ST. BRIGID CATHOLIC SCHOOL Immaculate Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,

A. DaSilva…. ………..…Trustee
416 -709 -5679
V. Pugliese ……………Principal
C. Bianchi ……….........Secretary
C. Dye…....School Council Chair
St. Jerome
8530 Chinguacousy Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 5G4
Tel: 905-455-4260
Fax: 905-450-6326
Fr. J. Kolodynski
School Hours
Recess :
11:00 – 11:15
11:55 – 12:55
2:20 – 2:35
Immaculate Mary,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
we believe in your triumphant assumption into
where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen.
We join them in praising you
and bless the Lord
who raised you above all creatures.
With them we offer you our devotion and love.
O most loving Virgin Mary,
never was it known
that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help,
or sought your intercession
was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
we turn to you, O Mother of mothers,
our Mother.
To you we come,
before you we stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
do not despise our petitions,
but in your mercy hear us and answer us.
Message from the Principal
We are now well into the spring season. The long
winter is over and the days are growing warmer.
Birds have returned from the south and there is a sense of
awakening all around us. We have entered into May.
May, the month we celebrate all mothers.
Since the 13th century, the Catholic Church has dedicated
the month of May to the honour of Mary. It is a time of
special prayer and devotion to the Blessed Virgin, the
Mother of Jesus. In Mary, we are provided with a model
of grace, modesty and devotion to God. She is an example
of the complete acceptance of God‘s will. Her faith never
wavered throughout Jesus' life, even while watching Him
die on the cross when most of the Apostles ran away.
May provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the
importance of Mary in the life of the Church and in how
we are called to give God a response of faithfulness and
stewardship in our own daily lives. We do not worship
Mary, we worship God. When we honour Mary we are
honouring God, by remembering the role of Mary in the
beginning of our salvation. Devotion to Mary always
leads to Jesus Christ! In the hustle and bustle of
our busy lives, we take time this month to pray
the rosary, to pray some of the beautiful Marian
prayers, to ask Mary to intercede on our behalf
and to spend a little time in her company.
First Communion
We wish to congratulate the grade 2 students who
received their First Holy Communion in April.
This is an important step in the lives of our children and
should be celebrated. As a Faith Community we rejoice.
We celebrate and we acknowledge them and those who
have devoted their time and efforts in supporting our
students along the way. The list includes teachers, parents,
volunteers and the parish team who worked hard in
preparing our students for this sacrament. We wish to
extend a special thank you to Father Jan.
Confirmation for grade 8 students at St. Brigid
School will take place on Tuesday, May 21st, at
7:00 pm at St. Jerome Church. If you have any
questions regarding your child‘s sacraments, please contact
the church office at (905) 455-4260.
Professional Activity Day
Please note that Monday May 13th, 2013 is a Professional
Activity Day. There will be no school for the students on
that day.
Virtue of the Month
In May, we celebrate the virtue of
Acceptance. One of the great
wonders of the world we live in is
that no two people are exactly alike.
We may share biological families or
national identity or cultural and
ethnic identity but we are all very
unique and distinct creations. God
breaks the mould every time! It can
also be a challenging fact of life if it
makes us afraid.
differences are scary—especially if
we haven‘t learned about or don‘t
different. The virtue of acceptance
describes our ability to look at the
attitudes and actions of those
around us and then just stop and
consider without judging them. The
virtue of acceptance means that we
look beyond what we see - a
person‘s skin colour, ethnic
background, religion, age, gender,
sexual orientation, and see a person
created and loved by God. It‘s
especially important for us to stop
and think if what we are made
uncomfortable by seeing or hearing
others act differently then we might
choose to act.
An accepting person…
 Is friendly and open to all
God‘s people, regardless of
age, beliefs, gender, culture
or ability
 Sees the positive traits in all
people even if s/he
disagrees with them
 Avoids judging or
stereotyping others
 Understands that there may
be more than one way to do
 Sticks up for the
Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a
week-long celebration of the unique identity and
distinctive contributions of Catholic education during
Catholic Education Week. This year‘s celebration entitled
Catholic Education: Growing Together in Faith, is the
week of May 5-10. Pope Benedict XVI has declared June
2012 to June 2013, The Year of Faith. Ours is a faithbased school system. We are called to grow in faith, to
bloom where we are planted and to remember that we are
rooted in Christ.
