! On Sunday April 27th an estimated 80,000 people crowded into St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to witness a historic moment, the canonization of two twentieth century popes – Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. Both popes changed the face of the Catholic Church and the world. Pope John XXIII was pope from 28 October 1958 to his death in 1963. He was one of the most popular popes of all time. His gentleness and his simple style earned him the title “Good Pope John.” Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, which addressed relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world. The Second Vatican Council changed the face of the Catholic Church by allowing mass to be celebrated in local languages rather than Latin and encouraged greater dialogue with people of other faiths. Pope John Paul II was born in Poland in 1920. He was Pope from 16 October 1978 to his death in 2005. Pope John Paul II was the second longest-serving pope in modern history and was the first non-Italian since Pope Adrian VI, who died in 1523. He travelled the globe (129 countries) spreading the Catholic faith to people of all nations. He significantly improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Church. Pope John Paul II was seen as the key figure in the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and was an avid supporter of the family. With Pope Francis, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI and other cardinals concelebrate the sainthood ceremony, setting the stage for an unprecedented occurrence of two living popes canonizing two of their predecessors. During his homily Pope Francis stated, “They were priests, bishops and popes of the 20th century. They lived through the tragic events of that century, but they were not overwhelmed by them.” End of the Year Mass The St. Brigid community will celebrate our End of the Year Mass on Friday June 20th, at St. Jerome Church. The entire St. Brigid student population will travel to St. Jerome Church to celebrate the Eucharist with Father Jan. Mass will begin at 10 a.m. We are looking forward to seeing many of our community parents, as we come together to give thanks to God. Go to for daily bus cancellations or delays. Flexible Boundary Policy Many students attend St. Brigid School under the “Flexible Boundary policy”. This offers convenience for many parents who access daycare in the area. Parents who have requested flexible boundary admittance for their children must be aware that the policy will be considered on a student-by-student, yearto-year basis taking into account the class size of the students who are enrolling and the resources available at the school. While we offer support to all of our students, please understand that the availability of the flexible boundary policy should never negatively impact on the class size and school resources. Parents requesting flex boundaries are asked to do so in writing. Please feel free to call the school if you have any questions regarding this policy. Are You Moving? We are in the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2014/2015 school year. If you are planning to move anytime between now and September 2014, please inform the school at your earliest possible convenience. Bullying Prevention Corner The bullying prevention message for May is “Bullying is not a normal part of growing up.” We need to dispel the myth that bullying is just a normal part of growing up and understand why it happens. Bullying is a relationship problem - it is about a sense of entitlement, power and control. Using bullying behaviours is not something we outgrow but rather adopt as a way of interacting with others throughout our lifespan. Childhood bullying may evolve into dating violence, gang activity, assault, sexual harassment, workplace harassment, marital violence, child abuse and elder abuse (Peplar). Research demonstrates that by age 24, 60% of identified bullies have criminal records (Olweus). Learning how to effectively deal with feelings of anger and finding positive ways to feel powerful are proactive steps to changing or preventing the use of bullying behaviours. We don’t tend to bully those we consider worthy. In turn, when someone is bullying others we must remember to value that person while helping them deal with their bullying behaviour. Tips for parents: Learn to recognize warning signs that your child may be involved in bullying others. Role model appropriate anger management strategies and effective apologies for and with your children. Don’t label children; deal with the problem behaviours while maintaining a child’s sense of worth. Welcome to Kindergarten All new junior kindergarten students that will be attending St. Brigid School in September are invited to join us (along with their parents) in our Welcome to Kindergarten evening, on Wednesday May 7th, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Welcome to Kindergarten is an orientation program, where families participate in activities that will help junior kindergarten students prepare for school. Please note that activities are only for our new Junior Kindergarten students. Public Speaking: Here at St. Brigid School we have a long tradition of excellence in public speaking. This year, our annual Public Speaking Contests will be held during Education Week. Our Intermediate contest will be held on Tuesday May 6th, and our Junior contest on Friday May 9 th. Both presentations shall commence at 9:15 a.m. in the gymnasium. Please join us for both competitions; you will undoubtedly be both entertained and informed by our young speakers! Chess Tournament On Friday April 25th, St. Brigid sent a primary, junior and intermediate chess team to the Mississauga Brampton Family of Schools Chess Tournament, held at St. Gertrude School. Our teams represented our school admirably demonstrating great skill, team sportsmanship and exemplary behaviour. Congratulations to the team members. Thank you to the parents who helped transport our students and to Mrs. Finaldi and Ms. da Costa for coaching the team. Twitter DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. Safety Notice Please