4 Grade Curriculum Night Reminder: Please sign up for

4th Grade Curriculum Night
Reminder: Please sign up for
conferences in the hallway!!
*A teaching method in which the goal is to
explicitly teach strategies to become more skillful
at comprehending text.
*Involve students in authentic reading experiences
that focus on strengths and needs of each
individual student.
*Emphasizes the importance of student
engagement and their interaction between readers
and text.
*These are all part of our Reading Curriculum
entitled Fundamentals.
Each day includes an interactive read aloud where the
 Models fluent reading
 Models higher level thinking through think aloud
 Exposes students to a variety of genres and literary
 Builds vocabulary and comprehension
 Involves student Engagement through activities such
as turn and talk and stop and jot
 Students are actively listening and engaging in
Origo Stepping Stones has
been written and developed
to provide a world-class
elementary math program
that addresses both the
content and intent of the
Common Core State Standards
LESSONS ~ The 4th grade program of the Stepping
Stones core program is comprised of 12 modules
consisting of 12 lessons. Each module addresses
2-3 big ideas.
DIFFERENTIATION ~ Three levels of activities are
provided in most lessons: Extra Help, Extra
Practice, and Extra Challenge.
ONGOING PRACTICE ~ Practice activities can
revisit content from an earlier module; the
previous module; or from a previous lesson.
(NOTE: may be graded)
PROBLEM SOLVING ~ Each module has three
problem solving activities. (NOTE: may be graded)
INVESTIGATIONS ~ Each module has three
investigations designed to apply the mathematics.
(NOTE: may be graded)
STUDENT JOURNALS ~ Students have math
journals rather than text books. Each lesson has
two pages. Lessons begin and end with open
ended questions designed to foster discussion of
What it is NOT!
• Traditional “spelling” that you and I grew up with
• Monday-Friday words
• Simple memorization
• Whole class instruction
• One word list per class
What it IS!
Word study that involves “doing” things with words,
such as examining, manipulating, comparing, and
Allows students to make their own discoveries about
how words work
Developmental approach to phonics, vocabulary, and
spelling instruction
Focuses students attention to critical features of
words- sound, pattern, and meaning
Tests are graded on whether the student
understands the pattern that was being targeted, not
necessarily if the entire word is spelled correctly
(example: “un” prefix)
Three or four groups per class
 Check assignment notebooks, home folders and websites
 Read to child
 Select good fit books
 Practice math facts
 Review new math concepts in journal
 Participate in Words Their Way word sorts
 Review study guides or notes prior to tests/quizzes
 NOTE: For available on line resources use students user
names and passwords (math/reading not online)
Life Science: the study of all living things
around you
Units of Study: Plants , Habitats and
Adaptations, the Environment
Physical Science: the study of the
physical world around you
Units of Study: Electricity, Simple Machines,
Earth Science: the study of all aspects
that create planet Earth
Units of Study: Rocks and Minerals, Renewable and
Non-Renewable Resources, Weather
Regions of the United States
Units of Study:
Landforms, Climate, Map Skills
Northeast Region
Southeast Region
Midwest Region
Southwest Region
Western Region
The 4 R’s: Reading, Writing, Respect and Responsibility
Creating a Caring Classroom Community
Units of Study:
Building Community: Developing a Vision
Understanding and Dealing with Feelings
Understanding and Respecting Others: Becoming a
Better Listener
Standing Up for Yourself While Respecting Others:
Learning to Be Assertive
Understanding and Dealing Well with Conflict
Celebrating Diversity and Countering Prejudice
Sustaining the Caring Community: Making a Difference
Thank you for coming!
Please proceed to your child’s classroom!
Brady – Room 33
Lingle – Room 31
Masterson/Thomas – Room 25
Wells – Room 23