The five sub-themes this year are:
 Faith that is … Rooted
 Faith that is … Nurtured
 Faith that is … Discerned
 Faith that is … Witnessed
 Faith that is … Celebrated.
During this week the Catholic community celebrates the
unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools
make to our students, our community and our Province.
Catholic Education Week is a welcome opportunity to
celebrate the mission of our Catholic schools as they strive
to integrate the Gospel values of Jesus in every aspect of
the school‘s life and curriculum.
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight
the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic
education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic
parishes. Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask
you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education‘s
presence and contribution in our Church, and in our
society. We invite all members of our community, to
participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark
the celebration of Catholic Education Week 2013 in our
St. Brigid Evening at Swiss Chalet
Please join us on Wednesday May 1st at the Swiss Chalet,
located at 6970 Financial Drive in Mississauga, for our
second annual St. Brigid Evening at Swiss Chalet. St.
Brigid staff will be serving the public between 6:00 and
8:00 pm. and 10% of all St. Brigid sales will be returned to
our School. Last year‘s event was a great success with
teachers, students and parents all having a wonderful time.
Customer Rebate Program
Don‘t forget to keep bringing in your Swiss Chalet receipts
from the Swiss Chalet on Financial Drive. Swiss Chalet
(Financial Drive location) will give us a cheque for 10% of
our school‘s total purchases before tax. All you have to do
is remember to send in your receipt!
St. Brigid Catholic School Council News
Our next Catholic School Council meeting has been
scheduled for Monday May 6th. Please note that this
meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. All parents are welcome to
attend. Please come out to help make St. Brigid School the
very best it can be for all the children.
An Evening with Garth Buckley
Please join us on Monday May 6th, as Garth Buckley
presents to parents and staff, on the issue of mental health
and our children.
Mr. Buckley is Coordinator for
Disorders at Peel Children's Centre. Come out and learn
more about our children and depression, anxiety, drug
dependence and early detection. Mr. Buckley will also be
available to answer any questions that you may have.
Our Catholic School Council will continue to sell Popcorn
every Thursday. Bring your toonies and enjoy a bag of
Kernels popcorn.
Flexible Boundary Policy
Many students attend St. Brigid School under the ―Flexible
Boundary policy‖. This offers convenience for many
parents who access daycare in the area. Parents who have
requested flexible boundary admittance for their children
must be aware that the policy will be considered on a
student-by-student, year-to-year basis taking into account
the class size of the students who are enrolling and the
resources available at the school. While we offer support
to all of our students, please understand that the
availability of the flexible boundary policy should never
negatively impact on the class size and school resources.
Parents requesting flex boundaries are asked to do so in
writing. Please feel free to call the school if you have any
questions regarding this policy.
Are You Moving?
We are in the process of planning classes and
staffing for the 2013/2014 school year. If you
are planning to move anytime between now
and September 2013, please inform the school at your
earliest possible convenience.
E.Q.A.O. Testing -- Grades Three and Six
A reminder that this year the EQAO assessment
for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will run from
May 27th to June 6th. We ask that parents of students in
these grades ensure that their children are in attendance
during these weeks. Visit DPCDSB on the web for Board
and School profiles
End of the Year Mass
Please join the St. Brigid community as we celebrate
our End of the Year Mass on Wednesday June 19 th, at
St. Jerome Church.
The entire St. Brigid student
population will travel to St. Jerome Church to celebrate the
Eucharist with Father Jan. Mass will begin at 10 a.m. We
are looking forward to seeing many of our community
parents, as we come together to give thanks to God.
Welcome to Kindergarten
All new junior kindergarten students that will be attending
St. Brigid School in September are invited to join us (along
with their parents) in our Welcome to Kindergarten
evening, on Thursday May 9th, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Welcome to Kindergarten is an orientation program, where
families participate in activities that will help junior
kindergarten students prepare for school.
Victoria Day
Just a reminder that Monday, May 20th is
Victoria Day. This is a holiday and therefore
school will be closed. We wish all our
students and their families a safe and relaxing
long weekend.