note that children playing in and around storm sewers and watercourses, entering storm sewers through the outfalls, and entering storm sewers through access covers is dangerous and can lead to a fatality. Children should be made aware that: Water flows in storm sewers and watercourses are unpredictable and may change quickly Tragic falls could take place Access is restricted and therefore, rescue attempts are dangerous. Parents are asked to remind their children to avoid all storm sewers and watercourses. Safety Drills Throughout the year, students and staff participate in fire and lockdown practices. During these drills students are instructed on specific procedures to follow. Fire and Lockdown practices ensure that students are aware of procedures should an actual emergency occur. These drills help to ensure the safety of all students, staff, parents and community members that may be visiting the school. Intermediate Basketball Congratulations to both the girls and boys Intermediate Basketball teams. Both the girls and boys teams finished second in the family mini tournament and moved on to compete in the Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools finals at St. Marcellinus S.S. At the Family finals both teams advanced to the semi-finals, only to lose out. Both teams played with true team spirit and determination, displaying great skill. They represented St. Brigid School with great pride and displayed true sportsmanship. Congratulations to the boys and their coaches, Mr. Fitzpatrick, and to the girls and their coaches, Ms. Duliunas and Ms. Mastrangelo. Thank you to all the parents who supported our team throughout the season. ARE YOU TICKED? Make Sure Your School Support Designation is English Separate (Catholic). It’s a powerful message in support of Catholic education On October 27, you will cast your vote for Catholic school trustee in the Municipal elections. Make your vote count, by ensuring you are registered as an English Separate school supporter. When you designate yourself as an English Separate school supporter, you help foster a strong political voice, through your elected representative (Trustee), in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education for the young people in our province. To verify that you are registered as an English Separate school supporter: Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice Check your Voter Information Card received by mail during the month of May We can help you register or change your direction of school support. Please contact the Admissions Department at 905-8900708 ext. 24512. For more information, visit Lunch Time Monitors We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors. If you are interested in becoming a Lunch Time Student Monitor (either on a full time or part time basis) at St. Brigid School and are available during the lunch hour, please come into the school office and fill out an application form. Safety First when dropping students off at school The safety of all children and staff must be considered as paramount at all times when dropping students off at school. The number of serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles entering the site in the wrong direction, parking and pulling out of no parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to name a few. It is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow the direction of staff managing the traffic circulation on the school site. Thank you for your consideration and co-operation with this important matter. Parking Enforcement City of Brampton Parking Enforcement officers have been vigilant in enforcing city parking bylaws in the area around the school. Please be aware of where you park your vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking / No Stopping areas that need to be observed. DRESS CODE With the warmer weather upon us, we remind students that St. Brigid School is committed to standards of neatness, modesty and good taste. Students are encouraged to dress modestly at school. We ask that students not wear: tank tops, muscle shirts, halter-tops, short tops or short shorts. Furthermore, we remind students that pants are to be worn around the waist. These requests are directed more towards our junior and intermediate students. A little more latitude is given to younger students. T-shirts with inappropriate or offensive language or pictures are not allowed at school. Students who wear unacceptable clothing to school may be asked to telephone their parents to arrange to have a change of clothing brought to school for them. We thank parents and students for their cooperation. Transportation Eligibility for transportation is determined based on distance criteria established in Board policy. For Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, these are: JK – Grade 1 Grades 2 – 4 Grades 5 – 8 Grades 9 – 12 1.0 kilometre 1.6 kilometres 2.0 kilometres 4.8 kilometres Please note that vehicles in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride lane should not be left unattended, as they could be ticketed. Please do not park in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride Lanes and walk your child to their entry point. If you wish to walk your child, we request that you park on the street and escort your child. Cars parked in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride create a very dangerous situation and also impede the flow of traffic. Parents of students currently in grade 1, grade 4 and grade 8 should be aware that transportation eligibility status for your child may change next year as your child moves, respectively, to grades 2, 5 and 9. As the distance criteria increases at the noted grade levels, students who are currently eligible for transportation in grades 1, 4 and 8, may no longer be eligible for transportation when they move to the next grade level. When in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride lane, please have your child exit your vehicle from the passenger side. It is very dangerous to exit out into the “Drive Through Lane”. Also, we ask that all vehicles move to the front of the Kiss ‘N’ Ride lane prior to letting out