Public Speaking:
Here at St. Brigid School we have a long
tradition of excellence in public speaking. This
year, our annual Public Speaking Contests will
be held during Education Week. Please note the change in
date of our Intermediate contest which will now be held on
Wednesday May 8th. Our Junior contest will take place on
Friday May l0th. Both presentations shall commence at
9:15 a.m. in the gymnasium. Please join us for both
competitions; you will undoubtedly be both entertained
and informed by our young speakers!
Chess Tournament
On April 23rd, St. Brigid sent a primary, junior and
intermediate chess team to the Mississauga Brampton
Family of Schools Chess Tournament, held at St. Gregory
School. Our teams represented our school admirably
demonstrating skill, good sportsmanship and exemplary
behaviour. Congratulations to the team members. Thank
you to the parents who helped transport our students and to
Mrs. Serrentino and Ms. Duliunas for coaching the team.
to for daily
bus cancellations or delays.
Junior Basketball
Congratulations to both the girls and boys Junior
Basketball teams. The girls team finished second
in the family mini tournament and moved on to compete in
the Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools
finals at St. Francis Xavier S.S. The boys also finished
second in the family mini tournament and will also be
competing it the family finals at St. Francis Xavier. Both
teams played with true team spirit and determination,
displaying great skill. They represented St. Brigid School
with great pride and displayed true sportsmanship.
Congratulations to the boys and their coaches, Mrs. Albi
and Mrs. Duke, and to the girls and their coaches, Mrs.
Italiano and Ms. Sebasta. Thank you to all the parents
who supported our team throughout the season.
Pink Day @ St. Brigid
On April 10th, St. Brigid students and teachers participated
in our second annual Pink Day! The day was very fun and
informative. The theme for the day was ―The Power of
Words‖. The day began with us meeting in the gym. The
Diversity Team spoke to everyone about the adverse
effects of bullying. There was a PowerPoint, a PSA, a
song and a brief demonstration on how our words can hurt
others. Afterwards, everyone returned to their classes to
work on two activities. First, everyone made a person for
our Pledge Wall. The Pledge Wall is a paper brick wall.
Each student wrote what they pledge to do to help stop
bullying. Then students completed an activity chosen by
their teachers. In the afternoon, we all met again in the
gym and all the classes presented what they had worked on
in the morning. We saw skits, posters and songs, all on the
theme of anti-bullying. The day was a huge success.
Thanks to Miss Graziani, Madame Dommanget, the
Diversity Team, the Grade 8 helpers and all the teachers
and students who made this day an experience to
remember. Check out the school web site for Pink Day
Check out our school web
site. Access the site through
the School Board‘s website
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Summer Programs 2013
Once again, during the month of July, Summer classes will
be offered by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Summer Literacy Camp - Grades SK to 6
 Monday July 8th to Friday July 26th, 2013
 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily
 Fee for Service Program
 No transportation provided
 Deadline for applications: June 3, 2013
Father Daniel Zanon
St. Alfred
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Gregory
St. Sebastian
St. Therese of the Child
St. Anne
St. Bonaventure
St. John Fisher
Ven. Michael J.
Elementary Summer School - Grades 7 and 8
Tuesday July 2 to Friday July 19, 2013
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
Bussing provided at home school pick up points
Deadline for applications: May 24, 2013
 St. Pio of
 St. Faustina
 St. Hilary
 St. Luke
 Holy Cross
 Good Shepherd
 St. Ursula
For more information and registration forms regarding
these summer programs please contact your local
elementary school
Secondary Summer School DPCDSB
Information regarding Secondary Summer School 2013 is
now available.
Please visit DPCDSB Adult and
Continuing Education website for course information:
Summer 2013 Dates
 New/Full Make-up 4 Week Credit – Tuesday July 2
to Monday July 29, 2013
 Make-up Session 1 – Tuesday July 2 to Monday July
15, 2013
 Make-up Session 2 – Tuesday July 16, to Monday
July 29, 2013
John Cabot
Father Michael Goetz
St. Marcellinus
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joseph
St. Edmund Campion
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Marguerite d‘Youville
Lunch Time Monitors
We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors. If you
are interested in becoming a Lunch Time Student Monitor
(either on a full time or part time basis) at St. Brigid
School and are available during the lunch hour,
please come into the school office and fill out
an application form.
With the warmer weather upon us, we remind
students that St. Brigid School is committed
to standards of neatness, modesty and good
taste. Students are encouraged to dress
modestly at school. We ask that students not
wear: tank tops, muscle shirts, halter-tops, short tops or
short shorts. Furthermore, we remind students that pants
are to be worn around the waist. These requests are
directed more towards our junior and intermediate
students. A little more latitude is given to younger
students. T-shirts with inappropriate or offensive language
or pictures are not allowed at school. Students who wear
unacceptable clothing to school may be asked to telephone
their parents to arrange to have a change of clothing
brought to school for them. We thank parents and students
for cooperation.
Secretary Appreciation Day
Wednesday April 24th was Secretary Appreciation Day. I
would like to publicly thank Mrs. Bianchi for all the things
she does on a daily basis for the students, parents and staff
at St. Brigid School. We are truly blessed to have her, with
the many qualities she offers our entire community. Thank
you Mrs. Bianchi!
905-454-0316 PRESS 1
Restless Heart
Our intermediate students will be attending a viewing of
the movie Restless Heart on Tuesday May 7th, at Silver
Students from St. Augustine S.S. and its 5
elementary feeder schools will all be attending together,
along with Father Jan. We wish to extend a special thank
you to Father Jan. His lead in encouraging the St. Jerome
Parish schools clearly articulates Father‘s vision and belief
in partnership in Catholic Education. We also want to
extend a special thank you to Ms. Peroni, Principal of St.
Monica Catholic School for her lead in organizing this
Restless Heart uses a historic backdrop to tell the true story
of Augustine of Hippo -- one of the Catholic Church's
most beloved and well-known Saints. It is the story of one
who pursues fame and fortune without a moral compass
and of his mother Monica who endured a difficult marriage
yet prayed faithfully for over 30 years for her son‘s
conversion. It chronicles the collapse of the Roman world
and how Augustine laid the intellectual foundations of
what became Europe.
The grade 8 graduation will take place on Tuesday June
25th at 7:00 p.m. in the school gym. A luncheon and dance
for the graduates will take place on Thursday June
27th, Strate‘s Banquet Hall. Further information
will be sent home to graduate parents as the date
Bullying Prevention and Wellness Symposium 2013 for
Parents and Guardians
The Dufferin-Peel CDSB is pleased to announce we will
be hosting a system-wide Bullying Prevention and
Wellness symposium on June 1st, 2013 for parents and
This event, open to parents and guardians in the system,
will enable our parents to hear from experts in the field on
ways to assist their children with these difficult challenges.
―Let it begin with me......Empowering Community,
Raising Awareness and Building Partnerships‖ will be the
focus for the day.
Our keynote address will be Dr. Debra Pepler – leading
expert in the field of Bullying. There will be breakout
sessions for parents through the partnership of our
community partners: Peel Regional Police, Peel Health,
AYSP, Social Work Dept., Psychology Dept., and Rising
Stars Organization. We look forward to a very informative
The event will take place at St. Francis Xavier S.S.
beginning at 9:00 a.m. (Liturgy and Keynote address),
workshops to follow and the event will be ending at
approximately 12:15 p.m.
Lost And Found
Our Lost and Found Box is filling up quickly.
Please have your child check the lost and found
box for any items that may have been
Anti Racism and Equity Plan
In following through with board policy at St. Brigid
School we believe that every student is a unique individual
created by God and for God. To this end our respect for
all learners is embedded in the learning process to help all
achieve to their potential, considering the various needs,
diverse talents, heritage, background and areas for growth.
Cooperation, tolerance and acceptance are continued
requirements at St. Brigid School.
Bullying Prevention Corner
The bullying prevention message for May is
―Bullying is not a normal part of growing up.‖
We need to dispel the myth that bullying is just
a normal part of growing up and understand
why it happens. Bullying is a relationship
problem - it is about a sense of entitlement,
power and control. Using bullying behaviours
is not something we outgrow but rather adopt
as a way of interacting with others throughout
our lifespan. Childhood bullying may evolve
into dating violence, gang activity, assault,
sexual harassment, workplace harassment,
marital violence, child abuse and elder abuse
(Peplar). Research demonstrates that by age
24, 60% of identified bullies have criminal
records (Olweus). Learning how to effectively
deal with feelings of anger and finding positive
ways to feel powerful are proactive steps to
changing or preventing the use of bullying
behaviours. We don‘t tend to bully those we
consider worthy. In turn, when someone is
bullying others we must remember to value
that person while helping them deal with their
bullying behaviour.