students. Parents should remain in their vehicles while in the Kiss ‘N’ Ride lane. Effective June 1, transportation eligibility information for 2014-2015 will be available on the transportation website. To confirm the transportation eligibility status for your child for the 2014-2015 school year, please access our website at Access the “Am I Eligible for Transportation?” icon, select 2014-2015 and enter the required address, 20142015 grade level, and program information to obtain the transportation eligibility status for your child. Also, please be aware that only vehicles that have a handicap sign displayed in their vehicle are allowed to park in the handicap parking spots in the school parking lot. Under no conditions should vehicles without a handicap sign park in these designated areas. We respectfully request your co-operation when driving and parking on school grounds. GRADE 8 GRADUATION The grade 8 graduation will take place on Wednesday June 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the school gym. A luncheon for the graduates will take place on Thursday June 26th, at the Mandarin. Further information will be sent home to graduate parents as the date approached. School Day and School Yard Supervision Please remember that school yard supervision does not begin until 8:35 a.m. For safety reasons, please do not send your child to school until then. Our supervisors wear orange vests when they are in the school yard, so that they can be easily visible to a child in need. For reasons of safety, students are expected to go home at the end of the school day, unless supervised by a parent or staff member for a scheduled school activity. Lost And Found Our Lost and Found Box is filling up quickly. Please have your child check the lost and found box for any items that may have been misplaced Criminal Reference Checks/Declaration Forms In keeping with the Safe Schools Act, all volunteers must have a Criminal Reference Check. If you have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with school trips, drive for sports events, assist with our fundraiser(s), be an active member of school council-dealing with children in any capacity, please contact the office for a criminal reference check form, for the 2014-2015 school year and deliver it to Peel Regional Police Headquarters. The check is free of charge for volunteers, but will assure the safety of all students at St. Brigid Catholic School. If you already have a Criminal reference check on file at the school, please complete the Criminal Offence Declaration form. Please have your check or declaration completed so you can continue to be an important and valued member at our school. Once you receive your criminal check please submit it to the school. For the 2014-2015 school year, volunteers without a criminal reference check will not be allowed to assist with special lunches, volunteer in the class, or go on excursions. There will not be any exceptions. So please pick up a form as soon as possible, from the office so we can continue to have educational excursions, presentations and special luncheons for our students, your children. Visitors to the School For safety reasons, we are reminding the school community that it is Board Policy that all visitors, including parents, volunteer and former students, must come in the front door and report to the office and sign in. Visitors that sign in will receive a St. Brigid Visitor sticker. Staff and students look for these identification stickers when they see someone in our halls who they do not recognize. If someone does not have a visitor sticker, the office will be notified. If you are picking up your child, please report to the office and your child will be brought to you. At no time should parents be roaming the halls. If your child is in kindergarten and is late, please sign them in at the office and we will bring them to their class. Parents are also requested to remain outside the school yard during school hours. Remember – to your child you are the parent…to the other students you are a stranger. We want our school to be a safe environment for all and your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. Dates to Remember: May 1 May 2 May 4 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 11 May 12 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 June 1 June 6 June 9 June 13 June 16 Late Arrivals We continue to have a number of students arriving at school after the bell has rung. School begins promptly at 8:50 am. Parents are encouraged to have their children at school at least five minutes before the bell. Children who are late must report to the office and sign in. Students who arrive late for school are missing valuable learning time. Your cooperation is appreciated. June 17 June 20 June 25 June 26 June 27 Rosary Apostolate – Celebration of Mary Snow White – Anti-Bullying Presentation 3R’s City of Brampton Workshops Catholic Education Week begins Intermediate Speech Competition Mr. Sub lunch Healthy Activities Evening – 6:30 pm. First Communion Retreat @ St. Jerome Church Welcome To Kindergarten – 6:30 pm. Lunch Moms Easter Mass @ St. Brigid Junior Speech Competition Pizza Day First Communion @ St. Jerome Church Intermediate Trip to Quebec City Golf – Mrs. Di Vito Seed Cup Workshop - primary Lunch Moms Glazed Expression – Gr. 1 Seed Cup Workshop - primary Victoria Day Virtue Assembly Mr. Sub Lunch Native Drumming – Kindergarten Lunch Moms Confirmation Retreat Blue Spruce Award Ceremony Scientists in the School – Gr. 3 Pizza Day EQAO begins Peel Water Festival – Gr. 2 & 3 Catholic School Council Mtg. – 7:00 pm. Golf – Gr. 7 & 8 Lunch Moms Metis Kitchen Party – FDK St. Brigid Evening @ Swiss Chalet Golf – Gr. 7 & 8 Medieval Trip – Gr. 4 & 5 Mr. Sub Lunch Confirmation Rehearsal @ St. Jerome Church P.A. Day Pizza Day Confirmation – 7:00 pm @ St. Jerome Church MBC Track and Field @ St. Marcellinus S.S. Catholic School Council Mtg. – 7:00 pm. FDK Year End Celebration – pm. Volunteer Social – pm. Year End Mass – 10:00 am @ St. Jerome Church Year End BBQ Report Cards Sent Home Gr. 8 Graduation – 7:00 pm in gymnasium Graduation Luncheon – 11:30 @ the Mandarin Last Day of Classes