Tips for parents:
 Learn to recognize warning signs that
your child may be involved in bullying
 Role
management strategies and effective
apologies for and with your children.
 Don‘t label children; deal with the
problem behaviours while maintaining a
child‘s sense of worth.
Parking Enforcement
City of Brampton Parking Enforcement officers
have been vigilant in enforcing city parking by-laws in the
area around the school. Please be aware of where you park
your vehicle. There are fire hydrants and other No Parking
/ No Stopping areas that need to be observed.
Please note that vehicles in the Kiss ‗N‘ Ride lane or Bus
lanes should not be left unattended, as they could be
ticketed. Please do not park in the Kiss ‗N‘ Ride or Bus
Lanes and walk your child to their entry point. If you wish
to walk your child, we request that you park on the street
and escort your child. Cars parked in the Kiss ‗N‘ Ride or
Bus lanes create a very dangerous situation and also
impede the flow of traffic.
When in the Kiss ‗N‘ Ride lane, please have your child
exit your vehicle from the passenger side. It is very
dangerous to exit out into the ―Drive Through Lane‖.
Also, we ask that all vehicles move to the front of the Kiss
‗N‘ Ride lane prior to letting out students.
Also, please be aware that only vehicles that have a
handicap sign displayed in their vehicle are allowed to
park in the handicap parking spots in the school parking
lot. Under no conditions should vehicles without a
handicap sign park in these designated areas.
We respectfully request your co-operation when driving
and parking on school grounds.
Visitors to the School
For safety reasons, we are reminding the school
community that it is Board Policy that all visitors,
including parents, volunteer and former students, must
come in the front door and report to the office and sign in.
Visitors that sign in will receive a St. Brigid Visitor
sticker. Staff and students look for these identification
stickers when they see someone in our halls who they do
not recognize. If someone does not have a visitor sticker,
the office will be notified. If you are picking up your
child, please report to the office and your child will be
brought to you. At no time should parents be roaming the
Parents are also requested to remain outside the school
yard during school hours. Remember – to your child you
are the parent…to the other students you are a stranger.
We want our school to be a safe environment for all and
your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest
board news and information, follow us
Criminal Reference Checks/Declaration Forms
In keeping with the Safe Schools Act, all volunteers must
have a Criminal Reference Check. If you have the time or
inclination to be a volunteer, assist with school trips, drive
for sports events, assist with our fundraiser(s), be an active
member of school council-dealing with children in any
capacity, please contact the office for a criminal reference
check form, for the 2013-2014 school year and deliver it to
Peel Regional Police Headquarters. The check is free of
charge for volunteers, but will assure the safety of all
students at St. Brigid Catholic School. If you already have
a Criminal reference check on file at the school, please
complete the Criminal Offence Declaration form. Please
have your check or declaration completed so you can
continue to be an important and valued member at our
school. Once you receive your criminal check please
submit it to the school.
For the 2013-2014 school year, volunteers without a
criminal reference check will not be allowed to assist with
special lunches, volunteer in the class, or go on excursions.
There will not be any exceptions. So please pick up a form
as soon as possible, from the office so we can continue to
have educational excursions, presentations and special
luncheons for our students, your children.
Safety Drills
Throughout the year, students and staff participate in fire
and lockdown practices. During these drills students are
instructed on specific procedures to follow. Fire and
Lockdown practices ensure that students are aware of
procedures should an actual emergency occur. These drills
help to ensure the safety of all students, staff, parents and
community members that may be visiting the school.
Ministry of Education Parent Guides
This month, families with children in Kindergarten
through Grade 6 will receive two parent guides from the
Ministry of Education:
1) Reading And Writing With Your Child, Kindergarten
To Grade 6
2) Doing Mathematics With Your Child, Kindergarten
To Grade 6
These guides provide a range of fun and easy ways that
you, as your children‘s first teachers, can continue to
contribute to their well-being and educational
achievement. The guides can also be found on-line in a
number of languages including: English, French, Arabic,
Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish,
Tagalog, Tamil, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese,
and Vietnamese at
We encourage you to take a look and enjoy some fun
family learning.
Parent Input Regarding Board Budget
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is
providing multiple options this year for parents/guardians
and other community stakeholders to provide input
regarding the board‘s 2013-14 operating budget. The
options include:
 Providing written input through the board website at Comments received through this
channel will be considered as part of the overall
budget deliberations.
 Making a five-minute presentation to trustees through
the delegation process at the May 13 Administration
and Finance Committee meeting or the May 28 board
meeting. Normal protocols and timelines for
registering to delegate apply. Delegates must register
and provide copies of their presentation to the board at
least five (5) business days prior to the meeting date.
Each presenter will have a maximum of five (5)
minutes to make their presentation. To register to
delegate, call (905) 890-0708, ext. 24433.
 Parents/guardians and community members may also
provide input through their local Catholic school
An outline of current issues and budget pressures is
available on the board website at
Interested parties are encouraged to read the outline prior
to delegating or providing a written submission.
End of the Day Dismissal
Please try to co-ordinate end of the day pick up
arrangements with your child(ren) prior to 3:20. The
office often receives calls just before the 3:20 bell rings,
asking us to notify students of changes in their normal
dismissal patterns. The end of the school day is often a
very busy time in the office. Please be aware that calls just
prior to the bell do not allow office staff much time to
contact classroom teachers. Where possible, a note in the
student‘s agenda would be of great assistance. While we
are aware that there are always special circumstances, preplanning pick-ups would be a great help to us.
Late Arrivals
We continue to have a number of students
arriving at school after the bell has rung.
School begins promptly at 8:50 am.
Parents are
encouraged to have their children at school at least five
minutes before the bell. Children who are late must report
to the office and sign in. Younger students should be
accompanied by their parents to the office. Parents are
asked to please inform any caregiver that may escort their
children to school of this requirement.
Dates to Remember:
May 1
Lunch Moms
St. Brigid Night at Swiss Chalet
May 2 Peel Police Presentations
MBC Junior Boys Basketball Finals @ St.
Francis Xavier S.S. – am.
MBC Junior Girls Basketball Finals @ St.
Francis Xavier S.S. – pm.
May 5-10 Catholic Education Week
May 6 Catholic School Council Mtg. – 6:00 pm.
Garth Buckley of Peel Children‘s Centre
Presentation - 7:00 pm.
May 7 Intermediate @ Silver City to view Restless
May 8 Intermediate Speech Competition
Lunch Moms
May 9 Welcome to Kindergarten – 6:30 pm.
May 10 Junior Speech Competition
May 12 Mother‘s Day
May 13 P.A. Day
May 15 Lunch Moms
St. Augustine Improv Team @ St. Brigid
May 16 Celebration of Mary
May 17 Spring Clean Up
May 20 Victoria Day
May 21 Confirmation – 7:00 pm. @ St. Jerome
May 22 Lunch Moms
May 24 Pizza Day
May 27 EQAO
to June 7
May 28 Mr. Sub Day
May 29 Lunch Moms
June 5 Lunch Moms
June 7 P.A. Day
June 10 End of Year Kindergarten Celebration –
Duliunas in am. & Irving in pm.
Catholic School Council Mtg. – 7:00 pm.
June 11 Operation Christmas Child Assembly – 9:30
Blue Spruce Assembly – 11:00
June 12 Lunch Moms
June 14 MBC Track & Field Meet @ St. Marcellinus
June 17 Drum Clinic
June 18 Drum Clinic
June 19 Year End Mass @ St. Jerome Church – 10:00 am.
Year End Barbeque
Lunch Moms
June 21 Pizza Day
June 24 Silvercreek – Mrs. McPhee
June 25 Silvercreek – Mrs. Balchand
Mr. Sub Day
Gr. 8 Graduation – 7:00 pm.
June 26 Report Cards sent home
Intermediate Dance Presentation
June 27 Gr. 8 Graduation Luncheon and Dance
June 28 Last Day of Classes